Not only to the people have that right ,but Doctor’s took the Hippocrates oath which one of the promises within that oath is "first, do no harm" (primum non nocere) .Common decency , medical ethics and trust between patients and Doctor’s demand that these questions be asked and fully examined

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About as meaningful as military officers swearing an oath to defend the US Constitution. We used to live in a white nation that was run by white men. Along with East Asian men, white men have the highest levels of intelligence, ethics, nationalism and morality. So, the jew bred it out of them, and flooded the nation with low IQ, low impulse control feral animals. I recall seeing the first waves of Paki allopathic medicine "doctors" in the 1980's. They sucked, and were easily bought off with Eli Lilly trips to Hawaii, to learn how best to fill billions of SSRI scrips.

tl;dr, the multi-culti world is shit.

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There is no trust, decency or ethics in the medical industrial complex. Best bet is to return to homeopathy and naturopathy. I hope people have now realized that democide is in full effect.

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This is so obviously white supremacy, and the lingering effects of the very, very violent J6 insurrection. Thank Yaweh the mostly peaceful brown and black people only killed 32 people, and burned $3B in infrastructure, while those "ebil natzees" killed EVERY Capital Police sheboon and low IQ affirmative action hire! If more people are dying, it could have a lot to do with the red dye in MAGA hats, but even if it is mostly us Libtards, I still think Orange Man caused it.

Oh, please do not show me any data, as unless it comes from queers and steers like Dylan Mulvaney, or Donnnn Lemonnnnn, I won't watch or read it. Also, make Starbucks free again, and I hope we find another 66 genders this year! Kisses, from The Left, you racisssssss bigots!

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Climate change is, of course, the only answer ...

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Paul and all,

All aspects of the COVID19 Terror theatre continues until The People decide they have had enough, wanting to FINALLY unite and fight! No politicians, including Trump will do this…The People is where the buck stops!

Sorry…YOU are going to have fight for your Freedom and Liberty

The following current column from Lex Greene below has ignited a firestorm of response from new NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER members coming to them to unite, out of total frustration with a past lack of unity and direction.

HOW the RIGHT Can UNITE! Contact Lex here…


Not only CAN we unite around the common goal of Freedom and Liberty, we MUST unite by setting our individual priorities in a manner that will allow us to work together on the TOP PRIORITIES which we agree on, and focus on the things we don't agree on later!

Divided, we don't stand a chance! Only when we UNITE in working strategies on TOP PRIORITIES do we have a chance!


Mother/Grandmother Lion of 7 and counting

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We're seeing in the ER. Is anyone connecting the dots? Not out loud. There is something very very wrong.

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Was nucleocapsid protein found in the autopsies?

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It would depend on who did the autopsy. You don't 'find' what you are not looking for.

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I wonder what it will take for the non believers wake the fu k up

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It baffles me on every level.

I happened to turn on CBC radio over the wk-end as I worked on my car.

The game was..."how many minutes until I run and click to another station?" I basically disdain all radio. It was a test.

Well...the answer was about 2 minutes.

The host was talking to a youtube exec. about their role in stopping disinformation on the platform. The CBC host then immediately went right to misinformation about the covid jabs.

That was it...I was done. Click.

CBC is hell bent on making sure these jabs kill as many as possible.

But why? How can all the employees at CBC be this impossibly stupid...or is it evil? Worse yet...their listening audience.

I am going to say this...and I mean it.

Nobody who got jabbed cares at all about these deaths. Not one of them....unless you have admitted your error. These deaths are trivial. They mean nothing. If 20 kids died every day...it would mean nothing.

I know 3 unjabbed people...and it means nothing to them. They are un-jabbed for their own reasons...but they do not care...do not want to hear about it or talk about it. Zero interest. Zero.

Two, maybe all 3 of them would be jabbed if their circumstances were slightly different. In their own ways...they all support the jabs...and narrative..so hence...the deaths are immaterial to them.

What has happened to us?

Doctors...nurses...nursing home workers...all that matters is their paycheck and their televisions.

I am so frazzled at times I am beyond myself.

Nothing matters in this world anymore except personal gratification...or so it seems.

It matters not what is screamed from the rooftops....it does not seem to get thru.

Whatever the horrid final outcome will be as a result of our insanity...it will be well earned.

My sis-in-law is a jabbed covidiot nurse.

She too is tired of the game...but has shown not even the smallest sign of comprehension or remorse.

All she wants is her nice life back. Like she ever lost out on much with her full idiotic support and bandaids on her deltoids.

But no mention of skyrocketing death and illness. No mention of the fascist treatment of the unjabbed...and no concern either.

If she knew of all the deaths would she care? IMO...no. She is nearing retirement.

She just wants to retire with her nice stash, and enjoy herself. That is a big reason I believe she refuses any information not readily available on her television.

She finds solace in her choices by attending church...you know...doing the right thing. Assuage that conscience with that hour of pulpit sitting on Sunday. I bet God is sore impressed with that 1000 yard stare in a decadent building.

I sure am God loves decadent church bldgs. much more than integrity.

Go to church...do not give a damn about the kids dying.

Almost retirement time...must be a good seat sale to Hawaii?

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Yes! Ask the question!!!

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Like dumb lambs to the slaughter....

"I followed instructions" is no excuse, worse than a soldier committing atoricites, "I was only following orders."

The legitimacy of orders is as relevant as the illegitimacy of a government and its perverted instructions, warring illegitimately against its own people.

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Too many white people(old stock Canadians is the pc term) in post-nation Canada according to Trudeau. Plus he was fully invested in the “miracle cure”.

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Stop the C-19 shots and boosters now! I just saw a TV Ad that we must update our C-19 booster to be protected. From Dept of Health! Liars! Stop the C-19 shots/boosters now for everyone.

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Apr 12, 2023
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These people will NEVER admit they were wrong. Instead they are trying to blame us for not telling them. What a bunch of crap! Spineless brainless idiots blame everyone but themselves.

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