Build the wall on the southern border and minutely vet every applicant who wishes to enter the U.S.

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Israel has a GIANT, tall, all -encompassing CEMENT wall around their apartheid state. All while their agents here kvetch and moan and call us racist for wanting a wall of our own.

Might almost begin to think jews despise white people and nations...


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If this rogue government read our Constitution, they'd know this is the lawful and legal process. But "legal" and "lawful" means only what THEY say it is - and doesn't apply to the innocents they consider political threats to their destruction of America's sovereignty.

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Until we manage to instil national pride of personal ethics, accountability and integrity in the majority of the voters we are just treading water while slowly drowning. You can’t wring the ‘good’ out of people when there is none. It’s been lost. In the meantime, anything we attempt to reverse will be corrupted by the greater evil. Which is the ‘open border psyop’.

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Human (I use the term loosely) excrement. Sorry, there's absolutely no redeeming value in this kind of deviant scum. They serve no earthly good. Rehabilitation??....yeah, right. The only adequate answer is a perpetual dirt nap.

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It still boggles my mind after 20 years and all of you still refer to this subhuman as an illegal IMMIGRANT. He is an illegal ALIEN. No wonder our Country is going down the drain.

Guess that's why it still goes on. Because, if you can't name your Enemy, how do you get

rid of the rot? Senator Marsha Blackburn was smart enough in Kentanji's SC hearing to ask

her the definition of a woman. But, she doesn't know how to put a stop to the illegal aliens

coming over the Borders.

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Excellent point, Lynn.

Illegal ALIEN, not immigrant.

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Thanks :-)

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If an immigrant commits a violent crime he or she should never be allowed back in. If his family sheltered him, knowing what he was doing, they have to go too. Send a few families back and watch how things change.

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As we all know, this unvetted immigration is designed by the Powers That Be to destroy our core values and weaken our socioeconomic foundation. Until these criminal politicians get removed from their positions in office and power terminated from them, the problem will continue to remain escalating each day. Patriot Courts are needed to try all these criminals for high treason.

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There are farm teams below them willing to continue the destruction. Voting them out will do nothing. They will get their cushy sinecures after and the call-ups from the minors will be emboldened to push it further. They have to be ruined and imprisoned. So, the next crop feels fear when urged to do evil.

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Read Cathy O’Brian’s “ TRANCE-Formation of America.” And her other books, if you really want answers.

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Clever title. Says a lot in itself.

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Where does Biden think he's going after the NWO takes over completely? They won't need or want him, or Obama or Hillary or any of their greedy little pawns. The WEF and the WHO explicitly state that only their Stakeholders will run and control the show, and "We will have no politicians. We won't need them."

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People, Justin Trudeau for one, believe the WEF and he are like brothers. He will be shocked when he is booted from office how quickly he will be discarded. He won’t be invited by Macron to the Elysee Palace. Or, be invited to tea with Camilla and Charles. No boards will have him sit with them. He will be persona non grata EVERYWHERE.

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LOL - yes! Thanks for such a glorious picture -with me in it, going up to him, slapping him side his ugly face, and nobody giving a damn.

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I believe his likely end will be brutal. I have heard things from very very very credible sources that tell of him committing unspeakable acts. Really bad stuff. It will

come out.

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Something to look forward to. Thanks.

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Klaus might still want him as his butt buddy. 😖

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They are despicable and evil, who let this continue and promote the open borders. Shameful

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Agreed. Despicable. Horrible. And the pattern, is very obvious.

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This article hurts my heart. For ten years I worked investigating sex crimes of all manner in a large sanctuary city. My heart bleeds for the young boys who were sexually victimized by this disgusting illegal pedophile. He actually took the photos and videos of these unconscious kids. My God, was he trading or selling them to other pedophiles? My thoughts are that this case most likely goes deeper than the actual headline. IMO, these are crimes that never should have happened in the first place in the United States. Our border has been porous for a long time, now everyone just walks across like they’re going to Walmart. The INS and ICE policies (specifically lack thereof) need to be cleaned up, strengthened, and enforced rigorously. Sanctuary cities and counties need to be done away with permanently. These federal agencies either have to be eliminated and replaced or totally overhauled.

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Dr. P., do you REALLY want to know why? Mass immigration and open borders are the near exclusive domain of jewish, leftist forces for the past 75 years.

Tel Aviv, houses the most pederasts per capita in the world, and is actually a safe haven for many of them. The "plus" in LGBTQ+ is for pedophilia.



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How to righteously, legitimately, compassionately deal with the 45 million illegal aliens (only God knows the actual number) in our country, who have family, friends, employment and other connections and responsibilities to American citizens, is a serious issue - one that neither Democrats nor Republicans have come up with a solution for. I believe that if the Republicans would show true compassion, and work to address this one issue, a century in the making, that many on the left who perceive conservatives as heartless will realize we aren't.

I propose the following:

1) Seal the border. The obvious first step to actually do something about this. Plug the leak in the sinking boat. This is vital. Trump understands this and has made it a top priority. Once complete, the $25 billion annual hemorrhaging will be drastically reduced. This will be completed when he is in office again.

2) Establish a definitive cutoff point. I can hear the cries and lies of "unfair". It takes resolve to get something done.

3) Remove the birth anchor baby loophole and cease payment of maternity expenses by the government. Doing so will disincentivize illegal entry. Shut it down for those here on visas also; implement this immediately with change to process.

4) Register all illegal aliens. Make way for them to be here, and not live in fear that they can be deported at a moment's notice. Again with a hard cut-off date. Immediate, permanent banishment for all who violate and are subsequently caught, with mercy exceptions (old age, health or other vulnerabilities) approved by local community.

5) Non-citizens must pay higher taxes. Rationale: There needs to be some benefit to being a U.S. citizen (Acts 22:27-28)

6) Non-citizens may not vote in any elections - federal, state, local. This should preclude school boards also.

7) Citizenship awarded through broad-based community recommendation. A reality-check on worthiness. Is this a good man or woman? Does this person positively contribute to society? Will those around them vouch for this individual? And not just immigrant pockets (ghettos by historic, European definition), Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese approving Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese, it must be full-spectrum life contribution based. This should not and cannot be a Federal government decision!

8) A resolve to kick out those who don't make the cut. Citizenship is a privilege, not a universally granted "right".

9) Stop "catch and release". Get serious. Repeat offenders have already forfeited their chance. Tattoo or brand, and make it very clear that they are not welcome.

10) For those that make the cut, there need to be consequences because they did come in illegally. By their choice or their parents', they have violated the laws of a country to which they have no legal right to be in.

11) Those in the DACA category, who have spent most or all of their lives in the USA, to whom their birth countries are completely foreign, should be our top priority. Their's is an issue of national sin, requiring repentance from years of inaction and tacit consent!

12) Not dealing honestly with resolving illegal immigration is an affront and an injustice to all the naturalized U.S. citizens who didn't sneak in illegally or overstay visas.

13) Those who have entered illegally are going to have to contribute. Pay for the costs of services they've used - schools/education, healthcare, policing of criminal activities, welfare. They were not invited. They came and took. Most were poor where they came from. It's not right that they can steal across our borders and expect/demand to no longer be poor, that the American people will subsidize them into a better life.

14) Adoption. Figure out a way to permit the states or the federal government to adopt them. Or establish corporate entities for that purpose.

15) Purchased Citizenship. Acts 22:27-28 So the tribune came and said to him, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” And he said, “Yes.” The tribune answered, “I bought this citizenship for a large sum.” Paul said, “But I am a citizen by birth.” Perhaps those who always are so intent on spending other people's money to do good, might reach into their own pockets to help.

Sojourner? Guest (invited or uninvited)? Invader? Interloper? Migration?

Exodus 23:9 “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

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Some good proposals. I'm tentatively comfortable with 1 - 13 but not 14 or 15.

You put a lot of thought and equanimity into this. It's appreciated.

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A .45 cal HP in the center of his face would instantly cure this monster who enjoys raping and abusing unconscious children.

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If the best and brightest are the ones trying to get here, is it humane to the country of their origin to deprive that country of origin so many good people? That would mean the concentration of evil there would then increase. Lefty logic makes no sense.

If all cultures are supposed to be equal and celebrated, then the countries these people are coming from must be good and celebrated, and by the U.S. taking in that country's 'best and brightest', we are continuing a migratory colonialism, aren't we? (Just trying to apply Lefty logic.)

But, if the countries they are coming from are not cultures to be celebrated, that throws a wrench in Lefty platitudes. If Lefties were truly 'compassionate', they would understand it takes good people to make a good society, so depriving a society of good people is uncompassionate. If Lefties respond "But they want a better life", well, it is cheaper to send foreign aid down to individuals in those societies than it is to import to our country and have the multiples of cost of living expenses that things cost here versus there, especially housing. For many, just a hundred dollars a month makes a real difference. Organizations like Unbound.org help like that. It keeps kids in school and provides stop-gap funding so kids don't have to drop out and do menial jobs.

Leftism is a disease fortified in part by demonic influence, to bring chaos and despair. Their multi-decade jihad against the middle class here especially continues on. Open borders helps their goals because the elites think they can isolate themselves from the 'wolves' (as Dr. Alexander tags them).

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I appreciate your turning the Lefties "logic" back on them. But I'm entirely against sending money to these thug countries who are exporting their criminals and undesirables to invade us. Keep them away from our borders and let their home countries find their own way to support themselves.

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The United States has been sending millions in foreign aid to the Central American countries for decades. All of them are still third world hell holes, not one dime of that money has made a difference. Their corrupt government thugs have it in their Swiss accounts.

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I think so, too, Duane. And I wonder how much of a kickback of OUR taxpayer funds found its way back into the pockets of politicians who gave it away to those corrupt Latin American "leaders."

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If you check out Unbound.org, you'll see that you can 'adopt' a child or elderly person, and for $40 a month, help them make ends meet. We've been doing it for two decades now and it makes a real difference in their lives. There are project leaders there who make sure the funds are used for schooling, food, and such, nothing frivolous. And I have the opportunity to write letters to them (and they back to me) and give encouragement and prayer. Many kids don't have fathers in their lives, and ones that do, the day is often a day laborer Countries won't renew without support at the family level. Many of these kids then graduate and become productive members of society. This isn't about just giving a blank check like our DC elite like to do, to local chieftains who then disburse based on who is on their favorite list. I'm a Christian and am using this as part of the "feed, clothe My people" in a way that is monitored. If these families had just run across the border, the same $40 a month would have maybe 1/20th the impact that supporting them in their home country has.

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This article and horrific situation make me wonder if anyone in our bloated bureaucrap government has taken an oath of office. And if so, certainly not seriously. The Bible says Judges will unbalance the scale of justice and lawyers have as much chance of going to heaven as a camel has fitting through the eye of a needle. So much for poli-blood suckers.

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The border is out of control and always will be because our government is infested with corruption. It’s been weak forever.

Our corrupt politicians benefit from keeping it that way. Getting a handle on child sex trafficking would be a start. Hanging child rapists in the public square would get there attention.

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At least cut off the rapist’s nose.

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Think lower.

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