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This is a much more reasonable comment. Maybe we can have a legitimate conversation here based on this post.

Have you investigated why Teddy Katz's work was the subject of a defamation lawsuit, the outcome of that lawsuit. Have you seen and vetted the entirety of the material he collected?

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I caught up with a Sephardic friend recently who is also, superficially, Christian Othodox. He detests Ashkenazim, whereas I don't. I may see him again soon and will ask him if he knows anything about Teddy Katz. When I saw him recently he observed that more and more people are renouncing Christianity and turning to Judaism. I will be interested to find out about that.

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I'm aware that Teddy Katz's work reportedly came under attack and that his reputation was ruined, much like what happened to the women who accused Bill Clinton of rape, but am also aware that approximately140 hours of his audio testimonies remain. I'm also aware that arcaelogists appear to have found the mass graves in which Israelis allegedly buriedcl the massacre victims. No, I haven't vetted the entirety of the material Katz collected but I look forward to doing do

By tbe way, I can't see how the comment you responded to before I responded here was a much more reasonable comment than the one below. The comments are much alike:

"You probably already knew this but, by Israeli war vets' own admissions, such as the admissions of the Israeli vets in this video, Israelis have been raping young Palestinian girls and murdering Palestinian civilians since at least as far back as 1948. It appears they get pleasure just from even recalling the rapes of those young Palestinian girls. Hamas deny that Hamas committed rapes. In contrast, these Israelis admit that Israelis raped young Palestinian girls and murdered civilians. I haven't heard feminists speaking about these rapes either. It may comfort you to keep in mind that Israelis did these things but feminists also have not comnented about that.

Grinning Israeli War Vets Admit To Raping & Murdering Palestinians 



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Do us both a favor and quit reposting over and over this fabricated POS Jimmy Dore hacked video. Do better than this. Wait until you have vetted the rest of the videos and then we will talk. I am open to new info, but give me credit for some capacity for critical thought, and dont send me any second hand opinion pieces from any of the YouTube propagandists like him.

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I hadn't reposted it in weeks until I replied to you. I didn't know where it originated from. Jimmy Dore made legitimate, although deeply disturbing, observations and posed legitimat, although deeply disturbing, observations. However, it appears to have originated from the work of Teddy Katz, which I"m looking into. He alleged a cover up, and now archaeological evidence apparently backs him. It appears he is someone of great integrity, a truly decent human being. It appears that he has, at great personal cost, exposed sickening, vile and deeply immoral depravity reminiscent of the Nazis. It appears that he was hit with Robert Malone style defamation suit in an attempt to silence him.

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It was what it was. God knows exactly what happened, then as now. The UNREPENTANT, unregenerated human heart of WHATEVER ethnicity is frequently a habitual practitioner of great evil. No group of people is the sole repository of this.

An individual needs the grace to look into the condition of his or her own heart. We need to quit strawmanning to try to escape our guilt. We will all stand before God the Creator and Sustainer sooner or later and will be answerable for any idle or evil words and actions that emitted from us during our lifetime. Time to repent and turn back to God for forgiveness None of us know when our last day on earth is going to be.

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