I say we just call it VAXPOX because it's likely associated with being vaxxed and has an added bonus of likely being used for more coerced vaxxing.

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Absolutely absud!! Total stupidity!! What ding bats!! The sooner they disappear, the better for humanity!

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I agree!

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I think I saw that one before, but it fits now more perfectly than ever!! Thanks much, Vinu!!

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Only going to say this once Doc, Holy Crap Batman. The Joker has invaded Science and reason. The new humor parity. 🤡🌎🤡

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Stay tuned for the next episode 😱🤣🖕

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It's an African virus made at Fort Detrick!

The same way Fauci's HIV virus was African in the 1980s!

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“WOKE” ideology, cult must be outlawed. Actually changing human identity and direction of the human race.

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And now the WHO has convened an ‘emergency meeting’ to decide how to make the most of monkey pox and pump up some fear porn. It seems to see lockdowns and masks in our future. We, however, do not, and must ignore both it and the complicit governments which will try to enforce same. Rather a coincidence that the meeting is announced on the same day that the Canadian government very reluctantly and half-heartedly lifts a few travel restrictions. Those will no doubt be re-instated as soon as the WHO declares the pox to be global event of concern. Talk about lockstep. A foretaste of what will happen should various WHO treaties eventually prevail, as it continues to scheme for their adoption.

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it’s depressing to see how many still wearing masks for no reason.

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Yes it is - makes you wonder if enough people will wake up and start to see and fight the evil, doesn't it? Hang on!

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It's not about wokism. It's marketing & propaganda, an excuse.

Monkeypox just isn't scaring enough people to get jabbed so they need to invent something, just like COVID-19 wasn't novel at all, IMOH.


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Dr. Alexander, I was absolutely GOB-SMACKED with that terrific - and long overdue!! - put-down of the total fools at the Gov't's alphabet-soup agencies pretending to know ANYTHING about anything, let alone serious illnesses, their origins and their possible cures!! Good for you, Dr. A, and keep telling it like it is!! This was one report that I intend to share with my idiot libtard friends;l; and if they lose their minds (if they still have any to lose!!), I will know that I have hit a home-run!!

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There is no virus. This is just vaccine effects, doing what they're designed to do.

There's no monkeypox virus, stop this nonsense..

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They are giving the pox a makeover to make it a more household name

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Read history that is not written by self claimed so called elitists or state officials, It is good for you.

Ask questions. https://www.newbraveworld.org/monkeypox-scam/

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The excuse is a cover. They are renaming it to try to break the ability of people to look it up and see the facts around it. Once renamed they can stop referring to it as monkey pox and label any document using that name as being “extremist and hateful” to quash the truth.

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They are sticking to their plans. Plandemic 2.0 They will come up with a frightening name, and as you said previously, a novel, "new" virus/plague never seen before. All designed to shut everyone and everything down, just before the mid-term election. Pushing their reset plans full speed ahead.

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