The only thing that would make ModeRNA worse in my mind is if their "vaccines" were causing deaths directly. Needless to say, ModeRNA couldn't be any worse in my mind than it already is.
they ED DOWD. then watch SASHA LATYPOVA for all the data that the shots are not "vaccines" but geoengineered BIOWEAPONS created at Chapel Hill to KILL CITIZENS
The theory is that the mRNA was the 'shield' the anti-dote for the COVID deployment;
Trouble is that mRNA 'shield' was never tested before on hand on US-TROOPS, they deployed into the wild, and then grabbed VAERS results and analyzed them, withheld most and published few, and then reported the doctor's had 'failed to report to VAERS'.
The problem is that MODERNA was forced to "FAST-TRACK" OWS and they did get paid in advance, but now face an avalanche of lawsuits, to which given they were "Under Duress" by DOD/CIA US-MIL it would make perfect sense to demand more money to cover their expenses;
Lastly, the mRNA as a 'shield' was a 100% DOD/CIA failure, they got sold a bag of feces by MALONE & Team; So even DOD is no longer pushing mRNA, they drug their asses for as long as they could, but even now no longer mandate the mRNA to be injected in their own USA troops;
All of the above is the result of a "Secret and out of control Government", aka CIA, & ZOG bankers;
Bilbo,your a nay sayer,You haven't seen this level of people that are awake and standing up for freedom and to take our country back.We have more willing to speak up and spread the truth.Donald Trump is fearless and exposing the deep state and the years of placate to China and Europe which We haven't seen in a while.And I believe He knows more now and can finish the job and that's what their terrified of.We have to keep pushing back and not
I agree. It will not turn out as they believe...but it will not be the so called "justice system" that brings it down. They own that system. It was set up by them, for run by them with judges they appoint.
I doubt Trump will fare well...unless he is one of them. Even if he is...they can offer up the odd sheep to keep their narrative looking real.
If Trump is for real...he will no more be defended by his followers than were the Jan 6th victims.
We have sacrificed our children to deadly pharma for years...and most people...even so called freedom fighters are still vehemently supportive of most jabs...only not the covid jab. Our schools are now run by paedofiles who come to us via the universities...which are almost all centers for modern demon worship. People support paedofiles in their schools...their children getting 80 jabs by 18 yrs old, and if Trump is for real...they will make a mockery of him and the police and military will offer full protection to his antagonists...while applying the heavy hand of the law to his defendants.
Trump will be the new Julian Assange...and be paraded as a traitor and nazi....and Hollywood loving evangelicals will buy into the narrative exactly as they did the covid narrative...because their damn televisions are more important arbiters of truth than their Bibles.
I am Canadian...unfortunately stuck in this hellhole for now...but the USA in general is in the same boat.
Justice will not be served by a heinous run legal system deployed to protect the wicked...but it will be served by a righteous God in the fulness of time.
To appears as though we are in labor pains.
They got away with Spanish-Flu in 1918-1919 50 million died, they will get away with this crime; The US-MIL has total power to put people who question them in Prison;
Talk to Socialist Eugene Deb's in 1917(?) he questioned WW1, and spanish-flu and got 10 years in prison, and had to run for POTUS from a jail cell, not pardoned until 1921;
They always get away with murder, in 1917 DOD was called "Dept of War".
Sure thing...they can claw back the wasted billions given to that turd in the Ukraine and loan it to 100% interest. Otherwise, the entire world will benefit when moderna bites the dust. But wait, fauci will come back on his white steed to invent the next moderna and we will be back to square one. You have to ban all mRNA substances forever.
Criminals running rampant in government.... Criminals running the Pharma/Medical Complex... Criminals running the HHS and DoD.. Main stream Media run by Criminals... Big Finance run by Criminals.. it seems to be more and more the exception to find a Govt. agency or major Pharma Corporation not run by Criminals...
Watching him right now.. on NPR: State run radio.. and yes MODERNA should taken apart lab by lab and all of its patents reviewed and then sued: but it can't' be sued because of the "national emergency".. where there is a will there is a way. TCT.. now.
Many believed when the GOP took the house, things would change, and I never believed the hogwash. Now many are looking forward to Trump making America Great again while at the same Operation Warp Speed brought the USA into the New World Order.
After all, the American taxpayer has been on the hook since 1986 for paying vaccine injury cases.
Fast forward to the entirely manufactured CON-vid global "planned -demic"/""scam-demic" psyop and it was very easy for ALL to see that this was going to be used to further tighten the grip of control over the general populace of the World by the global banking cabal (kabbal?) and the global legalized drug trafficking cartel otherwise referred to as the global pharmaceutical industrial complex and all in cahoots with "govern - ment" and "non - govern - ment" organizations.
And some people insist on believing, at least here in the U.S., that we have a few politicians that are doing their best to "protect " our God given inalienable immutable inherent rights.
If I am incorrect, please give me a list of representatives in any level of government that is tirelessly working to repeal the "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program", let alone disentangle ourselves from the entirely unconstitutional onerous contracts with the global pharmaceutical industrial complex I'll patiently wait while I listen to the crickets chirping.
Furthermore any physician that claims to be battling for the "medical liberty of We The People" yet insisted that "govern - ment" funding is essential for any aspect of the medical industrial complex or the pharmaceutical industrial complex is not a true freedom fighter.
All of us, certainly by now, ought recognize that when "govern - ment" gets it's sticky tentacles in to any-thing it is 100% always going to get royally screwed up, in manifold ways! And ALL for MEGA HUGE "profits" for the conniving controlling few, regardless of the very real human toll.
The only thing that would make ModeRNA worse in my mind is if their "vaccines" were causing deaths directly. Needless to say, ModeRNA couldn't be any worse in my mind than it already is.
they ED DOWD. then watch SASHA LATYPOVA for all the data that the shots are not "vaccines" but geoengineered BIOWEAPONS created at Chapel Hill to KILL CITIZENS
They are all causing deaths and disability
The theory is that the mRNA was the 'shield' the anti-dote for the COVID deployment;
Trouble is that mRNA 'shield' was never tested before on hand on US-TROOPS, they deployed into the wild, and then grabbed VAERS results and analyzed them, withheld most and published few, and then reported the doctor's had 'failed to report to VAERS'.
The problem is that MODERNA was forced to "FAST-TRACK" OWS and they did get paid in advance, but now face an avalanche of lawsuits, to which given they were "Under Duress" by DOD/CIA US-MIL it would make perfect sense to demand more money to cover their expenses;
Lastly, the mRNA as a 'shield' was a 100% DOD/CIA failure, they got sold a bag of feces by MALONE & Team; So even DOD is no longer pushing mRNA, they drug their asses for as long as they could, but even now no longer mandate the mRNA to be injected in their own USA troops;
All of the above is the result of a "Secret and out of control Government", aka CIA, & ZOG bankers;
Bilbo,your a nay sayer,You haven't seen this level of people that are awake and standing up for freedom and to take our country back.We have more willing to speak up and spread the truth.Donald Trump is fearless and exposing the deep state and the years of placate to China and Europe which We haven't seen in a while.And I believe He knows more now and can finish the job and that's what their terrified of.We have to keep pushing back and not
Things are so bad I half expect an American president to wield power against it’s citizens like a mafia don someday. Wait, what?!
Catherine Fitts say's COVID & mRNA were US-MIL operations;
If so then we're under war time rules, which means that Moderna was "Just following Orders"
The problem is US-GOV has dug such a deep hole they cannot climb out and just keep digging;
[ COVID was DOD-CIA Operation approved by Trump/Pompeo(CIA) Oct 2019 ]
This entire system is going down.Their ponzi scheme is over.I think it's not going to turn out like they think.
I agree. It will not turn out as they believe...but it will not be the so called "justice system" that brings it down. They own that system. It was set up by them, for run by them with judges they appoint.
I doubt Trump will fare well...unless he is one of them. Even if he is...they can offer up the odd sheep to keep their narrative looking real.
If Trump is for real...he will no more be defended by his followers than were the Jan 6th victims.
We have sacrificed our children to deadly pharma for years...and most people...even so called freedom fighters are still vehemently supportive of most jabs...only not the covid jab. Our schools are now run by paedofiles who come to us via the universities...which are almost all centers for modern demon worship. People support paedofiles in their schools...their children getting 80 jabs by 18 yrs old, and if Trump is for real...they will make a mockery of him and the police and military will offer full protection to his antagonists...while applying the heavy hand of the law to his defendants.
Trump will be the new Julian Assange...and be paraded as a traitor and nazi....and Hollywood loving evangelicals will buy into the narrative exactly as they did the covid narrative...because their damn televisions are more important arbiters of truth than their Bibles.
I am Canadian...unfortunately stuck in this hellhole for now...but the USA in general is in the same boat.
Justice will not be served by a heinous run legal system deployed to protect the wicked...but it will be served by a righteous God in the fulness of time.
To appears as though we are in labor pains.
They got away with Spanish-Flu in 1918-1919 50 million died, they will get away with this crime; The US-MIL has total power to put people who question them in Prison;
Talk to Socialist Eugene Deb's in 1917(?) he questioned WW1, and spanish-flu and got 10 years in prison, and had to run for POTUS from a jail cell, not pardoned until 1921;
They always get away with murder, in 1917 DOD was called "Dept of War".
by the DOD
Sure thing...they can claw back the wasted billions given to that turd in the Ukraine and loan it to 100% interest. Otherwise, the entire world will benefit when moderna bites the dust. But wait, fauci will come back on his white steed to invent the next moderna and we will be back to square one. You have to ban all mRNA substances forever.
Criminals running rampant in government.... Criminals running the Pharma/Medical Complex... Criminals running the HHS and DoD.. Main stream Media run by Criminals... Big Finance run by Criminals.. it seems to be more and more the exception to find a Govt. agency or major Pharma Corporation not run by Criminals...
Watching him right now.. on NPR: State run radio.. and yes MODERNA should taken apart lab by lab and all of its patents reviewed and then sued: but it can't' be sued because of the "national emergency".. where there is a will there is a way. TCT.. now.
Truth : Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Was NOT Arrested!
The truth is – this is just another FAKE STORY created by Conservative Beaver, just to generate page views and money.
Everything that Conservative Beaver posts must be regarded as FAKE NEWS, until proven otherwise.
Fact #1 : Conservative Beaver Is A Known Fake News Website
Tech aarp Nov 21, 2021
Do you remember when Trump diverted 1.5 billion from the WHO and diverted the funds to Gates Moderna?
Many believed when the GOP took the house, things would change, and I never believed the hogwash. Now many are looking forward to Trump making America Great again while at the same Operation Warp Speed brought the USA into the New World Order.
Did Tucker remember to say the shit doesn’t work
Same as the banks, it's the communist way.
Yes, it always was about “your health”.
Biggest fraud ever.
Tucker forgot to mention....the taxpayer fully funded the sales of every jab too. The tax payer purchased every jab.
We in theory paid for development, then injection costs including profiteering alongside a legal bailout.
All the continuing damage to humanity!
Is Freedom a priority?
Why am I not surprised?
After all, the American taxpayer has been on the hook since 1986 for paying vaccine injury cases.
Fast forward to the entirely manufactured CON-vid global "planned -demic"/""scam-demic" psyop and it was very easy for ALL to see that this was going to be used to further tighten the grip of control over the general populace of the World by the global banking cabal (kabbal?) and the global legalized drug trafficking cartel otherwise referred to as the global pharmaceutical industrial complex and all in cahoots with "govern - ment" and "non - govern - ment" organizations.
And some people insist on believing, at least here in the U.S., that we have a few politicians that are doing their best to "protect " our God given inalienable immutable inherent rights.
If I am incorrect, please give me a list of representatives in any level of government that is tirelessly working to repeal the "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program", let alone disentangle ourselves from the entirely unconstitutional onerous contracts with the global pharmaceutical industrial complex I'll patiently wait while I listen to the crickets chirping.
Furthermore any physician that claims to be battling for the "medical liberty of We The People" yet insisted that "govern - ment" funding is essential for any aspect of the medical industrial complex or the pharmaceutical industrial complex is not a true freedom fighter.
All of us, certainly by now, ought recognize that when "govern - ment" gets it's sticky tentacles in to any-thing it is 100% always going to get royally screwed up, in manifold ways! And ALL for MEGA HUGE "profits" for the conniving controlling few, regardless of the very real human toll.