Niger told the US to fuck off and invited the Russians in because they believed - I can't imagine why - that the US was just there to sponge up the mineral resources while doing fuck all to stop islamic terrorist. They invited the Russians in because they know the Russians don't fuck around with islamic terrorists.

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Russians do not fuck around with islamic terrorists and that is true

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The answer isn't to be the world police. We need to go back to Isolationism and protectionism so women in the US and the first world can stop leaving in fear.

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agreed but we need to have some ears and eyes around....I dont mean hegemony

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That would be the end result. The American Empire needs to be dismantled entirely for the American people to have freedom and prosperity. If we had a country of small communities that knew how to protect themselves and cared to do so these geopolitical issues would be irrelevant. We're not the world police. We cannot fix these problems and trying has only made things infinitely worse.

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Why do we need to occupy other countries?

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we dont

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To rip them off for the oil, diamonds and child sex trafficking opportunities of course. Oh sorry, I meant to say: to spread democracy.

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very nice post

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Our “counterterrorism” efforts worked so well in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Where has the US had a clear military success in the last 60 years? Uhh, let me check…. Couldn’t find any.

Our “military bases” and “counterterrorism” are little more than cash cows for the military industrial complex. They achieve nothing for the everyday Americans who pay — and whose children and grandchildren will have to continue to pay — for past follies, never mind any future failed military adventures.

No more “safeguarding democracy” for cavemen and goat herders for whom “democracy” is far, far beyond their capacity. Let’s get our own “democracy” in order first. Defend our borders. Eject the criminals from Main Street, Wall Street, and the various capitols and town halls around the nation before worrying what cavemen halfway around the world are doing.

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yes, our borders first...our people...our women

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Such a dumb liberal question. Maybe man isn't around to hear it fall, but the animals might be. Nevertheless, it still makes a sound. If your morning alarm goes off and you are not there to hear it, does it still make a sound?

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I am as liberal as chicken having teeth

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Great article except for " I do not speak of moderate law-abiding peaceful practitioners of Islam." The are only two kinds on Muslims: faithful ones and apostates. When the apostates start reading the Koran and doing what it teaches they become faithful. Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. Surrender and join the collective on your knees worshiping Allah... or have your head chopped off. Islam is the greatest threat to freedom the world has ever seen.

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I completely agree with you on this as well: "I am a populist, nativist etc. but I do understand that while we secure and deal with our nation first, our borders, our peoples, we also must have strategic partnerships to ensure we mitigate risk overseas before it touches the mainland, homeland."

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I like this post

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RemovedJul 15
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It makes sense, but it's also open to debate.

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The avengalists spreading the word giving food many times go to warlords getting fat and happy. We cannot be the world police force stinking nose in places shouldn't be at and wonder why when told get out. Look at the rhetoric from people in power sounds like toilet water no wonder not liked by many places try to dictate to others them Gates giving vaccines under the premise it prevents something and injure the people and wonder why they have been run out of countries. Take care of your own country and stay out of other country conflict or war. A hard stop no more money for the Ukraine

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" Obama and Biden and Kamala Harris and Mayorkas have across their respective administrations, flooded America with 6th century medieval barbaric animals, who mentally live in the 6th century yet we brought them to the 21st. The result is and will be rape, gang rapes, murders, stabbings, bombings etc. Bataclan France (2015) style terror attacks are on their way in USA due to what Biden et al. have done at the Southern border with the 20 million largely unvetted illegals."


I attended church yesterday and as usual sat in the upper section where all the young mothers seat themselves with their children, and babies. I do this for a good reason and the reason has to do with women and their children.

Years ago I was present at the births of each of my four children and the first birth included a discovery I had not realized until into my twenties. I have seen the majesty of the Colorado Rockies, the Smoky Mountain range, the azure blue water of the Pacific Ocean along the Pacific Coast highway, and did not miss the surfer girls therein who I believe are the most beautiful gals in the world.

I travelled and have seen lots but my favorite place is the USA. At the birth of my first son, I was at ease and discovered what was and is the most beautiful site in the world. No it was not the pretty nurses though they are a unique and cherished group I adore.

The magic moment came then when he was delivered and I watched closely as the doctor laid him on his mothers breast and by accident I saw in its splendor the look of abject affection on the face of his mother as she looked on him for the first time since he was conceived. After nine long months there he was, the object of a look of affection I can only describe as the most beautiful sight I ever saw. I will describe it as akin to the purest form of love God has for children.

I repeated on three further occasions with each child we had/have.

I believe the purest form of love is a mother's love and I am addicted to the sight. It simultaneously warms and melts me every time I see it in those young mothers Sunday after Sunday when they gaze at their newborn babies, or watch over their rambunctious pre schoolers. No other sight under God's heaven is so pure, warm, and overflowing with a silent affection that beggars description. I even conveyed that to my minister. And the husbands of these young mothers.

Now the bad news above the line. Dr. P has it right. Will the family of three cute little blond girls be victims of what Dr. P warns? All western nations overflow now with ingrates, criminals, gang members and enemies of all that is good. What in bloody hell possesses the damned fake leaders who expose even little girls and women to such dangerous human trash by their insane policies?

We are lied to by western fake leaders who push the old "DIEverSHITty is our strength when in fact that is a damned lie. DIEverSHITty is a weakness, a danger, and specifically by way of the moslem goal to world conquest as is happening in small places but growing in western nations who have let the viper into the house. What do these fake leaders think it means when in the Koran is the order, "Murder the infidel wherever you find him?" I will not dwell on the same book that classifies any woman non moslem to be raped, and even enslaved.

I submit all these treasonous bastards need to be tried and executed for treason and genocide,

I believe there is a connection between the moslem religion and the Old Testament wherein God used a "strange and foreign" people to punish and judge HIs people time after time. Are western nations any better with their damned aborticide, sexual perversions, child butchering by way of trannie insanity.

Western nations have become apostate and with many sins God hates. Do not think these will not effect big changes in western nations. Abortion and homosexuality in western nations and specifically Canuckistan were legalized in 1969 and have changed the demographics to an extent that I find injurious to the nation. Why does everyone stick their heads in the sand to the reality that homogenous white people are killing their babies by aborticide, and the elderly and infirm by MAID. Meanwhile dorkas turdo imports millions of foreign peoples. Is anyone not stupid enough to see the future? Moslem western nations are the future and no rights and even persecution for any other religion. This is the judgment of God seen ahead out of common sense.

I doubt if your children even will be pleased what the fake leaders of western nations have done, damn them anyway though it is not my right to do so.

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Not just Canada. Not just USA. Not just Britain, but almost every western nation on the face of this planet. Same modus operandi. It is a WORLD WIDE PROBLEM WITH THE SAME ENEMIES WITHIN AND WITHOUT.

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Leftist fools defend Islam by saying it is just a religion and other religions can be and are violent. The same fools have persuaded other fools in western nations that Islam is acceptable and moving on that lie have imported violent muslims by the millions.

One would have hoped that these f*cked in the head bastards of bigotry would have noted that God Himself judges not by words but by actions and the history of Islam is one of rape, torture, murder, beheading etc but fools rush in where there is a need for deception.

There have been thousands of moslem terrorist attacks in many nations and accompanying murders of any who are infidels. (anyone not a moslem) Genghis Khan was and is noted for the millions of innocent people he murdered because they were not moslems.

There are religious justifications in Islam for violence, bigotry, and hatred of all other religions. This has historically ALWAYS resulted in mass rape, mass murders, mass enslavement and total loss of any human rights Sovereignly given.

Importation of these anti God people results in the first move to push their religion in mosques, schools, and anywhere it can gain support. The actual violence and hatred are not fronted but simmer below the surface to be loosed at the right time.

There has never been nor will ever be any tolerance for those who believe in the One true God, His Son and the Holy Spirit nor for that matter any other religion but Islam.

Any act of importing moslems is a danger to Freedom, Justice and tolerance. You never read or hear of any other religion in moslem nations having freedom to proclaim their beliefs and in fact, differing religions are persecuted and adherents slain for existing.

Islam is the religion of hell, and it will never be anything any different.

Turdo, the LPC, NDP and any party voting for and enabling moslems to set foot in Canuckistan are guilty of complicity in the coming scenario.

You will have noted that terrorist attacks have all but ceased. Why? Because imams see the victory of Islam over nation after nation is occurring by demographics of far higher birth rate of moslems over the populations of all western nations and it is only a matter of time until they gain a majority. It is then that the persecution, murders, enslavement etc will occur.

What fools be cracker leftists. The writing is on the wall already. The homosexuals, will be the first to walk the road of persecution as they suffer already in majority moslem nations.

Trudope and his ASSministration as well as others who have betrayed their nations and people will be responsible and the blood of millions will be on their heads.

I believe God will use Islam as an instrument of punishment of many nations who have embraced abominations and fallen by the wayside. It is written in scriptures and while I am not a scholar, I can read.

I may be wrong but I may be right. With the same modus operandi as if on cue, moslems are being imported into western nations by the millions.

Once they have the numbers that will be the end of Freedom and Justice worldwide.

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