Funny how the legacy media continually refuses to report with honesty and integrity. The criminal could have been white, black, green. The victim could have been white, black, or green. The truth is we have many violent criminals in the USA, the police cannot be everywhere and innocent people must be allowed to arm themselves. That is the reality. Growing up in Chicago, we knew the neighbourhoods to stay out of. When I went out to work my job was on the west side of the city. I was often on call during the night. So when I drove to the medical Center, I ran stop lights, so I wouldn’t be a victim of a smash and grab crime, like some of my colleagues had experienced. Not a nice way to live. Not many victims had guns then. The times have changed. People arm themselves because they feel threatened. Whose fault is that? As my taxi driver in Portugal recently said “welcome to the jungle dear”.

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In the jungle there is an order, rules and respect. .. Every animal knows its place in the order of things. .. I believe society has morphed into something resembling Hell.

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Based on the anti racist ideas that are being promoted in society, regrettably we will likely see more incidence like this.

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That's the goal!

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It has nothing to do with anti racist ideas, for him it has to do with mommy issues

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That guy is getting the message that white people are to blame of all his problems. That cannot help.

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Yes the result of decades of indoctrination but unfortunately nothing is stopping it. Everyone has to decide for themselves what steps will they take to protect themselves when hearing stories like this.

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Permanently remove the thug from society! 😡

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The thugs have more rights than victims these days… society protects them.

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I didn't enjoy that nasty beating, but this is an excellent argument to be armed and ready for something horrible like this. If she had had a weapon or a gun, she MIGHT have been able to defend herself and/or wound or kill her assailant! But in the video it looks pretty much like a real surprise attack!

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Kill or be killed. This is where our society is leading.

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Another white supremacist I see.

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Bad example as having a gun in this situation would not have helped her. It was too fast with overwhelming force. An armed bystander however...

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Why? Because he's a kneegrow.

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Hi Paul, I saw this video on twitter and it is horrific. However, I'm also pretty sure a gun would not have changed the outcome for the better.

Given the speed of the surprise attack, the size, weight and strength difference, there would have been no time to draw a gun, let alone aim and shoot it.

In order to protect people from this type of attack, it requires a re-design of the desk layout to prevent someone of greater size and strength from closing the distance so quickly. In that case, a gun or other weapon might be useful.

In that store layout, a gun in the mix might have simply resulted in the woman being shot. Even training on fighting back, might simply have enraged the perpetrator even more.

I don't want to detract from the horror of the situation, but guns don't solve the problem we saw there. People who teach weapons self defense training -- knives, guns etc -- know that the weapon is secondary to the outcome. The main factor is terrain, and not entering a situation where you will be attacked, or can't easily defend yourself.

People who intend to hurt others will attack suddenly and without warning. That is how most stabbings happen as well, they are sudden, surprising, and extremely violent. If everyone was knowingly armed, I suspect a guy like this would have come in, drawn a weapon and shot her before she realized what was happening.

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self defense classes wouldn't hurt in case one either has no weapon or gets surprised and can't wield one. hands, feet, knees, elbows, and even your skull in a pinch, can disable (or more) or at least dissuade an attacker.

people are too used to the concept of civilization and expect not to need such skills.

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Agree, but also in this case, without some ability to separate herself from a much bigger and strongly assailant, I don't think it would have changed this outcome for the better. Even in MMA, the smaller fighter needs to make sure the other fighter doesn't close in and finish it off with strength and mass. I suspect if she had fought back a bit from the ground, he would have merely become more enraged and continued to kick at her from range.

That was the real dangerous part of this attack and she did well, to sit up to prevent the kicks to the head.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

I agree with you in a supervised fight situation. except that MMA will not allow lethal or uncivilized attacks, unlike self defence. unless the victim is completely restrained, the attacker's groin, kneecaps, elbows, throat, eyes, ears, arches of the feet, and clavicles take very little pressure to smash/break/hyperextend backwards, and all those spots cause intense pain and disable the attacker in various nasty ways.

you're right about being overpowered, but unless the attacker is on PCP or something, the sort of damage I listed will cause someone to think twice about continuing their assault.

also the victim has no assurance the attacker will stop before unconsciousness or death.

I'm a lightweight, but no way I'd just curl up and take it if being physically attacked like that. "oh, the insane assailant might get mad and possibly hurt me worse if I go for retaliatory attacks or bone breaking defense maneuvers" wouldn't even occur to me.

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I watched this full video original camera surveillance and its sickening. I want so much to be in a room with this guys for 10 minutes, sick animal

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Not just a gun, but a automatic Short Barrel Rifle (SBR).

Maybe even with a suppressor, in case there are children about.

Then you can pump all thirty rounds into the bastard without any real risk of hearing damage.

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There is something fundamentally wrong with a society when its members have to arm themselves with weapons capable of lethal force to protect themselves and others from psychologically very damaged fellow humans within the public midst. That said it is what it is and the vulnerable need to protect themselves from violence perpetrated against them. A deep dive is needed by American society to sort this out at its deepest psychological roots and not just put bandage solutions on a very deep set problem within the American experience. Who in their right mind would wish to live in such a flawed societal paradigm!?

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That’s why I like you so much ! You tell it like it is !!! And the term No Nads Nadler made be spill coffee on myself- lol

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I feel bad for both victim and the perpetrator. When I was doing my student nursing rotation I rotated at a juvenile detention/mental hospital detention center. I would read the files and go home and cry. What had been done to these children and what these children have done to others is horrific abuse. When I watched that man punch that women in rage, I was angry and appalled and I also asked myself if someone beat him like that when he was vulnerable and defenseless. Being mentally ill, on drugs, witnessing violence or living in constant poverty leads to anger and that leads to aggression. We live in a world full of divisive messaging, a loss of God and hope, skewed moral compasses, human trafficking on an unprecedented scale, drug abuse, domestic abuse, the list goes on and on. Humans are made to live in small caring communities, not this horrid corporate run, technocratic totalitarianism the Globalists, the CCP and the entrenched bureaucracy in DC are pushing us too.

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My husband was a victim of child abuse, sexual child abuse and poverty. He’s never felt the need to smash another persons face. He graduated from college, spent 22yrs in the military and not one day in therapy.

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I know people like your husband who don't give into rage and violence and I know people who have. Everyone reacts differently. Your husband is special and humanity could use more people like him!

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You feel bad for the Perp? You are as sick as the perp, you just dont know it yet

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Idt that’s what she’s trying to say. Adult perps, were (not all cases, of course) child victims.

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I don't care what kind of victim he might be. Its fashionable now to dismiss all responsibility and excuse all behavior because someone is a victim. Sorry not good enough. That kid of flawed thinking is responsible for our country going down the tubes and the lawlessness that is the worst in our history is only encouraged by this soft on crime, forgive everyone, attitude. If this were your daughter, I don't think you would feel quite so forgiving

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I have lots of feelings about violence.

I feel angry that he committed a heinous act violence.

I feel like that lady should shoot him with a concealed weapon to protect herself.

I feel sad if he had that kind of violence committed on him.

My ideal is not to wish ill on anyone and to have empathy for everyone who has suffered at the hands of another, which is everyone who has ever been put through the ringer of life. I'm not perfect at this because I'm a flawed human like everyone else.

We never have any idea of what other people have been through.

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It doesn't matter what he has been through. Its not relevant. There are some humans that don't deserve to exist alongside honorable, normal people. There are some who are so wicked, so evil, and so very inhuman, they simply cant be redeemed except by God and that will come much later and is out of our hands. However, we as a society are tasked with maintaining order and safety for all citizens. Those among us who are of the animals and not among men, need to be removed from society.

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I have worked with children who have been severely abused as well as young autistic kids who have a tendency towards being violent. It's painstaking, slow and difficult to teach them the proper ways of expressing anger and frustration without hurting themselves or others. Some of them can be taught, some can't.

I see violent people through this lens. I see them as human beings even when they do something that wicked.

I guess we just have a different approach to how we think people should be dealt with.

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