Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Like all criminals, Hoetz projects his crimes onto us.

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This is a spiritual war. Satan and his demonic angels are using wicked men to do Satan’s bidding. Remember, Satan is the father of lies!

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Simple! To preserve his position in the the medical mafia who are benefiting from the the great harm they are creating!

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Vaccine Injury.

Most likely he is vaccine injured - as well as his daughter.

Have you noticed how many people who have almost assuredly been vaccine injured, deny it and also want their dysphoria to be YOURS too?

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The WHO is owned and controlled by the CCP. Anyone who believes what they say is a fool!

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Slightly off-track: As I read new Substack posts, C-SPAN is a broadcasting a House of Representatives Hearing from December 14, 2022 on "Lessons Learned fron COVID-19 Pandemic." Arrogant and immensely ignorant Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin is interviewing a certain exceptionally smarmy DHHS functionary by the name of Dr. Rick Bright. Bright is scolding "misinformation spreaders" for causing "vaccine hesitancy" by using and recommending early treatments such as "hydroxychloroquine and other drugs," accusing them of responsibility for "unnecessary deaths." I'm outraged that these shills for Big Pharma and the Deep State continue to peddle the same lies in an official forum -- while trusting Americans continue to die suddenly or suffer from numerous debilitating or fatal side effects from the experimental yet mandated covid shots they are pushing.

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These questions are so simply answered and it's been three years already but seems like people still don't want to face facts - they have been hoodwinked into taking the jab. The jab is a bioweapon that was planned long ago. There is proof of this - listen to Dr David Martin who follows the patents. Come on - it's obvious. We are being exterminated and we are in a psychological war right now, while I write this and it's been happening for three years. But people cannot believe that their "leaders" would do such a thing and by believing that, it's giving them more time to do their damage.

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The answer is because he knows he is protected by a well established, well coordinated, incredibly well funded, international protectorate. People who spew the globalist narrative, like him, know this and it becomes an important part of their strategy. No matter how high then level of absurdity and how low the level of truth, they continually double down knowing the safety net is in place at all time.

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Dr. Paul no need to worry so much the people who are the murderers will soon get is comming to them. I typed in military tribunals into Bing and look at them going on right now there is a whole list of those who have done us wrong and they are being prosecuted right now and i checked several websites also videos of some military folks i know and it seems to be happening. the ones that have .been found guilty and killed they send you to go look at masks, cloning, body doubles etc. i hope i am right because we not only need this we deserve it after what they have done.

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What Hotez thinks, and what he says, are two different things.

He's one of the serpent seed.

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Saw the lard ass get absolutely wrecked by Joe Rogan 😂

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AMD writes very perceptive, relevant, long, interesting articles. Thanks for highlighting this one. Happy New Year.

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Peter is just lost. It's our job to bring them back. I posted the vaxxed baby 2 days ago.

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They are turning truth into a commodity they reserve the right to alter as needed while demanding you pay a tax every time they do. And they are offended by the very notion of anyone questioning their right to claim “truth” as their own. They claim it by way of the oldest means known to man or beast….sheer power, to enforce one’s ownership against any that might protest. Sheer power. It is indeed a war…a challenge of light and wits. And they have had time to premeditate their tactics while the masses have been dumbing down in a sea of selfish excess. It is a long climb out of the hole we find ourselves in. The sun is setting fast. This day is done, the question is what will tomorrow bring.

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scary he his trying hard to foment gate an worse towards the unjabbed!

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That video was designed to educate Adults that still learn something each time they watch Sesame Street reruns

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