We have awarded ourselves 007 license to kill. You have no right that we cannot withdraw. Don’t become inconvenient. We keep you alive to serve this ship or not.

All of this assumes, of course, that God is irrelevant, which He is not.

Psalm 2:2-3 KJV

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

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Yes Paul! Very apt Psalm!

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This is why the normal legal processes simply will not and never will work.

This is why they are all so arrogant as they believe they are untouchable.

We are kidding ourselves if we think great science is going to stop this disaster.

Its only in the hands of the people to stop this now.

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The people AND their awake MILITARY members. THAT is what it will take. I think we should watch Brazil & Peru for the way....

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This is insane, I thought their contract was to make a" vaccine" to save lives, not a bioweapon to kill people with. How can they be free from prosecution if they lied on the contract, wouldn't that be fraud and besides there were drugs to take for covid, so the EUA should be null and void.

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"Covid-19" would seem to be a contemporary re-enactment of the Salem Witch Hysteria. The unending subterfuge, the deceit, the dishonesty, the malfeasance, the incompetence... on the part of all our leaders, secular and religious, the medical profession, the judiciary? Even after 3 years, just to look at it leaves you feeling stunned, slack-jawed and drooling. It's beyond corrupt; it is gangrenous. And they have such a grip on all of us via the media and associated psychological techniques; in the last 20 years at least, "1984" style monitoring of us via hi-tech, and of course the implicit threat of arrest, violence and indefinite imprisonment courtesy of the enforcement arms (think "Julian Assange" and "January 6") that frankly... I can't think what can be done.

And the fact about 90% of humanity are so bamboozled and brainwashed in the first place by the Education Gulag they're completely unreachable... doesn't help... 😱

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Pray like a whirling Dervish on steroids Capt. Harkness. The MOST powerful weapon is that precious gift from God. Prayer. These demonic psychopaths hate God and do not have prayer in their arsenal. They COUNT on us feeling limited, small, insignificant and ineffectual against all their mad power. That is a LIE! You/WE are fearfully and wonderfully made and no weapon formed against you/us shall prosper. These evil schemes and house of cards is teetering on collapse. Many are waking up MORE & MORE! I am a totally pissed off 60 yr old who NEVER thought the world would/could become so....as you said. " gangrene. The government that we finance has taken on the role of abuser and huge numbers of the population are experiencing full blown Stockholm Syndrome! We must work to dismantle ALL of these bogus laws, Acts, Exec. Orders and protections they have weaved together like witchcraft and break the spells!! I chuckle. If I heard someone talk like I am now 5 years ago, I'd think they were a crazy, tinfoil hat nutcase. This plandemic woke me up. Being told I MUST be injected with an experiment led me to deep dive down every rabbit hole and figure this crap out. Not pretty. We are being murdered by our government. Sounds insane, but doesn't make it less true. The upsides of this Plandemic... I'm no longer in a trance. You can't unlearn the Truth. I feel much closer to humanity and God and PRAY A LOT!!! It has brought seriously GREAT writers and citizen activists together and networking! Gotta stay positive! Gotta slay these dragons! Plus be here for others when they wake up. It's a grieving process. Mourning the loss of so much you thought you could count on. Peace Captain!

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I have to thank you for that bracing response.. That was WONDERFUL. 😘

I got my wife to read it as well.. I wish I could be more like "Capt. Jack Harkness", my favorite Dr. Who character... OTOH John Barrowman, the actor who plays him.. has taken at least 2 doses of The Lethal Injection.. I on the other hand have walked away from my job, walked away from a couple of job offers, refused the British Columbia government's despicable vaccine passports; I would sooner freeze and/or starve to death in the streets, than take that injection. So perhaps, General Blanchon's "Letter to the Unvaccinated" applies to both you and I: We're the superheros. Not pretenders like John Barrowman...🤔


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Capt. Harkness ..What a great letter from General Blanchon! Thank you for posting the link!

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Beautifully said!! Thank you!🙏🏻✝️👊🏼

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Negative on contract to make a "vaccine". DoD contracted for a production demonstration, as I understand it. And the vehicle was not a standard Govt contract. It's an "Other Authority" , or some such invented financial vehicle that avoids all the oversight and regulatory compliance required in standard Govt contracts. Nevertheless, I am not at all persuaded the linguistic slight of hand will withstand a rigorous Constitutional challenge. It can't be legal to construct laws to legalize mass murder, and it would make my day to learn the legislative attempt to do so is itself felonious and punishable as an act of Treason, thereby potentially allowing application of the death penalty.

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I agree completely on the illegality of the EUA in the presence of effective treatments.

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Not enough people have dropped dead.

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Don't worry about that Rose... I'm fully expecting a 30% mortality rate across The West, if not by December, than certainly by this time next year. 😳

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Yikes! I've heard Dr. Dolores Cahill say 100%. Do you have some backing on the 30% number? Not to cast shade here - I have no idea what to expect. In my mind, I've been mulling the possibility of 10 - 20%.

Anything you can add would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Here's a sort of "PS" for you:

"The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth?" Dr. Russell L. Blaylock - https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-update-what-truth/5779037

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Blaylock is very good. Thanks.

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It's a gut feeling I have, nothing more. These two links however, may be places to start your own research:

- "The Collapse of the Covid Narrative" (https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/27/the-collapse-of-the-covid-narrative/)

- "The Covid “Vaccine” Is An Intentional Effort At World Genocide" https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/08/the-covid-vaccine-is-an-intentional-effort-at-world-genocide/

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Now we're all looking in the right, far more legally effective, wholly efficient, but certainly tragic direction, Dr Alexander.

As they say, it's no longer your daddy's federal health bureaucracy -- including especially the dedicated, unbeatable and heroic teams at CDC and FDA that we all came to admire and trust, growing up. The myth of their devotion to our health and well-being in the face of relevant threats was formally, over time, set to be annihilated via the naivete, the willful blindness, or -- God forbid -- worse, the witting and apathetic, nondelagably irresponsible, wholly unconstitutional and otherwise unlawful cooperation of the US Congress, years -- even decades -- back. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova document, in any case, this sinister legislative and executive chronology at their respective websites. The horrible, shameful, and condemnable book of deeds is open for all who seek to know and see.

Amoral and extremely malevolent demons, disguised as properly paid bureaucrats carrying out psudo-lawful, bioweapon-based, sham public health programs abound -- in DC and other hubs of federal power. Their singular, Diabolical Ruler, we can readily infer from the unmistakable trail of evidence, is real. We, believers and non-believers alike, pure genomic humans -- what a dystopian nightmare we're actually in! -- are all in grave danger.

We must resist and oppose, battle and win, to survive.

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Gator Guy! Your comment gave me chills! What you said packs a wallop in summing it up! " " We must resist & oppose, battle & win". That, my friend, is our Clarion Call! Peace!

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A "clarion call" is as right and inspiring as it gets, Michelle! Peace to you as well, sister.

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Don't wait for the military to "save you". DoD is under complete control of the same powers destroying everything.

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Ah, now you're on the right trail. No one is saying not to prosecute Pfizer but rather don't do so to the exclusion of the entities conferring indemnity through unlawful laws.

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The #25 Statement says it all. 'We are the Prey ' Dr. Breggin got it right.

Dr. Malone has to explain why he is really suing Dr. Breggin. Was he instructed to do so?

# 25 DOD is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations. See 10 USC 2371b (2015), renumbered 10 USC 4022 (Jan. 1, 2021, effective Jan. 1, 2022)

This speaks volumnes about the existance of the CDC/DARPA/DOD/CIA consortium that has been working on biowarfare pathogens. The fact it was published on Jan 1, 2021 and not effective until Jan 1, 2022 says the Pfizers etc are liable for the fraud. since this was not activated till 12 months after pushing the mRNA injections on 200 million Americans.

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Legal tyranny. If the EUA is withdrawn the whole corrupt house of cards collapses.

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Bless you Paul for linking Katherine's work on your Substack!! Very important!

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It seems quite clear that the USG declared War on its own Citizens in early 2020.

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If there ever was a “Get out of jail free!” Card, I guess that would be it, right! Or even better yet, I guess you could say they have got a “You can’t jail me for anything, sue me for any reason, and I’ve not done anything wrong” card!!! Well that’s a bummer!!!

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It's a bummer FOR THEM because they will NOT get away with fancy legal crossword puzzles to hide behind enabling them to rob, poison, harm and kill us. The more People that know about this the sooner it stops. We must = 'each one, reach one.' Rip this Monster apart. Educate and help wake People up. They count on our apathy & the false belief that we are too small against their power/wealth/influence. This is not true!

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander! Now with your close ties to Congressman Jordan, help him spread the word where it really matters. We need veto proof bills to get by Biden to end this nonsense forever. If our dear legislators realize their constituents are so outraged at the horrible bills they passed, they must fix the problems they created. We must demand they claw back bad laws, not just by writing better laws, but actually passing them in veto proof numbers. Only then do we stand a chance of winning. Katherine Watt has laid the groundwork for what the citizens and the legislature must accomplish. We have the evidence, and the perpetrators know it. Together, we the people take away bad laws the evildoers cleverly put in place. I call that Democracy! Thank you, Katherine, for your meticulous work! Free Speach forever!

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Bonnie Aitken.. Completely agree. It us time for the members of Congress who are not compromised and still working for us, to step up!

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Time for us all to teach our legislators why they must revisit the laws they signed. Unintended consequences are killing off the species (unless that is their intent all along). I tried to meet with my state senator, but he was a no show to my scheduled appointment. Met with his underling who claimed he heard it all before, except for the Daegel Report (80% global depopulation by 2025). Any suggestions on how to get legislators to listen?

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The trick was to redefine every applicable term with another word or phrase so as to render the clear/plain meaning unintelligible. The intent to deceive and harm is obvious/indisputable. Since God is truth and the Devil is the father of lies, it's clear Satan is ultimately responsible. The perpetrators are his tools. We were warned, “…He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies”, John 8:44.

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John H. BINGO!

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Very evident how Covid 19/vaccine roll out was planned. (covered their butts well!

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