We see you Paul and we value and love you too!! Thank you for your service to 🇺🇸 keep up the fight!

Love Sen Johnson too.

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Yes Ron Johnson is a good man but nothing ever changes after his round tables, it just never changes. I want to see heads roll, nooses hung and people compensated for their injuries.

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yes, we want hangings

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Talk, no walk. That's what controlled op does.

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Mike Yeadon is not so convinced:

At one point, I was reasonably close to Senator Ron Johnson. I now wouldn’t take his calls.

This is as clear an example as you’ll get for the maxim: “The best way to control the opposition is to run it ourselves. If the people require a hero, we will provide one”.

Best wishes,


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Yes, and because both the US Congress and Senate know much more than they have let their constituents or the public know; they are all compromised politicians in one way or another because DC politics works that way and it's only a matter of how deep each one is involved in the various agencies (including Deep State) they are beholden to; not surprising that so many hearings and investigative committees end up going nowhere because they are designed to be theatrical events to distract the public and give the illusion that their representatives actually care and want to change things....which they have no real intention of doing! Fauci lies to Congress and the whole world and gets away with it! Malone leads the International Crisis Summit(ICS) and has never been fully transparent about his personal involvement in developing the killer vaccines...and so it goes...

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Yes. True.

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Yes I read that tonight and it has left me feeling confused. There seems to be a lot of infighting going on.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 28

I think I just read Dr. Yeadon will not longer accept calls from Johnson. He indicated controlled opposition. I feel once again mislead. Until some serious punishment occurs…I don’t believe anymore.

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I obtained the Rumble comment from Mike Yeadon telegram channel

You have to ask yourself what have any of these people in Power done in the last 4 years except talk and have round tables and committees but the bottom line is they are still on the strings of the Globalists

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I too am grateful for Ron Johnson. He is amazing and not afraid

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Dr. Alexander, great story and pix, thanks so much for sharing. You also are the Real Deal, your uncompromising high morals and courage continue to shine through. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

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This is depressing. A number of presenters aren’t telling the truth and know they aren’t.

Others, I’m not competent to judge their testimony.

Some are saying things that I’m sure aren’t correct but I cannot say the speaker knows this.

Some may be entirely honourable.

Something like a 4.5h long session may become the official position of the approved opposition.

At one point, I was reasonably close to Senator Ron Johnson. I now wouldn’t take his calls.

This is as clear an example as you’ll get for the maxim: “The best way to control the opposition is to run it ourselves. If the people require a hero, we will provide one”.

Best wishes


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This made me smile. I'm very grateful to Senator Ron Johnson. Very few people can handle being in the public eye, and in the hostile public eye, as he has.

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And Malone was sitting right beside him today at their Round table event today...wth is that!? Is Johnson aware of everything this man has done...for years!?? So now what. Who do we trust anymore? Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the only one to trust.

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Amen.. #METOO

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...I tend to agree.....

Dr. Yeadon Comments on Sen. Ron Johnson’s Roundtable Discussion: “ This Is Depressing. A Number of Presenters Aren’t Telling the Truth and Know They Aren’t.”

"Something like a 4.5h long session may become the official position of the approved opposition." https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-yeadon-comments-on-sen-ron-johnsons

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I was thrilled by the first Sen. Johnson Hearing....again by the second and totally done with it all by the third yielding NO consequences.

Didn't even watch the latest one.

Mike Yeadon knows the score so he is never invited.... imo.

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Of course Ron Johnson is real. He was able to stand alone against the whole Senate.

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Ask your friend to take an interest in:


Why did the supposedly deadly pandemic explode and then end in NY but apparently not in his State? Jessica Hockett has been asking for NY records to try to answer this question and continually gets crickets. A genuinely curious Senator should be able to help squeeze something enlightening loose…

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Well done very interesting

I guess my 4 dead family members will be there

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Agree 100%.

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I feel it’s all BS! Four years and nothing except exposure just to appease you and get you excited once again.

Why didn’t they have Dr. Yeadon?

Why didn’t they have Dr. David Martin?

Why didn’t they have Sasha Ladypova?

The two that took my breath away was Kevin McKernan and especially Lara Logan. Lara Logan basically told Johnson (in his face) it’s your colleagues that create all of this through dirty money laundering (Ukraine/Military Industrial Complex) and what did he do....next speaker please😳


People are so dumb to believe any of this will do anything.

I wonder what Sasha Ladypova thinks of this round table? Sasha?

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Love Senator Johnson! Congress needs 400 more like him.

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