Not so sure this one is about divide&conquer while I agree demoRat&RINO polticis back to 1960's has been about controlling the genitals, especially post Vietnam War when nation was flat ass broke, before that politics was about how to spend the stolen loot

Post 1970's politics became 'freedom of the genitals', whether it was abortion or butt-fucking


But pedophilia like NAMBLA is as old as Prostitution, rich elite have been fucking the children of the poor immorial

The normalization of pedophilia in the west, is of the highest priority of the UK royal monarchy

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Offer children to be fucked, see who lines up ... They will identify themselves

Like COVID showed Neil Young and lots of 'liberal super-stars' as really being closet nazi assholes;

Ukraine war showed Sean Penn, and all of his Hollywood pals to be UKRO-Nazi assholes sucking & brown nosing Zelensky

All the little devils are showing their true colors now that they think its safe to come out of the closet as a pedophile


Simple argument is they're going homo-woke, cuz that's the way the wind is blowing, I don't think so, I think your now seeing the REAL Satanic Hollywood, that was always hidden from the GOYIM public.


Not new here, in the 1950's Hollywood most of the tough-men in the movies like Rock Hudson, were really flaming homosexuals in real life; Then as now it was Omerta;

Look today the ROCK, and all the super-star tough-guys are woke homo-cucks;


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Just read your substack and subscribed… and wow! You nailed it. This has been Hollywood’s ongoing reality and sinister agenda since the beginning of time. Who knows what Walt Disney was really up to with his Mickey Mouse grooming club? We know now that it was never anything good and purely a satanic club for pedos to condition and initiate children into their evil web of perversion and deviant, destructive behaviours.

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I read his substack and subd before I read your comment

Not enough proper blokes around anymore - they replaced blokes with girls that want to be blokes

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undo the pedoun

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I hate to say this but I must. I do not appreciate his reasoning on women and what we hold in the spot of our highest instinctual need. The nerve of that man is astounding!

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I watched this concerning the U.N. and WHO's agenda to sexualize children from Kidnergarden on up with doc's, and a video of the testing grounds in the Nederlands talking to children in Dutch with subtitles. This shit's real and they're serious.


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Tedros himself is a Homo. I saw a picture of him dancing around a bar barely dressed with a top and shorts on. There are no words for these scumbags. They want to destroy

Christianity and children at any cost.

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UNDO The Who

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I’ll never listen to him again. Simple fix

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A few shabbos goys, but the 2.5% is rather over-represented in EVERYTHING horrific, and ugly.

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Pat just had a baby, if I recall. So giddy that he's yet in the cigar searching mode. I see Jason has been studying his own wife. love is good with Christ; love is an illusion with Eve.

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