It is not rank and file in alphabets we go after, no, many are good people,...

Maybe they should get together and try to do something then. Good people would not stand by whilst their government is murdering its Citizens.

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Liked very much.

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Before Trump was elected in 2016 he promised to declassify all if that, especially the JFK assassination files. Yet when it came time to do so, he did not.

Actions speak louder than words. Also, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”, comes to mind.

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If Trump does that he will be assassinated. JFK tried to fight them and there was a public execution.

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No - not revenge .. but LEGAL JUSTICE to the full extent of the LAW.

.. and have some DOJ that will fight the good fight and LEGALLY put them all behind bars!

Traitors, when/if proven - HANG THEM!

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#DefundTyranny #InsistOnMadeInTheUSA #EndAPECnow #FreedomIsNotFree

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Sorry Doc. I say an eye for an eye. No life sentences for those guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. They can pick their method of escape from this world in the form of Hanging, Lethal Injection (My choice for them), The Electric Chair since electric cars are so popular today. There's always the Firing Squad. For the Sadist we could even offer The Rack. We are now 4-1/2 years overdue and counting for Nuremberg style trials, convictions and executions for those who conspired to commit DEPOPULATION through Plandemic, mRNA Bioweapons and All "Plan B" tactics used to kill untold numbers of American Seniors since 2020. You know, Those who knew history and vote? It seems that their antics target seniors to reduce payments nationally for entitlements earned. Budget cuts, Nothing personal. #AvengeCrimesAgainstHumanity #EndGOFresearchInChinaAndUkraine #EndAPECnow #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist #PreserveTheRepublic

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Yes please! Full speed ahead and don’t take your foot off the gas 😡

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The Merchan-Bragg-Soros Axis just wanted to refer to President Trump as a "convicted Felon. They know the judgment is NULL AND VOID


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1. You threw down the gauntlet to the duel - I will tell God about it in case he missed it.

2. не забывай, что ты тоже состаришься

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This is one of many problems in many western nations, that is, there are enemies of Freedom and Justice and outright seditionists running the show.. Up here in Canuckistan we have a ditz whacko with the IQ of a ban saw and the appeal of a used snot rag next in line to slime minister turdo, the soy boy compulsive liar and sop.

Freeland the deputy slime minister considers foreign interference a problem but ignores the influence of the WEK and the NWO and the U.N.

If this wanker was really concerned about the welfare of the nation she would resign and urge turdo to do so as well for the pair of these wing nuts are useful as a flat spare tire.

This is the state of the entire western world and the only solution would be to arrest all current leaders and their administrations, and try them for treason and then execute.

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I never thought I'd live so long to see the world wide carnage. I had friends (now deceased) in North Vancouver. We always went to Vancouver Island. I also loved the East Coast as well. And visited most of the Provinces. Now, no where to go, no where to hide. Terrible.

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I say again all is corrupt. the court CYSTem is corrupt. It is prejudicially biased against gun owners and conservatives. Up here the OPP and city forces are corrupt. Politics, religion, education, etc are corrupt.

It all started slowly in 1969 but ran in earnest from 2015 on. Hiding is not the thing to do. The main thing to do is to publicize the corruption. Names. Positions. Employers of same.

Police are merely hamsters doing the will of their political and corrupt masters.

I am not going to stop until I expose everything I see. I know a young man divorced with 4 boys who owns 400 acres in the sticks, all line fences in place, posted, and with a house in the middle of his property. If someone knocks on his door anytime, they have a serious problem.

But why run when one can fight? Make sure you are right and settle into the fight. Right trumps wrong. Best tactic.

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Bravo and thank you. You're added to my prayer list that you make a huge difference in cleaning out the way our governments work, and that we can all feel safe once again. THANK YOU!

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My next target is crooked cops of the OPP. Many CCC violations. Charter rights and Bill of Rights charges. I have 16 people targetted, including two JP's, two police commanders OPP, a defective detective, two bureauCRAPs, and others in the CYSTem. Serious charges, Perjury. Reckless endangerment. Criminal harassment and criminal obstruction. This will raise hell because I will carry it over politically. It is the only way to go. Look out Brown, look out tavarres, look out Marty, you are all going down the river you corrupt pigs.

But especially tavarres, I promised him, the f*cking lying pig. The devil gets his dues tavarres and you will know when your shitty boat hits the rocks.

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Which is why they will do everything in their power to scuttle this either by creating a very hot war, martial law, cancel the election or cancel the transition of power, burn down the cities with the 1000s oc commandos they imported - take out bridges, the grid. You think they will just let Trump take office and arrest them.....?

THe only way to neutralize them is make it very public what they plan to do.

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It will only hasten their collapse

I doubt they can start a hot war, even if they wanted to. Given all electronics would be wiped out they will loose all their digital cash and all their control over what sheep are remaining. Plus, they want to swan about the world in their super-yachts, eating Wagyu and sipping champagne, whilst we eat crickets waiting for the next weekly mRNA jab.

But, if they did want a hot one do you think the Generals, as wokely insane as they are, would just agree? They know the stakes, and would need a pretty damn good reason, such as Putins' Nukes flying toward the US. I doubt Putin will oblige, he knows the Globalist's game, and anyway wants to go down in history as the man who rebuilt the Russian Empire, not the one presiding over a pile of radioactive rubble.

A deadly pathogen, which can sweep the Earth, is evolutionarily impossible. They would have to release it, which would leave an obvious pattern.

Bottom line, there are too many on to them, they have utterly failed to tame Russia and others who are not playing nice with the globalists. How can they have a New World Order when they don't have the World?

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Already we know the Bird Flu came from a lab inside the USA

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No mercy.

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On the recent Fox interview,Trump denied he said "Lock her up," but instead, referring to his audience, said that "they" said "Lock her up." Here's a twitter link. I hope it works:


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The DC Swamp will find every excuse to let the criminals go. Why? Because that would wipe out 90% of the Swamp

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These fkkkrs never had any mercy for the elders

That’s a lame excuse …. Too old to face justice

Tell that to all the old people you pushed off the cliffs!!! Too frail too old what too evil to face the light of Truth …. Get lots of rope.

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WANTED-Americans 🇺🇸 with Backbones. Come on y’all‼️wtf. Do you have any idea what life would have been like if these wicked, twisted psychopaths had it their way (before Trump and his team intervened) we’d all be fu(ked! It’s the absolute truth💯Dr. Alexander the Greatest speaks truth with absolute passion for this country and demands swift justice for their crimes against humanity & against our children-born of the purest innocence and closest to God and this is why these bastards want to hurt them🤬! God will not be Mocked! Save our children, country and so I say,

Carry on Dr. Alexander, because I too demand full transparency💯reveal every evil ever perpetrated by our government agencies is a must!!!

Bring it to the masses 45!

WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🔔Ring those Bells once again!

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I think prayer is needed more than ever now, if Trump wants to make to the WH he has to turn to God and pray because his life is in jeopardy and I wonder if he even realizes it. If they lock him up he could die in prison at their hands. The monsters we're dealing with will never stop, they will never allow themselves to. lose, so we all better pray for Trumps safety.

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