Wasn't "morally justified" escalation with the help of the US the whole purpose of letting themselves "be taken by surprise" by the Hamas attack? in order to tidy up Greater Israel Territory once and for all?

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Armenians are being murdered and ethnically cleansed. Their enemies are being supplied by the Israelis. Why no effort by the US to save them? Why the hell are Israeli lives so much more important than those of the Armenians. We know why.

I feel pity for rhe innocents of both "teams" whose days are numbered as this war swings into motion, but not my people, not my problem. US better stay the hell.out of this mess.

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Cannot even finish this idiot article. First the US is always discussing use of the military. Higher ups in the DOD/military love to play with their toys and always push for use of them. So the WH 'talk' is typical ghoulish seeking to exert violence. Second, the WH is continuing to push assaults on the Palestinians in support of Israeli's criminal genocide. Israel has always since the beginning of the Zionist philosophy over 100 years ago pushed for ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. This has been an considered an illegal posture since WWII but Israel has ignored all international laws and standards. The US has also always been a promoter of Israel since Partition as it serves US goals to interfere with the oil/gas rich Arab States. And that is crux of the issue. It is the only reason the US UK and other NATO countries supported the creation of Israel. The process never consulted with the Palestinians who never agreed to have almost all its land simply taken and given to a bunch of white supremacist Europeans, even those damaged by the Holocaust. In fact Israel has to be seen as a European white supremacist country that even treats is dark skinned Jews almost as horribly as they do the Palestinians. It is why the US feels comfortable with that fascist State as the leadership all comes out of the German mindset. Not discussed by most people but clearly obvious is Israel is like Nazi Germany and is doing exactly what what done to them with impunity. Paul, once again, shows his defective and immoral political understanding and comes up on the wrong side of the political equation!

FYI, of great importance, printed in Haaretz, a significant newspaper in Israel, was a quote from Netanyahu to effect that they supported Hamas militarily and financially for years as a means to divide the Gazan and West Bank Palestinians and prevent a Palestinian State from every occurring! So anyone who supports Israel with its committment to genocide and ethnic cleansing needs to really ask what their human values are really about. Certainly not humanitarian or democratic

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Well, they want us all dead. If they can’t do it with drugs, they’ll do it with bombs.

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Why not right? This is exactly what this illegitimate administration wants! Exactly the same as the BHO administration, but on steroids! Oh they’re “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA”, I call it “FUNDAMENTALLY DESTROYING AMERICA”, and with our hard earned tax dollars!The way to collapse a system, more importantly our American way of life is by:

The Cloward-Piven Strategy! I call it mindset and it’s indoctrination elements being utilized today on nearly every level.

1. Overload a system

2. Create mass panic and hysteria as the system is overloaded

3. Oversee the destruction of the system

4. Replace the former system with a new system

Is it any wonder what, why,

where, when and how all of this is happening? Well now you know. A culmination of agency after agency NGO after NGO doing the dirty work because that DAMN US CONSTITUTION! Why, why, why did the founders have to be so ingenious? Not that it matters because, what America has been witnessing the past few years is the exact way to subvert the Constitution. Additionally, by having “USEFUL IDIOTS” do the dirty work, they get away with it! They know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it! Is it possible say something like oh I don’t know, WWIII throws a wrench into their scheme of things, it’s very possible, it’s also becoming clear these absolute ideologues don’t care! I’m sure it wouldn’t matter if the world ended too the type of maniacal maniacs in power! I believe this because WWIII would be lights out for mankind, depending on what type of weapons used. The past few years is so indicative of how much this illegitimate administration hates America! We are not perfect nor will we ever be, but the amount of corruption and organized violence instigated by these same “USEFUL IDIOTS” is all about a “means to an end”! Is it not? I pray the world wakes up and I pray there’s spiritual intervention before we are, non-existent! May God bless America and the entire world!


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There is a plan. They set up the cause and then introduce the “cure”.

And we all go along for the ride cheering them on????

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Scott Ritter talks about how war with Iran will be suicide

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Don’t get the concept of 10 000 Americans living in Israel.

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The Hezbollah -swine, borne of Hitler’s third Reich-could we expect better ?

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