Georgia, Georgia, Georgia on my mind. Whistleblower admits to earning 45k for stuffing ballots in the wee hours of 3 and 4 November. Video and cell phone capture IDs 200 unique IDs engaged in same. Let’s extrapolate, as the WB says that his compadres all earned “at least” as much as him. 200 drop boxes. 200 individuals. $10 per ballot. 4500 ballots each. Simple math shows us the truth. 1 million ballots. 11 million dollars of Zuckerberg money. And Trump lost? Further, and soon to be proven, similar actions took place in PA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, VA and likely elsewhere. While I totally agree that Trump made horrendous errors and put himself in a position to “lose” by his failure to fire Birx, Fauci, Collins, Redfield the election itself was rife with fraud and was in fact, stolen. At this point to even consider that Bidan got 81 million votes defies all logic. I totally love your writing and your information. But a serious question arises since you chose to dip your toes in. You call your credibility in question when you refuse to see the obvious in regards to the election. So does that call your credibility into question on other matters as well? I’m not proffering an answer. But it’s an interesting question to ponder. You don’t ask for advice. But I’m not shy. So mine to you is the same I would give to Trump. You should avoid discussing the election. He should avoid discussing the jabs. You’d both be better off sticking to what you know.

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A big discussion on this today with Berenson saying Trump lost in a new posting. Biden did not win. Not possible statistically.

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Yep. I replied to that one as well. Georgia Georgia Georgia. I love Alex, but you can't overlook that he spent 15 years at the NY Times. Analogous to spending 15 years at he CIA. You can check out any time you want, but you can never (truly) leave. It's funny really because he totally deconstructs and obliterates all of the false info coming out of the FDA, CDC, NIH, VAERS. But he just can't seem to look at the actual facts when it comes to the (s)election because, well you know, Orange Man Bad.

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I came to realize that Berenson is a bit of a grifter. I subscribed to his substack, paid money, and then what I got more and more, the self-promotion of his book, Pandemia. It was on every posting, almost badgering at times.

Then there was his constant whining about being kicked off Twitter. It got so tiresome for me that I left his substack.

I think his head has swelled so much that he now considers himself a medical expert.

Yesterday, Berenson appeared on Tucker Carlson talking about long Covid. He basically said it doesn’t exist and demeaned people—especially women—who present with such symptoms. He conflated those who try to swindle the government for money with a real condition which he knows nothing about. Long Covid is an example of Post Viral Syndrome which is seen in other viral illnessses. My wife and I between us have 101 years in the health field and we’ve seen this many times.

I guess Berenson knows more than Kory and McCullough, as well as others who have treated patients with long Covid Sorry, Berenson has lost all credibility.

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Ya. I somewhat agree. I think he has been a voice in the wilderness from the start. He deserves enormous credit for that. But now there are many other voices. He needs to stick to analysis and not try and provide medical advice. My very healthy wife, in great shape for 65 and with Vit D level of 65ng/ml got exposed in a hospice facility. 10 days of aggressive home treatment wasn’t enough. 3 short days in the hospital was all she needed for oxygen, IV antibiotics and Dex. She had pneumonia. She tested positive for Covid no surprise. But at the 37 cycles they ran the test at water would test positive. 8 weeks hence she has neuropathy, occasional racing heart, horrible taste in her mouth, fatigue and headaches. He did a severe disservice to those who are suffering long after the fact.

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Sorry to hear that about your wife Eric. There is an old adage, stick to what you know. Berenson may be a good author, but perhaps his head has swelled by listening to his publicist. May your wife ultimately make a full recovery.

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Thank you. That is very kind. She is improving. It’s just strange symptoms. Past couple days she has developed a really bad taste in her mouth. I keep encouraging her that irrespective of the CCP virus, having pneumonia at 65 kills a lot of people. And recovery is a slow process with fits and starts. She’s just a lousy patient cause she never gets I’ll. . Only been sick one time in the 45 years I’ve known her. And that was in February 2020 with all the virus symptoms. Which at the time most were clueless. We figure now it was possibly the Alpha strain. But we will never know. Thanks again for the kind words.

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Trump’s main redeeming quality regarding the vaccine is that he has never forced it on anyone, unlike the old demented fool Biden. I am so disgusted with both parties tho, honestly. I do believe that Biden cheated, the evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point.

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He was wrong about some of the policy with the virus, and should've fired both of them and the Republicans would've pitched a fit just like the Democrats for doing so, but he didn't loose the election, they stole it from us. Did you see what happened in GA, WI and AZ and he's not the President now, so please stop with the bashing and stick to jabs. Thank you

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It's okay Paul to speak your mind . I always appreciate people who shoot from the hip because they are the most honest


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