How? You will need TEAMS of top lawyers--first to remove the liability shield, due to fraud, then to sue them as individuals and overcome sovereign immunity defense for government employees, you'll have to prove malfeasance, bad faith, and so forth...in other words, they weren't doing what the government is authorized to do, rather corruptly pursuing either politically partisan or criminal financial goals (or both). A tall order, because GOP appears to have been in on the deal...only Trump supporters seem to care at this point (although others may come around). Literally need a NADERS RADERS type law firm just for COVID cases, IMHO.

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A very tall order, but Trump supporters are NOT the only ones who care, and others WILL come around as the dominoes of these wannabe dominators start to fall ...

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From your lips to God's ears...

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The situation that has to be dealt before any of these prosecutions can even happen is overcoming the election fraud that is going to happen in November. The 2020 pattern will repeat with changes that will make it harder to identify the fraud. A documentary like “2000 Mules” will be used to optimize ballot stuffing. Vote tallying machines will be programmed to be more impervious to any post-election audit. Here we are in July and I hear absolutely no discussion from anyone that matters (hello Tucker?) about measures being taken to ensure election integrity. Every night, the news should lead with a discussion of election integrity actions being taken at key battleground cities and states. The discussion should focus on a different city each night. If 2022 elections are business as usual, what will happen to keep the fraud under the radar is the Democrats will allow looses of just enough critical seats to make the voters feel like they had an impact but the loses won’t be of the magnitude that cripples FJB administration from continuing with their destruction of the socio-economic system. People will go back to post-election life and mass vaccination mandates and lockdowns will ensue. Deadly variants will follow and millions will be injured and die. Establishment Republicans are fine with this and actual enable this outcome. ELECTIONS ARE EVERYTHING.

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How do you get the media to do it? Even Tucker looked like he took a dive on 2020 Election fraud when it happened…had he declared that Trump won, we wouldn’t be here today IMHO.

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I don’t know. Tucker is one of the few that there is even a chance with. 90% of journalists... not even worth the time. The situation is becoming more critical day-by-day to stop mass vaccination but... the average inhabitant of this planet hasn’t got to the point where they’re willing to come together and force out globalists/massvaxists from decision-makers positions. I’m in agreement with you that prosecutions and jail-time for Massvaxists is unlikely.

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Yes Laurence, it would not be easy. But, a few high profile cases could get the others you can't get rid of to be a little less brazen about what they think they can do. And don't forget personal responsibility on the corporate side as well. We've got to punish some corporate insiders who do this stuff, since they treat fines as simply the cost of doing business.

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& God bless & protect all truth tellers! Amen

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I read that CNN piece. I’m dumber now than I was before I read it. Next time, I’ll save some time and just hit myself with a brick.

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I don’t have a lot of hope that congress will make things right no matter who’s president. Too many establishment people like Mitch and company. I believe the only way that things will change is to have a convention of states. The state level can force term limits and spending cuts etc. conventionofstates.com is who is getting donations from me. The idiots in the Republican Party keep agreeing to the insane spending and aren’t fighting for J6ers or vaccine mandates.

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When you have a senate leader who is a puzzy, looks like he takes too many female hormones, and is married to a high ranking CCP family member, KY needs to get their shit together and get rid of him. They have the brains, they elected Paul.

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How about removing all of energy restrictions for oil development?

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Surely you jest. First of all that makes too much sense. Can't do it. Second - it hastens the decline of the US, they country they hate the most.

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Fire them all then weed out the others by cutting funding, change laws to stop developing bogus projects & false narratives used to create new agencies. Reduce the size of government. Just saw a post from a pro vax epidemiologist this morning supporting the next generation of monkeypox vaccines.

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No surprise there. He wants his next grant.

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We need to install people with integrity back in places of power and responsibility and hold those accountable that don’t have it!

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It’s so overdue!

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It's overloaded in bureaucracy and top heavy with layers of corrupt corporate thieves. They all need to be routed out. Just out today, Representative Stefanik introduced a bill to prevent adversaries control over the US agriculture industry. We need to put laws in place to prevent outside and corrupt players from taking over our country from within.

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I LOVE IT Doc but too many really freaking ignorant people in this country

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We’re not going to make it to ‘24 with an intact society where elections matter if we continue like this. Not that elections matter much anyway. The GOP won’t let decent primary challengers through. Sorry but I don’t believe reform is even possible, anymore. It looks like we’ve passed the tipping point and it’s time to hold on and ride it out.

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When the vaccine injured Demo rats wake up that they have been poisoned by their boss, it wont be a pretty sight.

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Everyone here has really good suggestions on how to take our country back. Our country has been taken over by the mafia. So has the rest of the countries agreed to lockstep with this very evil mafia and they have all been bribed and bought. They all have to join the "black eye" club if they want to keep their jobs and receive lots of money "from the deep state". (George H.W. Bush himself that if the people knew what they were doing, they would hang them from the lamp posts) They steal it from the people and then live high on the hog, and are forced to pass the bills and legislation that the top mafiosa want. The only way we are going to get our country back in the end is to kick every one of the monsters, cheaters, and RINOs out ourselves, because as you can see, their policies are not even "FOR" humans. They want all of the humans dead. I do believe their are people working behind the scenes to rescue the world from this evil. I am with them and will do whatever I can. I usually am a keyboard warrior. Always keep a Can Do Attitude and We Will Prevail.

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"Inside a White House consumed by problems that Biden can't fix".

Like which end of the toothbrush to hold...

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Did you mean problems that Biden created

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brain ded byeden can't tie his shoelaces, is the root cause of the problems, and is advised by ???????

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Oliver Cromwell will have to step out from the dark dark shadows in November 2022 at the latest or it is all over now baby blue. The Coup government is destroying the United States. On the other hand this too might be a key part of the plan. Say someone as credible and media savvy as General Honoree went Howard Beale so to speak.

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