Those "vaccines" didn't save lives.

It killed Ernest Rameriz's 17-year-old son.

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They knew. They didn’t care. )And I’m sure they all had investments in masks , plastic dividers, hand sanitizer and other enterprises. )

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The vax attacks have been a wonderful success- at depopulation. Somewhere between the “golden billion” and the 500 million espoused by the (former) Georgia Guidestones is the population target. Framing this situation as a medical issue just plays into their game.

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"After all, COVID-19 vaccines certainly saved many, many lives and reduced the severity of infection for many more."

Oh, really? Where is the evidence?

—The fake "vaccines"damage the immune system.

—They INCREASE the likihood of catching COVID

— They INCREASE the likelihood of dying from COVID

— They make people who are infected shed viruses for a longer period of time than the non-"vaccinated" because their immune systems are so compromised.

— They DIRECTLY cause blood clots, and tissue damage, AND trigger autoimmune damage.

—They have killed vastly more people than the virus ever did.

— Those who took the shots are getting repeated COVID infections and with no ability to develop effective immunity.

— The vaxxed are also going to continue to die FAR into the future from scarring in their hearts triggering ventricular fibrillation, eventual death from complications of autoimmune damage, AND the slowly-growing whitish amyloid clots in their blood vessels that are highly resistant to any clot-dissolving meds

So DO NOT gaslight people and tell them the shots "saved many, many lives". That is a LIE!

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I had lunch yesterday with a 92yo friend of my late mother. I flat out asked her if she’d taken these shots, fully expecting her to say yes. To my surprise she said she did not. Did not trust them. In fact she takes zero medications. Still lives in the house she was born in and is quite the character. I’m so impressed she did not cave.

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Well, I submit that Fauci knew, the others were probably dupes being set up to fail.

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Paul - you screw up with your Trump nonsense then you hit a homerun with this good report.

I give you credit ; even though this is not particularly new " news " , you report it well.

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After all, COVID-19 vaccines certainly saved many, many lives and reduced the severity of infection for many more.

Said the lunatic.

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Seriously? I’m puzzled by the ongoing talk about the jab. Is this constant wondering about whether it’s safe and effective, about who knew what, and the rest of the rot really necessary? No it’s not.

I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889


There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150+ years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.

They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and Jag is due.

Pitiful. Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.

And to those in the media, you drug pushing pieces of corporate shit: I hope you have a great answer come your judgment day.

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Ohio here, the plastic shields still up at all the grocery stores, and folks still wearing masks.

Don’t know about dr office’s or hospitals, I steer clear of them at all costs.

The sheer stupidity is mind boggling.

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Joe Hamel;

Joe Hamel at the HHS, he is the one in charge of FDA, CDC, NIH and so on as longe as their is an "emergency".

Joe Hamel - Director Of Public Health Emergency - ASPR




Joe Hamel;




He blocked chloroquine;

The state of play: In a March 17 email, HHS official Joe Hamel described chloroquine as "not a blockbuster drug for this fight, but a good drug."


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Again with the Faucci what about JOE HAMEL!!!! He was and is the commanding bastard as long as there is an emergency at the HHS.

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Dr. Alexander, what are you talking about????

What do you mean they failed????


1. Inject people with nanotechnology

2. Microchipping people

3. Intimidate people

4. Murder and maim people

5. Sterilize people

6. Potentially harm and kill them with 5 G/laser, etc.

7. Control the population

8, Introduce CBDC - graphene/nano nodes in each arm

9. Mind control


11. allow "new pandemics" through injected technology


NO - NOTHING here has "failed" - the critical thinking of the world's population has failed - as Hitler put it:

The greater the crime committed by the leaders, the less likely the people will ever believe that their leaders are capable of committing such an event.






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Dr Alexander, I've been advised that these shots were designed to use special technology to bring mRNA into human cells and to cause damage. Whether any one us can agree or not with the implications of such a claim may be a secondary concern, when we consider that the more fundamental claims are at the center of this whole Season of Nonsense.

For each of the following, sir, would you kindly express your opinion, even if it is merely that you agree or disagree, or are undecided, on the item? Thank you.

1. That a 'novel" virus has been identified, isolated, and shown to have a causal relationship with a set of symptoms that are also common with influenza, colds, and many other illnesses or maladies and that the direct relationship between SARS the illness and C19 the supposed pathogen has been established.

2. That the use of the C19 RT-PCR process has been established as a highly reliable A) diagnostic tool on a clinical basis one-patient at-a-time and as a highly reliable B) method of screening on a mass scale over time, geography, and large populations.

Thank you again for considering this query.

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Dr. Paul, ultimately, there will be fewer and fewer of us able to even mount this valiant and impotent Substack threat.The people who run the world, run more of it every day. They long since stopped caring what we think, or fearing any response except this flaccid keyboard tapping.

In other nations, when people have their lives and livelihood threatened, they go out and burn down the capital buildings, and run their despots off. In America, England, Canada and OZ, we type like faggots.

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Vaccinolgy is currently still in a phase similar to alchemy or astrology. Will it ever progress to a phase similar to chemistry or astronomy? Only time will tell, assuming the human race survives.

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