happened Bella? It got too hot for you? Did not like the stabbings across Europe, the rape of European girls, blonds like you? You let medieval 6th century islamists among you, lit your funeral pyre
This seems like something easily fixed. First, Jury Nullification freedoms are legislated and the public, educated about them. Second , compulsory handgun training and ownership for women. Third, survivors are returned to country of origin.
Because of deep state and propaganda brainwashing.
And these 44 million muslims were NOT "refugees", they were part of a forced massive invasion.
This Bella Wallersteiner -- those two posts of hers say it all. That first one shows she was completely brainwashed into believing the "diversity" bull shit. London and the UK are NOT better for it.
AND - she STILL is flying the nazi flag??? Will people like her ever learn the truth??
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
Why am I not surprised that the Jew-hater has no clue? NOT Liberals, BilboBitch, leftists.
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
True, the freemason Kalergi plan is just for that: promote massive immigration in Europe and the USA and make sure they are not assimilated, in order to destroy nations from within. Soros is a mason, by the way.
Fundamentalists claim that Israel doesn’t have a right to exist as a country: they are occupying Palestinian land, even in Tel Aviv.
“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.” 1
Yet, the majority doesn’t take the Quran literally: otherwise, they fail to murder any non-muslim as commanded by the Quran (just as the Jews fail to stone homosexuals and adulterers as demanded by the Old Testament).
Gazans would retract the support to violent Hamas if there was a 2 state solution with UN boundaries and a special international status for Jerusalem, being an emblem for Jews, Muslims and Christians.
All we are saying is give peace a chance!
The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?
Kalgeri plan like many plans is/was just a plan, and they have 10's of 1,000's of plans and most of them fail
The only plan today is "GREATER ISRAEL" the Yinon-Plan and USA ain't included in the plan, ergo why 90% of the human-population in USA is to vanish by 2025
"So it’s time to reach out to your liberal friends and ask them: why did they push to allow the mass immigration of religious fanatics who want them dead?"
Don't worry, it's self-correcting. Give it enough time, and liberals would shoot themselves in the foot by embracing those who are bent on their destruction. As I like to say, bring out the popcorn!
Just to make sure, you differentiate the left from Liberals, right?
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
I keep begging you to STOP calling the left Liberals.
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
Due to Israel's genocidal massacres of Palestinians, especially civilians and children, many people are venting their rage at local Jews. What people need to keep in mind, or learn is that Zionism is a political ideology, not the religion. The state of Israel practices Zionism which is genocidal and always was. Not all Jewish people are Zionists altho many are. This is not discussed in the MSM and Paul can't get this clear for himself either. But the rise of anti-semitism is due lock stock and barrel
For all you great religious people who follow someone who promoted love and caring for the weak, sick and needy how about trying to practice the spirituality of the message and start seeing all people as the same as yourself. The white supremacist attitude in Paul's post is as unspiritual as you can get and is also a lie based of bigotry.
To date all the "ATTACKS on JEWS in USA" has been proven to be fake MSM jew-shit;
The only known-known is that +10,000 women&children in PALESTINE are dead, and that USA has now dumped 25,000-50,000 Tons TNT EQUIVALENT on Palestine ), which is two hiroshima nukes, or 1 nagasaki, the average devestation to date is 70 tons per square KM; It typically takes 10 tons per square-block to 100% "LEVEL" a city, so on average ALL Palestine GAZA now looks like Hiroshima "dead center"
The only known?? May be to the genius minds like yours, yes. Can you provide any credible source outside of Palestinian Pravda influence??
Can you put money where your silly Jew-hating mouth is please?
Let’s wait a few months, and just like in Jenin 2002 case, the numbers would prove to be much, Much, MUCH smaller, like in a hundred … not counting Hamas terrorists, whom you L-O-V-E soooooo MUCH.
Why do liberals support Woke? Home? Pedo? Jew Causes??
Like all P-alex posts this is jew-shit, if a survey was taken with USA public 90% would say "No Muslim Immigration" besides the subject is moot
The issue is USA murdering Arab Children Palestine, but some fuck-nutz must re-direct the fact that the MSM is losing the war at home and they blame 'free running muslim' in USA as cause of anti-ZIONISM
WHen in Fact ZIONISM is hated universally especially in ISRAEL
Liberals do NOT support woke, etc. causes, but by mistake. The LEFT, the movement to which you belong, does. But, I would not expect the genius Jew-hating mind, like yours.
Why Liberals support Jewish causes? Well, May be because Jews contributed to humanity sooooo MUCH?
What have you contributed to the humanity besides running your silly mouth, BilboBitch? I bet you would not put your money in the sewer where your mouth is 😂🫶🏼🕊
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
Well, there is some connection on the social side: liberals are as accepting and tolerant for as long as no personal harm.
Complete distinction on the fiscal side: Liberals are for the fiscal sanity, and you can call them fiscally conservative, the smallest government possible. Check out a definition of the Classical Liberals.
"The problem now for the Left is that the Muslims they’ve managed to import seem to prefer assaulting Jews rather than Christians at the moment— even at Harvard"
This seems like something easily fixed. First, Jury Nullification freedoms are legislated and the public, educated about them. Second , compulsory handgun training and ownership for women. Third, survivors are returned to country of origin.
Deport ALL who obviously FAILED to Assimilate to American traditions. #FreedomCompromised by #FreedomBastardized
I don’t drink beer, go fishing or support unaffordable, illegal, murderous, shameful and treasonous wars abroad for Israel. Gonna deport me?
Study the REAL HISTORY of the USA for Gods sake
Nah, you should start by going to the best psychologist/psychiatrist out there.
Why not start by offering “them” to leave in peace? Perhaps pay for their one-way tickets?
Because of deep state and propaganda brainwashing.
And these 44 million muslims were NOT "refugees", they were part of a forced massive invasion.
This Bella Wallersteiner -- those two posts of hers say it all. That first one shows she was completely brainwashed into believing the "diversity" bull shit. London and the UK are NOT better for it.
AND - she STILL is flying the nazi flag??? Will people like her ever learn the truth??
Sad to say, but probably not until she and they are gang raped by some random afgan group .
Liberals always need a cause and people to tell how to think.
A misguided cause.
Yes, but like KUNSTLER eloquently, explains "The Jews fucked up, they have destroyed the USA-Host, and most now move on to a new host to feed on"
Jew hate never dies. You deserve to live under Hamas
Left, The Green Hornet, NOT Liberals, leftists.
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
Different name same ideology. As David Horowitz says, inside every progressive (liberal) there's a totalitarian screaming to get out.
Progressive, maybe. Liberal, no. Even if David Horowitz, like many others, misuses the term
Liberals were all born tabla-rasa ( empty tablets devoid of thought )
The Tribe filled their minds with jew-shit
Why am I not surprised that the Jew-hater has no clue? NOT Liberals, BilboBitch, leftists.
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
True, the freemason Kalergi plan is just for that: promote massive immigration in Europe and the USA and make sure they are not assimilated, in order to destroy nations from within. Soros is a mason, by the way.
Fundamentalists claim that Israel doesn’t have a right to exist as a country: they are occupying Palestinian land, even in Tel Aviv.
“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.” 1
Yet, the majority doesn’t take the Quran literally: otherwise, they fail to murder any non-muslim as commanded by the Quran (just as the Jews fail to stone homosexuals and adulterers as demanded by the Old Testament).
Gazans would retract the support to violent Hamas if there was a 2 state solution with UN boundaries and a special international status for Jerusalem, being an emblem for Jews, Muslims and Christians.
All we are saying is give peace a chance!
The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
Kalgeri plan like many plans is/was just a plan, and they have 10's of 1,000's of plans and most of them fail
The only plan today is "GREATER ISRAEL" the Yinon-Plan and USA ain't included in the plan, ergo why 90% of the human-population in USA is to vanish by 2025
😂🤣 Thank you for that!! Could you put your money where your silly mouth is please?
What are you willing to bet that in 2025 human population in the USA vanishes? 🕊🫶🏼
"So it’s time to reach out to your liberal friends and ask them: why did they push to allow the mass immigration of religious fanatics who want them dead?"
Don't worry, it's self-correcting. Give it enough time, and liberals would shoot themselves in the foot by embracing those who are bent on their destruction. As I like to say, bring out the popcorn!
Just to make sure, you differentiate the left from Liberals, right?
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
I keep begging you to STOP calling the left Liberals.
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
Okay, I will look more carefully into the nuances of the distinction you're making. Thank you.
Real Liberals are socially accepting/tolerant (I am avoiding use of the word Liberal 😁) and fiscally conservative, small government, etc.
Check out a description of Classical Liberal.
Most people know that muslims want to take over the world, enforce sharia law, and chop off the heads of all infidels who won't convert to islsm.
I do believe they have another thing coming....
And NEVER and I mean NEVER let them into positions of YOUR Government!
Due to Israel's genocidal massacres of Palestinians, especially civilians and children, many people are venting their rage at local Jews. What people need to keep in mind, or learn is that Zionism is a political ideology, not the religion. The state of Israel practices Zionism which is genocidal and always was. Not all Jewish people are Zionists altho many are. This is not discussed in the MSM and Paul can't get this clear for himself either. But the rise of anti-semitism is due lock stock and barrel
For all you great religious people who follow someone who promoted love and caring for the weak, sick and needy how about trying to practice the spirituality of the message and start seeing all people as the same as yourself. The white supremacist attitude in Paul's post is as unspiritual as you can get and is also a lie based of bigotry.
To date all the "ATTACKS on JEWS in USA" has been proven to be fake MSM jew-shit;
The only known-known is that +10,000 women&children in PALESTINE are dead, and that USA has now dumped 25,000-50,000 Tons TNT EQUIVALENT on Palestine ), which is two hiroshima nukes, or 1 nagasaki, the average devestation to date is 70 tons per square KM; It typically takes 10 tons per square-block to 100% "LEVEL" a city, so on average ALL Palestine GAZA now looks like Hiroshima "dead center"
The only known?? May be to the genius minds like yours, yes. Can you provide any credible source outside of Palestinian Pravda influence??
Can you put money where your silly Jew-hating mouth is please?
Let’s wait a few months, and just like in Jenin 2002 case, the numbers would prove to be much, Much, MUCH smaller, like in a hundred … not counting Hamas terrorists, whom you L-O-V-E soooooo MUCH.
Deal? 😁🫶🏼🕊
apparently the rapes and murder says the liberals were wrong to take in the muslim br otherhood
as their crime rates have gone off the charts-as the victims of the crimes( those living)
Why do liberals support Woke? Home? Pedo? Jew Causes??
Like all P-alex posts this is jew-shit, if a survey was taken with USA public 90% would say "No Muslim Immigration" besides the subject is moot
The issue is USA murdering Arab Children Palestine, but some fuck-nutz must re-direct the fact that the MSM is losing the war at home and they blame 'free running muslim' in USA as cause of anti-ZIONISM
WHen in Fact ZIONISM is hated universally especially in ISRAEL
Liberals do NOT support woke, etc. causes, but by mistake. The LEFT, the movement to which you belong, does. But, I would not expect the genius Jew-hating mind, like yours.
Why Liberals support Jewish causes? Well, May be because Jews contributed to humanity sooooo MUCH?
What have you contributed to the humanity besides running your silly mouth, BilboBitch? I bet you would not put your money in the sewer where your mouth is 😂🫶🏼🕊
It sure as hell wasn't the muslim
A better question here would be "Why do liberals allow themselves to be led around by jews by their dicks"??
Because democRATs are the lowest form of human in the Human Race. Sinners who will no doubt be cast to hell upon their death.
Left, Milton, NOT Liberals, left.
How do you differentiate Liberals from the left? Just like America does the right thing after all other options fail, Liberals eventually come to their senses.
Well, there is some connection on the social side: liberals are as accepting and tolerant for as long as no personal harm.
Complete distinction on the fiscal side: Liberals are for the fiscal sanity, and you can call them fiscally conservative, the smallest government possible. Check out a definition of the Classical Liberals.
your classical definition fits websters but the criteria becomes blurred in reality- and that skir is where the rubber meets the road-!
The criteria gets blurred if you allow leftists blur it for you the Orwell way.
I do not let them, I call them who they are and explain the most curious. Some with time educate themselves and become Liberal.
The damage they have done to their very own is unimagineable, and irreversible as the
Lazarus effect is pure fiction-i have seen no one return from the dead, as well i cant imagine what a sane man would do with 72 virgins-
The 'liberals' are led by God's chosen people to go where ever they are told to go;
"The problem now for the Left is that the Muslims they’ve managed to import seem to prefer assaulting Jews rather than Christians at the moment— even at Harvard"
Ah, the irony! Well, bring it on, I say.
We have all been protesting Israels occupation for +50 years, this has fuck all to do with left or right, this is about right & wrong.
If that were true, but so far every 'assaulted jew' has been proven to be a ZOG MSM lie