“The reward of tolerating the degenerate is your and your progeny's torturous death.”

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I can tell you that 90% of the guys in that photo were raped by men, themselves probably before the age of 15. They cannot touch women before marriage, so they treat young boys like their future wives. They beat them and rape them if they are not given permission to have sex with them.

I can understand "self-defense", however, if you ask any woman that has had an abortion, she will tell you she never forgets. It leaves an indelible impression on a human being when they take the life of another. It seems that's an even heavier burden for an innocent young girl or boy to carry for the rest of their lives and the relationship between the slayer and the slain doesn't end in death, it only just begins.

A very high percentage of police, sheriffs and judges are Freemasons and/or Shriners doing the same things, ritualistically, behind very safe, very secret closed doors. They are not going to prosecute these crimes because they are not going to prosecute themselves.

The Khazarians and Rome have been very effective in "making monsters" by the things they wrote and revised in all of the religious books and written in such a way that to question it is somehow 'spiritual/religious libel'.

I don't know the answer, but it is not appropriate to promote murder for any of us under any circumstances and it practically begs for the murder of innocents along the way. I can say that I know some God-fearing, noble men that could be easily mistaken for several of these men in the photograph. Just as the latest photograph of the so-called "terrorist leader" in Iran was the exact same photo used to describe Hussein as he was supposedly pulled out of an underground bunker the first time they said they caught him. I know because I was personally shown that photograph and several others with the servicemen that took him out. They are recycling photographs and perhaps creating highly reactive "stories" and it's working.

We need to promote civility and self-control rather than murder. To murder in self-defense needs to be a very personal decision and it needs to be understood that when it happens it never goes away, and it begs a change in a person's psyche that needs consistent attention for the rest of their lives.

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hhhmmm, some very interesting information indeed

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I agree with you. Culturally it is ok to rape boys in that culture. Incest is also not frowd up there, so many low-IQ soldiers.

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No murder in self defence. Its SELF DEFENSE. INNOCENT. Accidental death is manslaughter.

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I'm not sure what you are trying to say, here. To be honest, I cannot tell you what I would do if someone were trying to kill me. I'm guessing that I would fight back with as close to equal force as I could. I fail to believe that my life has less value than a person trying to kill me as there are no circumstances that I would deserve to be murdered as I don't inflict intentional pain or harm on others. Adrenaline is a powerful thing which is exactly WHY 'they' torture a child to the point of extreme adrenaline before they extract that adrenaline from their little, innocent bodies and they do it because it is a multi-billion-dollar business used to get high and to maintain longevity.

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I disagree. Attacking children this way or being attacked, one could sleep at night protecting oneself and others by taking care of them. This is real life, not philosophical musings he’s talking about. We are part of the same law here as all living creatures, to naturally attempt to stay alive and thrive, the applies to protecting our children and all children God expects, Consciousness expects no less or you’re suicidal. These are anti life beings. We promote Life.

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I'm not into worrying about the dog that might move in down the street and bite me. Teaching children to want to kill is no different than what they are doing in Africa, training children to be "freedom fighters".

Our children are our legacy and that means a balanced approach to what we are feeding their minds. If the moment of truth comes then our children will have the confidence to act with courage, knowing that they will have to deal with the ultimate consequences of their actions just the same as a common criminal. In fact, it might be your children protecting YOU. That is what will keep them sane.

There is also that 'little law' about creating your own reality. I am not busy creating that reality for myself or any children, nor am I stuck in "philosophical musings". It is no less a sin to make snap judgements, sweeping assumptions or vilifying innocent people based upon one's own ignorant fears and notions. Aren't we told that we are ALL God's children. I'm here for the INNOCENT of any age, size, race, color or religion. It's a proven fact that white people are afraid of melanin. The vibration is different, and we are afraid of what we are unwilling to explore in ourselves. It's true, melanated people have a very different vibration than the unmelanated people and instead of seeking to understand, more seek to destroy. This is WRONG and it gives rise to the very thing we are most afraid of.

I was on a beach in Sri Lanka years ago, an expectant mother and I brought candy for the kids...bon bons, along with pencils, crayons, coloring books and small toys, an entire trunk full. That's all I had to say was bon bons. I was surrounded by more than 100 little brown kids within 5 minutes and YES, I was quite literally scared. I don't know where they came from as they weren't there when I got there. At the center of a sea of precious, innocent, little brown kids and I was, indeed, frightened. There was an incredible lesson that came out of that momentary fear for me. Those children were some of the most precious people I had ever become acquainted, with their dirty faces, bare feet and desire for something different than what they were used to.

I have spent years in circles of people whose children were stolen from them. I'm no stranger to the preciousness of children and the responsibility we have for them. This is not a black and white issue.

As well, there have been powerful advocates and allies for wild animals that were attacked and killed by the very animals they were trying to protect. Life if full of irony and we are made to be extremely powerful creatures. Seeking to be proven "right" and self-fulfilling prophecy aren't my bag. I know better and there's no going back for me.

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I can relate to your perspective. I am repulsed by so many things going on today and 35 years coming. The USA is upside down catering to very small groups of trouble makers. #EndAPECnow #DefundTyranny #FreedomIsNotFree

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In order for Justice to be served there has to be a form of reparation. Depending on the crime/sin this reparation can come in many forms. For the crime noted, the death penalty is within the realm of possibility. The execution of such a sentence must be done via legal authorities (who represent the community) not the Mob. With regards to "thou shall not kill crowd"... true, but there is a caveat in which even the death penalty is acceptable (the discussion of which goes beyond this post). Pax

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The “legal authorities” abdicated their duties many years ago.

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they did...but we have to bring them to heel and get them to do their jobs...

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Depends where you live. That said, then such people must be removed and the people regain control over their lives. Not via a mob but via a recognize (or agreed to) legal system. Pax

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I agree fully.

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We have/had that. They broke it which is a breach of trust.

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If Trump is in, we will see a repaired legal system. One that can operate swiftly and exactly, like a skilled surgeon. They have identified all the criminal targets, and have categories of punishment. Gitmo and another prison for incarceration.

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Prison is no deterrent. True story here. Years ago a panel of FITH parole officers released a sex offender to a halfway house. He abducted a 3 year old girl, took her to the halfway house and raped her then strangled her. An APB drew an officer to investigate this criminal to his room at the halfway house and he forced his way into the room and looked under the bed, noting a puddle of blood. He found the child between the mattress and the box spring.

It was decades before the inmates in the same prison discovered what his crime was and he was shanked to death. All those years and the irony was damned fool bleeding hearts released him and he murdered a little girl. The ones who released him are complicit in murder and he needed to be executed.

I know her father and he called me a few years ago to tell me the good news the pedo had been murdered in prison decades after murdering the little girl.

WTF is wrong here? Damned FITH leftist rapist coddlers appointed by political hack politicians were complicit and needed to be executed.

LIEberals are criminal coddlers. FITH.

As it is written, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

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Yes Old Testament is the cure for such evil.

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There can never be justice and security unless and until the punishment fits the crime. The damned CYSTem has become a bunch of bottom feeding leeches overpaid but worse, infected with the poison of leftist FITH insanity. They impose their BS on the rest of us aided and abetted by apostate religionists, crooked and corrupt police, political lying hacks, and confused woke brain washing educators which BTW is a violation of church and state separation because their belief CYSTem of dialectic secular humanism is recognized as a religion. These hypocrites demand no Christian principles in the schools but preach the insanity of their wokist wankerism. Hypocrites, liars, criminals one and all. And the courts are identical.

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Just a normal day in London


They won’t reveal details.

Seems there’s a movement to go to Poland. A strong Christian country, mosque free, I think.

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There goes their tax base.

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Indeed. There’s quite a few mumbling about people no longer feeling safe in London.

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Ironically, none of those ugly motherf*ckers in those mugshots have any "need" to rape anyone. They are the epitome of what excites young women. They would prefer these brutes to American men.

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Woke idiot women want woke stupid things.

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The biblical answer to pedophiles: roll out the millstones

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I hope no one lets them out early. If it was US, it might be different. Vigilante justice, as horrible as it is, is all thsts left when cops, prosecutors and judges turn their backs

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Ideological possession is a danger to us.

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yes...with some punishment.

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