So in other words LYING IS GOOD CAUSE YOU GET MONEY OR ACCLAIM? WOW, I wonder if they teach that to their children? No wonder the world is a mess, idiots can’t tell right from wrong and do not teach their kids it either!

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How cute that Nature, the Pravda of climate alarmism, states unironically that they have no "preferred narrative".

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Global warming is a complete fraud no matter who is pulling the strings.

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Am I the only man on planet earth who is getting bored as fuck with the stupid scripts of Satan?

Am I the last man here!!!! I cried for the dead. I pray for the victims of Lahaina. I pray for the victims of the vaccines. I pray for the family who survive their murdered loved ones.

But for the love of God, am I the only one who is bored of this stupid script that predates the written language. Satanic evil is so fucking stupid and cyclical and repetitive. Don't give this crap about the reality of the terrible weapons of the over lords. Nuclear weapons are one big lie. The moon landings are fake.

These poor "scientists" who get sucked into the big lies are pathetic. Social media is making them (allowing them to) confess to the world. Some are still protected, but we will flush them out.


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I have been keeping a History beginning Jan 20 2017 and now back to 1864. Then I covered the Global slave trade. To compare America vs other Countries. The

There is a trend pertaining to events since 2010. Who wrote the song "Oops... I did it again?" A pop song by American singer Britney Spears. Server sitting in the UK. A group calling for riots up to election day with no mention of Floyd's death. The another call out in the US. Hillary Clinton calling the 2016 election. Vise President Biden reading the 2016 votes. Hillary contests the count. Biden turned down Her motion with no Senate signed support. Trump with 10 Senators the count was suspended. Both followed the Constitution. But zero Trump electiin cases were reviewed for merit. Jan 6th was a case of "Oops... I did it again." Letting Philadelphia burn. Let 50,000 Cows burn. Send People back into fire in Hawaii. No siren warned them. Spraying the ice sheets to create black ice to worm the planet to skip the ice age. Decades later we must kill ourselves with mRNA to cool the planet? It's... Oops!... I did it again.

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I don’t believe 3/4 of research. As the wife of a university professor, we talk about how data can be manipulated to show whatever the desired outcome is. More scrutiny needs to be placed on all research and we need to hold those that do poor research accountable and not hold them in high esteem. This goes for journals and publications that are ok with publishing and pushing garbage.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

Oh, Gee... he forgot to consider DEW Weapons and Scalar/Microwave warfare where trees burn from the inside out...? And steel cars melt, houses burn up, but plastics stay in tip top condition.... kind of like when you microwave/nuke/destroy all the nutrients that are supposed to be in your Dinner, only the plastic container is not harmed...

Russia does NOT allow microwave ovens in their country. Ever wondered why? Or even knew about it? Check their research on microwaves for some Real news.


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Have to wonder why Patrick T. Brown "came clean" now. What's his motivation? Guilty conscience? (Presuming he HAS a conscience.) Or did he stage an elaborate hoax intending to make this later revelation?

Either way, this dishonest "scientist" should never again be trusted.

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To the communists and Satanists, you are allowed to do evil to "do good" (in their world).

Good people know evil must be eliminated, never tolerated. And there's no such thing as doing evil to do good.

These people do not follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, they are following something else.

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Interestingly, your email was right above Peter Boghossian's. For those unfamiliar with his work, Peter, James Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose published fake research papers to try and draw attention to bias and bad research in academia. Academia did reform in response - by pushing them out.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

In all fairness Dr. Alexander, if he had told the truth his paper would either not have been accepted for publication or, if it got past the censors, whoops I mean editors, it would have been retracted. Those editors hunt for facts like an architect on Long Island hunts for vulnerable lone women near Gilgo Beach and treats them the same way. There is nothing more unacceptable in science than a fact that does not conform to a narrative. All the editors are interested in is bullshit. It's how science works.

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This issue of course is the subtlety of censorship of ideas and people. One blog I have read is written by a university professor under a pseudonym. One of her posts last year talked directly about how many people in her profession do this in order to protect their reputation at work while being able to write freely what they think. That was a major admission but instead of becoming a public revelation remained in the isolated world of a blog online. WE can add this scientists admission to the list of people willing to 'come out' and talk about the pressures they experience to conform to a narrative they really do not support.

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Here's everything you need to know about both covid and "climate change":


Are these even nurses, or actors. Either way, they're being puppeted.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

Now look at this: 🤢🤮


As per I know Putin and Xi were not present..

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Eggo on their faceo.

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Pal review

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