Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. This statement is critical and why we/I argue it never worked
Do you really think the triggering of a limited antibody response was a mistake and not intentional? I find it hard to believe these vaccine experts didn’t know this!
Watch the interview I've posted in a separate comment. The Professor stated about the immunology that "This is not rocket science, it is not new. Our understanding is 80 or 90 years old". Additional quotes if you don't have time to watch 1 hour interview here
Unfortunately they do work to eliminate the humankind, globalist will not be stopping anytime soon, buckle up people it’s going to get uglier by the month, we need a global citizens group called the 99 per cent club with a military arm to reduce them and their mandated crimes against humanity, just need the driver to take the wheel and aim this ship into the globalist waters of evil🔥
What is the explanation for why it seems most all covid deaths are in the unvaxxed (vs vaxxed)? thank you. i dont see much addressing this issue and this seems to be the main argument still convincing people to get the vaxx. Any links etc would be greatly appreciated.
The reason why "it seems" (to you) that way is because of media BS. It's not accurate, though. Miscounting freshly jabbed as "unvaxed" for 14 days, while that is the phase most likely to die - and actually contract diseases such as C19 due to a weakened immune system, and similar tricks, are being used. There is at least one paper looking at that numerically, can't recall the authors or DOI right now. Title was something like "systematic miscategorization.... vaccination status", in late 2021, and an update recently.
Dr. Alexander - Thank you for all you have done and said about this issue. Is there any accurate test to determine if I have already had CoVid? After being at a crowded Ash Wednesday Mass in NYC, I believe I contracted CoVid in early March 2020. My oldest is an EM doc, and my second is an IM PA-C. Both were seeing CoVid patients back then, and believed (without a physical exam) that my persistent cough was indicative of a CoVid infection. However, A SARS CoV 2 SEROLOGY (COVID 19) AB (IGG), IA panel was negative in May 2020. My EM doc daughter back then: "The tests are sh!t. You had Covid." (Now, she denies that, and is adamant that I need the V, am "unsafe" and "a threat" without it.)
*** I have been exposed to CoVid , as well as "normal cold virus" numerous times since then, and have not gotten ill. Would a T-Detect or other test be able to determine if I have antibodies to SARS-COV-19?
Professor Emeritus Dr. Robert Clancy, pioneering clinical immunologist, says the same. If you need more evidence watch the video. One of the most damaging statements from the interview:
34:00 "Need to move towards spacing of vaccines, so we do not accumulate, what downstream can be incredible damaging, if we turn off we basically make coronavirus like aids or something like this"
Very interesting — like the rest of what you’re posting here answers many questions and begs more (to me, a nonexpert anyway)
Here goes:
1. Natural infection — gives secretory IgA, but if allowed to advance (like in vulnerable comorbid people) presumably it gets to the self destruction phase also, and thats the thing thats killing people?
2. Vaccination — dodges the secretory IgA but risks getting to a similar advanced natural infection phase (does it still get there if the vaccine actually stays in the muscle? Or does it get there only when also injected into bloodstream, which I’d think fairly likely?)
3. Does that mean instead of it being an injection the vaccine should be some kind of nasal spray? Shoot the stuff up your nose instead? Don’t injected flu vaccines have the same problem then (in terms of triggering right kind of immunity, am understanding that — at least not yet — they don’t generate a flood of weird proteins like the covid ones)
4. Do future coronavirus infections trigger this (in vaccinated, but wondering how recovered severe covid people would be different… though maybe they’re helped by having the secretory IgA)
5. Spirals off topic, but do wonder if indeed omicron eventually pushes coronaviruses to the side for a while, what happens next flu season when we’ve (maybe?) not been exposed to that one last couple years? Could a flu infection trigger a latent time bomb from past covid vaccination? Seems a stretch probably (hopefully)?
Do you really think the triggering of a limited antibody response was a mistake and not intentional? I find it hard to believe these vaccine experts didn’t know this!
Watch the interview I've posted in a separate comment. The Professor stated about the immunology that "This is not rocket science, it is not new. Our understanding is 80 or 90 years old". Additional quotes if you don't have time to watch 1 hour interview here
We have to stop the organized NeedleRape of my friends please
Thank you Dr. Alexander. The flue vaccines are also injected in the muscle, are the flue vaccine protective at all?
Unfortunately they do work to eliminate the humankind, globalist will not be stopping anytime soon, buckle up people it’s going to get uglier by the month, we need a global citizens group called the 99 per cent club with a military arm to reduce them and their mandated crimes against humanity, just need the driver to take the wheel and aim this ship into the globalist waters of evil🔥
What is the explanation for why it seems most all covid deaths are in the unvaxxed (vs vaxxed)? thank you. i dont see much addressing this issue and this seems to be the main argument still convincing people to get the vaxx. Any links etc would be greatly appreciated.
Read Joel Smalley’s Substack
The reason why "it seems" (to you) that way is because of media BS. It's not accurate, though. Miscounting freshly jabbed as "unvaxed" for 14 days, while that is the phase most likely to die - and actually contract diseases such as C19 due to a weakened immune system, and similar tricks, are being used. There is at least one paper looking at that numerically, can't recall the authors or DOI right now. Title was something like "systematic miscategorization.... vaccination status", in late 2021, and an update recently.
Dr. Alexander - Thank you for all you have done and said about this issue. Is there any accurate test to determine if I have already had CoVid? After being at a crowded Ash Wednesday Mass in NYC, I believe I contracted CoVid in early March 2020. My oldest is an EM doc, and my second is an IM PA-C. Both were seeing CoVid patients back then, and believed (without a physical exam) that my persistent cough was indicative of a CoVid infection. However, A SARS CoV 2 SEROLOGY (COVID 19) AB (IGG), IA panel was negative in May 2020. My EM doc daughter back then: "The tests are sh!t. You had Covid." (Now, she denies that, and is adamant that I need the V, am "unsafe" and "a threat" without it.)
*** I have been exposed to CoVid , as well as "normal cold virus" numerous times since then, and have not gotten ill. Would a T-Detect or other test be able to determine if I have antibodies to SARS-COV-19?
Professor Emeritus Dr. Robert Clancy, pioneering clinical immunologist, says the same. If you need more evidence watch the video. One of the most damaging statements from the interview:
34:00 "Need to move towards spacing of vaccines, so we do not accumulate, what downstream can be incredible damaging, if we turn off we basically make coronavirus like aids or something like this"
Very interesting — like the rest of what you’re posting here answers many questions and begs more (to me, a nonexpert anyway)
Here goes:
1. Natural infection — gives secretory IgA, but if allowed to advance (like in vulnerable comorbid people) presumably it gets to the self destruction phase also, and thats the thing thats killing people?
2. Vaccination — dodges the secretory IgA but risks getting to a similar advanced natural infection phase (does it still get there if the vaccine actually stays in the muscle? Or does it get there only when also injected into bloodstream, which I’d think fairly likely?)
3. Does that mean instead of it being an injection the vaccine should be some kind of nasal spray? Shoot the stuff up your nose instead? Don’t injected flu vaccines have the same problem then (in terms of triggering right kind of immunity, am understanding that — at least not yet — they don’t generate a flood of weird proteins like the covid ones)
4. Do future coronavirus infections trigger this (in vaccinated, but wondering how recovered severe covid people would be different… though maybe they’re helped by having the secretory IgA)
5. Spirals off topic, but do wonder if indeed omicron eventually pushes coronaviruses to the side for a while, what happens next flu season when we’ve (maybe?) not been exposed to that one last couple years? Could a flu infection trigger a latent time bomb from past covid vaccination? Seems a stretch probably (hopefully)?