a battlefield weapon? To use on who? China to use on others? on US? or was this a US program US outsouced to bypass stoppage of GoF on US soil? did Chinese go rogue? was this a US release? intented?
exactly.. thanks Kathleen.. how people on this site do not know this yet is either amazing or hard to believe.
The Baric doc shows they took the original Wuhan virus from 2004/2005 - added to it.. ie: GoF - then who knows did what to it after 2016... when it was "poised for emergence" in their own words.. meaning... someone was going to release it. and they knew.. after decades of research.. they knew exactly when it was ready to be released.
I have been saying for awhile I believe there was a release in 2015\2016. Ethical Skeptic provided info that made me research more.
If you check many countries deaths rates you will see many started increasing in 2016. It’s reflected in many northern countries like Canada and some EU countries. Many elderly died of respiratory issues in Canada in 2016. Many excess deaths in 2007 too. I was sooo sick in early winter 2016.
Regardless... they weaponized old lab leaks trying to tell us it’s all new virus and variants. 2016 though seems to be the major one that is long lasting. The vax helped circulate it more.
They had vaxxes patented and ready to go in 2016 as per David Martin old video. My only guess is they had a plan then when Hillary was supposed to win. It got put on hold and saved for the end of Trumps term.
.....among others. But it's hard to disagree with you :) They were certainly waaaaaay across any rational, ethical oversight or funding responsibilities. Now they're laying low, hoping their Morehead Scholar, Chi Psi democrap Governor will protect them.
One World Gov with the CIA and DoD working for them and not We the People used this entire PSYOP-19 operation as an attack on the West to discharge the untenable debt supercycle and the trillions stolen as a slow kill bioweapon eugenics program.
Primary goal! Secondary goal is to make the RNA injections the new extremely profitable form of treating disease states primarily created by the life style issues created by factory processed foods laced with trace toxins. Third goal is to reduce the global population with injections and at the same time deliver billions to the eugenists headed by Gates. 4th goal is to control and manipulate the global population for the coming of the new world order merging man and machine and eliminating the useless eaters!
The clowns in DC just keeps stuffing more and more clowns into th VW bug! In the meantime, the masses are being keep in the dark and buried in propaganda manure like mushrooms!
Bigger? Japan was always part of the agenda and the tabletop exercises showed that Japanese would wake up earliest as function of higher IQ, but this is not happening sadly.
Besides Sweden, which country/is have not gone in for this mess? Some African nations have said no thank you to the shot but did everything else.
Higher IQ in Japan? MacArthur, not my favorite general, is credited with a quote on the mental maturity of most Japanese. In my over 20 years here I have seen only little evidence that that is not a true assessment. Med schools here have told me to wear a mask for Zoom lessons. Swim coaches wore them in the pool. And that is just a couple from the past 3 + years. Much more from my 20 years preceding them.
If the majority of people here have higher than average IQ then we must also add that they posses and almost superhuman ability to mask it.
Japanese IQ is not as high as Korean, Chinese or Singaporean butitis lightyears ahead of American IQ which is very low by international standards. However the Japanese are ultraconformist and even more easily brainwashed than Americans.
They do excel in wrote memorization, but few have any idea the meaning of what they memorize. All they must do is pass the gate, which we call a “test”. Once past, the tested material has no meaning to them.
This may be a good comparison; look into the requirements for Japanese to get a drivers’ license and compare it to your own experience getting your first DL, regardless of which land you hail from.
Yes high IQ is one thing but I think the real interesting phenomenon was how well educated people have become so socially( and economically, politically, etc) influenced by their higher education institutions and trusting of all institutions and government to a point where they “learn” from them but turn off their own brains to reason on what should have been reasonable questions. The ability to “learn” and then not question.
But I mean you have to look at the media’s role and how they have been providing years (decades?) of disinformation about vaccines, the label of “anti-vaxxer” works just as well as “conspiracy theory” with most people.
But people who are awake to one part of this, the lab origin need to look at more, way more that all the patents, all the laws put into place, politicians who have been influenced by WEF, decades of stuff to get this to happen. Can’t people even question why our (North American) IQ suck to begin with? Hello (one of the best culprits) fluoride intentionally(?) used to dumb us down (not just a money making scheme to get rid of toxic industries waste) like for how long has this been happening and the proper science only came out this year to back up what many have known, it’s really bad , ask yourself do you know that newly released science? Do you know anything about it?
Probably not, and you probably already think isn’t that very old conspiracy theory???
Americans are trained in higher educaion institutions to think pathologically. It is the reason why "precious snowflake syndrome" originated in the US. Americans are taught to believe that their emotions are what define reality and that logical fallacies in reasoning are normal. Even the mildest criticism of LGBTQA+ drives many Americans to react hysterically because it is seen as an attack on American core values and identity. Mildly admonishing even one gay or transgender individual is seen as an existential threat to theAmerican way of life.
I believe we were attacked by China but also the US and I believe the "virus" has been around for awhile. Back in 2018 I got a really bad fever every night at 1;30am for 5 nights, I had no idea what was happening because I wasn't sick, now Im wondering if I was attacked by some foreign "virus". Today I trust no one, not the government, hospitals, politicians or doctors, no one. I know those evil demons have more planned for us but this time we're ready for them, they under estimated our will to live and be free. We will never comply with their Psyop-19 or Psyop- climate change.
Fauci was just a pawn for the DNC and Schiff who are a front for the CCP. The stoppage of GoF on US soil was just done for plausible deniability. The DNC/CCP timed the release to coincide with Impeachment Hoax 1. They wanted Trump distracted and they wanted hundreds of thousands of Americans dead to blame on Trump and Trump's economy destroyed before the election and wanted a pretext for widespread mail in voting. They wanted Trump replaced with Biden as POTUS and DeSantis as GOP leader.
The WHO predicted this virus being either released or perhaps escaping from a lab prior to 2020. Also original COVID MERS and SARS were their early effort all sponsored by US taxpayers and the corrupt DOD . The fraud PCR tests were created and distributed worldwide in 2018 . Well planned attack on humanity by the Eugenicists .
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”
Barring a death bed confession, we'll likely never know the depths of depravity that unleashed this plague. Fauci and his associates know. Maybe water boarding him, Baric and Peter Daszak could be profitable?
Well, I don't think anyone went rogue, I think it was well calculated and executed by Big Intel which ain't on our side, presumably the Communist Chinese, which makes it a clusterfuck.
They ain't never done nothing well, but this might just be their first effort.
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”
While I do agree that there was a plan, I do not think this was. I am of the belief that it was either truly accidental, except for the fact that they should never have been playing around with this, or released early as there was a person in the White House who was not going along with their scheme. I think they would have preferred to have the 5G system, QR code access to everything, the IoT and more up and running for a more seamless move to the great reset.
I don’t understand why you think this was an accident. Perhaps you can answer for me how you grapple with the following...
If it was an accident, then why did Fauci ask for an article to be written in nature magazine by his colleagues saying the virus was of natural origin in order to stop the debate and “science is settled” it. (When he funded it and knew it was not natural). If it was an accident you still have to take responsibility but he lied, why that lie?
If it was an accident, why are there so many patents that show a long time study of this and why would the us gov fund this with China of all places?
Why is there a patent filing in 2002 by UNC chapel hill of SARS-CoV-1 virus? (And this is a virus that can be released which targets human lung and heart tissue...)
If it was an accident why all the funding to vaccines and not early treatment options? Don’t you clean up accidents quickly? Why wait for the development of a vaccine, which usually takes years to make...
Why was there already contracts in place for making these vaccines pre 2020?
Does thinking it was an accident make you question if the way it was handled was acceptable or does it make you want to give a benefit of the doubt to people in charge of the response?
If it was an accident explain why the government was requiring Twitter and Facebook to remove people posts who said anything that questioned if it was a gain of function virus (or if hydroxychloroquine or other medications might help or that remdesivir was damaging to kidneys and can fill lungs w fluid) or that the vaccine might not be as safe or effective as promoted? Why the push into controlling the narrative and removing free speech?
If it was an accident why use emergency powers to freeze bank accounts in Canada?
Do you have any questions about what has happened since you learned it was not a natural virus?
Are you trusting your same sources that told you was a natural virus to now explain that it may have been an accident? They got it wrong before, did not investigate, you need to take truth seeking into your own hands.
The two are not mutually exclusive. Being an accident does not mean all the rest is not true. They should not have been playing with viruses in the way they were, thus the secrecy. It was secret before it was released and they certainly did not want it known that they were the cause of all that would follow regardless of whether or not it was accidentally released or not. If it was meant to be a bioweapon, then it was prematurely released/escaped. The virus itself killed very very few. The panicked response has killed far more than it ever would have if we did none of what we did these past 3+ years.
I believe that Covid and the artificial panic over it are but one act in a much larger production; it’s purpose to scare all of humanity into accepting government controls it otherwise would not, thus paving the way to the next act. In fact, they did not even need for an actual virus to accomplish that, all they needed was the fear of one. This is why I believe that it was either accidentally released or released before they were ready. Things would have been better for them if they had the 5G system complete and everything hooked up to the IoT. Not universal, but we have QR CODE ONLY public toilets in Japan. Just imagine the control they will have over us all nice this off the shelf technology is in place everywhere. I think they were planning on using Covid once all this was already up and running so that they could more perfectly control what the general public learned about it, and more importantly, able to do anything about it.
That is my assessment of the situation too. Personally I do not care if it is Pooh or Putin or Biden who has the keys to the digital cage, I do not want to be in a digital cage.
"Times" date is complete nonsense.. GOF was done years before that.. I am busy this morning. just lots of personal business but we all know that the GOF by China was done for at least a minimum of decade and for sure when even Obama in 2014 .. quoting here from and NIH paper but I don't want to go into research mode right now from article dated Dec 19, 2017: Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses. GOF research is important in ....blah blah. THE POINT IS THE GAIN OF FUNCTION IS BIO-Weaponization of Virus. I wish I could comment further.. but have a busy day.. I can't help noting the U.S Govt was part of this.
I firmly believe the wresting of our national and personal sovereignty via "blowing-up-the-system" by the feigned release of a novel avian flu out of China (see Milken Institue) was pre-planned to occur during the HRC Administration. Imagine how much worse The Plandemonium would have been in that case. In the case of a mask wearing, vaccine-mandate zealot in the Executive Branch, wholly supported by the Malign Mainstream Miscreants. How much farther along new-age techno-feudalism would have advanced without Trump advocating the cure was worse than the disease, without advocating that the world should reopen by Easter 2020. Trump wanted to defund the WHO. Trump wanted to cut off Eco-Health Alliance. His initial reaction was to go along and protect the greater good until it became obvious that their predictions were wrong and their intentions malign.
Clearly endemicity existed long before declaring a pandemic. Clearly some people were in the know. It wasn't even necessary to pivot to defeat Trump. Mail-in ballot control of elections was already a pre-planned feature/goal to control foreseeable elections. Keep in mind they don't need elections for very much longer once they have officially openly seceded power to One-World-Supranational NGOs.
I love JC on a bikes work. I can read shit too. But I'm down with Dr. Mike. They, The Powers That Should Not Be, need not have released anything, they just needed to give a Covid uniform, mask, and jersey to the constellation of typical respiratory distress from which people have long suffered. Every year some subset of people have their worst cold, flu, or allergy episode from a myriad of causes to include but not limited to bad terrain, environmental toxins, or otherwise weakened immune system, to mention the possibility of modern day RF poisoning. They just used jackhammer information bombardment and the "fog-of-war" and the confusion of where it came from and the nonsense of the PCR process with non specific targets overamplfied to 95% + false positives to fool the world.
UNC Chapel Hill are the baddies.
and way before 2016. David Martin video to EU went viral... did nobody here see it? WTF?
The "Times" is not news. This article is not news. just more gaslighting. they have been working on GoF in NC, and n Wuhan for DECADES. WTFU
Baric + Bat Lady of Wuhan = covid as a bioweapon
exactly.. thanks Kathleen.. how people on this site do not know this yet is either amazing or hard to believe.
The Baric doc shows they took the original Wuhan virus from 2004/2005 - added to it.. ie: GoF - then who knows did what to it after 2016... when it was "poised for emergence" in their own words.. meaning... someone was going to release it. and they knew.. after decades of research.. they knew exactly when it was ready to be released.
Baric at UNC Chapel Hill did a lecture on how to make money off a pandemic.
You probably already know this, but a lot of people don't.
Baric and the Bat Lady of Wuhan worked together, published together, and it was all funded by NIH.
He's been flying under the radar for far too long.
I have been saying for awhile I believe there was a release in 2015\2016. Ethical Skeptic provided info that made me research more.
If you check many countries deaths rates you will see many started increasing in 2016. It’s reflected in many northern countries like Canada and some EU countries. Many elderly died of respiratory issues in Canada in 2016. Many excess deaths in 2007 too. I was sooo sick in early winter 2016.
Regardless... they weaponized old lab leaks trying to tell us it’s all new virus and variants. 2016 though seems to be the major one that is long lasting. The vax helped circulate it more.
They had vaxxes patented and ready to go in 2016 as per David Martin old video. My only guess is they had a plan then when Hillary was supposed to win. It got put on hold and saved for the end of Trumps term.
It’s all a lie.
.....among others. But it's hard to disagree with you :) They were certainly waaaaaay across any rational, ethical oversight or funding responsibilities. Now they're laying low, hoping their Morehead Scholar, Chi Psi democrap Governor will protect them.
One World Gov with the CIA and DoD working for them and not We the People used this entire PSYOP-19 operation as an attack on the West to discharge the untenable debt supercycle and the trillions stolen as a slow kill bioweapon eugenics program.
Some color on this:
Primary goal! Secondary goal is to make the RNA injections the new extremely profitable form of treating disease states primarily created by the life style issues created by factory processed foods laced with trace toxins. Third goal is to reduce the global population with injections and at the same time deliver billions to the eugenists headed by Gates. 4th goal is to control and manipulate the global population for the coming of the new world order merging man and machine and eliminating the useless eaters!
The clowns in DC just keeps stuffing more and more clowns into th VW bug! In the meantime, the masses are being keep in the dark and buried in propaganda manure like mushrooms!
Bigger than that. This is worldwide with few not going all in with it. Most are still wearing masks here in Japan, as a reference.
Bigger? Japan was always part of the agenda and the tabletop exercises showed that Japanese would wake up earliest as function of higher IQ, but this is not happening sadly.
Besides Sweden, which country/is have not gone in for this mess? Some African nations have said no thank you to the shot but did everything else.
Higher IQ in Japan? MacArthur, not my favorite general, is credited with a quote on the mental maturity of most Japanese. In my over 20 years here I have seen only little evidence that that is not a true assessment. Med schools here have told me to wear a mask for Zoom lessons. Swim coaches wore them in the pool. And that is just a couple from the past 3 + years. Much more from my 20 years preceding them.
If the majority of people here have higher than average IQ then we must also add that they posses and almost superhuman ability to mask it.
Japanese IQ is not as high as Korean, Chinese or Singaporean butitis lightyears ahead of American IQ which is very low by international standards. However the Japanese are ultraconformist and even more easily brainwashed than Americans.
They do excel in wrote memorization, but few have any idea the meaning of what they memorize. All they must do is pass the gate, which we call a “test”. Once past, the tested material has no meaning to them.
This may be a good comparison; look into the requirements for Japanese to get a drivers’ license and compare it to your own experience getting your first DL, regardless of which land you hail from.
Yes high IQ is one thing but I think the real interesting phenomenon was how well educated people have become so socially( and economically, politically, etc) influenced by their higher education institutions and trusting of all institutions and government to a point where they “learn” from them but turn off their own brains to reason on what should have been reasonable questions. The ability to “learn” and then not question.
But I mean you have to look at the media’s role and how they have been providing years (decades?) of disinformation about vaccines, the label of “anti-vaxxer” works just as well as “conspiracy theory” with most people.
But people who are awake to one part of this, the lab origin need to look at more, way more that all the patents, all the laws put into place, politicians who have been influenced by WEF, decades of stuff to get this to happen. Can’t people even question why our (North American) IQ suck to begin with? Hello (one of the best culprits) fluoride intentionally(?) used to dumb us down (not just a money making scheme to get rid of toxic industries waste) like for how long has this been happening and the proper science only came out this year to back up what many have known, it’s really bad , ask yourself do you know that newly released science? Do you know anything about it?
Probably not, and you probably already think isn’t that very old conspiracy theory???
Americans are trained in higher educaion institutions to think pathologically. It is the reason why "precious snowflake syndrome" originated in the US. Americans are taught to believe that their emotions are what define reality and that logical fallacies in reasoning are normal. Even the mildest criticism of LGBTQA+ drives many Americans to react hysterically because it is seen as an attack on American core values and identity. Mildly admonishing even one gay or transgender individual is seen as an existential threat to theAmerican way of life.
The Coddling of the American Mind
Ruminate on that in the context of a faked pandemic.
I believe we were attacked by China but also the US and I believe the "virus" has been around for awhile. Back in 2018 I got a really bad fever every night at 1;30am for 5 nights, I had no idea what was happening because I wasn't sick, now Im wondering if I was attacked by some foreign "virus". Today I trust no one, not the government, hospitals, politicians or doctors, no one. I know those evil demons have more planned for us but this time we're ready for them, they under estimated our will to live and be free. We will never comply with their Psyop-19 or Psyop- climate change.
Fauci was just a pawn for the DNC and Schiff who are a front for the CCP. The stoppage of GoF on US soil was just done for plausible deniability. The DNC/CCP timed the release to coincide with Impeachment Hoax 1. They wanted Trump distracted and they wanted hundreds of thousands of Americans dead to blame on Trump and Trump's economy destroyed before the election and wanted a pretext for widespread mail in voting. They wanted Trump replaced with Biden as POTUS and DeSantis as GOP leader.
The WHO predicted this virus being either released or perhaps escaping from a lab prior to 2020. Also original COVID MERS and SARS were their early effort all sponsored by US taxpayers and the corrupt DOD . The fraud PCR tests were created and distributed worldwide in 2018 . Well planned attack on humanity by the Eugenicists .
Dr. Paul! OUTSTANDING piece right here! Your focus is consistently 100% over the target.
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”
Barring a death bed confession, we'll likely never know the depths of depravity that unleashed this plague. Fauci and his associates know. Maybe water boarding him, Baric and Peter Daszak could be profitable?
Look up Kim Iverson show on Rumble her interview with Dr David Martin.
Well, I don't think anyone went rogue, I think it was well calculated and executed by Big Intel which ain't on our side, presumably the Communist Chinese, which makes it a clusterfuck.
They ain't never done nothing well, but this might just be their first effort.
maybe you are right...we know bad people did bad things and we must hunt them and get them to courts
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”
It's the US government who funded GoF and have been creating bioweapons for decades.
Am I in an alternate reality? David Martin has been showing the documents over and over:
Big Intel has been captured by our enemies with the help of the White House, and the US Senate (Select Committee).
While I do agree that there was a plan, I do not think this was. I am of the belief that it was either truly accidental, except for the fact that they should never have been playing around with this, or released early as there was a person in the White House who was not going along with their scheme. I think they would have preferred to have the 5G system, QR code access to everything, the IoT and more up and running for a more seamless move to the great reset.
I don’t understand why you think this was an accident. Perhaps you can answer for me how you grapple with the following...
If it was an accident, then why did Fauci ask for an article to be written in nature magazine by his colleagues saying the virus was of natural origin in order to stop the debate and “science is settled” it. (When he funded it and knew it was not natural). If it was an accident you still have to take responsibility but he lied, why that lie?
If it was an accident, why are there so many patents that show a long time study of this and why would the us gov fund this with China of all places?
Why is there a patent filing in 2002 by UNC chapel hill of SARS-CoV-1 virus? (And this is a virus that can be released which targets human lung and heart tissue...)
If it was an accident why all the funding to vaccines and not early treatment options? Don’t you clean up accidents quickly? Why wait for the development of a vaccine, which usually takes years to make...
Why was there already contracts in place for making these vaccines pre 2020?
Does thinking it was an accident make you question if the way it was handled was acceptable or does it make you want to give a benefit of the doubt to people in charge of the response?
If it was an accident explain why the government was requiring Twitter and Facebook to remove people posts who said anything that questioned if it was a gain of function virus (or if hydroxychloroquine or other medications might help or that remdesivir was damaging to kidneys and can fill lungs w fluid) or that the vaccine might not be as safe or effective as promoted? Why the push into controlling the narrative and removing free speech?
If it was an accident why use emergency powers to freeze bank accounts in Canada?
Do you have any questions about what has happened since you learned it was not a natural virus?
Are you trusting your same sources that told you was a natural virus to now explain that it may have been an accident? They got it wrong before, did not investigate, you need to take truth seeking into your own hands.
The two are not mutually exclusive. Being an accident does not mean all the rest is not true. They should not have been playing with viruses in the way they were, thus the secrecy. It was secret before it was released and they certainly did not want it known that they were the cause of all that would follow regardless of whether or not it was accidentally released or not. If it was meant to be a bioweapon, then it was prematurely released/escaped. The virus itself killed very very few. The panicked response has killed far more than it ever would have if we did none of what we did these past 3+ years.
I believe that Covid and the artificial panic over it are but one act in a much larger production; it’s purpose to scare all of humanity into accepting government controls it otherwise would not, thus paving the way to the next act. In fact, they did not even need for an actual virus to accomplish that, all they needed was the fear of one. This is why I believe that it was either accidentally released or released before they were ready. Things would have been better for them if they had the 5G system complete and everything hooked up to the IoT. Not universal, but we have QR CODE ONLY public toilets in Japan. Just imagine the control they will have over us all nice this off the shelf technology is in place everywhere. I think they were planning on using Covid once all this was already up and running so that they could more perfectly control what the general public learned about it, and more importantly, able to do anything about it.
Everyone goes on about the great reset, and it is a bit plot compared to Chinese/Russian domination.
Are sure they are not the same thing?
They are!
That is my assessment of the situation too. Personally I do not care if it is Pooh or Putin or Biden who has the keys to the digital cage, I do not want to be in a digital cage.
Absolutely not.
"Times" date is complete nonsense.. GOF was done years before that.. I am busy this morning. just lots of personal business but we all know that the GOF by China was done for at least a minimum of decade and for sure when even Obama in 2014 .. quoting here from and NIH paper but I don't want to go into research mode right now from article dated Dec 19, 2017: Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses. GOF research is important in ....blah blah. THE POINT IS THE GAIN OF FUNCTION IS BIO-Weaponization of Virus. I wish I could comment further.. but have a busy day.. I can't help noting the U.S Govt was part of this.
Paul, I believe you are seeing things clearly. I shudder when I think of their nefarious intentions.
Imagine if Japan had funded the Manhattan Project. Then again, in some ways, I suppose they did.
I firmly believe the wresting of our national and personal sovereignty via "blowing-up-the-system" by the feigned release of a novel avian flu out of China (see Milken Institue) was pre-planned to occur during the HRC Administration. Imagine how much worse The Plandemonium would have been in that case. In the case of a mask wearing, vaccine-mandate zealot in the Executive Branch, wholly supported by the Malign Mainstream Miscreants. How much farther along new-age techno-feudalism would have advanced without Trump advocating the cure was worse than the disease, without advocating that the world should reopen by Easter 2020. Trump wanted to defund the WHO. Trump wanted to cut off Eco-Health Alliance. His initial reaction was to go along and protect the greater good until it became obvious that their predictions were wrong and their intentions malign.
Clearly endemicity existed long before declaring a pandemic. Clearly some people were in the know. It wasn't even necessary to pivot to defeat Trump. Mail-in ballot control of elections was already a pre-planned feature/goal to control foreseeable elections. Keep in mind they don't need elections for very much longer once they have officially openly seceded power to One-World-Supranational NGOs.
I love JC on a bikes work. I can read shit too. But I'm down with Dr. Mike. They, The Powers That Should Not Be, need not have released anything, they just needed to give a Covid uniform, mask, and jersey to the constellation of typical respiratory distress from which people have long suffered. Every year some subset of people have their worst cold, flu, or allergy episode from a myriad of causes to include but not limited to bad terrain, environmental toxins, or otherwise weakened immune system, to mention the possibility of modern day RF poisoning. They just used jackhammer information bombardment and the "fog-of-war" and the confusion of where it came from and the nonsense of the PCR process with non specific targets overamplfied to 95% + false positives to fool the world.
Even if not intentional, there is enough criminality to go around.