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Extremely pleased to see Stanford President Tessier-Lavigne forced to resign when faced with evidence of the fraud he perpetrated in his publications. SHAME on him.

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Can we finally acknowledge that the entire medical system and all its outreaching tentacles is a complete and utter fraud? This fraud supports a $4-5 trillion chunk of our economy so do not expect anything to ever change until the entire financial and governmental system is changed.

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Stanford Research Institute was formed to be a mouthpiece and advocate of globalists and their agendas. This group is neither independent nor objective as a research operation. SRI works for globalists, pushing their operations. Not a chance they'll apologize.

Fauci has been a corrupt medical politician going back many years, all the way back to the beginning of the disastrous AIDS campaign. He's dirty on multiple levels, in bed with Gates, Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation, WHO and others whose agendas have NOTHING to do with genuine science and public health.

Birx was a corrupt shill.

Scott Atlas was completely accurate in all his assessments of covid and covid countermeasures, from Day One. This poor guy was viciously attacked and "swamped" by the swamp.

The entire falsely-inflated "pandemic" and its mRNA products are part of one colossal operation - a hugely successful operation financially and politically.

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All to often corrupt characters in positions of authority and control over many others get away with just resigning, even though there's more justice & punishment to be had and many more consequences they should suffer. They get the big bucks because their position comes with more responsibility, a greater level of trust, more risk, and more severe consequences when they stray from the straight and narrow path.

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Yes, Trump was being lied to by Birx and Fauci. But he was being told truths by Zelinko, Atlas, Alexander etc. He chose to follow the lies because he thought it would help his re election. He is not trustworthy to make right decisions.

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So Trey, who is trustworthy? Biden?

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I would agree with Ralph, neither are trustworthy. Hopefully it does not come to a rematch. But I also think government is not trustworthy as a whole and they are the reason for 99% of problems.

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Who would be an improvement in terms of the election?

If you want less government, you don’t realize that Trump gave us less government (& resulting booming economy, particularly for blacks & Hispanics). That was a huge problem for the Dims & their co-conspirators in the deep state, MSM, academia, Hollywood (not to mention their supporters overseas, aka CCP, li’l fat man, & Iran).

So Fauci & the CCP weaponized the (intentional or unintentional) lab leak & turned it into a plandemic/pandemic--in the midst of the first bogus impeachment.

Who are the Dims gonna run? The greaser from the Pelosi klan?-- you would vote for that?

Will any of the R’s have the cajones to roll back the galloping socialism, corruption & moral depravity that is the modern Democrat party?

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So, your alternative is? Or are you just going throw shit like a monkey?

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Please expand on the deTAILS and methods used by the arseholes. ... including “the vaccines are ‘safe’”ACTOR DJTrumpet

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Here’s some details: https://www.hoover.org/profiles/scott-w-atlas

Trump was being lied to by Fauci and Birx who were both involved in the AIDS and HIV debacle. Frankly Ralph, you ought to do a little homework.

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Take your own advice. And, yes, I’m an honest, thinking conservative who looks FOR evidenceS.

Sooo ... “ Get educated or stay enslaved. “

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai for President 2024

His REAL-Deal, competent HONESTY is revealed through :




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He was also being lied to by the globalist RINO Ron DeSantis who was claiming that Fauci was doing a really good job.

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Seems like the Trumpet should have been doing HIS homework. Just another unquestioning, rhetoric-master actor IN the DC $wamp / $torm.

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Trump twas too trusting and believed that globalist Ron DeSantis was on the level. DeSsntis said that Fauci was doing a really good job. It's well documented.

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Wait a minute. Trump-the-actor had plenty of experience and attitude from years on ”The Apprentice” TV’s shtick to say “You’re Fired.”

But TV personalities and it’s face-recognition are NOT outstanding qualities for True Leadership. But it is great for acting and the Deep Mind reaches of unquestioned propaganda.

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You ignore the fact that all this was happening while Piglousi et al were impeaching & then trying him. Given that the other players on the opposing team were lying to him, I am inclined to cut him a break. Also, who is your alternative? Christ has not yet returned & when he does, all this will be moot.

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