How do we convert the medical language into simple terms and spread it across the world to the masses so they stop accepting the injections!

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What does this mean for non-jabbed people? Our family (non-jabbed) probably had Delta last November and it was pretty serious. However we did not hospitalize. Since then, we have all caught two more viruses (that we assume are these crazy sub-variants roaming around). Are we to now believe that each new variant is a completely new virus, to which we carry no natural immunities? Are these crazy variants being "manufactured" by those with the vaxxines and spread around?? Seems pretty odd to being catching "the flu" in the middle of summer, when we are doing ALL of the preventive protocols with Vitamins C & D, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, colloidal silver, etc.

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How will this affect the non-vaxed?

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I was just thinking that myself.... we need layman terminology to tot,ally understand this. I am now worried that I can get this stupid virus again even though I have not had the poison... (and never will) I did get very poorly with it after catching it from a sister that had been poisoned she had the nerve to visit me a few weeks back, I am still very cross with a bad cough. Should I start using the peroxide cleanse... I wish I knew what to do.

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When it dawns on these buffoons that they may become a statistic in the current “mystery” of the rise in all cause mortality, then the denial, the willful blindness, the lying, the accepted payoffs, the schilling, the research funding and looking the other way, etc will stop because as they bought into the hype vis a vi the fraudster Niel Ferguson, were terrified at the prospect of them meeting their maker after contracting Covid, now they just might be open to the fact that it’s the “vaccines” that are killing people after all and they could very well be next. Then they’ll be desperate to understand how jabs act on the body even though its already very well known and they’ll be shocked to learn about the myriad of Ill effects the drug they’ve been pushing can have on the body on so many levels. Maybe then they will be willing to stop the charade. “Rhymes with breath”

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As a layman, I understand this issue affects both vaxxed and unvaxxed.

However, applying a bit of logical thinking, my guess is that it is a bigger problem for the vaxxed because it appears many of them have very low or non-existent N-antibodies, and rely almost solely on S-antibodies to fight infection.

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I'm just wondering if the study makes a clear distinction between vaccinal antibodies and those that would be produced without vaccination.

I quickly glanced at the study, and there's a sentence that says, "There is a possibility that the production of enhancing antibodies might be boosted by SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination."

So, infection or vaccination.

Either one might produce enhancing antibodies.

I'm just a bit unclear as to how this is evidence that vaccinal antibodies alone (and not those of infection) bind to N-terminal domain.

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Yet not one person in the CDC, the FDA, the WHO or their family members have had any adverse effects from the 'covid' or the 'covid medications' and died.

Just Joe Public. 🤷‍♀️

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We can only take the stance we think best.

Mine is to point out that the elderly are vulnerable to all sorts of things because their immune systems are poorly responsive to new threats.

Unfortunately that also means they respond poorly to vaccines!

Flu vaccines also don’t reduce hospitalisation or death in the elderly from flu, shockingly.

The rest of the population don’t need a boost from vaccines. They can defend themselves well enough & in any case there are safe & effective early treatments.

So, a friendly smile & a firm decline from me!

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there is evidence that the 'spike' itself may cause disrupt to the formation of antibodies and their binding by inhibiting VDJ recombination. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/spikes-and-knobs?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

Changes in antibodies after injection with toxins cannot be used as evidence that an infectious agent is mutating.


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Hiya Paul, I'd still be interested in evidence that you have that any vaccine improves outcomes such as longevity.

I read this paper in Cell you quote and here are my comments https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-dangers-of-using-computer-modelling


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Had the original wuhan early on, Jan 2020 as well as my husband. We are in our sixties. I got it from work from coworkers/students who traveled home to wuhan and back dec 2019.

Since then, despite being exposed to all the variants including the delta, we have remained healthy with no symptoms. We are healthy, no underlying health conditions and take Vit D, K2 and avoid PUFA manufactured oils (no processed foods). Any explanation why we continue to avoid reinfection? We refuse to take the poison jab. My vaccinated sister is suffering terribly from a side effect of the 2nd jab, plus they got covid anyways.

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Perhaps this is one factor behind the rapid increase in the delta variant - the large already vaccinated population were more strongly infected by it and thus more strongly passed it on to others.

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you cannot use changes in antibodies, binding or reactions after injecting toxins to infer that an 'infection' is mutating https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/to-be-well-studied-one-must-read


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