I say, Satan.

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You would be correct, but God is running the show. What was prophecied thousands of years ago must come to pass. The reality, "Evil will wax worse and worse..." and it has and is.

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Dr Alexander, I'm very grateful to be here on your page. It's an honer to think of all the people you know,and you still take time to run this Substack.

As for who runs the world, I can bet that it's some of the darker powers, that consider time and dimensions something insignificant . If that means Lucifer,it's as good a name as any.

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I am a little person...my motto is this, before I leave this world they will know I was here for good things...we, each of us, have a verse to contribute and I try to contribute mine...I have found some of the best people in life are you...folk here...not those crooks and animals in congress or senate or parliaments...these people, most (some are good with good intent just misplaced) are among the most evil vile opportunists. so I wish to be simple and small yet to have my voice heard...for the good

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I cherish each one of you here, even those with different views...for in it there is good too.

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Thank you, as the biggest, broadest, most heartfelt response possible.

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Lucifer, Satan, the Devil! All of the above. “Evil is Evil”! And evil has shown itself, for this battle has been and will continue to be a “Spiritual War”!

I couldn’t agree more with you Darkstar. Sadly, evil has been infiltrating every part of society.

All our government agencies, starting at the highest levels and permeating through each dept within.

The only way to “right these wrongs” and defeat the evils around us, do the opposite.

Pray and pray again, and keep praying, for our combined forces of prayer en masse, constrict the grip of Satans hold!

I don’t know any other way except prayer! Positive prayers and thoughts, cancels, Lucifer’s negative gripping energy, which has temporarily overcome mankind.


Thanks Darkstar for speaking reality. One for one and one at a time, eventually shatters the

“Evil Globalist” destructive agenda too many people believe in.


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Sasha is a heroine of mine. Malone hasn’t the bollocks to take her on. She would chew him up and spit out the pieces.

BUT as far as the DoD running the world is concerned, that’s ‘just’ a massive, evil department carrying out orders. Who actions those orders. I would argue mostly the Rockefeller’s. They OWN or CONTROL everything. They use Blackrock and Vanguard as investment vehicles. ALL of the major institutions like NATO are owned or answer to this Jewish family.


I feel a bit guilty doing this, but this guy wrote a fantastic book. It’s expensive though at $40 odd. It’s encyclopaedic but great to skim.

I promise you that you will be shocked what power this Jewish banking family has!

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Malone and Kirsch brought Sasha to prominence, it's sad you don't see the school play. What makes her a heroine? She's been spreading fear, hate and lies.

All of the Progressive "leaders" of the mostly Conservative medical freedom movement have been hand selected and have a role to play. They've pretended to be Conservative & have been promoted by the fake alternative media- the same media that is controlled/financed by the Progressive cabal.

It's interesting to watch Progressive big pharma folks being put on a pedestal for pretending to be indignant about the industry that made them multimillionaires.

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You are so right!! They were mostly democrats or Marxists before becoming "CONservatives". Look at Malone. Dr. Death himself. Latypova spawned a demon child and now the freedom scammers are trying to hide it. The Medical Freedom movement is filled to the brim with frauds. I know a friend who is going to expose a deep dive that is a shocker. So many grifting for money!!! They only care about their pocketbooks. It will shock you who......

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You might want to follow JJ Couey and Mark Kulacz of Housatonic. You will see a different Sasha. Remember all the actors in this movie including Dr. Death and Mr. Frankenscience Malone.

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I’ve checked few links. I can’t see that she’s done anything wrong. They don’t seem to have anything on her and she seems to me to win every discussion.

Perhaps you can enlighten me,

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Malone I accept is a prat

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No worries Ro. I will help you with a bit of your research. Remember to make sure to look at the excellent detailed microscopic work of Mark Kulacz of Housatonic Live. Here is a direct link but do look at the treasure trove of information. It will open your eyes to so much. She isn't the only one under a microscope. If you question Dr. Death Malone who is now the leader of the medical freedom movement then question everything. What gave Pierre Kory his claim to fame? The autopsy report of George Floyd that lead to the burning down of cities and mass race riots?? hmmmm.


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Slay them dragons, in all realms

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Maybe we will Janet.

The bad guys have the ability to traverse time and space.

Or leaders sought the same power when they built CERN. I believe when the moment is right some of us may find the keys to that power as well.

Does that sound creepy? I hope not .

It's more of a Quantum Physics problem than anything else.

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Everyone has that ability but the wool is over the eyes. The gaslighters are making sure the preoccupation is front and centre. Every drop of FEAR takes you further and further away of who you are. God made us in his image.

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CERN is a weird place thinking about all the power could harness, in the end for them won't have any power. We have had that power all along yet didn't know it.

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Very true,Janet. We have hidden powers that we've been taught by our religious leaders not to use.

If we learn to tap into those powers,we can become relatively invincible 💪

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We can all speculate who runs the world but we’d still be in the same “sinking ship”. The plan to overtake the world has long been described, explained, experts pondering, etc. but the fact remains, humanity has reached a tipping point.

Do we fight physically? How? We don’t know who the enemy specifically is. Within the western world of nations, there’s been a “slow boiling” of steps these “Evil Globalists” have been taking.

Long ago, little by little, steps needed, were being taken and slowly carried out. Now, today, last year, it doesn’t matter,

“tides of evil” have become the overwhelming force all around us. Some people understand this others are clueless. That’s how “evil” works.

Since lockdown became their starting point, (Evil Globalists) from this point forward, we’re left asking ourselves, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?.

Those individuals in power knew the time was coming. This year alone should have opened more eyes. There’s too many indicators pointing to the inevitable

“One World Order” of such.

Of such complete government corruption, utterly designed to fail. Which is what we’re seeing play out today.

Hardly, nearly nobody, with any sort of power, cumulatively could “rise above” and build a coalition against this,

“rising tidal wave of evilforces”!

Why? Why was congress silent? Why hasn’t anyone been held accountable? I could list hundreds of WHYS or how comes? Obviously the simple answer is below and we learned this long ago when in 1887:

Lord Acton writes to Bishop Creighton, that the same moral standards should be applied to all men, political and religious leaders included, especially since “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (1887).

When asked about “Who Runs The World” my answer would be, “Satan”! Evilness runs the world!

Because anyone half awake knows, when the above statement, made in 1887, those people who would “deceive” us would eventually have all the money and power and eventually

“Run the World”!

“Satan False” vs “God Truth”!

At the moment, “Satan”! Satan is running the world!

This is who’s running the world! And all those in lockstep with, “towing the lines for Satan”!

Years, maybe hundreds of years from now, when history is written about the impending collapse. How will mankind be remembered? if mankind is not obliterated. Then mankind will have won this “Spiritual War”.

“We the People” of these United States, have been divided and trivialized. We’ve been told we’re less than, along with so many other “tribal groupings” we’ve been lead to believe about ourselves.

Some more than others. Some believe this is where we belong. I disagree! The world should have disagreed unfortunately the world fell into this trap too!

All nonsense and all “EVIL”!

All of which goes against the natural order of things. Why? Simply to “divide and conquer”.

For “We the People” of these United States, in order to survive this “Spiritual War” must have a “Spiritual Awakening”! NOW! Yesterday was too late! Now is better than never.

In this corner “Evil Globalist” vs “We the People’s Spiritual Awakening”.

This battle has begun.

Will “humanity” survive this impending battle?

Will the “World Rulers”

win this fight?

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ knows this answer!

Only “We the People” can amend and we must amend, the ills of our past! By turning back and

“Righting our Wrongs”!

Awaken and fight once again for our“Spiritual Freedom’s” taken away by the

“Global Satanist Rulers” seeking to destroy mankind!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Politics is a local issue. Mandates were issued by Governors, County Commissions, City/Town Councils - if you're not involved in fighting for your rights where you live, you need to stand up and hold the elected officials responsible.

Spreading fear about the boogie man is very profitable, as we've witnessed from the selected Progressive parasites who travel the world and regurgitate propaganda. One of these Hillary supporters has a daughter who is on video advocating to kill cops and threatened to kill the YouTube CEO! The powerful, wealthy elites with megaphones are attempting to clean up her mess. Their silence is violence as they cover for each other. As George Carlin said, it's a big tent....

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excellent post La Gata...excellent.

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Alexander complemented your comment :)))) what an idiot boot licker. He licks everywhere and everyone's. Now yours, a coupe days ago Sahsa's :)))

Love your comment and its implications here.

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You're very astute. Noted. You can count on me always being a witch LOL.

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I LOLed while reading your comment! So very well put.

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I have to say La Gata, you’re the first person who’s said this to me. I’m completely shocked how many people haven’t any clue about what’s happening in America today.

Over and over I’ll hear something like “I can’t wait for November”. Sadly, people are still in “la la land” believing a Trump Administration is going to bring back “Santa” and the “Easter Bunny”. One thing is certain, state and local politics is where “We the People” must get involved! There’s no doubt why.

My concern at this point is mainly federal. Primarily because, about 80% of the “iceberg effect” is unknown. Makes sense right? The amount of unelected federal bureaucrats have imposed their free rein of radical ideological control within the 80% we can’t see! Typically we may never cross paths with the majority of these radically imposed policies and rules until someone try’s to do something which triggers rule or policy in question.

Without any doubt state and local are where we need to be. Unfortunately the amount of damage imposed during these past few years has been so wide and deep, it will take decades to recover from, if ever!

I can’t imagine what is coming! There’s darkness ahead without question. How dark and how impactful remains to be seen.

I appreciate your sharing of the most important part of the solution to America’s problems. I hear you loud and clear La Gata., I am fully aware of how “We the People” right this ship called these United States, which must start at the local and state levels.

Thank you for your input and your insight La Gata.


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Public Policy is one of my wheelhouses, I have experiences in standing up and advocating for Minorities and people with disabilities. I learned that politics are local and if we don’t show up, the elected officials and bureaucrats won’t know what we want or need. NC Representative Alma Adams told me that if she doesn’t hear from her constituents, she won’t know how they want her to vote on legislation. Former SC Congressman Mick Mulvaney once told me that he didn’t want to hear about problems, he wanted to hear solutions to whatever issues I was discussing with him. Two rules to keep in mind - especially during these crazy times. We have to show up!

And vote. Don’t listen to the people who say that our votes don’t matter - on a local level, they absolutely matter.

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I couldn’t agree more with Elaine Gata. Voting, is one responsibility they’ll have to “quarter me” to stop me!

There’s something drastically wrong with our election system,

Our election process has been riddled with fraud, from both sides.

I find it so frustrating to have the same people elected over and over again, knowing the majority of people did not vote for these same people.

Zuckerberg is a perfect example. $400, nearly a half billion dollars to sway the election results is insanely irresponsible! Nobody should be allowed to induce any amount of voter sway.

I appreciate your work helping voters, citizens through this process, helping voters through any situation is what we all need to do.

Time will reflect, how far gone our country has shifted. Certainly not for the better and or for the people.


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Very well put Lagata. Not sure how a shill like Latypova is now a hero all of a sudden. Did the Breggins get duped by Sasha?

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Dr. Breggin is a psychiatrist but maybe he has a soft spot for people who brag about running clinical trials for Pfizer and other big pharma conglomerates, it's all very confusing. I wasn't paying attention to her BS until I saw her 1. bamboozle good folks who couldn't see the psyop and 2. shut down those who questioned her BS. Then I listened to attorney Robert Barnes who told us what she was and why she was deliberately confusing people. Here's a glimpse of his commentary:


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People should watch the two or three videos in order with the one you posted to get some very good info about chaos agents and disinformation.


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I'll be publishing that clip in its entirety as attorney Robert Barnes clearly states what has been taking place and why - his words, not mine.

Isn't it disgusting that fear and hate have been deliberately spread? As if Americans haven't suffered enough....

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She is a bitch and her daughter is a freak. JJ Couey also outs Sasha as does Mark Kulacz AKA Housatonic. Sasha has been in big pharma like Mikovits. BS generators big time!! Scaring ther crap out of Americans.

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La Gata makes a very relevant point. State local levels of government is where the real power is. Why do you think George Soros targetted those levels of government and elections? The people have the power but don't realize it.

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I agree 100% with you and La Gata, Shelby. It all starts at the local level.

The federal level is much easier to infiltrate because the higher executives bring in whom they want and approve or deny employment to those who won’t toe the line. Unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot we can do at the federal level. The state and local are easier, depending on the state. California, not so easy.

Ultimately, both the state and federal governments work in unison. Once they reach 51% then the money starts to flow from Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street to ensure they move the needle.

Thank you for mentioning this Shelby. It’s very important to know how and why.

I appreciate your input and insight. Helping others understand and for us to continue learning is extremely important. I’m amazed how many people believe a Trump Administration will solve all the problems Americans are facing. Very few problems can be overcome with one Trump Administration. We need a minimum of 30 years straight working to undo the unelected bureaucrats have imposed on us.


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Thank you AJR. It's important for people to know the power they actually have and it's important for Substack leaders to help in that understanding, not pretend they are that saviour. A real leader empowers the troops.

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You’re welcome Shelby.

If I could have said it any better Shelby, I couldn’t! You’ve stated it perfectly, yes!

Thank you.


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Our betters, those who travel the world pretending to be heroes, don't want us discussing this important fact. We have to push back and educate those who have been bamboozled by these shills. You're 100% correct.

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The actual secular power that runs the world is the financial CYSTem aided and abetted by specific temporal agencies country by country who I refer to as the political CYSTem. For example Canuckistan currrently is enslaved by DICKtator turdo and the USA by ovomit/biDUMB.

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Likely a cabal of very powerful people, most of which want to remain in the shadows. The Bill Gates types are the exception. But the cabal consists of different camps with different views and missions. I think right now there's a lot of infighting going on.

The main difference say between now and 9/11 (a total fake and con job like COVID) is that information can get out much easier. The cabal is having more and more difficulty containing the narrative. The only people listening to failed propagandist like Morning Mika are sitting in their retirement home trying to relive and remember Woodstock. But desperate people do desperate things and COVID was the beginning.

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