This has always been about the underhand demonic actions of the democrats... they will do anything to prevent Trump regaining office.. because he is the only one who will stop mass immigration... and change the laws that need changing so big pharma stops murdering the good people of USA.. let the swamp draining begin!

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President Trump is an impediment to keeping the Democratic Mafia Crime Family in power and all the relatives!

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Biden regime selling U.S. sovereignty to the WHO. We will all become serfs. WHO will declare climate change emergency and lock us down. Contact your Senator, Congressman and tell them to exit the WHO.

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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

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All his money won't another minute buy. Or another neuron.

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He is the only one who will bring these vermin to justice and the vermin know it.

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WE THE PEOPLE - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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Yesterday I heard on Newsmax that the whole case against Trump has to do with less than 150 pieces of paper. It has nothing to do with boxes in the ballroom or bathroom. It’s much less than a ream of paper! It’s all a psyop!

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I was just about to share this to FB and before I posted this message immediatley it was programmed to support Trump and about his poll numbers. If you are supporting the man who locked down the United States illegally causing 51% of small and medium businesses to bankrupt, the man who rolled out 800,00 5G energy weapons now fying brains and connecting to the nanocircuitry in the now known bioweapon shots being deployed by the DOD as per President Trump, that Russia has reported on, being a bioweapon deployed on the world by the U.S. DOD quoting the contracts and documents exposed by Karen Kingston. Trump and Biden, and Fauci and the Senate and Congress, and the DOD and the DOJ and the FBI and the CIA and the FDA and the CDC and ths IHS and The W.H.O and the W.E.F etc....... is responsible and still pushing the bioweapon Covid 19 injections, he is resonbilble for over 20 Million deaths worldwide and counting and 3 billion of the 5 billion jabbed are experiencing terrible side effects. As Kennedy said early on : "This is an apocalypse.." We are in the midst of a full on depopulation one world order agenda and people are dying. Papers kept by Trump are NOT important, but if Trump gets put in prison for it, in my mind he is being punished for locking down the United States, for deploying a bioweapon clearly called a Counter measure in the Contracts, for mandates, for masks that destroyed children. He had set up for Kennedy to be the head of a committee for vaccine safety knowng the childhood vaccines cause austism. And they do I am a sub teacher and see care for the dear children injured that are non verbal head banging as a result of so called vaccines. NONE are needed. I am now a anti VAXer and proud of it. Our immune systems are insulted by them as is now more than proven. Trump, Biden, Obama, Clintons, most presidents corrupt all the way back to JFK our last honest not bought out U.S. President. Now his nephew Robert Kennedy who has been in training his whole life to be President and realized it when the Plandemic was launched upon the world. He is ordained by God to help not only the United States but the world. Trump is rolled out a bioweapon took a million dollars from Pfizer and killed the idea for Kennedy to head a vaccine injury committee. He also shut up about bombs in the German reporters news feed at Ground Zero on September 15 2001 flipping from his words two days earlier on 9/11/01 after the Twin Towers were demolished but before WTC 7 the 47 Story Soloman Bld was brought down at 5:28 P.M. that day not being hit by a plane. Trump spoke the truth that morning on a radio show that bombs had to have been used, that he knew the engineers of the Twin Towers sided with steel built to withstand jet impacts. By 9/15/01 they got to him and he flipped and parrotted the official lies of jet plane impacts and fires - Impossible of course as Trump as rightly said two days earlier. They bribed hjm with a 'position of high power ' to shut up about bombs. Proof? He did shut up, and he did get that position of high power. You can stll hear these two reports one a radio show and one a news show by a German on Youtube. It is time for you and all other Americans to do down the Rabbit hole all the way back to Kennedy's murder and very much including 911 Truth. 911 Truthers were correct all along. Rest in Peace Dr. David Ray Griffin. Thank you Richard Gage Architects and Enginners for 911 Truth now with the Lawyers' Committee for 911 Inquiry with a Grand Jury Petition and 57 Exhibits that more than prove controlled demolitions. IF Trump had kept telling the truth about bombs perhaps Truth and Justice would have occurred instead. He sold out New York and his country on September 15, 2001. Traitor ? Yes Sir! The U.S. Goverment has experience a coup d'eta, a take over long ago. Who was the Comptroller of the Pentagon in 2001? Do you even know? Dual Citizen Rabbi Dov Zachheim also C.E.O. of Systems Planning who makes the Remote Control Flight Termination Systems on those jets. How did a dual citizen Rabbi get to be in the U.S. Government when the 1940 Nationality Act demands only 100% U.S.Citizens? Wake up to the truth, all of it to save us. Only total transparency of the JFK and RFK and 911 and Covid Crimes can truley restore our Republic.

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Any president is allowed to declassify papers and take them with them when they leave. It’s called the Presidential Records Act

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The Bible has a lot to say about bribery, and I don't know how exhaustive this list is: https://bibleportal.com/topic/bribery

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Kennedy Jr has done nothing and will continue, HE HAS HAD MULTIPLE YEARS AND MANY CHANCES

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How true! Nobody cares!

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Thanks Dr Alexander

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A story as old as time itself.

Those in political power purge the previous regime's top dogs to prevent any challenge to their current tenuous hold on power.

It doesn't matter whether it's Trump, or Sturgeon, or Bolsonaro.

You crack the whip and break bones where and when you can.

The lie is that this is passed off as democracy.

I've seen corrupt African tin-pot dictatorships which have a better sense of ethics and fair-play.

Shame on the west.

Their day of reckoning is coming.

Way faster than warp speed.

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