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Not that we didn’t know about these injuries, but reading about them in detail never fails to infuriate me. How many millions of people have been harmed, not to mention murdered by this poison. I am so grateful that a little voice in my head told me to stay as far away from those shots as I could, even though I have lost family & friends because of my choice?

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It was a loud screaming voice in my head telling me to stay far far away from those needles, but I was confused by the body-snatcher gaze I was getting from friends and relatives for a year. Could they really all have been so naive? They seem to have woken up from that mania/trance and are now so embarrassed that they don't want to talk about it:


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Thanks for the link. I have a brother who couldn’t run fast enough to get jabbed. He believed in the lie of asymptomatic spread. He wouldn’t come near me. I couldn’t believe that someone who I thought was intelligent could fall for such nonsense so I got very angry. He hasn’t spoken to me since. I said to him “you are going to let the government destroy a family relationship?” He had no answer except to cut me out of his life. Unbelievable to me, to this day.

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Breathtaking, isn't it? 🙄

I posted these on my blog a couple days back. Maybe they'll comfort you, maybe one at least, is way too close to home. But they matched my experience of the last 3 years pretty closely...🤔



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great articles

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Apropos of nothing at all Leslie, back in 2009 my twin sister developed Stage IV Colon Cancer out of the blue, shuffled off her mortal coil and joined the bleeding choir invisible in 2011.. The remains of my family got together at my Brother-in-Law's house -- and I was emphatically NOT INVITED.

2013 my older sister snuffed it, bit the dust, rang down the curtain and also ... joined the bleeding choir invisible. Colon Cancer Strike 2... I was the last, dead last member of "the family" to learn how sick she was.. and after her funeral in 2013? Well.. I've not heard a peep from my nieces and nephew, my brother-in-law, my departed brother's (AIDS, 1996) girlfriend of 20 years since. They all washed their hands of me.

Ain't family just darling?

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OMG. You have/had a terrible family! I’m sure you don’t deserve it. From the interactions we’ve had on SUBSTACK over time I have gotten to know a very kind & empathetic man. 💞 Reminds me of the saying that you can pick your friends but not your family. 🙄

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Thank you for saying so. OTOH, I've a demon of a bad temper I've been doing my level best to tame for at least the last 45 years.. 💩 Without a great deal of luck... 😥

But the icing on the cake for me vis-a-vis what's left of my family? 2019, my niece graduated from University. So my Bro-in-law Paul organized a great big shindig -- My brother Paul's girlfriend Mary-ann was there, he even invited my Chinese ex-wife Jing whom I've not seen since 2005.. But I wasn't invited. Evidently Mary-Ann and Jing are still members of the family... But I'm not... My cousin Rennie called me, in considerable anguish, to tell me all about it. But Paul quite specifically told him: "Please be quiet about it! -- I don't want Roy to know." What did he expect me to do? Show up univited and unwelcome with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates for my (frankly) snooty little bitch of a niece?

At this point Leslie, all I can say is "I hope their boosters are up-to-date." 🤔

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I lost touch with sisters family and I have no family of my own. Cry cry cry

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I've been on a genealogy binge in the last two years, and it's a great antidote to modern disconnected life. You do have family, it just takes some research to find them. OK, not all of my cousins want to talk to me, but I keep coming across gems of people who make it all totally worthwhile. 2nd and 3rd cousins are connected to you, and it's not all that far in the past.

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Just saw family friends and cousins at my moms memorial. It took a lot of coaching to hold head up high. I was a hit with the crowd even got a hug from Moderna sister. The other one turned her head when I tried to do an air kiss. She said, I’m a teacher! She’s newly on Bld pressure meds and racing heart. I won’t tell her

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You're in the same boat with a lot of other lonely people Ann... 😥

Just remember, "This too, shall pass.."

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I agree, they deserve nothing less.

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I'll shut up after this; I didn't finally come to my senses about my family, until April 29, 2014: Both sisters long gone, I was 55 years old, I'd shelled out in effect, $100,000 for their sakes, putting my life on hold, uselessly reaching out to them. I awoke that morning to the reality that I had pissed away my inheritance, I had no income, I was $34,000 in debt. I'd known all these people for decades, my sisters my entire life; my nieces and nephew? Their entire lives... And none of them could give a shit, if I lived, or if I died – and very likely, never did.

Comes a time as with Pontius Pilate, to summon the basin of water, and wash your hands. In my case that time was probably when I was 15. But "Getting it," can sometimes require an experience like that.

Still, even after all that, when I hear stories of family members abandoning others for the sake of a poisoned needle, it is still incomprehensible and mind-numbing to me.

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I have done the same. Given away my security only to find out it will never be reciprocated. 💔. I feel stupid but have no guilt.

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I lost contact with a cousin the same way.

But I've made up for it by reconnecting with many others, not all of whom agree with me.

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Some people are sane.

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I have similar stories. Also unbelievable to me, to this day.

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Woooah... that's crazy stuff!

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Actually it’s quite common.

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Sorry for your loss.

Send a note to your brother. Try to open up the lines of communication.

Don't let these bastards win.

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If they turned away from you because they took The Lethal Injection and you wouldn't, you've lost nothing.

If on the other hand they died from the injection still your friend, you will see them again in The Sweet Hereafter..

Hope that helps... 💞

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Thanks Roy, you are a dear one. 💞

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I do what I can...

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It’s very much appreciated. Sometimes I need to be reminded that the loss of my brother says a lot more about him than it does about me. I wouldn’t have cut him out of my life because he got jabbed. But if shedding is a real thing, maybe he did me a big favor.

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I've heard some Christian experts on the Bible who say that the jab is essentially "The Mark of the Beast" and those who accept it are no longer among the Chosen and will not go to Heaven. I feel it's definitely a step in that direction -- and a step away from being a natural pure, piece of the Divine Creator's work. Both theologically and biophysically, it is a poor choice and unnecessary.

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I don't think it's "The Mark." Not yet. It's coming.

That said, if you've taken it, you are now literally no longer human: You are now a genetic chimera being devoured from within by trillions of artificial spike proteins created with CRISPR technology. They're said to be analagous to the spike protein of the putative "Sars-Cov-2" virus – but that virus has in fact never been identified, let alone isolated.

But! This is what can happen to you when you don't do your homework, or trust people you shouldn't... 🙄

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I agree, the jab alone is not the official "Mark of the Beast", but it's a step in that direction. And those who're still alive, who took the jab, and still don't see their mistake, will probably go the rest of the way by getting the convenience to carry their financial details embedded in their forehead or on their hand. Step by step, they're losing their soul and their power as a human, connected to the Divine.

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That voice was the Holy Spirit. I thank God I heard it too.

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JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/just-too-good-to-be-true

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Meh, they keep saying that the bad effects are "rare", which is bullshit.

I personally know one death directly from the toxxine (https://www.altamesafuneralhome.com/obituary/danielle-carmichael) plus one case of myocarditis from it, plus one case of tachycardia from it (requiring surgery).

That stuff is POISON.

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that stupid OPINION PIECE read like propaganda...everyone "provax" and all reactions so "RARE" !!!! sickening

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Thank you!

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Thanks for posting the transcript. For those of us who don’t subscribe to the WSJ it’s very helpful.

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You're welcome. It's someone else's site, I just ran across it when doing a search for some words in the title.

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Good for you for finding it and thanks again for posting it!

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