The romanticized view of the U.S. is turning into dust. We have met the enemy and they are us. Out of control military industrial complex, a demonstrably corrupt government, a totally debased and ostensibly worthless currency, etc... We're in collapse. History has proven that Empires have a very limited shelf life. It was a good run.

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& all the Alphabet agencies

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Aug 19, 2023
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This was supposed to happen in 2016 under Hillary! Guess it wasn’t quite ready? All that unaccounted $$ budget to MIC with No question?? The ppl in govt have been in place for many many years!

See what happened to everyone..they stopped going to Church and started going to Movies to be indoctrinated? Math:24:8

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The most evil Victoria Nuland, who staged the coup in 2014, admitted to this. https://greenwald.substack.com/p/victoria-nuland-ukraine-has-biological

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Evil, evil woman.

If she shows up in your country, death, destruction, and a coup will follow.

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She fumbled the ball hard during that hearing. The truth will eventually be reported...ya know, once the media is told to give the Regime and the Globalists an offramp.

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Exactly what I said the other day Kathleen - she is the angel of death.

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I am confused about one thing tho..the ADL has a list of protected ppl..1. Is Jews..

So White is only ppl not on list..but Jews are mostly white..except for some Semitic parts.. So if you are Jewish white your protected..but white(?) Euros are not?

Even Asians..Arabs..Illegals..Muslims..So the only race plus Natives(indigenous) not protected is white??

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Excellent point, and nicely showcases why they have been able to infiltrate by going crypto, and why they are so often expelled (a near complete absence of integrity).

Look, no one likes to say a certain group of humans is horrible, murderous, destructive and caustic to decent people; however, this group has been expelled 1030 times, by at least 109 nations (Guatemala and Yemen just joined this list).

They practice a culture of critique. No matter which nation they land in (they are rootless), they wind up co-opting and destroying harmony. By far, the worst infection any nation can have.

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As I've said repeatedly, PROSECUTION is an absolute REQUIREMENT in this scenario. They know this too which is why they keep doubling down.

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Well... It's not as if the Russians don't have a mountain of evidence.

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First place they went to get the evidence from the Biolabs in Ukraine. One can see the huge bonfire with Rosemont Seneca information and with whatever companies were set up for the Biden’s besides the labs‼️As if Putin does not have the receipts.

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Too bad they didn’t release it earlier in 2020? Did they have it then?

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Likely they were aware ever since the CIA-instigated coup in Ukraine in.. when was it? 2014? ... sounds about right...

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The only way to remedy this to the world is execute those involved

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Remeber kids, it’s okay to love your country but hate your government.

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US government are the baddies.

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The MIC and CDC and NIAD ect!!

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Henry Kissinger in a speech to the World Health Organization Council on EUGENICS, Feb 25, 2009:

'Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it's game over! They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - for the 'greater good'. We can genetically modify children and sterilise them - for the 'greater good'. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors. It's a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services. Now, what's for lunch?"

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Do you have a link? I saw that but can’t remember if saved! That Kissinger invented CCP China..

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We simply can not move forward until we acknowledge a 2% minority in our population held over 90% of the leadership roles in Psyop-19, dominated the media coverage of it, and is the most expelled group of people in human history. They dominate Trump's top donors, and comprise over 80% of the crooked Biden Admin. Created Communism, Feminism, usury, FIAT money and open borders.

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Anti Semitic would be a better name for you.

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Pam, I realize you've been brainwashed for many years, and, well, for some reason you enjoy subterfuge and unreasoned living. But you see, calling me a name, instead of dealing with the FACTS I have presented to you, doesn't actually much alter the fabric of reality. So, you go right on siding with Team LGBTQ+/Communist/Feminist/Pedophilia/Debt/War/Lies/Corruption/Christ Killing and of course, the Dancing Israelis. Seriously, you're perfect for them!

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stop supporting the bullshit stories that perpetrate the "you can't criticize the jews cuz, you know , auschwitz..." . Sure makes it easy for the jew criminals to ROB AND PILLAGE

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Do you know the only 2 groups of people not protected under ADL umbrella? Surprise..whites and natives?? But three quarters of Jews are white..maybe a quarter Semite’s?

That’s a fact not anti anything it’s reality. Also illegals are now protected under ADL? Pretty much says something..

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Well at least you didn’t call him a racist or a bigot. Whew!

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Pam, if you are indeed a Christian, or of European ancestry, you have to understand those people have hated you since time immemorial, or at least 70 AD. They practice extreme in-group preference, lack any sense of honor, and will lie as easily as you tell the truth.

So, feel free to call me anything you wish, I'm honored to renounce my thoughts, IF you can counter with facts. I'm a Man, and despite what these monsters have done to both genders, I deal in logic, fairness, and can be ruthless when wronged.

Hail Victory.

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Did anyone read the Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow? By Rosa Cory(I think)?

Why did UN use Rainbow? It is a Jewish sign of after flood gave Noah’s ppl the rainbow as covenant of no more floods? Why did UN adopt it??

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Interesting. Danke. I also note that the jew's in Russia's old Pale of Settlement had a rainbow flag. https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2013-10/enhanced/webdr02/15/22/enhanced-buzz-orig-10423-1381889249-8.jpg These people almost all settled in the USA from 1865 to 1930, and led every destructive, leftist movement in the USA.

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The only ones to completely profit off these germ wars are big pharma. It seems obvious that the same companies help each country to prepare for the other to attack it and protect themselves. They whisper in each countries ear promising massive profits to those that go along. But the big picture is profit for pharma no matter what. The answer is to get big pharma and their deadly drugs off our media as cigarettes are. When pharma pays media 75% of its income, pharma gets the panic porn it wants. It knows this brings more sickness which means more profits for them. They are the elite, Nazi evil! We have to stop fighting with each other and focus on the true problem.

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So basically. We’re going to war very soon. Disgusting behavior by our “betters”. No one I know condones this behavior, yet all American’s will be named as accomplices, due to our lack of resistance to our fake government. Very sad to hear this, yet not shocking at all.

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my translation, weak...so just a hunch, was that Putin had no clue of Orange Z's USA control of bio-labs or their mission, in that land of Trilateral IMF Orange under Z, an actor, in heels. Recall that DOD-Pharmas were not certain of a successful election digital hack so were DELAYING the WARP speed roll out until AFTER the rigged election. Putin had more time but had no clue, like the rest of us, what the DOD Milley in-a-dress was up to BUT most likely knew what we did, that the mRNAs were NOT vaccines. None of us knew about the damn bots or the 5g, 6g and 7g, and more, connections. DOD and Pharma nerds knew; I SUSPECT Collins knew, and suspect airheads Tony, Birx and Redfield had no clue with very slight suspicion that Redfield might have been tipped off due to his 180 dialogue of defense after he left

A question that I have is how many of the HHS zillion staff members knew about the Pharma bots. AND all Pharma admin must be rounded up with DOD accomplices for criminal investigation plus all rogue CIA, DOJ and FBI admin going down chains of command for arrests and interrogations. Then backtrack to pick up all those that attacked the early on professional medical individuals that were attacked for striking the alarm gong, like Mercola, Grundvig, Reiss, Mikovits. Druker, Huff, Humphries, Wakefield and a few others that fail to come to mind at the moment.

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Who is going to 'round them up'?

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Perfect..exactly right. You know..Russia did not use mRNA jabs but regular flu jabs! Also China given mRNA vax but did not use?? Used flu jabs.. Then Africa wouldn’t take any good job..So..it was Western countries that got the hit. Esp..US/Can/UK/Aust/NZ India not much used China flu jabs..

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Hate to burst that bubble, LOL, but BWF 'tests' on own population has taken place (as per declassified files) in both, US and Canada as far back as scientists had access to vials of harmful agents. Time to review Plum Island Lab 257 and tick-borne diseases to just name one. Gulf War.... Winnipeg.... San Francisco.... a few we know about.

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It is all true! The New(old) HREg (Holy Roman Empire..Germany) The EU..The old colonies are being cleansed of its citizens in Western countries..Can/US/Aust/NZ also UK/Ireland!

Interesting that China/Russia/India did not take mRNA jabs? Africa refused any jabs! S.America certain countries used. EU countries took mRNA..so the West being purged..the other big nations will increase. I guess not a lot of ppl studies the Deagal/com report put out in 2017 prediction world pop for 2025?? It’s very clear what has happened! All that money missing to MIC..where did it go???

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Thank you for that layout format..it’s easier to read than original! I saved it several places..I first saw it in early 2019 and kept reading it..I knew something was wrong..I tried to tell everyone I knew that it was not right. In 2020 when I saw the B videos from China I knew it was farce! No one would listen..or say but I want to travel! Ect.. What an Evil..diabolical plan..no wonder so many ppl got suicided!! Kept secret for 40 years or more!!

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So..when Georgia Guidestones said 500 million to keep..do they mean 500 mil Caucasians? What about the 1.7 bil China..1bil African..2 bil India & rest? They stay?

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Africa has been under eugenics bombardment for decades. A playground for Gates & Co sterilizing and BWF testing. Same with India, which apparently has a warrant out on him. Deagle numbers don't convey mass migration proportions (immigration component) in 2025 figures. With borders wide open, the toll on national population would be higher than shown? And possibly some shifting/mortality also in countries appearing stable due to westerners emigrating ?

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They forgot weaponized Lyme disease from plumb island.

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And morgellons. A cross domain bacteria, not natural.

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I’ve had two hard rounds of CFS in my life. Is that one of their gifts, too?

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yes, chems decades old, suppressed, but street level cover up was direct communication to deep subs, which is true at this point.

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Can you be more specific?

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What’s cfs?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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So sorry! All I know is my insurance dictated doctors don’t have answers and this illness and so many others are fairly new , historically.

It makes me so frustrated how much junk is allowed in our food.

And the glyphosate and other chemicals.

I used to wonder if I’d have been healthier if I lived in Europe. , they didn’t used to allow all the chemicals and additives.

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Well..unfortunately even tho EU/UK had better standards for foods ect that’s is being bypassed now by new laws. Food Mftg does not have to list ingredients now as per King Charlie! Also..poor Europe over jabbed now and high excess mortality! The whole West suffers now! Hosea 4:6 if you read Bible..

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When I spent two months in Ireland in the early 90s, I remember how the milk, butter and bread tasted so good.

I’d never experienced that kind of quality here back home. You can taste the difference.

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Fed Whistleblowers report they are planning NEW LOCKDOWNS beginning mid September-incremental progression to FULL LOCKDOWNS!!!


They need to STEAL 2024-

Don’t fall for this again!!! WE CANNOT COMPLY OUR




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If you read the Bible read Revelation: 2:10..this is the beginning of sorrows.

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It’s truly sad that I trust Russia more than our current government/Deep State.

If all of this is true then everyone involved deserves to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, unfortunately the evil Deep State which I believe is controlled by the WEF also is in control of America’s “Injustice System”.

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You are right. They are the only credible force in all this! Obiden/Ovomit installed the Nazi Ukrainian government while he was in office. The Nazi’ are the ones killing the people of Ukraine. The biolabs, everthing being hidden there has all been planned. Too many congressional leaders looked the other way. No doubt about it. Our illegal federal government who stole the 2020 election are the criminals here. They have violated our constitution over and over, stolen billions from taxpayers for a fake war and have intentionally reduce our military to nothing but a bunch of woke morons. What a great plan to destroy America from within. And yet, only a handful in Congress are calling out the fraud and intentional destruction of our country. If any one is guilty of crimes against humanity, its the illegal Obiden Adminstration with Ovomit at the helm.

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Sadly I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said.

And the Deep State is in league with the WEF = real Nazis, who are orchestrating everything & in control of our military & running our Deep State to destroy the USA & our Constitution so they can takeover & create their NWO Marxist Regime.

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The fact that the illegal Obiden/Obama Administration has bragged of all the attacks against Russia and anyone aligning with them, like the Nordstream pipeline etc., and the continual military equipment, and funding nonstop shows we are more than an ally, but the aggressor. Zelensky is nothing but a pawn in this manipulation scheme and is basking in the billions of our tax dollars he’s pocketing and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ovomit/Obiden has pocketed millions in offshore accounts. Just like when Obama gave Iran billions and cash to boot. You know all those mansions he has now when he didn’t have the money before becoming President are coming from illicitly gotten funds. The fact we have this massive coverup by the dems/fake news media with Hunter/and Pedo Joe and now they exposed that the fake name they were using was referring to Pedo Joe’s involvement is disgusting. The special counsel was only appointed to stop the truth from getting out.

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Yes..it is that’s true. Canada owned since 2016 when WEF put in their best YGL’s out of Davos school..the PM & DPM.. it is all totally controlled..poor Cnds!

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