Maxine Waters for sure. Somehow her coziness with tech and bank titans didn't translate to Silicon by the Beach stretching down to her area. All she would have to do is ask the tech companies to oversee a couple of schools training kids for future jobs and you would have parents from everywhere begging to get in. You then wouldn't need special visas to import employees because they would have trained their own. That this has never happened tells me that victimhood is too profitable for a solution.

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LBJ was a horror and a racist. Yes, he did a lot to destroy Black America. So why is it between Dems blocking the doors in Alabama and racist Dem Governor George Wallace and LBJ etc that blacks don’t understand Dems are the slavery party? But if we look clearly at history people would know. Hmmmm. So destroying history. Hmmmmmm.

Dinesh D’Souza does a few great films on how Dems put out a false narrative that “liberals “ believe.

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Amen! Preach it, Dr Paul! There's too dang many of our [s]elected officials who still cause us all to suffer. The thing is that now, by their design, whites are becoming (and already are in TX!) the minority! Devilcrats are the best at it, but the good ol' RINOs are right behind them. On the brighter side, I see many black Americans on social media saying they are no longer fooled by the Demonrats who've done nothing for the Black communities and believe Pres Donald J Trump is de Man! So there's that.🙃

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Careful Bill Cosby got canceled for talking like this.😟

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The Democrat party is the last standing remnant of the USA's racist / slavery past. Why? Its a party that was founded to protect slavery, divided the country over slavery, started a war to keep slavery, upon loosing the war passed Jim Crow and other laws that restricted blacks freedoms. Woodrow Wilson re segregated the military, FDR appointed Hugo Black to SCOTUS - a well know racist / KKK member, elected various racists to the House and Senate, and now has blessed us with a life long racist that is occupying the White House. That party NEVER purged their human ownership gene

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Cancel culture, “me too”movement; it means you must be judgmental and unforgiving. it requires you forget about all the good things the target did during their lives. I remember him for being a great actor, and a very funny guy. He spread a lot of joy with his wit and humor. I loved his interaction and interviews with the little children.🧡

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They are zionist jews. Not white. White people didn't own the slaveships. Jews did. Jews are the international merchants profiting from wars. Not white people.

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