Let us not forget Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, Dr. Bonnie Henry.

She recently said she has no patience for the unvaccinated. This dolt is still hanging on to mandates for health care workers.

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"Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau should hang..."

You ought to have stopped typing right there.

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That lying battyhole JT!!! He said he never mandated the Covid 19 vaccines, but I was denied religious exemption, and put on unpaid leave with no access to EI effective Feb 1, 2022🤬 I want to step on his throat!!!!

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"Do you know how many will die in time due to the fraud COVID gene injection?"

Hell yes I do: 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮. Everyone who has taken even just 𝗢𝗡𝗘 of The Lethal Injections in its original formulation, will die as a consequence. Our only saving graces?

1. They keep changing the formulation and

2. We don't know how many vials are merely saline

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Same people evidently warned military MDs to NOT report vaccine injuries in our soldiers. I cannot even fathom the depths of depravity, stupidity and outright evil perpetrated by our Government on us in general. And as mentioned by Mike, special opprobbrium should be reserved for 'Dr' Bonnie Henry and Dr Kieran Moore.

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Don't forget, and I say this despite my concerns regarding PHAC, the Trudeau government/regime was told by the former that they could find absolutely NO REASON TO IMPLEMENT the travel prohibition mandates for nonvaccinated. Yet he did it anyway. What an evil dolt.

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We ought to slam every one of them in prison. I remember seeing one young police officer whose health was ruined along with his career due to the mandated covid bioweapon injections in which they lied to these people telling them they were both safe and effective. This man could no longer carry his young daughter up the stairs to put her to bed, also could no longer work to support his family. These demons are still pushing these bioweapon kill shots on people and they should all be imprisoned. Even the heads of hospitals who have made a career of killing people's loved ones who were entrusted to their ffacility by unknowing family members who had no idea they were going to have their kidneys knocked out and then be ventilated and denied water and food until they died.

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What the world needs NOW and ABOVE ALL, is "IMMEDIATE PROSECUTION" of GLOBAL POLITICIANS and those responsible.

Not just because punishment is DUE to them, and no one should ever above the Rule of LAW, (yet today while we are busy talking - we are also OBVIOUSLY in a state of NO LAW - because the evidence against three criminals is OVERWHELMING with THOUSANDS of expert witnesses and MOUNTAINS of EVIDENCE and testimony of theft of prorety as trxpayers money, gross malfeasance, failing of fiduciary duty, and multiple crimes of the CRIMINALl CODE OF CANADA; - including TORTURE, ACCESSORY AFTER THE FACT, ACCOMPLICE to SEVERE SUFFERING & MURDER, RACKETEERING, FRAUD etc.) but rather, much more to SET A LEGAL PRECEDENCE, - and this to put the FEAR of GOD into those that carried out this massive genocide and crime (s). THIS IS TO PUT ALL POLITICIANS, AND THOSE RESPONSIBLE and in positions of fduciary duty EVERYWHERE that REAL JAIL TIME EXISTS and they will be fited, arrested, jailed and have their name PUBLIC (as opposed to hiring under CENSORSHIP as TRUDEAU reoreatedly gets away with.

So, let me say something important. Think about this!

If - "WE THE PEOPLE do not achieve this LEGAL PRECEDENT SOON, - then WE THE PEOPLE ARE THUS DOOMED;, - because it conceeds a future TOTALITARIAN global kabal, that is ABOVE THE LAW, and authorized to carry out treasonagainst those that put them in power, whom carry out torture, whom are mass murderers, doing absolute sacrificing of babies, children, pregnant morthers, and all out MURDER of anyone they desire to eliminate or choose.

Any idea, that they should be forgiven and not be held culpible is SIGNING OUR OWN DEATH CERTIFICATE and that of our ancestors.



Fight , And WIN because WE MUST.


LESS WE FORGET, - and if we do, or if we remain wilfully ignorant, look away, chose to temain in silence, or on the sidelines as an observer, and thus fail to follow their courageous lead, we will continue to shed not just our blood and liberties, but the blood, and suffering of your children's-children and all future citizens.

Warrior - FIGHT and di not STOP until we win back our liberty and have put the FEAR of God into the criminals (as they put the fear into us).

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It is intentional, a planned global genocide.

These parasites believe in transhumanism and want to dramatically reduce the population. The vaxxed the first responders, the police, the pilots, the military, the health care professionals etc. to cause as much harm as possible. We are in for difficult years ahead.

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One more comment. Even if the vaccine was safe and effective (it isn't), the Nuremberg Code expressly forbids mandating, forcing, and coercing people to take any pharmacological agent/drug to 'benefit society'. And by the way, if the vaccines were actually safe and effective, then those who wanted to protect themselves against the filthy nonvaccinated unwashed, could have by simply taking the vaccines themselves. Why did anyone think that forcing others to take a medication so theirs would work is beyond me. As many have half-joked before, it would be as if I must force YOU to put on sunblock so that my sunblock will work to prevent me from getting a sunburn! So the government forced ME to get a vaccine to ensure that other VACCINATED people would be protected? Pure lunacy.

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Criminal Code 423 (1) Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who, wrongfully and without lawful authority, for the purpose of compelling another person to abstain from doing anything that he or she has a lawful right to do, or to do anything that he or she has a lawful right to abstain from doing,

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Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, the countries' leaders know the truth about “Covid-19 vaccines.”They all knew about the vaccines and pushed them despite their knowledge.

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"Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau should hang his head in shame for the suffering he put Canadians under."

Really, Dr. Alexander, why be so wordy?

This sentence could have been shortened to... oh, say, 7 words, at most.

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I suspect, Global culling of the Human population, the figure 500 Million remaining, has been circulated, with far too many coincidences of the "Died Suddenlys", with the Jabs, and Boosters....

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There WILL come a day when the monsters responsible for destroying peoples lives will be held to account, you can bet on it. The truth is out and more and more vaccinated people are regretting ever taking that crap, its really is a bioweapon and this was a biological attack, worldwide, I believe they knew millions would die and they wanted that. I know God does not look kindly on satanic demons, He WILL deal with them on His time. Bonnie Henry is nothing more than a useful idiot who bows down to money, she will find out her fate in time because none of monsters involved in this have a seat on the Arc if you know what I mean, they're all dispensable.

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National Citizens Inquiry testimony from David Redman absolutely rips Jason Kenney and Deena Hinshaw. Obviously they were corrupted to ignore existing process and real time data. Canadians are paying for their own inquiry and millions now can confirm what they suspected all along...time for a cull in Ottawa and our provincial capitals.

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