It is true Doc, as a retired Professional Fire Fighter we expect nothing in return, along with all the Spec Ops, Rangers and Marines, GI's, Police, and the list goes on and on, in every trade and every field and farm. We come in every shade of brown, from very light to very dark. We serve, we die, we do not back down or quit. God made us that way, and we like it. He often blesses us with grandchildren, as I witnessed just last evening, as my precious 7 year old gave me a big smile, a loud kiss, and told me that she was the luckiest girl in the whole world. We don't ask for appreciation, but we treasure the love shown to us, and lay our lives down to defend and protect those we do not even know. The doctors, such as you, Dr. Alexander, are now joined in the ranks as we pursue the enemy who is poisoning our children, friends, co-workers and family. Arrogant they are, and proud to flip a bird at our Creator, who along with us are coming for them, to bring them to their ultimate judgement. It is coming, God help them (or not). Thanks again Doc, for all your efforts, you are making a difference.

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This American hardware developer is ready to fight alongside all who have fought for US to date. I continue the fight here in America as we manufacture things that people use and need daily. They just don't know we still exist in America today as it is no longer a significant part of American culture to be INDEPENDENT and PRODUCTIVE. #MAGA.

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Well, that's just the RIGHT kind of man a good woman wants, his kids need, and his friends pray for.

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That definitely describes all the men I know( though a few are black and one of them runs the prayer group at our building once a month). These are all wonderful men...many are veterans.

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Good thing I don't need their approval.

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You’re right, “Blackbeard.” 😏😉

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I've seen what they call "elites".

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The only reason such men are thrown out of the boat is because they can swim. The global "elite" cabal are merely paddling their oars for dear life. Can't wait for the tsunami of justice to hit them, and it will.

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I will happily carve out some cliff on the ocean to help create the Tsunami.

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If shit were Elite, then that is what those who sought to depopulate and control US are.

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The Biden family are members of the elite.

Nuff said

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I refuse to listen to anything they say. They change the narrative to suit their political needs like I change my shoes. Everything stated above is true and good. We are on the right side 🙏🏻

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My name is Louis. I am scum,dirt on your shoes. No social redeeming value at all

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Rich men north of Richmond. It's a damn shame.

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That description would fit all those who signed the constitution into existence.

I am proud to agree with them and the constitution as it shows mental ability and loyalty.

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My sentiments EXACTLY.

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Thank you Lord for all these men like this in my life, including my sons and husband, their friends and many great neighbors!!!! You can have all those woke morons! My dad passed in 2021, but he was the best and so proud of him! He set the bar on how to live, stand up to what you believe in and never back down. He helped my mom growing up with all of us, helped her when my grandparents were in need and always was there for his family. He instilled in us what he lived everyday. I’ve followed that advice ever since! He was admired by everyone who knew him. The powers that be want you to think we are scum, but we still outnumber them greatly! It’s just that’s who they show on all the fake news media as being the norm and having the majority!

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Hey, I check all those boxes. If that makes me scum, so be it. I couldn't care less what the retards in the government want to call me. Add in anti-vaxxer and anti-big pharma drugs to the list.

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Same in Australia. All deliberate of course. The globalists have to target the main competition.

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I am all of the above except carnivore. I do not abstain from animal products to make a political statement, or to "save the planet" (Gag me!). I do it for my health. I have enjoyed robust health for 63 years, including during covidiocy, during which I did the opposite of everything the quack Fauci recommended. Animal fats plug arteries; plants do not (except tobacco). Every part of me works, and nothing hurts. My arteries are as clear as those of an unjabbed 20 year old. My wife can attest to that.

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Leading covid jabs advocate and anti-anti-vaxxer Professor Davud Gorski's website 'Science Based Medicine" says you're wrong. It critiques Colin Campbell's famous large scale epidemiological study, "The China Study," which found that meat eating was unhealthy. Jabs advocates do not generally advocate a plant based diet. Of course, they generally ignore Campbell's experimental work in which, if I remember correctly, he created liver cancer in rats by either feeding them aflatoxin or infecting them with the hepatitis B virus then fed them diets with either 5% casein or 30% casein. At 30% casein the cancer roared ahead but at 5% progression either stopped or slowed. He was able to switch cancer on or off by varying the casein level. Campbell argues that other animal protein has much the same effect as casein. But if you're keen on jabs, keep in mind that many jab advocates and their funders want you eating meat.

The China Study


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I take no drugs of any kind. Not even aspirin. Of course I refuse any and all vaccines. The only animal product I eat is honey. I have never used any nicotine containing product in my life. At 63 I am robustly healthy. Last time I needed a doctor was when I tore my knee in 1980. I have heard lots of people tell me I should eat dead animals and their secretions. None of them are as healthy as I am; some are dead. I'm going to stick with what has been working for me. I have never had cancer. Jack LaLanne and Ellsworth Wareham followed a plant-based diet. LaLanne was healthy, vigorous, and clear minded well into his 90s. He had none of the usual infirmities of old age. Wareham lived to 104, and did his own yardwork past 100. He was a tightwad, but he was a healthy tightwad.

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Keith Richards and you seem to have s few things in common as well.as differencesl..He believes eating cheese is very wrong. He won't have it on his Big Macs. He's careful about what he puts into his body. He is also no longer injecting heroin or snorting cocaine daily. And he is no longer womanizing. His decades of doing that are behind him. Well, maybe not. However, nowadays he apparently mostly contents himself with booze, smoking cigarettes and doing as little exercise as possible. He just wants to enjoy his old age and time with his grandchikdren. His reported thoughts on the covid jab are interesting:

"In a recent interview with The Southport Times, Keith Richards '... advised people of his generation to give the the Covid vaccine a miss. Instead he recommends a more natural, holistic approach to fighting the virus, centred around speed, Jack Daniels and cocaine snorted off the breasts of well-endowed strippers three times a week.' "


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Keith has probably smoked more cigarettes that any human ever has. I have smoked zero cigarettes. But yes, he is taking better care of himself now. Milk is for newborns until they are weaned. Human breast milk is for baby humans. Cat milk is for kittens. Cows's milk is for calves. No milk is for adults of any species. Keith has made a lot of positive changes in self-care. Many of his colleagues died young and never had the chance to clean up their acts. He has some very strong DNA to have survived all he has done. And he shocked me by quitting smoking 2 years ago. I guess you haven't heard. He says he has much more wind now. Go figure!

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I read years ago that Humans are the ONLY mammals that consume Milk past age 2.

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And we are the only animal that regularly drinks the milk of a different species. There are occasional exceptions, like a mother cat nursing an orphaned puppy.

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Damn. I like mik.

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Some of us love you though.

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I've worked my whole life since 12.

I want nothing from this beast system.

I'm the guy who would prefer to keep his social security deductions instead of lettng this beast system control it. I'm a problem solver and have always found a path in life, thanks to the Lord above.

I run my own business, business is good.

But my taxes, keep this beast system rolling.

I pray for forgiveness on that.

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