The truckers demonstrated more courage and critical thinking than all of the radical posturing academics, legal scholars, political activists combined, who supposedly were all about 'speaking truth to power' but in the end were acting as enforcers for the pharmaceutical mafia via the mandates. I never want to hear any of them ever talk about civil liberties, democracy, human rights again, because they obviously don't believe in any of it at a fundamental level. In the end, their allegiance wasn't to those ideals, but to their own social climbing as an elite class away from the resistant pro-medical freedom people. They were happy to watch a PHARMA-COUP in action and aid and abet in its expansion. Don't ever talk to me about democracy when you were selling pharma-fascism.

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Well stated! Never a truer word spoken!

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I have a T shirt I wear that says NOT WOKE. Gets lots of attention👍

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Nuremberg trials 2. Execution. Crimes against humanity. Insider says JT drank the cook aide. Clone double. It will all be televised

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Say what???

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Absofukinglutely! Been fighting these evil doers for the last 2+ years in NY! They will not budge, are deep in the psyop and programming of the “$cience” and it pains me to look at them let alone have to deal with them everywhere I go 🥵

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Agree 100% with you Dr. Alexander. You are an amazing warrior! Keep up the good work. You and me wondering when are they going to stop these evil corrupted people and governments? Who is going to go get them and take them where they belong and hold them accountable?

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Who? Not the so called justice system, in reality an injustice system. The system is complicit. Many of the judges ruled for the jabbers and against the people. I have no doubt many have been enriched by Pharma. I see little difference between them and Roland Freisler, Chief Justice, or President, of Hitler's People's Court. He escaped Nuremberg because his justice was delivered from above, when allied warp lanes reduced his court to rubble, with him inside, three months before Soviet troops entered Berlin and ended the second world war. The evil corrupted people and government officials will not be taken to where they belong and held accountable. They'll live out their days on the beaches of a tropical paradise in some non-extradition country, sipping pina coladas, surrounded by harems of buxom beauties.

That's how justice works.

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I recently had a heated argument with my dad, who used to work with Robert Malone, and was Vice President of Inovio. I honestly think that my dad, who has a PhD, and should have known better in my opinion, got tricked into thinking that Pfizer and friends were doing honest science relating to their COVID vaccines. I finally got my dad to acknowledge that the Pfizer trial, which claimed that their vaccine was 95% effective at stopping infection, was likely fraudulently manipulated. But, it wasn't easy to convince him of this, and he seemed to keep clinging to the possibility that it was really 95% effective at the time, but that the new variants made it lose efficacy.

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Yes! Time to be confident, firm and clear with our message. We stand

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Hang them each by the neck until dead. I'll assist myself!

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why are you baiting me?

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now that's only a genuine coincidence, as i feel that my intended prescribed nemesis fits the crime adequately. love your work, as most people i know, or thought i knew, through 2020-23 turned out to be cowards complicit by pompous silent ignorance along with much of society; fluoridated flatbrain flyswallowers unable to gather a collective truth of any kind outside of their narrow perspective of indoctrination they call 'education'.

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Most people are sheep and have a herd like mentality. The larger the crowd and majority, the safer they feel. Listen to any of mind control and self sabotage expert, Jason Christoffs podcasts as he speaks to this and has opened my eyes 👀!

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In a perfect world, every one of these sockcuckers would be put up against a wall and would receive swift and summary justice facilitated by the second amendment. About two dozen rounds for each would be sufficient. Or alternatively, taken to a lamppost and dealt with like Mussolini was. Any jurists who ruled for the jabs should be dealt with too. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect or fair world and so there can be no justice and we must instead leave them to be dealt with by the just arse system.

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Mussolini was a hero, and abolished the Mafia for 19 years in Southern Italy. The farmers there revered him. He also, for a time, kept Italy out of the hands of the damn communists ruining the West currently. History has been written by corrupt "anti-Fascists." How do you like living under their yoke?

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I was simply saying that in a perfect world the lamppost that was used on Mussolini would be used on the jab pushers. It would be a good method for them. As regards Mussolini, my take on what happened is similar to Trump's take on Songbird McStain, when he said "He's a hero because he surrendered. I prefer people who don't surrender" or words to that effect. I prefer people who aren't captured by Communist partisans. As a child growing up, I had to listen to my father ranting about how soft and weak Hitler was and how he didn't go far enough. I loved my father and still do, even though he's dead. He hated Jews with a passion. I don't. I am from a long line of antisemites but I'm not one myself. One of my extended family members was Hitler's favorite composer. My ancestors on my mother's side were from Silesia, formerly Prussia, today under the Polish yoke. Hitler tried to reunite Silesia with the fatherland and didn't succeed. Ultimately, I'm not interested in the soft and the weak, or losers. Mussolini proved himself too weak, and was a loser, like the German people. As Hitler herself said of the German people after issuing her Nero decree and before she suicided In advance of the victorious Soviet Red Army's entrance into Berlin and Stalin's souveniring of her skull, which he kept on his desk as an ashtray for his cigars, and which later genetically tested XX, proving that Hitler was a biological female, in a same sex relationship with Eva Braun: "I cannot concern myself with the primitive survival needs of the German people. They have proved themselves too weak and it is a law of nature that they will be exterminated." Mussolini and Hitler were losers, the epitome of weakness and failure. They lost. Today America is Communist, pushing ideals of child transgenderism, same sex marriage and pedophilia.

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I do not HATE the jews, it is far more atavistic. I fear they may succeed in the complete ablation of the white race, which is their Amalek Imperative.

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Fighting Leftists and losing, is far more noble than parroting their idiot struggle session on 70+ genders. "Antisemitism" in 2023, is white survival. Hitler was far too nice for me, and Mussolini had a tougher task uniting Italy, a young nation with many fiefdoms. Still, they were both MEN, identified the enemy properly.

And, i would prefer to see the Pandemic Cabal's heads mounted on Tower Bridge, after they watch the City of London, The Vatican, and DC rendered to ashes.

Hail Victory.

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It's good to know you are not pro-jab and don't want to mollycoddle the jab pushers. Interesting you say that Hitler was too nice for you. Savitri Devi, who is buried next to George Lincoln Rockwell, believed that Hitler, was Kalki, avatar of Vishnu (God Incarnate) and had come to end the Kali Yuga, but was too much sun and not enough lightning, a problem that would be rectified in the next incarnation. She wrote about it in her book, "The Sun and the Lightning." Savitri, who fell in love with Hitler in her youth, had a couple of PhDs and was a smart woman, even if she did die lonely in her old age, surrounded by cats.

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Danke for the refresher on Savitri, a few years back I did delve in to her book, found it a smidge too esoteric for my taste. She was ahead of her time, 45% of single women over 22 today will also die lonely, although they may be forced to eat their cats if (((feminism))) and Judaism continue unabated.

The fact that only 178,000 camp denizens perished (typhus and starvation as supply lines collapsed in late '44 to war's end) is lamentable. Even jewish encyclopedias show their population remained stable from 1935-1945. I would have preferred there really was systematic extinction plan, much as the Kalergi Plan and Protocols laid out for my people. I also would not have provided pools and pianos. But, to be fair, I am a black pilled, very angry white Aryan, who attempted appeasement and tolerance, and will take that error to my grave, with no self-forgiveness.

We are well met my Awake brother, albeit, there remains some light in you. I'm a Manichean, that painted myself dark so I could wade in their muck, and fight the low fight. Hail Victory.

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I tolerate people across the political spectrum, except for RINOs. When I was a teenager, I lived, for some weeks every year, in a very small town. In that small town lived a teenage alcoholic, with very long hair and a beard, who was a follower of Jerry Rubin, a long deceased leader of the "yippies" (urban hippies). On weekends, I would travel with him to a larger small town where we would go to hotels and sometimes sit in parks with others and drink flagons (very large wine bottles) of cheap red wine. The yippies was repeatedly being rushed to hospital to have his stomach pumped. One day, I was sitting in a hotel with one of the group, a blonde haired, very weedish, blue eyed young man of Lebanese descent, about 5 years older, suddenly announced that he wanted to kill a prominent Communist union leader and "every last communist." He was a PhD student in the state capital, home for vacation. I was shocked. Some one then said that he was a Nazi. Later, sitting in the town square with them, I said to him, "If you are a Nazi, that must mean you are a racist." He replied "Of course I am a racist, Mao Tse Tung was a racist, everyone is a racist." I was half drunk and did not believe him. Later, we all went back to his place. There, on the wall, I saw a newspaper clipping of him in full Nazi uniform. The article was about his conviction and sentence to probation for an attack on a Maoist bookstore in the capital of our state and noted that he had been booted out of the Nazi Party. He had thrown a knife at the leader, or vice versa, I can't remember. I was filled with revulsion. I nearly vomited. Although my father, despite his rants that Hitler was too weak, loved Hitler, he loved all dictators. He loved Stalin too. There was never a dictator he did not admire. He had been a lawyer but hated lawyers. He advocated for them all to be shot. He said lawyers were unmanly, and parasites, and although his IQ was off the scale, far higher than mine, he went to work in primary industry, in the remote woods, preferring to work with his hands. Thus, I rarely saw him. My mom had died when I was very young. I was sent to live with relatives and to boarding schools. I said to my drinking companions, how can you accept this man, the Lebanese, when he is a Nazi. They said, "we don't care about his politics." Later, I went to the state capital, to do my first degree. He and his friends gatecrashed my 21st birthday party. He had founded the local "Fascist and Reactionary League." I would catch a train, past graffiti proclaiming Fight for fascist revolution." I suspected him. We lost contact. I'm glad we did. He went to prison for conspiring to kill. Nelson Mandela. I read later also in the newspapers that the secret police had been bugging the HQ of whatever group he was leading, and had detected one of the group murdering another, who they suspected was an informer. I have Jewish friends. One is of Sephardic background and boasts that his great uncle was in the SS. He hates the Ashkenazi, or "Kazarians" as he calls them. I don't. The Ashkenazi of New York and London have the highest recorded IQs on the planet and are disproportionately overrepresented among Nobel prize winners. I like that, although I also like kind, decent people of low IQ. I have met kind, decent Ashkenazi as well as kind, decent Sephardic. Many of the Sephardic I have met love Hitler. I don't. My father went into fits of rage if anyone used what he called "the L word" (love). As he died, cognitively non-response, I held his hand and told him I loved him. He was an atheist who converted to Christianity after he got dementia. His eyes would light up with joy describing how "Moses put thousands of the bastards to the sword." I am not a Nazi, but my father was, despite his admiration for Stalin, which was also shared by Hitler. But I accept all people, of different races and political beliefs, except for RINOs. I despise RINOs, and jab pushers. All the best anti-Communist. Keep fighting the gene injection jabtards!

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Each time I watch this clip, I get up and clap >> it's the final moments before execution of two psychopaths who plundered Romania's coffers and caused misery and suffering - the people had enough. Notice how one of the psychopaths breaks down and plays the victim once it realizes it has no more power - it's priceless "clap clap clap" >> https://rumble.com/v14a6vb-romania-watch-what-happened-when-people-had-enough-of-dictatorship.html

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Death to tyrants, especially Communists! But, as good as this felt, Romanians know the REAL enemy, the funding for Ceausescu et al, lives in Rothschild Castles.

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No Western nation will ever be free again, unless we hang up our keyboards, and hoist our weapons. Their agenda has accelerated orders of magnitude from the halcyon days of Obama the non-US citizen, communist was placed in to power by The Hidden Hand. Our nation, is dropping IQ points daily, has open borders, racial strife (against whites), mountains of debt and a drooling Pres who fucked in the head he might be, is still 40 IQ points better than his melanin rich, piece of crap VP.

I respect the truckers, the yellow vests in France, the men of Poland, Hungary and Denmark, who resist the cuckolding of Sweden and Canada. White men should be rioting.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Forgiveness is not an option. Trust is not an option. Not knowing is not an excuse. The fools will forgive and accept their remorseless apologies and then bend over to take the next fake pandemic in the you-know-where and love every freaking day of it.

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They were just following orders.

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May they burn in Hell. I will pray for their conversions before they hang.

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