I believe the reason all the fighting aged men entering Canada and the US is so when the hammer drops Biden and Trudeau have their army ready to attack us. Do not give up your weapons, I believe we are going to need them at some point, I also see a civil war in our future thanks to the evil people running or ruining our countries.

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You have hit the nail on the head, IMnsHO, and the arming of the Treasury (or whatever) people will set them up as the "officer core" to the "enlisted" beings (Mexican and other such civilians now in this country with more coming) and maybe the Chinese as the non-com officer element ... all a part of the intended destruction of the current world order to be replaced by the "final" communistic take-over.

Meaning, Evil will inherit the world because the "good people" did not care enough to have it otherwise.

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Never forget, communism has never won over the day, the Light always wins, we just have to have more of us standing with us to say NO!

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Yes, it’s disgusting that the Border is wide open. Where is homeland security? I used to work w them and ICE and I know they are very disheartened and can’t do their own jobs. Air marshals have been pulled from their sworn duties on planes to handing out sandwiches and water to migrants. That’s nuts!

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What can we do to stop the madness of Joe on the take Biden and his side kick, Obama

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Aren't other air marshals hunting down Jan 6ers?

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There are videos of ICE staff meetings online. The “commanders” lying their asses off.

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Mary Lou. Pull some strings and get some butt kicked. Go girl.

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This is going to be a DIY operation.

Voting harder will do absolutely nothing. The voting machines, systems and secretaries of state are all in the hands of the enemy combatants. Barring a miracle, you should be prepared to take action, whatever that means to you and you are capable of to defend the constitution and uphold the laws.

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We have to clean the house and Senate! We have deep staters in there, we have Obama people in there, we have to get rid of both demoncrats and reprobates republicans! Now, our country will never be safe with these evil, corrupt people.

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Sharon. That’s a great 10 year plan. But long before then you will be sharing your neighborhood with migrants who will never assimilate and who will bring chaos, lawlessness and death. This is war. Its part of a 100 year plan.

Arm up. Train

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The OWO says they will own it all by 2030, so that is a 7 yr plan now. How do we wake up Dems that they have lost their party and those same traitors are destroying our country and giving it over for greed and power? The Rinos are evil as well. So who does that leave us to fight along side?

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This fight is not politically possible. Party is immaterial. Those Reps and Senators will pass sleepwalking into the future as wholly irrelevant. The fight is local. The fight is coming to us. Right where you live.

Find a dozen or fewer to trust and rely on. Arm up. Train.

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Ask Trudeau...they are probably coming up to Canada to complete the takeover..... Is Trudeau Facilitating China's Eventual Control Of Canada?

China wants Canada. Rather than working to preserve national sovereignty, Mr. Trudeau is first-in-line to sell out our country. https://bradsalzberg.substack.com/p/is-trudeau-facilitating-chinas-eventual?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=316166&post_id=134497401&isFreemail=true

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The prime minister of Canadia's name is spelled Turdeau, Castreau, or Brandeau.

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It starts with C, ends in T and has the UN in the middle

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Yeah, there are many 4 letter words that describe him…

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I was in Vancouver 2018. Chinese everywhere. My husband and I hired a driver for a 1/2day tour of Vancouver and during the tour I noticed several 10,000+ sq footage homes on the market. I enquired about this to the driver and he said the Chinese are buying them ALL.😳

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Ping declared war on the US in 2017 after Trumps trade war started. China declared untrestricted war against the US, this has been backed up by numerous Chiese whistleblowers. Why does everyone , especialy in the health freedom movement, ignore this. They talk about Soros, gates, Fauci etc., but not the real mean behind the curtain. They are poisiining us and plan to colonize our lands, this is all not news, its documented.

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When the red dawn starts falling from the skies, it's time to go skeet shooting.. Our country IS armed... And they're Not going to be able to take it from us! Be fearless and be bold. God Bless!

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Watch Alex Newman on today’s USAWatchdog.com. He explains it all. We better wake up.

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We are in the early days of WWIII. Prepare and train.

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More likely WWIV. WWIII was the War on Terror. Which we lost as we gained the Patriot Act. Today we are in the midst of a 5the Gen Incormation Psyop. Preparing the population for kinetic warfare with the unassimilating migrant masses.

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Yes, whether one calls it WWIII, or WWX, it was first launched against the American people when the deep state had the rug pulled out from under them when Hillary lost. They began the insurgency plans and attacked the duly elected President from the git go, including an attempt at a "color revolution" in 2020, then the plandemic against the world and America, while using that as the excuse to implement their election fraud schemes. They actually believe they "got away with it", but they are wrong. Counter-insurgency ops have been going on for several years, including the info pysop you mention.

The next year will be rough, and we should be prepared, if civil war cannot be avoided.

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Welll maybe maybe not. Today’s dark governmental economy is powered by drugs, guns and people. The pace of todays immigrant Migration will overwhelm all other vectors of assault on our Former Republic. We have devolved into democracy which is a short drive from tyranny given the right conditions. Civil war? Most likely. Your neighborhood will welcome poor migrants needing shelter and it will be banana republic from there on down.

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I tell people, we were overthrown by traitors, and America is run by a criminal regime. Tyranny for sure. Going after anyone who dares to speak the truth, like what just took place in New Zealand.

Much will depend on the individual county and state one lives in, and whether it is run by patriots or compromised bought-off woke bitches.

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It will be determined by God and whomever is with Him.

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Sadly, I thought Trump has a plan to stop them, but when he did nothing but rant to his MAGA and did not stop the 2020 election coup,,,he has done nothing to help Lindell and others to expose completely the Traitors stealing the 2022 and now in 2024 elections, I do believe We the People who are woke and armed will be required to take back our country. That is, only, if they have returned to God, 2 Chron 7:14, and God sends is Army of Angels to help us. Otherwise, it is the End Times, and the Christians will be removed in the Rapture, and then God allows the Evil to take over the world completely. The OWO of Luciferians believe they have and are winning (satan) and the Tribulation and the finale the Great Tribulation War will happen. As the bible says, Pray you are not pregnant, or its not winter, and only those who refuse the Mark of Beast, will gain their souls eternal life. All others will be Judged to the Lake of eternal Fire and Hell.

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Yep, 5G warfare. Not just the electronic side.

5G warfare is also when most people don’t know they are under attack; and if they do, they don’t know whom they are fighting.

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It failed because of 8 Republican Rhinos.

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Rinos,,, Republicans in Name Only. Traitors paid off the the Commie Dems.

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Sorry about the H

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Why are so many Chinese moving into California and are the majority in some smaller cities?

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And being given high positions in certain jobs?

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I do not condone violence but I have the guns and ammo, I will be attending a refresher course on gun safety and practicing more. I detest this administration and instead of sitting on impeachment, throw the fools out! They broke their oath of office the first day when they opened the borders! Throw every last person associated with this administration out for TREASON!

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According to Atty. Todd Callander through his investigatory research, they (current regime members, cabinet, etc...) never took, nor signed a legit “Oath of Office”, nor did this person claiming to be the legit president win that election. They took it, then implemented a fed- you know what- where they arrest goofballs, grannies and people giving free speeches from unmarked areas on Capital grounds, all being waved in by Capitol police. We’ve seen it from the footage they’ve hidden for over 3 years.

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Sharon. Great post. Last sentence: “throwing them out” is at least a 15 year effort. Ignore them. Replacements are compromised by the process. Don’t waste your time.

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Brandon has to do something to earn his 10% or 50% of the big diamond Hunter got from the Chinese "businessman". Also, it's only Chinese males for 2 reasons: (1) more Chinese females are aborted so there is an excess of Chinese males in China (2) Hunter said "No yellow".

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Maybe it's a two-fer. They murder one voter and then vote themselves. The fascist democrats win again.

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Spot on!

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And! The threat is ordinary people are allowing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The border is open because somehow americans believe their “cold dead hands” is real!!!!!!

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