No amnesty. It was all by design. Accountability needed.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

The murdered now are trampled by false virtue and by jostling for a spot on the cruise-liner. The dead have a voice, and have died in vain should humanity fail to restore sound principles, integrity, accountability, ethics. Yes, we absolutely must pass through this gate if we want to save this civilization from drowning in sewage.

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Notice how this “ administration “ apologizes for all the wrongdoing and just keeps repeating the “mistakes “

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Without true accountability, we the public will continue to be manipulated. Washington DC is so corrupt and corrupting of people who go to work there. It makes people think they all share an over-arching goal of "doing well for the American people", and that anyone who disagrees with them is just honestly disagreeing and totally sincere. That is not, and never was, the case. All people are affected by Original Sin and their own base pursuits of greed, power, lust, etc. We can only judge peoples' actions. Emails and other communications created by the malfeasants show they knew what they were doing with the false trial results showing 'safety and efficacy'. They knew the trials weren't long enough. They knew the 'pandemic' was not deadly to the general public. They knew that drugs like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were efficacious early on. They knew Remdesivir and other official protocols were deadly. We have the evidence (aka their actions). So whether it was through gross stupidity carried forward for many months (not one incident), or they were part of a limited hangout, or an Alinsky-shaped operation, many, many were in on the scam. When people move to DC who are, or could be in a position of power/influence, the Deep State targets them, identifies weaknesses, and either feeds those weaknesses, or set up honeypot traps and the like, to gain future compliance. Until we get serious about prosecuting, there is no real hope for this country. Up to now, the Left can just tell their compromised people "Don't worry, nothing real will happen to you if they find out. After all, look at Peter Strok and the others like HiIlary, Holder, etc. Republicans will just rage-tweet and pass pointless resolutions and referrals to the FBI- which we control anyway. So just do what we tell you and the kompromat will stay hidden for the most part." And the corruption continues, and with people who we thought were good but turned out to be traitorous to the Constitution like Barr, Pence, etc.

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No forgiveness, no amnesty for mass murderers.

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Absolutely agree with you, no amnesty. They are still pushing the mRNA jab especially on children, bloody murderers

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Plausible Deniabilty or somesuch wouldn't work against Jo-Jo Stalin's Purges or Pol Pot's Goon Squads.

And shouldn't be allowed here either.

Seize their profits. And their property. Remove their credentials.

Draft them all into a Civilian Conservation Corps.

Send them all into the Blue Shitholes they created. Chicago. San Francisco. LA. Philadelphia.

Put them to work as public servants.

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That would be fun to see! Have them clean the toilets.

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Absolute idiocy amongst idiots who idiotically propose a “move forward” philosophy ... how heinous these cowards are to even suggest such an idea! WHY is everyone CAVING????? I know WHY, yet why to such lengths as to CONTINUE to further illegitimacy across the AMA??? COWARDICE is NOT a good look. 🥷🏻🥷🏻🥷🏻🥷🏻🥷🏻

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Yesterday on InfoWars, Alex Jones stated the cabal will hit us again with a new bioweapon.

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Nope absolutely not! What if...... this Wasn’t a Mistake? What if..... this was intentional? The latter is what i believe. There’s only accountability for the transgressors intentional or not. How will we ever discourage further actions in future?

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It was intentional.

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Casey Newton at the deplatformer has put a target on your back: https://substack.com/@yuribezmenov/note/c-46910359?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=j3a7

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who is this puke? let his if its a he, take his best shot...clearly does not know me...he he

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Newton supports Stalinist and Nazi style censorship ideals. The hypocrisy is breathtaking. As bad as censorship is, Newton needs a taste of his/her own medicine. Remember how dissident scientists were censored by academic journals and how Trump was cancelled on Shitter and Assbook? Stalinist-like and Hitler-like Newton wants to do the same to other speech seen as a threat to Biden's re-election and to the promotion of communism. You are a target because you served in the Trump administration. Stalinist communism and Nazism are unAmerican. Calls for censorship are highly offensive not only to libertarians but to many in the mainstream. It is filth and it pollutes young minds. Unfortunately anyone calling for censorship needs to lead by example and self-censor. If they don't then it is legitimate to demand that they be the first to be deplatformed and shut down.

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Casey is the Nazi.

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"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Casey Newton would not agree with this quote attributed to Voltaire. Voltaire apparently did not say this exact phrase but the sentiment reflects his commitment to freedom of speech and expression. Newton wants an echo chamber. Newton's writings reflect a boring, bland, mediocre, low IQ and conformist mindset. Americans and others died in WW2 fighting against an enemy that shared Newton's desire to censor and suppress dissident speech.

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"Twatski" suits him and the rest of these Anti-Free Speech operatives.

Twats with Swastika armbands Seig-Heiling in unison.

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He doesn’t even have comments section. Can’t take him seriously & he’s got Malone on the list, lol.

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“No comments, peasants, dissenters and the like! It might EXPOSE me as the LIAR I really am!” COWARDS

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Newton is at the link below:


Newton says:

"Send us tips, comments, questions, and your feedback on Substack’s Nazi enforcement: casey@platformer.news and zoe@platformer.news"

People should email this Stalinist-like and Nazi-like anti-free speech operative.

Remind him/her/it of this quote attributed to Voltaire and point out that although Voltaire apparently did not say this exact phrase the sentiment reflects his commitment to freedom of speech and expression.

"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Point out to Newton the huge intellectual and ideological gulf between Newton's lightweight position and that of a great historical figure like Voltaire.

Point out to Newton that Newton's writings reflect a boring, bland, mediocre, low IQ and conformist mindset and that Americans and others died in WW2 fighting against an enemy that shared Newton's desire to censor and suppress dissident speech.

It would be good for people to lobby Elon Musk to get Newton removed from X. Newton would squeal like a pig if he/she/it got a taste of its own medicine.

It would be good also if people could also lobby AlexJones about Newton's assault on free speech.

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Amazing! Biden is campaigning for POTUS through his partisan hacks in the media on the grounds that he is the only anti-pedo and anti-Epstein major candidate running. See the story at the first link. This may be very damaging for Trump and RFK Jr. However, Epstein is connected to Nathan Wolfe who, in his book "The Viral Storm," has acknowledged that Epstein was a friend who contributed to his work. See the video at the second link. Nathan Wolfe is connected to Hunter Biden who is connected to Joe Biden. The GOP, desperate to help Biden and the Dems win the presidency in 2024, will try to play down this connection, just like the "spies who lied" who claimed that Hunter's laptop which linked him to the Ukraine biolabs was Russian disinformation. Joe has long been a powerful politician and known for sniffing and groping little girls. What are the chances that Epstein didn't provide minors to Hunter and Joe?

Chris Hayes Notes the Only Major 2024 Candidate Without Any ‘Meaningful’ Ties to Epstein Is Joe Biden | Video


Meet Nathan Wolfe


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Xinxing is the Chinese word for "mind nature". Should we do anything when these obviously deadly poisonous injections are still being administered?

"It is a xinxing issue if you do not help stop a murder or arson

when you see it. How will you otherwise demonstrate that

you are a good person? If you do not help stop a murder

or arson, what will you get involved with?"

Master Li Hongzhi

Zhuan Falun, Lecture 9

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Never did trust any of them

Especially when Kulldorff came on Sky News Australia at the beginning of the VAXX rollout and sang their praises

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#NoAmnesty for COVID perps whatsoever. Prosecutions and punishment is due.

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Nope, these people in the administration and various entities like NIAID, FDA CDC etc all knew better. They need to lose their jobs and have their assets seized at the least. Their names need to be forever engraved on a hall of shame. Then these entities need all the top level management cleaned out and systems in place to prevent outside influence. It was their responsibility to protect the health of the American people and they failed.

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