hope you liked the photo in this stack...I am trying to use photos to tell a story by itself.

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Yes, loved it! One picture is worth a thousand words.

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You do not swim in the swamp for 30+ years without being part of the swamp. Never trusted the guy and still do not trust him. Why would we put our trust in a man that was on the wrong side of the fence for decades when we have people who have always been on the right side of the fence.

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These evil subpersonalities act without the knowledge of the main personality who has no knowledge of the evil they do, merely by their presence though they act to take over or possess to become the main personality.

The first step is knowing about your darkness. The second step is using the technique of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process to remove the evil psychopathic subpersonalities and integrate them with the Soul.

Until the main personality understands that he is going to act in an illogical way, doing great damage to those around him, sabotaging everything he does, unless he starts the process of Enlightenment through meditation, he will continue to act illogically from time to time, by evil subpersonality sabotage, CREATING GREAT DAMAGE.

Those Living souls, Soul infused beings, Enlightened beings, who have many lifetimes of experience usually have spent many lifetimes in spiritual meditation, increasing their ability to channel energy through their third eyes, removing energy blockages and transforming those energy blockages into angel psychic powers emanating psychic energies outward into everyone around them, or absorbing energy blockages to transform them in everyone around them.

Until the living soul, Soul infused being, learns how to remove energy blockages from his psychic body, these two processes, evil and good, can operate at the same time within the same body...


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very very tremendous informative touching post.

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I love this phrase: "The first step is knowing about your darkness. The second step is using the technique of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process to remove the evil psychopathic subpersonalities and integrate them with the Soul."

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It may be easier and less timely for most of mankind to have religious principles to control evil thinking and doing. Christianity seems in some ways to have been tainted by mankind and perhaps makes it more difficult for some of us to abide or fully embrace it.

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I am suggesting that the evil subpersonalities are like addiction blockages which cannot be removed by ordinary means.

Psychologists say that removing alcoholism by Psychiatric means is like chipping away the ice from the Antarctic. Psychologists have no methodologies which work on addictions.

So principles like I will take no alcohol today do not work to remove the addiction.

These evil subpersonalities act without the knowledge of the main personality who has no knowledge of the evil they do, merely by their presence though they act to take over or possess to become the main personality.

The first step is knowing about your darkness. The second step is using the technique of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process to remove the evil psychopathic subpersonalities and integrate them with the Soul.



Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages are Satanic Demons which vampirise your spiritual energies, reducing your life force, the energy of each orgasm, the energy of each hit of the Drug going into the reservoirs of the Satanic Black Magician who made the Satanic Demon in Satanic Ritual and implanted it into you.

Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages are Satanic Demons which suck!

Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages are Satanic Demons which suck you dry!


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Ironic that the author goes to commenting about Malone's god-complex [and I am no fan of Malone myself], and the author writes, "A true and “good” leader must have a solid spiritual (not religious - beware of that) foundation and know who he is." Oh, the irony. "Be spiritual, and not religious", is just another take on the deception from the Garden of Eden. "Spiritual " allows you to define yourself and reality however you want it to be. You are basically your own God. But for a true Christian, we recognize that the "Body of Christ" is the Communion of Saints, said in the Apostles Creed every week. A creed is used to demarcate where followers stand in their life view. There are not 8 billion ones because people are "spiritual". "Religion" assists in detailing what that creed is [as God revealed it to His early church], and assists us in holding to it as a people. Beware the New Age "be spiritual, not religious" types. For they have made themselves their own little gods, beholden only to themselves, easily led astray from their lack of humility. Malone and this author that Dr. Paul links to, both suffer the same malady.

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Malone wants to appear to be a regular, everyday guy on his farm who travels to conferences and speaks. Does anyone remember Hogan's Heros TV show where they made the nazzi seem stupid to do anything and normal, even the ss was too stupid with beautiful women? Now, all the bashing others, saying he was wronged and made a scapegoat. It seems to echo when Kennedy was assassinated: I didn't do it; I'm the patsy to take the fall while someone else did it—the set up of the shooter on the roof of a building attempted to shoot Trump. History seems to be repeating itself differently and suing other people over nothing frivolous lawsuits. If I recall, a judge told him I never want to see you here again; stop your nonsense. He seems smug and above everyone else, traveling the world and living the high life. God is complex, with many insecurities. I am not sure if he suffered too many ACES while young or had too much trauma drama in early life, even before being born. Something is a bit off about the man, and I can't put my finger on it. I would not want to be with him in a mine thousands of feet underground or in a submarine many fathoms below. I do not trust, yet the benefit of the doubt is questionable. There is a great guy out of Canada. Gabor forgot the last name; he specifically talked about why people do what they do when older: not enough love from their parents, etc. He won the most esteemed for helping people heal somatic.

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boom, 99% of what you wrote is correct.

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Couey centers Malone very well.

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Gabor Mate

Son, Aaron

I first heard Gabor, a very gentle man, 12 years ago. Very interesting.


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Dr. Gabor Mate. A good man.

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What seems to bother us most about others is seeing in them that which we dislike about ourselves.

Just sayin’.

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All men are flawed. Narcissism does not bypass anyone. We all are navigating an individual uncharted path. Our worst demon is pride, and it is the most deceptive of all.

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nicely put but 'all men' as you put it do not do to others what Malone sough to do...

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So this psycho psychotherapist also attacks McCullough? Who is this dickhead? I’m surprised he hasn’t attacked Paul Alexander. Give it a few days, maybe he’ll find a new target.

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ha ha ha

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I live in his head...

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He also attacked Jeff Childers, who is brilliant. So, no, not a fan of this author who also called DJT a sociopath.

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Markus' attack on McCullough seems a bit much. Some of what he says makes sense, although he's obviously no fan of either Trump or, although he once was, of Malone

In his November 27 stack ("Fuck You, Dr. Robert Malone !!!Our No.1 Resistance Doctor Is Endorsing Pro-Vax Trump Nominations And Will Soon Be Rewarded With A Lucrative HHS Job 'Of course I take that HHS job, being pro-vax and pro-pharma is not a problem for me.' ”) Markus quotes Malone on the incoming Trump administration::

"I can guarantee this new administration will not eliminate government corruption. It will not end the power of the US Federal “deep state.” It will not end all wars. It will probably not even end the Senior Executive Service. It will not break the back of the pharmaceutical/industrial complex, military/industrial complex, censorship/industrial complex, or even stop the deployment of psychological warfare on Western citizens by their own governments. It will probably not stop Silicon Valley from practicing surveillance capitalism or colluding with the US, EU governments, and UN/WHO/WEF to censor speech. And it will not stop the weaponization of fear of infectious disease to control populations."

Markus doesn't disagree. Then he goes on to say:


I never liked Trump and encouraged everyone not to vote. I never believed he would or even could make any significant changes. He is a globalist shill and in their pocket. I was very sceptical that any meaningful health changes would happen under Trump.

And yet, I am still pissed off by how quickly and swiftly the betrayal is normalized by Malone. I can’t imagine how a “medical freedom advocate” who truly believed in Trump must feel right now.

With some 'Schadenfreude', I mocked them to buy medicine for their hopium hang-over. Now, I feel sorry for them. This is brutal. And Malone finally shows his true face.

Fuck, he really wants that job, doesn’t he."

Markus does provide food for thought.

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You encouraged everyone not voting for Trump. That is one vote for Kamala. Would she nominate Kennedy to HHS? If Trump is a globalist than why the globalist hateful media almost killed him? Something is not right with your statement.

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A long read, but the points/issues raised were strong.

I must say, I have to restrain myself from writing a long piece on Malone's troubling 'ways'. But it doesn't take long to say what troubles me most about Malone is what troubled me first about Malone: He has spent a career and lifetime working in opposition to natural processes to create dangerous substances and in doing so has received a fortune from participating among the darkest elements like the military industrial complex contingent.

If he is not deluded about his own behavior, then the alternative might be that he is in denial of his behavior. He seems to want us to think he is a great guy who has a moral core, in which case he would need to clarify/admit that he has spent a lifetime compromising away those morals for 'opportunities'. His behavior now looks like the behavior of a 'pandemic' opportunist, carving out new ways to elevate himself and increase his fortune. [Nothing like a government pension, is there?]

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The trouble is the secret societies, the ivey league colleges and the ngo's like WEF who want to brainwash and promise lots of money, positions, and power to "ambitious" people. It creates a lockstep pavlovian system where if you don't do what they say, you lose your position , power, and money. You don't find out who you're REALLY working for until you're in up to your elbows. At their social soirees is where they tempt you with taboo things (so they can capture you on camera to bribe and blackmail) you're REALLY working for the Deep State who Needs lackeys and minions to do their bidding. (Lockstep = Big Carrot Bribes & Payoffs... or else... you're ostracized...rejected...black balled.

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These people are the REAL Nazis & Communists...they have their warped plans to take over the world AND depopulate the planet. They are using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to destroy knowledge and come up with "clever" new phrases and meanings... new speak, if you will... the goal is to erase the past and bumfuzzle and confuse the younger generations. They want to tell you that Religion is all made up, and that they are the gods who created us... that they are the aliens and that they are benevolent...beneficial...even "good".

I'll say one or two things here...


These are the Fallen ones... and their Nephilim offspring...whom they got by mating with human women (many whom died giving birth) They gave birth to giants (mighty men of reknown), who had 6 fingers, 6 toes, and 2 rows of teeth... Rh- blood...(doctors have seen this...oprah has 6 toes) When Joshua went to find the land flowing with milk and honey, he saw the giants and said he and his men were like grasshoppers among them, and they saw the giants eating the inhabitants of the land) Translation: they were eating the people And the animals...everything) That's why God wiped them out in a flood. (they are still eating humans and babies to this day...meryl streep goes to hollywood cannibal restaurant and eats babies with other celebrities) God despises them...and they are the Fallen ones... the God-haters who want to exalt themselves above God and destroy Everything that God made...humans (covid injections...all injections)...animals, plants, etc.

The new earth they envision is a hellscape with no plants...(take out the carbon, and the trees and plants will die...animals die...humans die)


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I read Dr. Malone Emails each day, his comic sections on the weekends, politic, farm life , horses , chickens and what else. He came to the idea about the mRNA technology in 1989 , but he did not made a vaccine out of that, Kariko did. Before he decided to go on Joe Rogan show, did he know how dangerous that shot is? He say he took 2 shots so he could travel and the last one almost killed him, he said. Is that perhaps the reason he started to speak out? Long before the coved cold virus hit, animal trials were made on that gene manipulation technology and he must have known the bad results of those tests. The animals lost their immunity many died, D.r Paul must know more than me on that. The question is, Malone must have known the dangers, so why he did not warn the world?

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I'm unconvinced that he took the bioweapon injections. Could someone please test him with the proper software to see if he emits a Mac address? I know dead people in graves are still emitting their Mac addresses. Also we need to stick some silverware on his body and see whether it sticks or falls off. If it sticks, that means he's magnetized with graphene and whatever else that hooks you up to the wireless network. Then we need a black light to see if his luciferase is showing up near the injection sight.

I won't be convinced until these tests are performed and made public.

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Great, great post.

Oh, He and Jill have sub-stack (propaganda) writers that put in that He and Jill are just so normal and have a nice little farm with nice horsies that He and Jill go to for a little R & R. How nice. [I bet that their farm is not in NC.]

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The first time I listened to Dr. Malone was on the Sean Hannity show. He placed himself as a kind of Savior during the time I listened to him. As one of the creators of mRNA, he needed to get out in front of the damage before it got too bad. From this time on it has been the blame game. They modified the vaccines he cries. I nearly died myself he says.

The next time I see him is during an Epoch Times special showing him on his farm. Now he is the all together man. Seemingly he can do it all but not without a snippet about the wife.

He wants credit for the discovery but doesn't want to take the heat for the failed fallout!

His ties to the Intel Community are concerning. When's the last time you've heard of a doctor so deeply buried into DARPA? Doesn't happen.

As bright as he is and as eloquent as he comes across he seems dangerous to me because it's all about him. He lacks the capacity for humility but does it in a feigned way!

Like Dr. Alexander, we need all these actors exposed for their involvement. By the time that happens this will be just another experiment on humanity left blowing in the wind!

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Malarkylone is a Monster

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I have pretty good instincts and Malone strikes me as a slippery narcissist who cannot be trusted.

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Great article. One of your best! One part of it I don’t get is why did Malone appear early in to have been instrumental in warning the public about covid vaccines? Was it to get his initial following started by appearing to be a good guy warning the world? I initially felt grateful to him since his warning helped confirm my already made decision to not take the jab, when he sued the Breggins, I became very turned off to him. What a bully no matter what the Breggins had said about him. The scene in Hawaii of the Malones with the children reminded me of President Bush in the classroom being told of the 9-11 disaster. What a fake look on his face. An orchestrated PR tactic? Additional reasons too began to pile up for not trusting him. The globocap theories seem true but sorta terrifying because it does look like the planning and power of the globalists has exceeded humanity’s ability to halt what is in the works, which makes me very sad for the world! 🥲. However, we can’t lose hope either!

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What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?

It appears the line has blurred between right and wrong. Perhaps his mRNA was "originally" developed to help humans. (It's still messing with what God has created) However the

anti-God globalists used it for their nefarious purposes to destroy humans AND Everything God created.

My vote is "NO!" We do Not want Malone leading us Anywhere.

The blind shall be leaders of the blind and they'll all fall in a ditch or off a cliff.

The very reason we are here, living, is to Love and Honor God. That means talking to Him, Jesus, Holy Spirit daily, following His precepts and commandments. Listening for "His" Voice..."My sheep know My voice and a stranger they will Not follow" Love people, do good and help them, love God's animals, plants, waters and be good stewards of them. Preserve God's creations for future generations...nurture them and teach them. Train them up in the ways they should go (the Lord's ways...the Word of God) and when they grow old they won't depart from it. Train them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

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