He’s disgusting; can’t believe people actually tune in

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He looks like someone is pointing a gun at him and saying, "Sing and dance, Jimmy! Sing and dance!"

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Dance and prance Jimmy - Twirl twirl dance and twirl .

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He must get paid a lot of money to do it or have his life or his friends and family life threatened. He looks so stupid.

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He’s just so bad now. The only reason they haven’t yanked his show is he touts the left’s narrative.

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He is overpaid, and his ratings are no good, so he has to dance to their tune or he loses his show and his fame and status.. So he will do whatever they tell him.. The audience is just as stupid and sold out as he is...

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This is what passes for entertainment for the left. Perpetual children.

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With every passing day I am more inclined to think that the gene juice actually alters the recipients' brains. Prof. Bhakdi has also warned about this and it makes sense, too.

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Prions in the brain destroying the frontal lobes.

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What a jag off douche bag

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Why in the world would a late night so-called loser host 🙄 be pushing any type of medical anything??? This IS NUTS!! This constant PUSH IN YOUR FACE jab garbage is how you know this is complete and utter malfeasance!! Is Pfizer $$ behind financing this garbage show?? Who watches this idiot??

My God, what happened to doctors? (You know...trained medical professionals who went to medical school and WHO ARE AUTHORIZED and LICENSED TO GIVE MEDICAL ADVICE!!). What about doctor/ patient confidentiality laws!! Where does this A-hole get a license to push drugs or talk about anything medical-related to the public?? He’s literally pushing lethal drugs!!

Did you notice his maskless band playing right next to each other and he’s chanting about wearing those useless 😷 indoors??? He’s the joke!!

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Jimmy Fallon is so needy for -- and addicted to -- attention and validation from "celebrities" and Democrat politicians that he's willing to do ANYTHING for their approval (unaware they are laughing AT him rather than WITH him).

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Not only were the lyrics pathetic...the style he used when singing was a total copy of the group The B-52’s.

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I haven't watched Late Night TV more than 1 hr, since Jay Leno retired.

I had always watched Carson, right through to Leno's last program.

My decision is confirmed.

Regarding this "bit", some people think he was making fun of Covid-19 and masks and not in support.

Few people today are voluntarily taking the Jab, so that tells you that even hard Democrats know its a scam.

If Fallon wants to redeem himself, he should do a mocking of the Jab itself.

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It was only a matter of time before the Tonight Show would fallon hard times.

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JF is a victim of psy-ops...

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He IS the psy-op.

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30M contract would turn anyone into a puppet

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Haven’t watched any of these nonsense Presstitutes since 2020. Won’t even look at the video. Waste of time.

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Just another communist clown propaganda shill.

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