“Thou shalt not kill.” Agreed. It is not right or just to kill Israeli or Palestinian babies. Life is sacred. Look what happened to so many people all around the world when it was decreed that it was in the interests of the ‘greater good’ to coerce or mandate an experimental gene injection. This ‘vaccine’ has killed many people and injur…
“Thou shalt not kill.” Agreed. It is not right or just to kill Israeli or Palestinian babies. Life is sacred. Look what happened to so many people all around the world when it was decreed that it was in the interests of the ‘greater good’ to coerce or mandate an experimental gene injection. This ‘vaccine’ has killed many people and injured many more, all with the supposed benefit of the wider population. Individuals, (millions of individuals) have been sacrificed to a dubious and dishonest propaganda of ‘the greater good.’ Whatever happened to the sacredness of each and every person? It is never moral to mutilate a young girl or woman to express power and superiority, or to kill a child because that child ‘may’ become a terrorist. They may not become a terrorist, but rather, a shining example of love and forgiveness. Who are we to judge? The baby or child is innocent. Leave them alone.
“Thou shalt not kill.” Agreed. It is not right or just to kill Israeli or Palestinian babies. Life is sacred. Look what happened to so many people all around the world when it was decreed that it was in the interests of the ‘greater good’ to coerce or mandate an experimental gene injection. This ‘vaccine’ has killed many people and injured many more, all with the supposed benefit of the wider population. Individuals, (millions of individuals) have been sacrificed to a dubious and dishonest propaganda of ‘the greater good.’ Whatever happened to the sacredness of each and every person? It is never moral to mutilate a young girl or woman to express power and superiority, or to kill a child because that child ‘may’ become a terrorist. They may not become a terrorist, but rather, a shining example of love and forgiveness. Who are we to judge? The baby or child is innocent. Leave them alone.