This entire Scamdemic and vax debacle WILL BE THE HILL I DIE ON. It has permanently altered my mental psyche in a way that is hard to explain. I thank God every day for opening my eyes from day one of this BIG LIE. Please for the love of God our Creator, our beautiful Country and for HUMANITY-

SPEAK THESE TRUTHS.... no matter how small you feel in this madness- not knowing what to do... start talking with people, like I just did yesterday while waiting for my mammogram. A comment I made to another patient sitting next to me about the absurdity of still having to mask up in the clinic, led to her story about her sister who had died after being given a painful PCR test when they used to have mass testing tents up all over the country. Her sister ended up dying because the PCR test went to far up, started with a nose bleed then brain fluid. THESE ARE THE TRUTHS OF OUR NATION. My story, the lady sitting next to me’s story, the cashier at the grocery store in your neighborhood’s story, the bank teller’s story, YOUR STORY.

God Bless us all.

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Wow...that is tragic!...and it’s a fake test! The stories are starting to come out about how many ways this fake pandemic has taken so many of us...the least from the fake virus. This ordeal has led so many of us down the rabbit hole... and that’s when you are changed forever, at least myself. I finds myself doing the same thing you do, testing everybody I run into, many are awake but sadly none of my family and few of my friends.

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Like you I have been abandoned by family and friends who believe the lies that the CABAL have been spewing out of their cake hole

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Same here. It’s all just so devastating.

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You nailed it Stephanie, we may think we are insignificant on our own, but it adds up fast when we all get out there and spread the truth.

I have so many folks think I’m looney tunes it’s not funny. The seniors I care for even made me a tinfoil ball cap, lol 😂.

I wear it with pride!

What broke my heart, is when I made dinner for them last week, they apologized to me, saying I was right. I told them it was never about being right, it was all about saving lives. Unfortunately, theirs are coming to an end.😢

Here is what I have found, the folks your talking to are polite and nod in all the right places. But.....when they are alone with their thoughts what you said pops up!

So, you planted the seed, some will grow and flourish and add to our community, others will wither away and die, no pun intended here.

We all need to be seed planters today, every little bit helps move us forward. So, keep it up!

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God bless you now and forever

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video compliation by those pushing the jab relentlessly on us, share and never forget who they are.


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It's easy to spot the "operators" and "initiated" once you know what to look for.

1. Born into a family already in that system or recruited in if they are capable and can contribute.

2. Went to all the right schools. 80% of the people at Ivy's are these people.

3. Miraculous escapes from the legal system.

4. Wealth over $100m

5. Magical promotion of their businesses and ideas. There's a reason why it looks so easy when they do it. They are instructed in the plan ahead of time and get a lot of help along the way. Hindsight is 20/20 and if you are given the answers to the questions on the test, you will ace it!

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Malone has his BS story of beginnings as a carpenter and farm hand. He framed his background in a way to make him look as though he fought his way to the top. He was an enigma for a long time until he showed us a few cards like after 2+ years into the plandemic saying that the vaccines should not be taken by children.

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Some are recruited in. The qualifications are 1) very smart and 2) poor moral character (they will do exactly as told, no matter who gets harmed). Bankers and spies are all recruited the same way.

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Yet he wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids...go figure!

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See Malone's new stack in which he applies sociobiological concepts to his attacks on the WEF and American Imperial.State. He characterizes the American Imperial State as the Global Apex Predator and the bureaucracy as the Apex Parasite. Having abandoned his earlier liberal, progressive ideas, he is becoming a "Chomsky of the right." It will be interesting to see what he does if RFK Jr defeats Biden and takes on Trump or RINO DeSoros. If RFK Jr wins then Malone will have a high level cabinet position.

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JFK will beat Trump I rhink

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There's a strong chance he would, if Trump runs. He would definitely beat DeSoros. Trump has had himself pumped full of clot shots and DeSoros and the Dems are hoping that if they hit him with repeat acute stressors they can induce an involuntary endocrinological stress response that will overload his immunological and cardiovascular systems and kill him. DeSoros obviously wants him dead so he can be the candidate. The Dems also want him dead so DeSoros can be the candidate. DeSoros has had a lot of clot shots too but is younger than Trump. The Dems know DeSoros will be less popular than Trump and is far less intelligent. He's as dumb as a bag of hammers and less resilient than Trump at the same age will not cope as well as Trump has to date with relentless hoaxs and witch hunts and that even Biden would defeat him easily. Of course, with Trump dead, other, better GOP candidates than DeSoros would emerge but I think RFK Jr could defeat them all.

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Malone is NO Better than the CEO's of the Pharmaceutical Company's he's worked with to kill & harm the world or the Currupt Government he's part of

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He is dodgy no doubt. There is something not right about someone who apparently knows the truth but is making money out of stringing things out.

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I agree Paul, why will Malone not help the vax injured with an antidote, if there even is one, but I'd like to know. I believe he has become too big for his britches and he believes he's important because people want to talk to him, but Ive noticed it's always only on his terms. I think he's a fraud and a liar who needs to come clean about the mRNA and if it can be stopped.

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I say Malone is stringing things out apparently for money and fame. I understood what was going on by June 2020 and started my WordPress site as a consequence, now mirrored on substack.

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Not to mention he is an “expert “ on EVERY SINGLE topic he discusses. Has his tentacles in so many directions it’s mind boggling.

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Legend in his own mind.

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I thought Malone claimed to have abandoned his attempt at vaccines because it essentially did not work. He stated several of the issues you mentioned and high fatality in test animals. He said he was surprised after contacting the Lipid team at UBC to find they had not ironed out any of the problems before proceeding.

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Then why Did Malone take the vax? I knew that too and made a different choice!

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Well the mainstream narrative now is that infection and reinfection leads to autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer and dementia. I suspect Malone worked out early that the pathogen was manmade and no harmless respiratory virus when he saw Luc Montagnier's analysis of the HIV inserts on the Spike and thought the vaxx was the lesser evil.

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He says he did it for travel due to work

He seems to project the image of the virtuous Ivy League best and brightest type

Coming from academia and lab environment. I used to sense he was horrified when he and Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch the data guy did that round table and saw the repro data and alarm bells went off. It’s almost like he feels a profound sense of responsibility and maybe guilt about the whole thing. But given he is in deep with DOD and very involved in the past with FDA, public can’t help but wonder if he is like some plant.. epitome of psyop. Time will tell.

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thank you for your true words as always. i believe you are blessed by God to do what you do. he is speaking through you. truth tellers seem to have a relationship with God and it shows when they stick to their truth no matter at what cause to themselves and those who surround with them. i pray for you everyday.

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Paul, your crusade re: Dr. Malone fits my theory of the “power of the narrative.” Once a narrative is established, it’s almost impossible to change it. And it’s professionally and socially dangerous to challenge “The Current Thing.”

I suspect this maxim applies to the big picture AND to sub-groups like our “freedom movement” (or the “Covid contrarian writers.”)

Per the operative “narrative” in our little sub-culture, Dr. Malone was/is one of the heroes of our cause and fight. So if you question such a person, you could be expelled from the group.

It’s the same as in the mainstream media someone questioned the settled science espoused by Anthony Fauci. A person can do this … but if he or she does, they should expect censorship and harsh retaliation.

I haven’t paid as much attention to the “Malone debate” as you have, but I don’t think it should be off-limits for someone like yourself to keep raising the points you are raising.

My thought is you wouldn’t be raising your points if you didn’t think they were so important. After all, you are no doubt seeing and experiencing blowback from “going against the narrative.”

It would have been much safer for your career simply to not bring any of this up. But you did. Kind of like it would have been much safer for Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s career to never get into investigations into the safety and efficacy of “vaccines.” But he went ahead and did this anyway.

Speaking for myself, I admire anyone who takes a position that they KNOW is going to almost certainly cause them harm. This actually increases my desire to listen to such a rare person

If you are being ex-communicated from the “freedom movement,” this is not a good look for our side.

I appreciate your principles and courage.

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Brownstone Institute has been protecting the Progressive Vaccine Frankenstein. Why would they protect the monster who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids? Perhaps if we followed the money trail, we'd discover the answer.

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Ha ha, I called him an attention whore on Sage's stack yesterday. Love the double down on push back here!

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Malone likes the limelight. And possibly the money too...

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Horses are expensive!

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But Ivermectin, pre-plandemic, was dirt cheap... and effective.

Now? Costing folks $10 per tablet, on the local Canadian black market.

It's a money grab, any which way you slice.

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Indeed, and as I say, it has been very much about the money. Thankfully there are other alternatives to ivermectin, but people will take advantage for profit.

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True. The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse need them too!

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So are the ridiculous costumes he and Jill wear in their equally ridiculous role playing videos on their yt channel.

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Stopped listening and watching him last year.

"Something in his eyes."

Went with my gut.

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He wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids. But watch out, if you dare to expose the vaccine Frankenstein, you'll be viciously attacked by his mama bear, Meryl Nass😉

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For all the memes and videos and articles we rely on in the absence of legitimate news sources, the fact remains most are circling the target without zeroing in on the globalists’ fundamental goal of depopulating via a synergistic effort of emancipating criminals, consciously encouraging these fictions and addictions, and chemically and biologically rendering the next generation infertile. A vast majority of the public are as (willfully) ignorant of Robert Malone as they are Alex Azar and the rest essaying their parts in our dystopian kill-off.

Until there is adequate communication and coordination between the spelunkers exploring these various rabbit holes, and greater representation of those in positions to ACTUALLY act upon RICO-worthy prosecutions, things will only continue to devolve exponentially.

Subscribe to my Substack https://doesnotplaywellwithothers.substack.com/publish/settings

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FYI Dr Alexander I attended the Unity Project event in Temecula CA I was reluctant when I saw the speaker lineup had changed Malone and his wife was in the panel. Others were of interest to me and saw I attended Keriaty MD and Dennis Prager was the draw for me. Malone admitted that ‘someone’ involved in the Unity Project has made all of Malone’s travel doable because this unnamed person is paying for it all.

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Why are Malone and wife so "co-dependent"? It's far beyond being supportive spouses and partners. It makes him seem less a man and she a controlling hoverer.

Also: It would be a revelation to discover Malone's benefactor.

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I’m still puzzled about the vitriol fired Malone’s way. As a casual observer, my impression is that he’s on the right team. He would appear to be fighting the menace (and suffering for it).

Couldn’t you invite him over for a chat?

Is it logical to blame Malone for everything which has transpired in conjunction with the mRNA vax rollout, merely because of his foundational role in the early stages of the technological development?

What am I missing?

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I find Dr Malone to be measured and educational in his articles and is laying down the various components of the Covid con. Dr. Paul is prolific in reporting the great harm that has transpired, but is fixated on Dr. Malone’s professional career which has been side tracked since he cross over and said: Stop the Injections!

I don’t understand the lawsuit against Dr. Breggin whose has spent his professional career pointing out the great harm done with SSRI’s which are prescribed to over 95% of the school shooters who are acting out against their mental derangement caused by the drugs they are taking!

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I think Paul has done that & been ignored

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Again, some Q&A:

Q: What do blokes like Malone and sperm have in common?

A: One in 50 million has a realistic chance of becoming a human being.

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He wants to not have an honest conversation and is he vying for a position with Kennedy? ( yes)

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If so (and I think you're right, Rosalind), Malone is betting on the wrong horse.

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Frauds and don’t care about customers. Simple problem solving is really hard to find in healthcare. I had to walk my cardiologist through problem solving at Dartmouth. Really not impressed. Most not all healthcare providers won’t make it in free market non monopoly setting

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As far as Malone goes, I believe he’s deep state and in it for the cash. Ever watch his lying eyes in his interviews? I keep waiting for the evil reptile to burst thru his skin. Didn’t trust this POS from the start, and still feel I was correct today as more and more information comes out.

Robert Malone is a money grubbing, grifting SNAKE!

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Well said my brother.We will win this battle between good and evil.Malone is a false prophet and one of many Antichrists here now trying to kill GODs saints

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I reckon DrMalone is without a clue on how to fix this mess as I remember hearing in one of his talks with Patrick Gempto that there were so many problems with the body’s inflammatory response that they walked away from the technology.

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He admits there is a mess. The mainstream doesn't. Malone is unlikely to have any idea how to fix it. If he could prove there is a mess and fix it he could get a Nobel.prize. The only mess the mainstream admit exists is related to the covid deaths. The new book out "We Want Them Infected" seems to be laying the groundwork for a new narrative that Dr. Alexander and some others are responsible for the millions of dead globally.

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You can imagine I was quite suspicious of this new book and, as always, I immediately wanted to know who published it. In 2016 the same publisher, associated with a community college in N.C., put out a book on the "war on polio," so it appears they are heavily invested in the "vaccine" narrative. I'm very curious about their source of funding. Their advertising makes it appear that they cater to those seeking a vanity press of sorts.

For those unfamiliar, the subtitle of the misguided book is: "How the failed quest for herd immunity led doctors to embrace the anti-vaccine movement & blinded Americans to the threat of COVID." smh. Unbelievable.

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Are they trying to turn this around and blame Dr Alexander for this mess….the only question I have regarding Dr Alexander’s part in all of this is he was working with the Trump administration at the time and where did his responsibilities lie in regards to the roll out or response to this plandemic 🙏😊

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Yes it appears that they are going after Dr. Alexander although I have only read reviews of the book and not the book itself. They are not only going after him. They are calling for many in the anti-vaxx movement to be held to account for deaths in the US and also globally. In some reviews Dr. Alexander is blamed explicitly and in others the blame is toned down. The spin for the book claims that it names names and that they "have the receipts." I don't know if Malone gets a mention. This is a book by a vax pusher but I have noticed that Dr. Alexander is simultaneously coming under questioning from within the anti-vaxx community for working for President Trump during OWS with regard to his role and resonsibilities.

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No doubt that would be the 'never-Trump' cohort trying to fault the blameless Dr. Alexander.

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