Obama is a devious traitorous snake who hides behind the installed Biden, creating all this chaos we see

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Remember that a seized letter from Osama bin Laden proved that bin Laden supported Biden for president, believing that Biden was hopelessly incompetent and would lead the US into crisis and do al-Qaeda's work for them.

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RFK’s visit and commentary of the southern border reveals what is happening there. A Democrat telling the truth about the border. Wow! I am overwhelmed by the transparency. Touched also by his motives for running for presidency. I’m not American …so I just observe. I do react to lies, though, as whoever you choose as your leader affects us Canadians, especially our economy and neighborly relationships. Trudeau has consistently imitated the Democrat’s policies since about 2010. He has also made money for himself personally like the Democrats. Sorry …off topic. What is really happening at the border has been revealed by many people…just not Democrats.

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More important than Trump's declarations about the threat of illegal invaders, were his actions and other pro-"legal" non-white immigration statements. He did not get an effective wall built. We have hundreds of billions for crooked Ukraine, but the wall was "unfundable." Please.

Trump had numerous statements declaring he wanted massive "legal" immigration. As per the jewish written Immigration Act of 1965, that meant millions of non-whites flooding our once prosperous and vibrant white homeland. Each of these invaders (they are not fleeing war or persecution, making them invaders looking for handouts or later to join ANTIFA/BLM and other jewish, anti-white groups) costs us significant resources, millions/invader.

Look, we are fighting a Bolshevik Plan to destroy The West, and the white race. You either admit it, or not. But, nobody can refute this flyer (I keep waiting).


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There jihadi camps in the not so United States (?) of America.

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They raise a fence…in the wrong place. And chase tax payers…I do not really understand why for.

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Dilution, take down and take out our American cultural values has always been the bilderberg/Trilateral NWO goal of open borders. Ever since the Alien and Sedition Act, about 1790 or so, Americans have been very aware of Vatican-Jesuit agitation via our own Revolution, the period of the Inquisition and all history linked to the Templars. Look at Pedo's freak show cabinet, foreigners and psychotics and note that Squatter invited all peoples to enter to increase our deficit while paying their way.

Pedo is Knight of Malta, Vatican citizen, an unregistered foreign agent, same with his nutter kid. One thing after the other around here. :)

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I heard a military intelligence guy last week say that these illegals with the skills of military men are dressing as police, firemen, and others in positions of authority and killing Americans over in Maui. They're throwing fireballs at them to burn them up like it happened in the fire, they are piling up the dead bodies, and digging out mass Graves. I saw news today from Mike Adams that they are putting up tall black fences, not allowing pictures or drones, etc. to keep the people of Lahaina from seeing what's going on.

obama's brownshirts are turning American geoengineered weather disasters into killing fields is what it appears to me.

Better get Joe Brandon Out and get a President with titanium balls to Straighten all this crap out. Trump should continue as President of OUR Republic and blow all these commies out of the saddle.

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