I am sorry if you don't believe that Israel is doing the right thing Helena. Actually, neither do I. You are correct in what you have said and I should apologize. I actually agree with you. You sound like a decent person. I was being sarcastic, or ironic in my comments. My reason was that I wanted to show how ridiculous the arguments are that are cited by some of the defenders of the barbarism. Being a decent, compassionate person, you would probably also condemn Jeffrey Epstein who was revealed as a Mossad agent after his death. So do I. If the chance arises, you may want to post in response to "Freedom Lover" who posts on this stack and not only defends the horrific civilian death toll from Israel's actions but also defends Mossad agent and pedophile Epstein. It is truly disgusting.
I am catholic- I don’t want to read that crap 💩 about chosen nation Jews - is lies. You are barbaric murderers
I am sorry if you don't believe that Israel is doing the right thing Helena. Actually, neither do I. You are correct in what you have said and I should apologize. I actually agree with you. You sound like a decent person. I was being sarcastic, or ironic in my comments. My reason was that I wanted to show how ridiculous the arguments are that are cited by some of the defenders of the barbarism. Being a decent, compassionate person, you would probably also condemn Jeffrey Epstein who was revealed as a Mossad agent after his death. So do I. If the chance arises, you may want to post in response to "Freedom Lover" who posts on this stack and not only defends the horrific civilian death toll from Israel's actions but also defends Mossad agent and pedophile Epstein. It is truly disgusting.