How many Jews have been killed in Dagestan since the Oct 7th attack? Zero. How many innocent Palestinians have been killed since the Oct 7th attack? Over 7,000.
How many Gaza apartment blocks have been toppled and demolished?
They keep talking of an open air concentration camp. But I just can't see it. I can only see a densely populated anthill being pummeled relentlessly and shamelessly like a prostitute's vagina
How do we know that number is correct? How do we know any Palestinians that died were "innocent"? Many who died were killed by their own armaments and missiles.
The number of dead killed in Gaza is likely an undercount. We know for certain that Israel has dropped thousands of bombs in Gaza and killed several thousand people. Yes, probably a few of those were killed by accidental friendly fire, but the majority were obviously killed by the Israeli bombs, which have devastated Gaza. Also, we know for certain that around 50% of the people in Gaza are under 18. I consider people who are under 18 as being kids, and I think kids for the most part can be assumed to be innocent.
Yes, these are the latest figures I have from yesterday.
"The Ministry of Health has reported that Israeli aerial bombardments have killed some 8,525 Palestinians. A staggering 3,542 are children. As Israel has targeted homes, bakeries, stores, hospitals, schools, and shelters, thousands of Palestinians remain buried under the rubble. The Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights published a letter today declaring this a genocide."
(I can't stand the Guardian - but here's the letter.)
I suspect that the 8,525 is probably an undercount. Also, I read that there are a thousand or two people stuck in rubble, many of whom will likely die within a few days. I wouldn't be surprised if the death count is already over 10,000.
How do you know? If you believe in Hamas propaganda, you're foolish. This is the same animals who raped, burned, murdered, hundreds of innocent people. Don't you realize they lie as well?
So, if you had to guess, how many people do you think have died in Gaza from the Israeli bombing since Oct 7th? Like 500, 1,000, 5,000? How much do you think they are inflating the numbers? The images of Gaza look pretty bad. I could easily believe that over 8,000 people died from that sort of intense bombing. But, my question to is how many people do you think have died in Gaza since Oct 7th?
3,542 dead children? Do you think Americans care about dead children? One dead child is a tragedy, 3,542 slain kids is just a statistic to many Americans. A RINO said "they're just Arabs." Do you think Lindsey Graham, who recently praised Biden and slammed Trump for daring to criticize Bibi Netenyahu, cares about people slaughtering kids? Look at what Lindsey Graham has said:
Lindsey Graham says there is 'no limit' to the number of civilians it's justifiable for Israel to kill ...
Doesn't help much for Hamas to refuse to let any Palestinians evacuate, Hamas has fired at these refugees, blocked the roads, the goal of Hamas is for as many as possible deaths, that is their stated wish. Hamas deliberately builds their military into residential areas, hospitals, and schools.
There's a real easy solution to this this... The Arabs should stop fucking with the Jews. They should renounce their commitment to the extension of the Jews. It's very simple Micheal, if your trying to kill someone you should expect they're going to fight back.
I think we can all agree you deer sir are a moron and hasbara troll idiot;
Israel will always argue that the Children cannot be innocent, because a distant cousin once bought from an ice cream man who knew somebody that knew somebody in Hama ( ISIS - Israel Secret Intelligence Services )
And we're not talking about illusory terms such as "innocence" here.
However, simple logic dictates - when carpet bombs rain down death from above for three weeks solid on the heads of Palestinian souls, the body count or incinerated remains are way north of 7,000 dead/obliterated.
British 1980's pop band "Thompson Twins" had a wonderful track called "Lies". Here's the YouTube Music link:
Hey Barry, I'm old enough to remember that Israel waited quite awhile before launching a real military response to the unprovoked torture/murder/massacre of unarmed men women and babies. And while they waited there warned the population of Gaza to leave the area. They even dropped leaflets that mapped safe routes for them. But you know what happen Barry? No one left Barry. Do you know why Barry? Because Hamas wouldn't let them leave Barry. They need dead civilian bodies to support your narrative Barry. And BTW Barry, they aren't above killing them themselves in order to cry foul. They are demon savages Barry.
For every ONE of US you KILL, we kill a 1,000 of YOU
Or, One JEWISH LIFE, is worth a 1,000 Arab/Pesian lives
Understand Jew math yet?
So lets do the numbers, they say 1500 were killed, but they always 10x, so say its 150, we also know that most of those killed were Israeli-Arabs, so lets say 50 Jews died, maybe; Then Jew-MATH says they must kill 50,000 PALESTINE CHILDREN, they are only 1/5 the way there to date.
I believe that pastor Niemoller explained what happens.
The point of killing and raping to keep power has never been about any other meaningful standard. We are all the same species, we are all God's children. The cia and fbi and their ilk only want power.
They were founded and operated by psychopaths like J Edgar Hoover and Allen Dulles. They murdered JFK to keep power.
They are not only letting in but equipping with phones and reloadable debit cards an army of millions of men for the purpose of raping American men, women, and children because they know that we know why every agent and manager in the cia and fbi should be tried and executed.
Who in the FUCK is the New Speaker in the US-HOUSE in DC? Mike Johnson?? Turns out he's a 'christian zionist' calling for permanent war in Ukraine, Israel, & Taiwan
It's all for Jesus; Jesus ONLY loves ISRAEL say's Johnson; How in the fuck did this asshole get "CHOSEN"???
Is this your Jesus mr. Davidson, does your Jesus ONLY LOVE Israel??
One one level say mai-lai all the US-MIL soldiers were cutting off genitals of live children to make 'necklaces' and souvenirs, everybody was doing it, just that Mai-Lai troops got caught
But at what point does it go from anger, to just a game, to a 'collectible' to a competition??
Like abu-ghraib, first a few arab men were sodomized by dogs to get a confession, but then it became a gang-bang where all the prisoners were subject to repeat rape and never even questioned; Where people tried to see who could take the most insane photos of men being raped by dogs
Lack of leadership, nobody in charge, nobody fucking caring that's a lot of it in all cases, low IQ morons with guns little training, bored out of their fucking minds and pulling the legs off of ants is what little boys do, but they grow up crushing testicles of infants ( falluhja ), then it becomes a sport, where they notch their stock on how many testicles they crushed, ..
I do like the story of the 'black widows' of afghan, they had all lost their husbands
They would lure men to their tents for sex, often beautiful young women, once in the tent they would castrate them and leave them out in the desert to cry all night and bleed to death this was when Russia invaded afghan before USA and during the time or Ronny Rayguns "al-CIA-Duh' ( now called ISIS, but same owners CIA-MOSSAD) the moral equivalent of the USA founding father mujahadeen
In Russia it was common for all troops to come from same village, that way there was more comradeship, it got to the point in some russian towns that all the returning vets were dickless, it got so bad that the GOV lost control and had to pull out of afghan
All this is carefully designed to push the arab/persian people over the edge and do same-same to the western cucks, then all hell breaks out when the west MSM say's "Look what these terrible arabs did to our troops genitals"
I believe there is a just God in heaven who rules the affairs of mankind. You are free to believe whatever you wish to believe. You will never know all the things I saw in Europe, in Africa, in Asia, and in North America because I don't talk about those things. That's how we are. We can tell the poseurs by how much they jabber. Until you've been through combat you don't understand. It's not what "they" can do. It's living with the knowledge of what I can do. And did. God bless you and your innocence. Amen.
Aren't the richest oligarchs in Russia all of Jewish descent?
Only poor Jews live in shit areas since the 1980's.
And their arses ain't worth shit.
I believe nothing anymore.
The media can make a kindergarten birthday party sing-a-long look like a fully formed adult consensual Roman type orgy of fucking and sucking, moaning and groaning, coming and splashing.
First off this is a trap for Netanyahu as terrible as he can be sometimes. The court reform actually prevents the court from working against the people as they can now. Secondly Dagestan was a psyop started by Ilya just as Navalny was. Our CIA/State Dept and those embedded in Ukraine stirred it up. It is like the video from our military on YouTube called "Ghost in the Machine" It was all exposed. Zelensky is desperate. He is shelling the nuke plant in Kursk like he did before to the ZNPP. Soros and our state Dept put him in office.There are many spheres spinning here and sadly we are on the wrong side. HAMAS fought alongside the USA in Syria. Who do you think funds them? HAMAS set those people up to be killed. They knew when they attacked they could go in the tunnels. Israel has to respond and boom-now the people are being blown up. The USA is under a color revolution. Israel is under a color revo. We ran the coup and Orange Revo in UKR. Then we trained, funded those UKR Nazi battalions(yes they are I have watched them for years-their blood rituals to that wooden statue, rape, pillage, murder and one night they crucified a young man then burned him) then we had them genocide the Donbass people for nearly 10 years. Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan, Sikorski, Applebaum, Kagans Biden, Obama were all in on it. There is much more than meets the eye.
Mob mentality is human nature at its worst. That is why civilized societies have laws, and recourse through the courts. When that breaks down lawlessness results, and NO ONE is safe.
And the worst part is that these radical jihadist muslims actually believe they have the right to KILL OTHER PEOPLE. THEY DO NOT. And they worship a false god. They actually worship satan.
The Jews in this city in Russia have harmed no one, and do not have an agenda to murder other people; the muslims DO.
THIS can happen anywhere if it is condoned. It can happen here in America. And the evil bastards running the Biden regime - Obama and company - will promote it here.
Well I say lets start with the UN agenda. UN has openly stated they were behind Democrats pushing their agenda's and goals, By making everything political it helps the morons in congress to pass more legislation for laws against Americans. In order for it to work and not have push back, like a good little Marxist you resort to name calling. It does not matter what color you are, you are a white supremist and dangerous. Changing word definitions, no matter how ignorant they look and sound. The continuous in the face lies over the last few years using Pelosi's wrap up smear, then the audacity to blame that too on the other party, Fact check that and they ironically say that she was referring to the other party. If it was not such a blatant lie it would be funny. If that was the case, more Democrats would be facing prison time. Start the bush fires so people keep looking the other way. Ironic real ones will work too. This gullible group oppressed this week, another gullible group oppressed the following week. Working overtime to destroy the Constitution with the constant hits from the Democrat party, also means they will break the oppressed peoples rights too. UN says no one will be left behind. To even say ironic, the same phrase from Bush's no child left behind. On the other hand from what we see in schools/colleges it worked. While the borders are open, well heck we can seize on the moment and lets just create another NGO to boot. Another highjacked tool at their disposal to help destroy this Nation and others as well. Just like the "we are the government and we are here to help", they found another avenue. We can just start another NGO and do some partnerships. Obama, Bush and Clinton's. The last 3 presidents including the memory of daddy Bush. Obama, Bush and Clinton's have teamed Up with American Express to Fly Migrants into American Communities. Only worry they have is how can they apply the cash back rewards for points and miles. Mrs MC loves the WEF, she is a hoot. I would say with the horrible conditions they are causing in the countries to bring in their NWO. Comments like people who are starving work better, people depending on credit cards to make ends meet, I would have to assume they are using peoples late fees to cover the cost. Obama a Marist organizer, you have Bush, following in his daddy's footsteps with daddy's memories of (...and there will be a NWO) no doubt telling daddy in his dreams, 'daddy were doing it, were really doing it you would be so proud of me." then we have one Clinton "I did not have relations with that woman" then the other Clinton holding her Margaret Sanger award she proudly received from Planned parenthood whispering under her breath We came we saw, they died. Replacement of the word he. To long to add the he, she, they, them. At this point Hillary would say "what difference does it make" Just reminiscing and reflecting over the last few years while we still can.
Has even one of you fucking bitches pointed out that UKRAINE orchestrated the entire DAGESTAN "RIOT" with bullshit social media posting? Has even one of you pointed out that there was NO anti-semitism just a bunch of wankers sympathetic to UKRAINE acting out in RUSSIA, they have all been arrested many will be executed as traitors
They have been told, do this again on Russian land and we will blow your brains out and then interrogate you;
As usual BB, you are spot on. The Dagestan riots were organized by an anti-Putin Russian plutocrat (crook) to create the "Putin is anti-Zionist so Ukraine aid is pro-Israel" show.
Let's be honest shall we? They aren't really looking for Jews. What's really going on is human savages are looking to satiate their pent up lust for murder. The Jews just happen to be the easiest target. Once they've wet their appetite they'll move on to bigger and better targets. And it won't stop until they've either had their fill or they run into a group that stops them out inflicts as much damage on them as they've included on others.
Paul. You are getting played, Dude. Haven't you learned by now DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING IN THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA? The Dagestan riots were organized by an anti-Putin Russian plutocrat (crook) living in the Ukraine to create the "Putin is anti-Zionist so Ukraine aid is pro-Israel" made for TV reality show. The only difference between an American "reality" show and what you saw was that Dagestan videos didn't have commercial breaks.
When they come out with "The Real Housewives of Dagestan" shouting "Putin is Nazi", are you going to buy that too? You're better than that.
You wear your emotions on your sleeve, thank God. Don't let them overwhelm your common sense. Particularly when some of what you are seeing is pure evil. I give a speech to college kids that says people are basically emotional, not rational. I tell them if something generates an immediate, strong, overwhelming emotional reaction, the first thing you have to ask yourself is "Am I being played?" Then you ask Cui Bono, who benefits?"
You are doing great work and are truly a Super Hero. Even Super Heroes can get played. Ask Samson. His emotions cost him his greatest strength. Don't let emotions cost you your greatest strengths. Truth and Reason.
WHen the ISIS-HAMAS "ISRALI-NAZI" goon squad in North Israel attacked Kibbutz and raped, robbed, murdered and shot-video, what they don't tell you is 1/2 the victims were not just they were Israli-Arabs, just in the wrong place at the wrong time;
DUMB fucking DAGESTAN article its a known-known that the ENTIRE "Riot at the Airport" was orchestrated by UKRAINE, they already have jailed the UKRO-NAZI leaders
The head of chechyn army in Russia says if they do it again, its shoot first, talk later, only head-shots close range are his orders
There are no anti-semites the UKRAINE INTEL spread rumors that the plane contained Elite Israeli Pedophiles who were flying to Russia with Arab children, all kinds of bullshit like that riled up the crowds and as you all know these days with instagram its easy to create a crowd-rush
How many Jews have been killed in Dagestan since the Oct 7th attack? Zero. How many innocent Palestinians have been killed since the Oct 7th attack? Over 7,000.
Hi Michael,
Probably north of 50,000 souls.
How many Gaza apartment blocks have been toppled and demolished?
They keep talking of an open air concentration camp. But I just can't see it. I can only see a densely populated anthill being pummeled relentlessly and shamelessly like a prostitute's vagina
When I see news footage of Bibi, a South African song and video : sometimes plays in my mind
Greetings ANW,
Aaaaah brother, you have proper catholic taste in music.
Your point is represented perfectly by Die Antwoord's track.
How do we know that number is correct? How do we know any Palestinians that died were "innocent"? Many who died were killed by their own armaments and missiles.
The number of dead killed in Gaza is likely an undercount. We know for certain that Israel has dropped thousands of bombs in Gaza and killed several thousand people. Yes, probably a few of those were killed by accidental friendly fire, but the majority were obviously killed by the Israeli bombs, which have devastated Gaza. Also, we know for certain that around 50% of the people in Gaza are under 18. I consider people who are under 18 as being kids, and I think kids for the most part can be assumed to be innocent.
Yes, these are the latest figures I have from yesterday.
"The Ministry of Health has reported that Israeli aerial bombardments have killed some 8,525 Palestinians. A staggering 3,542 are children. As Israel has targeted homes, bakeries, stores, hospitals, schools, and shelters, thousands of Palestinians remain buried under the rubble. The Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights published a letter today declaring this a genocide."
(I can't stand the Guardian - but here's the letter.)
I suspect that the 8,525 is probably an undercount. Also, I read that there are a thousand or two people stuck in rubble, many of whom will likely die within a few days. I wouldn't be surprised if the death count is already over 10,000.
Agreed. "As Israel has targeted homes, bakeries, stores, hospitals, schools, and shelters, thousands of Palestinians remain buried under the rubble."
How do you know? If you believe in Hamas propaganda, you're foolish. This is the same animals who raped, burned, murdered, hundreds of innocent people. Don't you realize they lie as well?
I suspect that 8,525 is highly inflated by Hamas propaganda. You're an idiot to believe this.
So, if you had to guess, how many people do you think have died in Gaza from the Israeli bombing since Oct 7th? Like 500, 1,000, 5,000? How much do you think they are inflating the numbers? The images of Gaza look pretty bad. I could easily believe that over 8,000 people died from that sort of intense bombing. But, my question to is how many people do you think have died in Gaza since Oct 7th?
3,542 dead children? Do you think Americans care about dead children? One dead child is a tragedy, 3,542 slain kids is just a statistic to many Americans. A RINO said "they're just Arabs." Do you think Lindsey Graham, who recently praised Biden and slammed Trump for daring to criticize Bibi Netenyahu, cares about people slaughtering kids? Look at what Lindsey Graham has said:
Lindsey Graham says there is 'no limit' to the number of civilians it's justifiable for Israel to kill ...
Lindsey Graham Praises Biden, Criticizes Trump's 'Huge Mistake'
Doesn't help much for Hamas to refuse to let any Palestinians evacuate, Hamas has fired at these refugees, blocked the roads, the goal of Hamas is for as many as possible deaths, that is their stated wish. Hamas deliberately builds their military into residential areas, hospitals, and schools.
There's a real easy solution to this this... The Arabs should stop fucking with the Jews. They should renounce their commitment to the extension of the Jews. It's very simple Micheal, if your trying to kill someone you should expect they're going to fight back.
I think we can all agree you deer sir are a moron and hasbara troll idiot;
Israel will always argue that the Children cannot be innocent, because a distant cousin once bought from an ice cream man who knew somebody that knew somebody in Hama ( ISIS - Israel Secret Intelligence Services )
We don't.
And we're not talking about illusory terms such as "innocence" here.
However, simple logic dictates - when carpet bombs rain down death from above for three weeks solid on the heads of Palestinian souls, the body count or incinerated remains are way north of 7,000 dead/obliterated.
British 1980's pop band "Thompson Twins" had a wonderful track called "Lies". Here's the YouTube Music link:
Hey Barry, I'm old enough to remember that Israel waited quite awhile before launching a real military response to the unprovoked torture/murder/massacre of unarmed men women and babies. And while they waited there warned the population of Gaza to leave the area. They even dropped leaflets that mapped safe routes for them. But you know what happen Barry? No one left Barry. Do you know why Barry? Because Hamas wouldn't let them leave Barry. They need dead civilian bodies to support your narrative Barry. And BTW Barry, they aren't above killing them themselves in order to cry foul. They are demon savages Barry.
Recall the NuttyYAHOO "GOLDEN RULE"
For every ONE of US you KILL, we kill a 1,000 of YOU
Or, One JEWISH LIFE, is worth a 1,000 Arab/Pesian lives
Understand Jew math yet?
So lets do the numbers, they say 1500 were killed, but they always 10x, so say its 150, we also know that most of those killed were Israeli-Arabs, so lets say 50 Jews died, maybe; Then Jew-MATH says they must kill 50,000 PALESTINE CHILDREN, they are only 1/5 the way there to date.
If you believe Hamas propaganda lies, then I have a Brooklyn bridge to sell you.
How many innocent Gaza residents under the thumb of Hamas/Iran being used as human shields were killed prior to October 7th?
I believe that pastor Niemoller explained what happens.
The point of killing and raping to keep power has never been about any other meaningful standard. We are all the same species, we are all God's children. The cia and fbi and their ilk only want power.
They were founded and operated by psychopaths like J Edgar Hoover and Allen Dulles. They murdered JFK to keep power.
They are not only letting in but equipping with phones and reloadable debit cards an army of millions of men for the purpose of raping American men, women, and children because they know that we know why every agent and manager in the cia and fbi should be tried and executed.
Langley et Quantico delenda est.
Mike Johnson say's were KILLING for JESUS
Judging by your over the top jesus substack I would assume you two are birds of a feather;
Who in the FUCK is the New Speaker in the US-HOUSE in DC? Mike Johnson?? Turns out he's a 'christian zionist' calling for permanent war in Ukraine, Israel, & Taiwan
It's all for Jesus; Jesus ONLY loves ISRAEL say's Johnson; How in the fuck did this asshole get "CHOSEN"???
Is this your Jesus mr. Davidson, does your Jesus ONLY LOVE Israel??
Your not going deep enough
Why Mai-LAI? Why Fallujah? Why abu-Ghraib??
One one level say mai-lai all the US-MIL soldiers were cutting off genitals of live children to make 'necklaces' and souvenirs, everybody was doing it, just that Mai-Lai troops got caught
But at what point does it go from anger, to just a game, to a 'collectible' to a competition??
Like abu-ghraib, first a few arab men were sodomized by dogs to get a confession, but then it became a gang-bang where all the prisoners were subject to repeat rape and never even questioned; Where people tried to see who could take the most insane photos of men being raped by dogs
Lack of leadership, nobody in charge, nobody fucking caring that's a lot of it in all cases, low IQ morons with guns little training, bored out of their fucking minds and pulling the legs off of ants is what little boys do, but they grow up crushing testicles of infants ( falluhja ), then it becomes a sport, where they notch their stock on how many testicles they crushed, ..
I do like the story of the 'black widows' of afghan, they had all lost their husbands
They would lure men to their tents for sex, often beautiful young women, once in the tent they would castrate them and leave them out in the desert to cry all night and bleed to death this was when Russia invaded afghan before USA and during the time or Ronny Rayguns "al-CIA-Duh' ( now called ISIS, but same owners CIA-MOSSAD) the moral equivalent of the USA founding father mujahadeen
In Russia it was common for all troops to come from same village, that way there was more comradeship, it got to the point in some russian towns that all the returning vets were dickless, it got so bad that the GOV lost control and had to pull out of afghan
All this is carefully designed to push the arab/persian people over the edge and do same-same to the western cucks, then all hell breaks out when the west MSM say's "Look what these terrible arabs did to our troops genitals"
I believe there is a just God in heaven who rules the affairs of mankind. You are free to believe whatever you wish to believe. You will never know all the things I saw in Europe, in Africa, in Asia, and in North America because I don't talk about those things. That's how we are. We can tell the poseurs by how much they jabber. Until you've been through combat you don't understand. It's not what "they" can do. It's living with the knowledge of what I can do. And did. God bless you and your innocence. Amen.
FUCK YOU self-righteous bitch talk about them, I too spent my entire life traveling in these places and seeing the shit and talking to the people
Yes, we can also tell the poseurs too by the fact they have not story's to tell, cuz they don't know any, cuz they have NEVER BEEN IN THE SHIT;
Aren't the richest oligarchs in Russia all of Jewish descent?
Only poor Jews live in shit areas since the 1980's.
And their arses ain't worth shit.
I believe nothing anymore.
The media can make a kindergarten birthday party sing-a-long look like a fully formed adult consensual Roman type orgy of fucking and sucking, moaning and groaning, coming and splashing.
Shame on all creators of propaganda.
You only hurt the ones you profess to love.
Can't you feel the love in the room?
You are correct, but its tangential to the 'faux riots'
PUTIN has to be very careful to maintain the "MORAL HIGH GROUND" which is why he hasn't already incinerated Kiev, or Zelensky long ago;
First off this is a trap for Netanyahu as terrible as he can be sometimes. The court reform actually prevents the court from working against the people as they can now. Secondly Dagestan was a psyop started by Ilya just as Navalny was. Our CIA/State Dept and those embedded in Ukraine stirred it up. It is like the video from our military on YouTube called "Ghost in the Machine" It was all exposed. Zelensky is desperate. He is shelling the nuke plant in Kursk like he did before to the ZNPP. Soros and our state Dept put him in office.There are many spheres spinning here and sadly we are on the wrong side. HAMAS fought alongside the USA in Syria. Who do you think funds them? HAMAS set those people up to be killed. They knew when they attacked they could go in the tunnels. Israel has to respond and boom-now the people are being blown up. The USA is under a color revolution. Israel is under a color revo. We ran the coup and Orange Revo in UKR. Then we trained, funded those UKR Nazi battalions(yes they are I have watched them for years-their blood rituals to that wooden statue, rape, pillage, murder and one night they crucified a young man then burned him) then we had them genocide the Donbass people for nearly 10 years. Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan, Sikorski, Applebaum, Kagans Biden, Obama were all in on it. There is much more than meets the eye.
Mob mentality is human nature at its worst. That is why civilized societies have laws, and recourse through the courts. When that breaks down lawlessness results, and NO ONE is safe.
And the worst part is that these radical jihadist muslims actually believe they have the right to KILL OTHER PEOPLE. THEY DO NOT. And they worship a false god. They actually worship satan.
The Jews in this city in Russia have harmed no one, and do not have an agenda to murder other people; the muslims DO.
THIS can happen anywhere if it is condoned. It can happen here in America. And the evil bastards running the Biden regime - Obama and company - will promote it here.
Well I say lets start with the UN agenda. UN has openly stated they were behind Democrats pushing their agenda's and goals, By making everything political it helps the morons in congress to pass more legislation for laws against Americans. In order for it to work and not have push back, like a good little Marxist you resort to name calling. It does not matter what color you are, you are a white supremist and dangerous. Changing word definitions, no matter how ignorant they look and sound. The continuous in the face lies over the last few years using Pelosi's wrap up smear, then the audacity to blame that too on the other party, Fact check that and they ironically say that she was referring to the other party. If it was not such a blatant lie it would be funny. If that was the case, more Democrats would be facing prison time. Start the bush fires so people keep looking the other way. Ironic real ones will work too. This gullible group oppressed this week, another gullible group oppressed the following week. Working overtime to destroy the Constitution with the constant hits from the Democrat party, also means they will break the oppressed peoples rights too. UN says no one will be left behind. To even say ironic, the same phrase from Bush's no child left behind. On the other hand from what we see in schools/colleges it worked. While the borders are open, well heck we can seize on the moment and lets just create another NGO to boot. Another highjacked tool at their disposal to help destroy this Nation and others as well. Just like the "we are the government and we are here to help", they found another avenue. We can just start another NGO and do some partnerships. Obama, Bush and Clinton's. The last 3 presidents including the memory of daddy Bush. Obama, Bush and Clinton's have teamed Up with American Express to Fly Migrants into American Communities. Only worry they have is how can they apply the cash back rewards for points and miles. Mrs MC loves the WEF, she is a hoot. I would say with the horrible conditions they are causing in the countries to bring in their NWO. Comments like people who are starving work better, people depending on credit cards to make ends meet, I would have to assume they are using peoples late fees to cover the cost. Obama a Marist organizer, you have Bush, following in his daddy's footsteps with daddy's memories of (...and there will be a NWO) no doubt telling daddy in his dreams, 'daddy were doing it, were really doing it you would be so proud of me." then we have one Clinton "I did not have relations with that woman" then the other Clinton holding her Margaret Sanger award she proudly received from Planned parenthood whispering under her breath We came we saw, they died. Replacement of the word he. To long to add the he, she, they, them. At this point Hillary would say "what difference does it make" Just reminiscing and reflecting over the last few years while we still can.
Unless I'm mistaken, Russia has given assurances that it has the situation in Dagestan under control.
Unfortunately, hostility toward the Jewish people appears to be growing exponentially world wide.
Why this is happening is unclear.
However, the US needs to take steps to ensure that what happened in Dagestan does not happen in the US.
Save America's best from the threat of lynch mobs.
The US would not be what it is today without the selfless devotion to the American people of luminaries such as, if I can name but a few:
Schiff, Weiner, Wasserman Schultz, Garland, Schumer, Weinstein, Blinken, Franken, Yellen, Mayorkas, Sanders, Blumenthal, Ossoff, Bennet, Rosen, Schatz, Wyden, Cardin, Nadler, Scherman, Schakowsky, Cohen, Bonamici, Frankel, Schneider, Gottheimer, Raskin, Kustoff, Wild, Levin, Phillips, Schrier, Slotkin, Auchinkloss, Jacobs, Manning, Balint, Goldman, Landsman, Magaziner, Miller, Moskowitz.
Surely this list is sarcasm
Has even one of you fucking bitches pointed out that UKRAINE orchestrated the entire DAGESTAN "RIOT" with bullshit social media posting? Has even one of you pointed out that there was NO anti-semitism just a bunch of wankers sympathetic to UKRAINE acting out in RUSSIA, they have all been arrested many will be executed as traitors
They have been told, do this again on Russian land and we will blow your brains out and then interrogate you;
As usual BB, you are spot on. The Dagestan riots were organized by an anti-Putin Russian plutocrat (crook) to create the "Putin is anti-Zionist so Ukraine aid is pro-Israel" show.
I hadn't been aware Bilbo but on looking into it found that you appear to be correct.
Irony at full-throttle by esteemed social commentator, the one, the only....drum roll, cue fireworks....
A fucking N Woke.
Yeah baby.
a mob pogrom incited by Deep State international MSM
thank you Dave and Jim for your thoughtful comments
Let's be honest shall we? They aren't really looking for Jews. What's really going on is human savages are looking to satiate their pent up lust for murder. The Jews just happen to be the easiest target. Once they've wet their appetite they'll move on to bigger and better targets. And it won't stop until they've either had their fill or they run into a group that stops them out inflicts as much damage on them as they've included on others.
Paul. You are getting played, Dude. Haven't you learned by now DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING IN THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA? The Dagestan riots were organized by an anti-Putin Russian plutocrat (crook) living in the Ukraine to create the "Putin is anti-Zionist so Ukraine aid is pro-Israel" made for TV reality show. The only difference between an American "reality" show and what you saw was that Dagestan videos didn't have commercial breaks.
When they come out with "The Real Housewives of Dagestan" shouting "Putin is Nazi", are you going to buy that too? You're better than that.
You wear your emotions on your sleeve, thank God. Don't let them overwhelm your common sense. Particularly when some of what you are seeing is pure evil. I give a speech to college kids that says people are basically emotional, not rational. I tell them if something generates an immediate, strong, overwhelming emotional reaction, the first thing you have to ask yourself is "Am I being played?" Then you ask Cui Bono, who benefits?"
You are doing great work and are truly a Super Hero. Even Super Heroes can get played. Ask Samson. His emotions cost him his greatest strength. Don't let emotions cost you your greatest strengths. Truth and Reason.
WHen the ISIS-HAMAS "ISRALI-NAZI" goon squad in North Israel attacked Kibbutz and raped, robbed, murdered and shot-video, what they don't tell you is 1/2 the victims were not just they were Israli-Arabs, just in the wrong place at the wrong time;
DUMB fucking DAGESTAN article its a known-known that the ENTIRE "Riot at the Airport" was orchestrated by UKRAINE, they already have jailed the UKRO-NAZI leaders
The head of chechyn army in Russia says if they do it again, its shoot first, talk later, only head-shots close range are his orders
There are no anti-semites the UKRAINE INTEL spread rumors that the plane contained Elite Israeli Pedophiles who were flying to Russia with Arab children, all kinds of bullshit like that riled up the crowds and as you all know these days with instagram its easy to create a crowd-rush