Sounds a little suspicious???

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I am repeating this comment so people can laugh along with me :)


I guess the only remaining question that needs to be asked .... was one of them named Ceaser? :)

lololololololoolololol .... funniest thing I have read all day :)

"The monkeys snatched Covid-19 blood samples from four patients and fled the facilities"


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There are no words 😶

What is wrong 😑 with those lunatic people?

Why can’t we just live a simple life and enjoy 😉 it one day at a time .. 🥰

Please dear God

We are in trouble 🙏🙏❤️‍🩹

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In Jesus name. Amen. 🙏

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Headlines should read

"CDC BLAMES MONKEYS FOR COVID PLANDEMIC, as no one bought the bat story"

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Why be more secure when the cure is already waiting to be deployed? All BS.

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I'm wondering if the monkeys were simply trying to blow the whistle on Pfizer? I'd love to see them on Project Veritas, still clutching the vials for evidence!

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:) :) :)

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I'm sure it's all theater to make it seem that viruses exist. It's pretty funny watching how they weave their stories. Once you're aware of it, you cannot unknow it.

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I couldn't help but recall images from the movie "Jumanji" whenn reading your description of the "devious, up to no good" monkeys. Craziness....

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The biggest life lesson I've learned over the last 3 years is to decipher the "word jumbles" being presented as news.

You just have to move the words around enough to see that Pfizer released those monkeys on purpose.

One can hardly believe a secure lab could have monkeys escaping.

Such lies!!

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This is one of their next plans to release more disease, fear, chaos, tyranny & death upon us. They have just exposed their escape goat (in this case, escape monkey) to blame it on. They enjoy making these stories obsurd. It is their way of MOCKING US and letting us know that they despise us, that we are under their complete control and their complete confidence that there is nothing we can do to stop them (as evidenced over the last few years).

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You are so completely right. They are sadists who enjoy mocking us, like we are lesser forms of life who will fall for anything. I don't believe the monkey story at all, but should it be true, I'm with the macaques. Too bad they didn't steal some syringes full of mrna to use as blow darts.

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Wasn’t there an accident in the US involving a bunch of lab monkeys a while back?

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Remember the old Dustin Hoffman movie "Outbreak"?

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Or 12 Monkeys ...

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Yeah, somewhere in the East.

New York?? Truck containing the infected monkeys wrecked and the infected monkeys escaped. I don't remember what they were infected with. Ebola???

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There was also a truck collision on a road somewhere in the mid-Atlantic or southeast U.S., I believe, this summer (2022) where 3 or 4 lab monkeys who were being transported escaped. People in the vicinity were warned NOT to approach the animals. It was very suspicious and many believed it was related to clandestine covid "research."

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I remember another incident back in 2020, somewhere on the East Coast (maybe Pennsylvania or New Jersey) where a refrigerated truck, looked like an armored car, turned over on a rural highway, loaded with refrigerated vials of vax spilling out. The entire area was cordoned off, and there were about a dozen or so men in biohazard suits and fully armed soldiers there doing the cleanup. "Safe and effective."

Story vanished immediately. My memory is still intact though.

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Yes. I believe in was about two years ago, in Pennsylvania. As soon as I heard about it, I suspected that something wasn't quite right about the story. Apparently, a truck transporting infected monkeys crashed in Pennsylvania while transporting the monkeys from New York, to a CDC facility in Kansas. My first thought was, if these monkeys are so dangerous, why are they transporting them in a truck, as opposed to just flying them from New York to Kansas?!?!?

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'Cause they could be killed in a plane crash?

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Yes. Six monkeys carrying the HIV virus escaped from a secret lab in New Orleans, around the late 70's. Wha la and now we have AIDS. Read Dr. Mary's Monkey. While some of the authors, connect the dots, theory may be off a little, the escape of the monkeys from a secret lab in New Orleans is real. The lab was then moved out of New Orleans. Wuhan maybe?

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In the 1990s, some prominent doctors including the late Kary Mullis (PCR inventor) revealed HIV and AIDS were a scam pulled on us. This was when the sickness cult first started misusing his technology. Victims were duped into taking toxic drugs which caused their symptoms.


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"Wha la" is spelled 'Voila' (French: "there it is;" "there you are").

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What is the use of having made deadly diseases if you don’t release them. Depopulate is the plan. And India escaped their grasp last time. So no they try again

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I’m sure the monkeys were promised bananas.

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Evidently, Pfizer bribed some of the monkeys with jobs to get the sample back. No wonder Bourla has gotten along so infamously with the Biden crew.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

The monkey's snatching those particular vials is funny as heck. I'm calling shenanigans :) lol. I could see them grabbing a knife, a pipe, a stick, a belt etc. ,,, but grabbing 4 vials (not just one, but 4) of that kind is .... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL .... no freaking way. :)

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Get more popcorn and watch the movie. 🍿

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

I guess the only remaining question that needs to be asked .... was one of them named Ceaser? :)

lololololololoolololol .... funniest thing I have read all day :)

"The monkeys snatched Covid-19 blood samples from four patients and fled the facilities"


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