Simply put, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a brilliant beyond comparison man of science.

But equally there are several OTHER vastly brilliant beyond comparison minds that were all INTENTIONALLY ignored .

Consider the great authors of the Great Bartington Declaration with CREDENTIALS that are pinnacle from Ivy League Universities like Stanford, Harvard and Oxford.

Result Great Bartington was flat out shut down and nixxed by FAUCI et criminal friends.

Jump to a Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Luc Montagne (sadly recently passed) who warned and begged to. STOP. Again Ignorned!

Meanwhile Pfixer Scientist and VP retired, in the UK - Dr. Michael Yeadon to all blast and WARN day after day, week after week EQUALLY OUTRIGHT censored and ignored .

The EMINENT global of CRITICAL CARE Dr. Paul Marik, and his assembled team including Dr. Pierre Kory at the famous FLCCC Aliance doctors that saved all those they reached with their incredible life saving protocols INCLUDING vitamins such as C, B1, D3, Quercetin we're DEPLATFORDED AND IGNORED despite their tremendous bravery to go public, go to senators, and share broadcast week after week we're IGNORED .


Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

Dr. Dolores Cahil

Dr. Tess Lawrie,

This list has HUNDREDS and hundreds of emminent minds that were ALL IGNORED .


This us not about science, this is not about medicine, this is a fully planned, a fully premeditated, and full scale global WAR that has been in planning for decades by the ultra rich very sick minds of billionaire psychopaths including Gates, Soros, Klaus Schwab, Pfizer's Bourla, Fauci, MOST past presidents including BOTH BUSH senior and junior, Clinton, Obama, Macron, Trudeau, Feeland, Singh, Tony Blair, Boris, Merkel and more .

You must see that IF you are not a member of their sick club then you have three choices .

1. Become their slaves a long with all your children and desendents. Yes own nothing, shut up and be happy they let you live SLAVE.

2. Resist the Globalist and fight their sick intentions and IF YOU are not already on their elimination list - you soon will be .

They that seek war on free people are SMART. They know they cannot easily take US DOWN if we are strong .

This they have plans to make us all WEAK and submissive and confused .

Simultaneous crisis are integral to their plan

Depopulation is part of their psychopath agenda.

Massive cost infkation. Force people to lose their employment by destroying economies.

Food shortage especially of healthy foods are coming .

Man made disasters and planned attacks on infrastructures such as Nordstream and train derailment carrying lethal cargo.

Worse they have paid corrupt vo-opted collaborators literally in government and influential centres including EVEN the judiciary .

Notice how THE FIRST to be mandated were the PROTECTORS and heroes including the military, the police, fitemen, first responders, pilots and ESPECIALLY doctors and nurses and those in health care. Yes if you don'they it - they are taking down the old and good and compassionate medical systems .

They will usher in their new totalitarian health care and digital ID and yes you ALREADY have a social credit score as governments have been documenting you and illegally spying on you for decades.

In Canada as one example, cell phones were monitored throughout the pandemic/plandemic and the QR code associated with the jab was far far reaching. It includes dozens of aspects about your ID including if you own firearms or if you own restricted arms and your employment details .

It is war my democratic friends and lovers of past liberties. Yes, we have choices but they are not easy .

Too many like an Ostrich have their heads in the sand. They do not want to hear this. Too many are WILFULLY IGNORANT .

Judy this week I tried to convince TWO that were about go for their FIFTH jab. (third booster) instead of being met with an open ear or curiosity, I was literally verbally attacjed and called a conspiracy theorist .

It isn't fully obvious to many yet, but those nano particles filled with poison are indeed killing the brain neurons.

The new dementia or Alzheimers many see increased aggression even in our most sacred loved ones and children .

Remember this .

They deliberately sought to lie to you, trick you, brainwash you, isolate you, torture and maim and yes, to kill you .

Hey, I am screaming - have you ever heard of war?

If it smells like, looks like and acts like war - it is .

In this case the first shot was a MAN MADE BIOWEAOPON that was not accidental as in weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear, chemical and biological the safeguards are enormous.

This bioweapon was deliberately released and was planned for decades. Ask Dr. David Martin about this. No one touches or holds out his emnensre knowledge on this subject .

Oh ya, final thoughts .


The USA snake gun to assassinate, polonium 210 (trillion times more toxic than cyanide)

Honest Doctors, pharma whistleblowers, falling off balconies and out of windows,

Documentaries like DIED SUDENLY

Graphene oxide as nano particles that will kill you


Ebola and AIDS were engineered in a lab decades ago,

5 G is a WEAPON

Potassium chloride as a listed ingredient in the jab despite it being a main ingredient used in lethal execution ...

Are all conspiracy theories .

We are at war and you learn how to fight effectively, strategically and intellectually ...

Or are you too an Ostsrich

Talking about PROBLEMS will not solve them .

God bless our world, our freedom fighters, our children, our youth as the new generation of leaders, and may we all be granted the wisdom not to underestimate our enemy.


Canadian and NATO Veteran .

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Fantastic post!!

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Thank you do much and it is my honor to be blessed by people of faith (especially those that can determine the difference between a good loving one God an an intelligent being, rather than a Satan in disguise .

I am truly in kindergarten in reading any bible, but I also knew that many aspects were FALSE.

If I am to read more of the Bible, am I safest to read JOHN?

I will advise you for sure - when I start a blog. It's a long story and I am under attack for past post as I do not hold back or let intimidation stop me.

Thank you again for supporting me. You touched my soul and heart .

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We need to understand the motivation for ignoring the role the immune plays in protecting the body from pathogens and how to boost the immune system to be more vibrant. Also, the motivation to ignore simple treatment options needs to be explored. Both were key to deep sixing the Covid con in short order and not three years of gas lighting! We continue down the wrong path in medicine and Moderna is up front and center on their website extolling the nano drug injections as having great potential. For who? Stockholders or the patient?

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

Safe And Effective?

It Doesn’t Even Protect Your Ego.

And That’s Just Killing You.

Isn’t It?


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The arrival of the virulent variant predicted by GVB, and caused by the mass vaccination (with non-sterilizing 'vaccines'), will be declared as yet another 'new variant' resulting from the ongoing evolutionary process of the virus.

There will be zero acknowledgement of the role 'mass vaccination' played in creating this virulent strain. There will be zero blame directed at the corrupt, insidious, and incompetent cretins responsible for this likely tragedy.

Worse, these same corrupt, insidious, and incompetent cretins will be the 'experts' relied upon to counter the resurgent pandemic.

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First, thank you Dr. Alexander for passing along Dr. Rennebohm's outstanding summation of Dr. Vanden Bossche's writings. I will posit that one reason most "doctors" disagree with Dr. Vanden Bossche is because of the extremely comprehensive, detailed knowledgeability evident in his writings. Comprehension of his argumentation requires time and thinking they are unwilling to exert. Easier to parrot the party line. Also, an important component of the scientific method, is logical correct reasoning. Dr.Vanden Bossche's deductive reasoning combined with his knowledgeability, leaves them in the dust.

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I have two BIG problems with this. To make progress we MUST call it the way it is. You’re using THEIR terminology which is wrong.


It’s NOT A PANDEMIC, it’s a PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION fueled by manipulated PCR testing. Furthermore, this thing is done. Where are the more virulent strains?

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Simply put ,the powers that be /cabal /pharma ,call it what you will ,knew very well that Geert was right on his early pronouncements but for the investors into mRNA financial bonanza it would have meant a full stop . And that my friends is the bottom line.

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Physicians do not want to understand GVB. They are too concerned with keeping their jobs (instead of following the Hippocratic Oath) and maximizing their income (earning Big Pharma bribes).

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I’m a laymen unable to decipher errors/accuracies either way.

“Why ADE Hasn't Been a Problem With COVID Vaccines

— Even with new variants, it's unlikely antibody-dependent enhancement will be an issue”


“Do COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE)?” Dr. Paul Offit explains:

Paul Offit, MD: Hi, my name is Paul Offit from the Vaccine Education Center. One issue that's come up regarding the safety of coronavirus vaccines is: Could they cause something called antibody-dependent enhancement? Now, this is something that's been seen with a virus called dengue virus, which is actually a very common virus in this world, although not common really in the continental United States. There are four different types of dengue virus. When you're infected with one type of dengue virus and you recover, and then you're infected with a second type of dengue virus, sometimes what happens is people, because they've developed an antibody response to that first and really different type of dengue virus, when they're then exposed to a second type of dengue virus, actually have much worse disease than if they'd never been infected with any type of dengue before.

So people are worried that maybe with this virus, this SARS-CoV-2 virus, that that could also be true here, because there was a suspicion from some of the animal model studies that were done with SARS-CoV-1 virus, which was a virus that sort of came up in 2002 but then in a couple of years was gone, that that also might be true here. But there are a number of reasons why it's unlikely to happen, very unlikely to happen.

First of all is if you're infected with human coronavirus, and there are four different types of human coronavirus, and then you're infected with a second different type of human coronavirus, you don't have that phenomenon of so-called antibody-dependent enhancement, where you have a much worse second infection than first infection.

Secondly, when you look at people, and these were studies done in the early 1990s, that were experimentally challenged with human coronavirus and then challenged again with human coronavirus, sort of under sort of the experimental conditions, also, you never saw antibody-dependent enhancement.

Third, if you look at animals who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus, experimental animals, and then experimentally infected again with SARS-CoV-2 virus, there's not antibody-dependent enhancement. And similarly, if you look at animals that are given a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and then challenged with the natural virus, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, they too don't develop antibody-dependent enhancement.

And then lastly, and finally, with people who are infected with SARS-CoV-2, when they are given antibodies, so-called convalescent plasma directed against SARS-CoV-2, they too don't develop antibody-dependent enhancement.

So, I think the concerns that were raised by what happened with SARS-1 are understandable, but we now have five separate pieces of evidence that suggest that that is not going to be a problem with this virus or with this vaccine associated with this virus.

Thank you.

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This is what we should really be talking about. They caused epidemic after epidemic!!!

Nobody wants to hear it, not even the vaccine critics.


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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

It's like this.

There was an apparent great depression.

The govt kept telling everyone they needed to take the govt bailout blindly and not read the fine-print, even though there was none.

I, along with tens of millions of others, smelt a rat and decided the govt bailout was a ruse for final insolvency and dismissed the alleged altruistic govt offer.

Friends, colleagues, and total strangers said "take the fucking bailout, idiot".

Still I resisted. I lost many friends and colleagues.

My business suffered but pulled through.

Other businesses who took the govt bailout also pulled through.

Some who took the bailout didn't.

Then someone, on my side of the fence kept telling me, after three years of business hell, that the next depression, which will apparently make the first one look like child's play (which wasnt really one in the first place in my view) is around the corner, and it will be economic hell to pay.

So, the question is, why do I even have to listen to this new doomsday prophet, when in my view, there was no doomsday in the first place, and all his mumbo jumbo writing really means nothing to me because I do not have the formal education or training to understand 99% of it.

Thanks pal, but no thanks, I'll row my own bloody boat.

Things seem much better already.

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Thanks - good article. I found the numbers in this post (by Andreas Oehler) surprising and thought of Dr. Vanden Bossche right away. https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/toronto-star-inadvertently-admits?

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Wow, what an excellent analysis and summary of Dr. VB's book. I am reading the book and it is very difficult for the layman. This summary should be sent out far and wide.

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Gorski has written at least one article ridiculing and supposedly debunking him. He's a threat to Pharma so now they are paying off their bots and trolls to sew division by attacking him from the left, using the discredited pseudoscience and degenerative research paradigm of "terrain theory." When anomalies in a theory or research paradigm or program accumulate and the program cannot digest the anomalies, it is degenerative. A superior paradigm has to replace it. That is why we have germ theory, not terrain theory. Terrain theory is for the ouiji boards, crystal healing, Martian chi beams people, so called "schizotypals" who proliferate on these sites along with paranoids and compulsives like JonesySmart and others, truly evil people. All this aids Pharma. Vanden Bossche is a sane, rational thinker who has proposed a theory that is gaining sound evidentiary support. But it's under sustained attack by Professor Gorski, the rabid pro-vax oncologist and fact checker, in alliance with the terrain theory trolls, bots and nut jobs.

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I asked about Dr. Bossche in a Dr. Mobeen discord and a mod deleted my questions and was later DM’d that Mobeen has said before he doesn’t agree with ADE / Bossche 🤷‍♂️

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This is an excerpt I cut out from an old post I did in a long haul covid group on ADE as so few understand it's basics. I hope it helps



Understanding ADE, Antibody Dependant Enhancement

* written by James Kelly (distribution. Is free to share and fine but with my name attached to protect both you and I)

(Hint I am already a target . )

Frankly, let me begin by saying ' ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) is just one of many risks with the CoVid jabs .

Most do not understand this topic, and I want to get it out of the way .

Although this is somewhat an over simpicificatiin (as proper or full explanation requires an understanding of immunology AND vaccine expertise or VIROLOGY) , "ADE"......

Summarized , - is the fact that NO living species, or organism. simply dies - without a fight .

This is a built into evolution of why ALL species survive . (Viruses are technically "species "- and have classifications- such as phenotypes )

Naturally, if your too were in a life threatening fight - then you too would and should fight for your life . Otherwise, your opponent will kill you.

This is true of a wolf, a lion, an elephant or a bird, a dog, a bee , a former dinosaur, or an ant.

It is also true of " intelligent nature" of bacteria and viruses that we identify as pathogens in science.

Perhaps, you already know that bacteria attacked by antibiotics, or our immune system, will do their best to survive .

They, (bacteria) to survive , go deep into the bowel and biofilm. They will also line up into tight contiguous formations , to protect each other and resist -, similar to police lining up side by side to stop or slow civil disobedience, or bees swarming to threaten a superior opponent, such as a bear .

As you have likely and correctly heard , bacteria even become ANTI-BIOTIC resistant.

This makes the surviving anti- biotic resistant bacteria, as - FAR MORE dangerous. Why?

Antibiotics no longer work to kill them as they have now LEARNED a work around to SURVIVE.

When a person has been vaccinated with the "experimental CoVid jab," or for that matter any vaccine, your body will create a resistance or "anti body".

If the CoVid virus or any future similar Corona virus, including the common cold or seasonal influenza, - then ENTERS your body at any time in the future, (assuming) if the vaccine created an antibody , THEN the virus has ONLY two choices.

It can DIE or it can try and "fight for its life" and find a "workaround. "

In the case of VIRUSES they MUTATE - if they survive .

Now, if that happens, you potentially are in serious big trouble (due to being vaccinated), because the human body NOW has a mutated virus that didn't die BUT survived , somewhat similar - to an antibiotic that lived or became a resistant bacteria.

The RESULT over time is that a mutated virus might become FAR MORE LETHAL and will potentially not just kill you, but others if you spread it.



A MUTATED VIRUS that your body, - or nature, - or vaccines "helped create" as the virus resisted death and found a workaround via mutation- , DOES NOT ALWAYS become worse .

Often, it will make a mutation that can be LESS virulent (less deadly. or technically lower morbidity and lower mortality ) and NOT as easily transmittable. **** end edit

In short TWO - KEY CHARACTERISTICS of all viruses. are "transmissability and virulence."

Mutations so far in the virus have been very small (around 1 percent change or less change per mutation. However most experts consider this virus a very smart FAST MUTATING virus. (implying it was man made in a lab ' more later)

The simple tALL IMPORTANT takeaway about ADE. - is that no species dies without a fight . Viruses in that FIGHT can either DIE or MUTATE .

The vaccine therefore is ACTUALLY causing PRESSURE on the Sars CoV-2 virus and THUS forcing the virus to mutate and become far more dangerous.

This is a principle problem that was FULLY CREATED by the vaccine.

Anyone that says the unvaccinated are the problem is a Bold faced liar , and that I can prove in court by well established SCIENCE FACT .

This is JUST one serious risks of CoVid vaccines. There are many risks and the best way around them is DO NOT GET vaccinated .

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I personally never understood where Mobeen was coming from. He loved the vaccine, he wanted everybody to take, he didn't like it, he hated it. Who knows? He's a clinician, not a vaccinologist, just because he doesn't agree with him he deletes your question? There is cancelling people out, wherever you go.

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Dr Mobeen was initially for the vaccination . He got the series himself . He says he is not pro or anti vax but to many of his viewers he certainly seemed to promote it more than question it’s safety.

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Not he, a mod.

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Sorry it was a draft and contains spelling and grammar errors. But you will get the point

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It's because Dr. Vanden Bossche is clinging to the failed virus theory to explain it all - SOVI - "Statement On Virus Isolation" - Dr. Andrew Kaufman - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/

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