Stop the billionaires from stealing our tax dollars and impoverishing the vast majority of the people. They have destroyed the middle class, increased homelessness and destroyed our society.

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I do not believe the elites actually took the shots. Therefore, vaccines and boosters will remain mandatory for all those convicted of crimes against humanity. Until they are all used up.

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Give workers guns and ownership of the stores and this will stop. The clerk on duty sees punks stealing toxic alcohol from an absentee store owner. Apathy all around. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gives a shit about doing harm to others. At this point we are in a mass psychosis of death and indifference.

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I am in Twitter jail and have no desire to take a knee to Twitter. I got myself there I think by suggesting what time of punishment criminals should receive. I was referring to the likes of Fauci Birchrunville Collin et al. I suggested a firing squad or short noose. My position hasn’t changed. As long as there are no consequences for behaviors that are reckless and harmful to society nothing will change the severity and incidences of crimes will continue to rise. It will only change when a select amt of the elite suffer the results of their leftism. Oh yeah right I forgot they have security detail and gates protecting their specialness from the despots outside their ‘domain.’

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I always thought a pit at the door that would open up on their way out and send them down a chute. I still think that's a good idea. As for stopping government, the only way is to get off their money, close bank accounts and live only on the cash and barter economy. That would incentize more people to talk about making a new currency, a people's currency. Only when there is no safety net will people look for it so they should take the safety net away themselves rather than have it imposed. We know they're going to confiscate your bank accounts and replace with a central bank digital currency. All currency should be decentral not central. The danger lies in centralization, the security lies in decentralization. We need to hop to it, time is ticking.

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eliminate their DNA

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In California a felony is $950, so criminals are having a great time stealing whatever they want. In my area, stores are busy locking up all the most popular theft items. We should change the felony amount back to $250 and elect DA’s that will be tough on crime instead of the Soros bought ones as have now in some cities.

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I’m torn. Government is corrupt by its nature. A majority votes in a master who takes away a large portion of your individual freedom and you pay them to do it. Seems odd. I’ve gone from a staunch Republican to a libertarian during the Bush war based on phony propaganda to a libertarian (they can’t get their shit together) to now an anarchist. The deep state is real and even a figure like Trump, or Desantis can’t break it. As for law and order - the same people we elect to fight it it foster it. Government has a monopoly on “legal” violence and I’m quite certain that the likes of Antifa are being paid by the same shills who actually select our leaders. Wish I knew the answer. Keep a close group of likeminded, able friends. Learn to work around the system and don’t give up your right to bear arms. We might not be able to beat them as the Great Reset and social credit system heats up but we can resist and put up a hell of a fight. I was small as a child and my dad told me to fight the bullies knowing I’d get my ass kicked. He said if you get just a few good shots in before you go down they will think twice before going after you again. I will go down swinging.

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Vandana Shiva's interview w Dr Mercola about her new book on stopping the billionaires' agenda is inspiring.

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Enforce the law and defend those who obey it and protect themselves!

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

I've already commented in various locations as to what is the destiny - what should always be the social destiny - of psychotics who, for their personal amusement, destroy trust wherever they act.

Recall that, without trust, civilised life (urban or rural) cannot be maintained.

The traditions of the Australian Blackfullas, one of the oldest civilisations on the planet; of the First Nations people of North America; and of the rural communites and their ronderos of the Andean cordillera, these traditions deal with habitual breach of trust by enforced exile, castigation, or death.

That's all.


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Nuremberg-based trials. Why not. We have an I.C.C. Use their weaponized I.C.C. against them.

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Nice video. (Sarc). If I was in that store, and it wasn’t a gun free zone... not likely, since those freaks wouldn’t be looting ) I’d have been in reasonable fear of immediate harm. I’d have shot each one of those Gerald, knowing it’d be videotaped by the store cameras. It’d be exhibit 1 in my defense if a Biden / Soros prosecutor decided to violate his oath and prosecute me.

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Thanks again, Paul. Two things, I think.

Nothing will change in NATO Nations' electoral politics till PAPER BALLOTS become the sole means of tabulating votes. Please see


Prosecuting and suing the criminals seems to me the most galvanic way to engage victims and wage counter-attacks on those (Gates is now the lead and most vulnerable public criminal in several Nations). A Case in every State, Province, City, ... in which a victim or victims suffer. Here's a web-page with 12 sources of evidence from March 17, 2020 onward--


Prosecute 'em for Discovery and Depositions and Trials.

Sue 'em into their businesses failing.

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The government has been captured by evil doers who want us all dead. To stop the billionaires we'd have to stop George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and all our government leaders like Biden, Trudeau etc. We are doing what we can on the ground locally, that's where we have to be, get people in our communities to realize they've been had with the shots, digital ID and soon digital currency.

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I'm no political strategist but I fear we are loosing Trump to the politicians somewhat. Ive always trusted his instinct...But recent support of the mRNA toxic genocide juice and supporting McDaniels for RNC Chair can not be explained to me. Especially the Jab. My fear is this means even Trump won't do what is needed. Fire every upper management FBI person, as well as DOJ and CIA on day 1

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