Why? One thing is for sure. It's not because white heterosexual conservative Christians have done anything wrong. White heterosexual conservative Christians are a noble people, the salt of the earth The reason why black American women die at nearly 3 times the rate of white American women is partly atleast perhaps because there are r/K differences within as well as between species including humans. Human groups, like species, that are r-selected exhibit higher mortality across the life span.

"What is r and K reproductive strategy?

For r-selected species, reproduction results in a large number of offspring that receive little care from parents and exhibit a high mortality rate. For K-selected species, reproduction results in only a few offspring which all receive a higher level of care and have a higher chance of survival.

What are K and r-selected species?

K-selected species are those that are larger, have long lifespans, produce few young at a time, and exhibit logistic growth. R-selected species are those that have shorter lifespans, are generally smaller, produce many young, and exhibit exponential growth."

R-Selected vs. K-Selected Species | Overview & Population Growth


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I never said whites did anything wrong...but the system is discriminatory...even in the islands...this is very interesting, thank you for sharing, for I love to read and learn new information.

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Yes, Dr. Alexander, thank you. I know that you did not say that whites did anything wrong and I know that you are not in any way a racist. I was more thinking of Democrats who are quick to blame whites. I also agree with you that the system is discriminatory unfortunately, probably partly because the Democrats just take the black vote for granted and so have no motivation to try to make things better and something similar probably happens in the islands

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Which islands are you talking about?

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I have known about K and r selection across species for over 50 years, since my days as a biology major studying ecology. Racial and ethnic groups are not different species, though.

Also Paul is pointing out maternal mortality rates, not infant mortality rates, but they follow the same pattern.

and I don’t think K vs. r correlates with maternal mortality, or at least it seems like it doesn’t have the same biologic plausibility.

Finally, you would need to show that kids in bigger families were more neglected than those in smaller families. I can think of one group with large families that it would be hard to show that was true: the Amish.

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Obviously, electing Joe Biden didn’t help.

Seriously, out of wedlock pregnancies, teens pregnancies, older maternal age pregnancies, substance abuse, domestic violence, poorer nutritional status, gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension, to name a few things. Access to care, personal decisions about seeking care.

It would be instructive to break these figures down by various socioeconomic factors & compare races stratified by those categories, and see what discrepancies persist when controlling for age, income, marital status, number of abortions, number of pregnancies, pregnancy intervals, comorbidities, geographic location(urban/rural), region of the country, etc.

No one seems to look past crude racial differences to see if it is truly race or some other factor or a combination of both (Oh, and also compare native born to illegal & legal immigrants status)

Complex problems, not necessarily amenable to simple solutions.

I looked into this earlier in my career, when I was doing OB.

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How could elected any democrat party member help the blacks? they fared worse under Obama than any other president in history AND HER WAS BLACK- they didn’t fare any better

under the Clinton’s or the Biden"s -- wasnt there a Senator BYRD who was a avowed democrat

but as well was a head vizier as a Klu Klux Klan leader in his state- Slavery was part and parcel

of the Democrat Party-

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You are a man after my own heart.❤️ I didn’t realize the Obama era figures were that bad . The press certainly made sure they didn’t see the light of day.

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Obama was a total fraud and sham, he sold his own black brethern down the river, and was not friendly to lower class whites either-there is great debate which continues today as to the true birthright of this clown, if it was Kenya, as purported then the Democrats pulled off the biggest heist in history

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I will say that he was born in a hut in his ancestral village in Kenya. His paternal grandmother pointed out the hut to good friends of mine who were in Kenya on a short medical mission trip several years ago.

So, yes they pulled off the biggest heist in history; I call him the Kenyan.

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I think these factors, not account for most of the excessive deaths. Also this would help: https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/xylitol-and-the-gateway-microbiome?r=10q5g4&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Well, we don’t know without breaking the figures down, do we? I also noticed that he is talking about maternal mortality (though the same trends are seen for prematurity, infant and neonatal mortality.

You would have to show that there were racial differences in the oral flora of women of reproductive age and/or differences in the habits of chewing Xylitol gum.

You and Peter have a low budget idea for fixing the problem, though; kinda like ivermectin for COVID, so someone will be funded to do a bogus study to’prove’ the opposite.

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Dr. Paul, I am going to start with your questions and answers. Where did you grow up? I’ll tell you what we witnessed firsthand! There was no getting through to them! Believe me we we tried! They thought they were living the high life preached to them by corrupt democrat policies that kept them in this realm. Of course, none of it meant that they actually cared for these children or themselves for that matter. The majority of black women openly accepted the advice of democrats to have all the kids they could starting very young for the money, food stamps, rent, free healthcare etc. And when Ovomit came in the scene free Obama phones. oh boy!!! It used to be Aid to Dependent Children and the more they had the more they received. They bragged about it!!! They were never taught about stability, marriage, none of it. Young bodies that were never fully developed having multiple children before turning 18. I met many women in their late twenties who had up to 10 children. Their bodies were overwhelmed and they were never taught to care for themselves or their children. Why do you think all these black men have been left to gangs and the streets, and subsequently fill prisons! They never knew their dads and mom rarely was involved with them after the pregnancy. They were merely sperm donors! My grandparents had a grocery store where droves of black kids would come in for food because mom was too busy laying on her back for the next paycheck. They never charged them! We only had one white child that was neglected that would come in or would offer her food as we would find her searching through garbage cans. I was a child myself and learned quickly the difference in their chosen way of life. They were taught this way of life by their mothers and grandmothers, except the grandmothers in many cases became these kids mother because mom was never taught responsibility for them and was too busy working on the next kid! I could write a book on what we witnessed and their mentality of accepting no responsibility, stealing from others or worse. So all these so called fathers were raised in this single family homes never raised to be responsible fathers or even responsible family members! My dad came from a family of nine children. We are Italian/German and Irish heritage. They all looked out for each other and worked early to help the family out. Big difference in the black mentality. The same went for other families we know who had many brothers and sisters. I am very good friends with Amish families who have had many children starting out young, but they are taught responsibility and caring and working together as a family. They do not accept handouts or public assistance and their community looks out for each other. This is not how the black community ever functioned since all the welfare and aid to children incentivized them to have babies for dollars. Does this sound familiar?? Just reference all the covid murders for those covid dollars!!

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Thank for the detailed info on what really goes on. I knew a retired cop who would talk about this same thing to a lesser degree. The women made more money then he did (thanks to the gvtmnt stealing our hard earned money and basically giving it to them) and could afford flat screen tvs, etc when he couldn't. He ONLY had 2 children and his wife worked too. Nothing like buying votes and destroying a group of people in the process.

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You are welcome. Exactly! It’s their best kept secret while they blame everyone else for their plight! They sold their souls and generations of them have never worked a day in their lives!

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Have you ever thought about how this issue can be fixed? How does a country overhaul all the destruction the political factions have created? It's almost like we need a disciplinarian parent to oversee it all and set things straight once and for all.

I've often wondered how it was possible for all these people, not just those you refer too but all those in "need" of assistance never seem to heal from the situations they're in with ALL the organizations that are out there to help them. How much money (aside from the welfare) is being funded to the organization to help the children and families of those you refer too? It's as if nothing is truly being helpful because they are being handed their plight and they want to have that plight. Nothing has ever made sense until learning about all of what I'm learning now and the history behind it. The history is there to prove all that you're saying.

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I am not sure it can be fixed since it has been ingrained in generations of these people. We were raised to take responsibility and you work for what you want. I know there are people who truly need help, but those people rarely get it. I believe a lot of it is greed, laziness and the fact they’ve never been raised to accept any responsibility. They were raised that they are entitled to it, just like the reparations crap they try to pull for people who have lived off our money all these years. They destroy the housing that is provided and everything around them. Just look at the gangs of black kids roaming the streets in all the big democrat cities committing crimes and getting away with it. We just had three young thugs in a neighboring democrat city kill a father by beating him to death (white) who was shopping at a grocery store. They were laughing the entire time. An armed person stopped the assault but it was too late. Just look at NY, CA, OR and all these other states making it okay to commit violent crimes and not be prosecuted. Like the crazy who just stabbed two white teens in NY and was immediately released, and has done other violent crimes before and been released. When we grew up with my grandparents in a now very dangerous city, it didn’t matter what color people were, they worked together and weren’t prejudice. Then the sixties riots came and it has never ended where they think none of this is their doing. I am still not prejudice, but it’s hard sifting through the good people from the bad. I had many issues over the years where they tried to attack me, stalk me, etc. , but I was able to get through it safely. God definitely has watched over our family. My grandparents and dad were also almost killed by black thugs and fortunately had divine intervention and they were spared by people who came through at the right time. They had a small grocery store and would always feed the black children whose parents neglected them. It didn’t matter when the sixties riots happened. Everyone was free game and they tried to burn, loot and destroy everything in their paths. Fortunately we saved their store and home but they could never go back and we sold it. My dad tried to keep it going until he was abducted by six black men by gunpoint and one had a change of heart and he fought his way out of the warehouse they took him to to kill him. So frankly, just writing this pretty much proves it’s an evil versus good issue.

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I'm so sorry you've gone through that and your family. Your poor father. It gives me the chills. Yikes.

It's definitely an evil vs good issues. I've been telling people that when they bring up the democrat vs republican crap. No, politicians need to prove them are innocent because they are usually guilty.

My father had a medical business in the Bronx in the '60s and '70s when they set fire to all the businesses there including his. He and his partner had another office but my father decided it was no longer for him since people would come in with gun shot wounds.

From the history I've read (and I would think it's correct but maybe you know better), the '60s behavior from all people (hippies/drugs, those you're referring to, etc) were all part of the agenda. Just like now, it all just doesn't happen especially all at once. In fact, the Vietnam War was so the rok-f-llers could mine for oil in that region: RCKEFE11RS KNEW that there were MEGA DEPOSITS OF OIL IN VIETNAM IN THE 50's! WHY THEY CREATED THAT WAR!


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Thank you, Debra. I am sorry to hear that about your dad. And they wonder why so many cities become wastelands. I agree about the agenda, especially now. It’s all planned and the blacks have taken the bait. I didn’t know that about the oil reserves in Vietnam, OMG! I lost two cousins the last two years from the Agent Orange our illustrious government dumped on them in Vietnam. They died horrible deaths. I recently just read where our government dumped so much Agent Orange on Vietnam that they wanted to destroy their land forever and they didn’t care one bit that our men and women were there fighting. The saddest thing is this has been going on for so many years by all these evil men, and now the are accelerating their plans.

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I'd suggest that personal responsibility plays a major role. As a general rule, we have to stop making excuses that perpetuate the fallacy of victimhood unless we want to stipulate that certain segments of the population are simply too ill-equipped cognitively to take care of themselves.

What are the comparative risky behaviors undertaken during pregnancy? For example, with respect to: prescription, over-the-counter and illegal drug use, alcohol use, diet, sleep habits, sexual promiscuity and habits that lead to sexually transmitted diseases, overall hygiene, etc. Any abuses that lead to poor newborn outcomes would likely also lead to poor maternal outcomes.

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Is there any data on vaccinated vs unvaccinated women? I know the CDC hid data showing the rate of autism in black boys was much higher than in white boys. I think the film Vaxxed talked about it. Del or RFK Jr might have some information.

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Seriously? What barriers and discrimination would that be? In a country where calls for white genocide are acceptable and it's acceptable to deny employment and education for white people based on race?

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Maybe the factor of so many of the fathers of these babies simply being absent?

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Of those that died, how many were jabbed with the poison poke?

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Good question.

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Why in the 2000s are any women dying in childbirth?

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Perhaps a really well developed complement system. Read Gallan and Chang

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Before cesareans became widely available it was common for feminists to die during childbirth. Feminists tend to have a narrow pelvis, as a result of the effects of sex hormones on their bone, including pelvic, structure, occurring at the same time as their brains are excessively androgenized during fetal development. The widespread availability of cesarians in the late 19th and 20th centuries reversed the effects of natural selection and resulted in the rise of the suffragettes and feminism. These black women who are dying in childbirth may well be feminists who have attempted natural deliveries.

See the graph in the old paper at the link showing the stunning relationship between feminism and pelvic width.

Pelvic shape, gender role conformity and sexual satisfaction


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That's absurd.

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The graph is stunning isn't it?

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That is frightening

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How so?

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