I ask, was this a Jew, a Christian? a Hindu pulling out this peaceful sword to kill a motorist in broad daylight? This animal, this feral beast is same Obama & Biden now have in US; thanks Barak
Thanks to Tony Blair/Keir Starmer and Hindu Rishi Sunack we still have them pouring into the UK and Ireland too. All happening under the instruction of Ursula von der Leyen of the EU too.
Ahhh, but Corrupt, Deep State, Globalist Traitors, Pedophiles and Mass Murderers do as they are told by their masters of the World Economic Forum: Macron, Biden Trudeau.... and so on.
Just a thought on that question Doc. We are wrongly looking at the invaders, from our mostly civil society perspective. To these purposely imported murderous disruptors, carrying a machete or knife is like us grabbing our cell and wallet before leaving the house. It would be abnormal to them, to do otherwise.
Now, that reality brings up the problem of dissimilar cultures and customs. being thrust together instantaneously, which has been well discussed by others more intelligent than I. The bottom line is, the regimes knew this would be the outcome.
They knew if you took a dirt poor, semi starving, fatalistic, religiously extremists (by comparison) and injected him into an affluent, moderate, and seemingly morally weak (again by comparison) Western society, mayhem would ensue.
They live in a world where getting killed or kidnapped violently is a very good daily possibility. The common Westerner has no concept of this on the mass scale, that is quickly building in their towns, cities and states.
The way this stops is when enough legislators and or elites are accosted, victimized and killed by these violence prone invaders. This is why they're being dumped in the minority and poorer neighborhoods. You don't see them being funneled to the high street and posh areas of major UK and U.S. cities.
Your leaders have literally dumped pit bulls in the middle of a toddlers daycare play yard. If any one dares fight back against the attacking maulers, they are blamed and punished.
Bush and his pal Bliar created big lots of jihadis and then drove them out of the middle east and into continental Europe and the UK. Then Obama and his pals Lindsey Graham, McStain and Romney did the same. The British Conservatives under David Cameron welcomed them with open arms and the German Christian Democrat Union under Angela Merkel did the same in Germany. The US under the Biden and Mike Johnson uniparty is envious that most of the jihadis went to Europe initially and is now hell bent on importing as many as possible through the open southern border.
Check in with Michael Yon podcasts from Darian gap. Save the children have been busted for child trafficking.both in UK and USA. The young military aged are being trained by the UN to be sleeper soldiers. They are being trained by various armies in 3rd world countries.
Good God Dr. I have to say, I couldn’t keep up with you if I had Porsche, a five mile head start and, well you had one leg, a broken tail and went by the name of “lucky”.
In a more serious note, this “feral beast” you’ve aptly described, obviously has a bone to pick with humanity!
There’s no way we can sit back much longer waiting for these same animals to awaken en masse here, in America.
We know they’re here. We know they’ll kill. We also know they won’t stop until we eradicate them all!
At any point we’ll be faced with the same situation. This is the “calm before the storm” and the better prepared we are, the less vulnerable we are.
This is my only message. Prepare for the worst and pray like the dickens! For our enemies aren’t our friends, our friends are.
We must coordinate our efforts and plan our future accordingly. Yes the UK has a head start. Their immigration motives were far more lenient. We must heed this warning.
There’s no doubt why our “border floodgates” have been wide open! To make up time and infiltrate faster. That way the entire Western World can simultaneously be attacked!
The writing is on the wall Dr. The star’s alignment, dots connected, paint a rather dark picture.
Of course anything is possible and this could all get redirected and out to sea, like a barreling hurricane coming up the east coast.
But then again, this isn’t Mother Nature, these are “Mother……..S” Jihadist!
They want US DEAD! Obama, Biden and the rest of their “dumb-downed” puppeteers of “Useful Idiots”!
The American “Useful Idiots”.
Bot the jihadist group, they’re serious! They’re salivating at the mouth! Foaming for the taste of blood! They can’t wait to “shed American blood”! They live to “shed American blood”! They’ll die to “shed American blood”!
We get it. We all know. We need help from? From who? I haven’t the slightest idea who!
As Roosevelt often said,
“Speak softly and carry a big stick”!
Well that was then this is now.
Soft speech ain’t worth a hill of beans, plus most jihadist can’t speak English! And I don’t know Jihadi! According to Malik b. Anas there are four types of jihad
jihad with one's heart (bil-qalb), with one's tongue (bil-lisan), with one's hand (bil-yad), and with a sword (bil-sayf)
He explains that a jihad with the heart means to defeat the shaytan (devil) and oppress one's lust and bestial desires.
Now the above certainly explains why, but I can’t justify all of this! America has become to some degree, “Sodom and Gomorrah” of modern times.
Possibly, there isn’t any other way for America to “right these societal evils”? Of Pornography, child rape, infidelity, etc!
I do believe in America. I also believe America has become a “cesspool of filth” over the years! Simply watch any documentary about WWII. Understand how “patriotic” Americans soldiers and the American people use to be. Key point: “USE TO BE”.
Today, my God what’s happened? Well I’ll tell you what’s happened. Our government went off the rails of morality! Politicians, Higher Education, Financial Institutions, Hollywood and a host of others decided for themselves what they would do to infect the American mind!
And they have. Now this is what comes when we lose morality, lose our integrity and dignity. Lose our moral compass. We become a country of “Haves vs Have Nots”! Floating through time lost in our own universe of spiritual guidance. Aimlessly moving without direction.
Had anyone ever thought about why, so many multi family homes were built prior and after the WWII? Because families were families! Family helped family. Neighbors helped Neighbors and so on. Americans were an entire family as one unit, united in state and united in hearts and minds with prayer as our leaders! We had beliefs, we had faith in our fellow man.
We’ve lost all of that today. Driven Aimlessly where? To a cliff? To be divided and led to slaughter? We’ve lost our belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It’s that simple America! It’s this simple!
This is IMO what’s happened.
The dot-com bubble came! Billionaires overnight and the race to the bottom began. Those who were millionaires became billionaires and billionaires became even richer. The problem spun out of control. The “Globalists Elites” wanted full control and power over everyone!
So they made life ever so sly, more and more miserable for those wanting more. In doing so it became more difficult for everyone.
Politicians cuddled up to newly made billionaires and pushed policy. Slightly taking freedoms away and so to everyone’s chance for a better life, a better future, was being “slow boiled away”!
All while, billionaires were lapping up, all the luxuries money good buy. They became more and more greedy, more and more powerful!
Decadence became the norm. And these bureaucrats and billionaires figured out, there’s no way in hell everyone should have what they have. Not at all.
So they started pushing downward, the middle class lower and those in poverty even lower and made everyone more desperate.
Eventually, the upward mobility became limited and out of reach for most while the downward mobility well, was expanded for most!
Today, the lions are licking their chops! They know it’s “now or never”! And here we are today, facing possible extinction! Yes, go ahead, push the button! Kaboom!
Obviously we are at a crossroad IMO as never before. Spiritually speaking, I believe there’ll be blood shed, I don’t believe humanity can survive the way things have been. So the lions or wolves whichever you choose to call them, sharks is what I prefer, can smell the blood in the water.
And they’re circling their prey. Can we elude these sharks or do we submit? Ir do we swim as fast as possible? I honestly don’t know the answer.
We have choices, not many, but we have some options. Where am I going with all this? I’m going with, there will be blood shed, lives will be lost and evil will be destroyed! This is the scenario I envision and I am predicting.
America has been and still is the greatest nation on earth! Americans have done more for the people of the world than any other nation in history!
I believe our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will provide protection for most Americans and He will eradicate all remaining “Evil”! So all of you “useful idiots” wake up! There isn’t a seat at the table!
Humanity needs more people like you and millions more on the knees thanking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It’s quite sad that the working needs to be flipped upside down and backwards, in order for people to wake up and take a look around.
Unfortunately I am convinced Jesus has had enough! Who hasn’t honestly? Humanity should know this. Unfortunately power corrupts and we’re witnessing how easily the world can flicker out and be destroyed!
I’ll never understand why people, can’t see the simplicity in life? I understand there’s an endless supply of corruption and power at hand which is exactly why I say, “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” God has seen enough! Period!
There’s one thing I’m certain about, “Good vs Evil” is the sole reason for all the ills we’re facing today.
And these two diametrically opposing forces, are coming to a head, sooner rather than later, mortally speaking.
Only God knows the exact time and place!
And for those who haven’t any belief system to well, believe in, all I can say is find one because
“even Atheist begins to pray in a fox hole”!
Things are happening because of man, not because Creepy Joe poops himself, but individual people have ulterior motivations, solely EVIL and solely SELFISH!
There’s only so much anyone can do when certain individuals decide they want to exterminate certain groups who disagree with them! Can it get any worse than that? Good God! I say, you live your life and let me live my life, a simple formula for peaceful existence!
We know that’ll never happen so here we are facing extinction at worst! Why would anyone want to play inside this kind of potentialities? Why?
Thank you Ingrid, we must all find a way to help each other and learn from each other, otherwise there won’t be any “each-other” anymore!
“Despite bans in some states, more than a million abortions were provided in 2023”.
Look at the above statistic alone! More than one million abortions were performed in America, in 2023!
This is startling IMO! Regardless of one’s belief about when a “life is a life” thought process or opinion.
This is how far off the rails Americans have fallen! There’s plenty of ways to prevent pregnancy! Plenty! One is 100% it’s called to “abstain”.
The only reason I mention this statistic is to show how far off the rails America has fallen.
I believe what you’re saying has merit to a degree. Figuring out “how much death America” is responsible for is like trying to count the stars in an endless universe!
The reality is, look at what’s being taught over the past 30 years or so. Maybe more, but certainly today, indoctrination is first and foremost!
When my 4 year old grandson said to me this past thanksgiving, “Pa a boy can be a girl”, I had to hold back my anger! How dare Pre-K make such absurd assumptions! But this is what’s happening around America and the Western World.
You really can’t ascertain any number remotely close to say Mao’s Revolution. Or count the Stars in the universe because it’s well, endless!
And so too are the myriad of variables necessary to validate your statement about how bad or how much death America is responsible for.
These numbers can be somewhat useful:
1.Chairman Mao was responsible for somewhere in the neighborhood of 49-80 million people killed!
2.WWII had less losses
3.The black plague had the highest death tolls.
I will say this much, America has done a horrendous job lately protecting Americans while supporting, adversarial tyrants!
Especially China! And Iran. All enemies of America!
It’s that obvious! China and Iran seek to destroy America, Israel and any other nation in their way!
Lastly Markker, if you believe America is this horrible, death cult, world class killer of a nation as well as racist, homophobic, xenophobic and transphobic nation, first I’ll ask you, if you’re American citizen and still living in America, why? And secondly, if you’re not an American citizen and you’re not living here, what’s your solution?
To simply make a generalization about how much death America is responsible for, or how
Americans have done more deaths and destruction than any other nation, how did you come to this conclusion?
Honestly Marker
I’m fighting for my four year old grandsons life. Please if you can explain why you feel this way about America?
I respectfully have to disagree with you Markker. And here’s why. America is not a perfect country, we’ve done tremendous amount of damage worldwide wide.
We have to remember to attribute all deaths in various conflicts cannot be blamed on America alone, that’s far to easy to do. There’s many variables involved.
I will agree with you, America has done some really bad things. I honestly believe, being an open nation, has riddled us with violent organizers who seek to destroy us today from within.
Those involved in starting conflicts do so for one reason, money! Yes they’re as rotten as rotten can be, but that doesn’t mean America, the nation, is wholly responsible. Bad actors, absolutely!
Look at what’s happening today! People have to be blind to believe anything anymore Ukraine had as much a chance of toppling Russia as Guam could. It’s obvious what’s happening and how the world’s powers are changing.
But it doesn’t eliminate the fact that Americans have helped lift more people out of poverty while political parties have slowly redirected our own people into poverty.
There isn’t any perfect solution. I will say this, those who seek to destroy for money and power obviously have psychological, narcissistic tendencies!
America is filled with people like this! I believe half of Americans are mentally unstable, disturbed and couldn’t care about anything except themselves.
Simply saying America is responsible is so over simplified based on the so many variables it literally an endless he said she said.
Maybe there’s nations far more stable, I just don’t know where. After all why is everyone struggling to come to America?
I do believe what the world is facing right now is a spiritual awakening. To the point where, regardless of anyone’s religion or lack there of lies, there are forces far greater than any mortal being can decipher.
Nevertheless Markker I appreciate your thoughts and insight. More importantly, I believe for all of humanity, people really need to start “agreeing to disagree”. Life’s way too short. Our world needs something, more war isn’t the answer, more killings aren’t the answer and certainly every nation on a planet earth should access their internal compasses and moral standards.
Life isn’t hard because it’s unfair, life is harder because man chooses to make it that way!
I don't mean ordinary American, UK, Russian, Chinese, etc., its the people who own the world, resources, energy, banks etc. They've been at it for millenia. Listen to the Day Tapes here. Every government with central bank controlled. These tapes explain how everyone "nudged" along, with rock and roll, free love, drugs, family breakdown, legalising gays, now transgenderism, wanting to teach 4 yr olds about sex in kindergarten. US hardly wins any war but, for these parasitic class, that's not the aim. The aim is for the military industrial complex to make money. The aborted baby parts are sold off for experiments and other purposes, it's all horrific. War is good for organ parts too. sagehana.substack.com/p/in-1969-ex-planned-parenthood-medical?publication_id=702469&post_id=116678458&isFreemail=false&triedRedirect=true I hope we can fix this too.
Markker, After I dug deeper, I realized exactly what you meant. I agree completely with you, once I read further into your message.
Growing up in the early 60’s, I believed most of what I heard. I was young dumb and full of ?.
Certainly a lesson for all to “heed” and do our own research.
I think the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was the “low-point” for the monstrous and coordinated movement’s, we’re seeing play out today.
I call this period of history
“The Indoctrination Phase”.
All radicalization or subversion of a nation, needs time to organize and grow deeper. The “calm before the storm”. Although the plague, Mao Revolution and WWII which I listed in my last post, there’s an”staunch” difference between those 3 events and your initial statement.
As I mentioned, digging deeper I learned, America and the military complex in conjunction with China and others, are responsible for the most
“Death and Destruction” in history.
You’re absolutely correct.
Please accept my apologies for miss understanding your initial statement.
Even today, America is involved and has used the might of our “military soldiers” to do the dirty work!
The military leadership has “bullied” America into Africa and other countries around the world! American people have no idea about how many countries these “Military Leaders” have dragged us into.
All “SECRETIVE” all designed to “ENRICH” themselves at the hands of AMERICAN MILITARY SOLDIERS DEMISE!
Thank you Markker for your insightful, yet simple, yet “profound” statement you posted.
We all need to dig deeper and expose the “truth”, to be able and willing to expose and explain, what the hell these leaders think and do!
So much of, how I see America and others feel about this great nation, truly stands for. I’ve always said America must,
“Say what you mean and mean what you say”!
American ideals and values, have been stolen from, all Americans and sold off through “endless wars” all around the world!
Known wars and especially the “unknown wars” or clandestine operations going on across the globe today!
For the enrichment of a handful of people! Which is nauseating to me because “Americans Soldiers Die” needlessly!
This man does it because the UNITED NATIONS sent him there to do it or didn’t you notice the massive intake of foreigners globally? Young fighting age men promised education, healthcare, housing & jobs. Why didn’t the women & children come too? They were told if they come here to fight & cause trouble the world is their oyster.
It still boggles my mind to say this; The fighting men make up the UN’s entire Militia” (when did that happen, btw? A peace keeping organization with their own Military). What has the world come to 😉
There are 1000s of commandos now inside the USA awaiting orders. So these are not knives, they are more like daggers. Mostly peaceful daggers of course.
The Zionist, aka UN/WEF globalists, Freemasons, Jesuits, illuminati, etc., agenda is absolute control over humanity. Guns, knives, weapons, etc. are a hindrance in effecting their agenda. Guns must be outlawed and seized. And now they’re going after knives as well.
Their modus operandi is always the Hegelian Dialect >>PROBLEM (mass shootings; knife attacks, etc.) >>REACTION (fear; citizens demand guns, knives, etc. be outlawed) >>SOLUTION (disarm the masses). Orchestrated events (mass shootings, knife attacks) and psyops are elaborately coordinated with Manchurian Candidates/Orion/MK Ultra mind control. Prescription drugs that cause suicidal (homicidal?) ideation may be a factor.
On April 15, 2024 in Australia Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel was allegedly attacked while live streaming a sermon; four were said to be wounded and a 16yo boy arrested. May 25, 2024, four teenage girls watching a movie in a Massachusetts theater were stabbed as the assailant laughed maniacally like the Joker. May 25, 2024, Ocean City, NJ, a teenage boy went on a stabbing spree along the boardwalk. On June 5, 2024, a 3yo boy was fatally stabbed in the parking lot of a grocery store in Ohio. NYC has had a series of stabbings on or near the subway. Senseless random attacks.
“Behold A Pale Horse” by William Cooper details how the oligarchs use these orchestrated events and sometimes psyops (Sandy Hook?) to effect the agenda which in this case is to disarm the people.
The problem, the real criminals, low-life and government, are stilled armed.
Who wouldn't be afraid in that situation? What a scary place to live. Outlaw guns, but allow a huge knife? We need to pray for God's protection from such things.
Because Muslims must pursue Jihad at least once in their lives. If they never "struggle against the infidel", they can never go to heaven and get their 72 virgins.
It's evident that our political elite aims to alter Western demographics. There is a need for political renewal and mechanisms to prevent the entrenchment of power, ensuring that leaders remain accountable to the public. Viktor Orban said this just a few days ago: 'If Donald Trump wins and successful European elections are held, we can build a pan-Western transatlantic peace coalition.'
Thanks to Tony Blair/Keir Starmer and Hindu Rishi Sunack we still have them pouring into the UK and Ireland too. All happening under the instruction of Ursula von der Leyen of the EU too.
Take a look at IOM.int for the full details and discover that it is the UN facilitating this.
Yes. Antonio Guterres and the WEF. Barbara Lerner Spectre too. All criminals committed to totally destroying Sovereign Nations.
no sane nations do this.
Ahhh, but Corrupt, Deep State, Globalist Traitors, Pedophiles and Mass Murderers do as they are told by their masters of the World Economic Forum: Macron, Biden Trudeau.... and so on.
Correct. The UN is controlled by the World Economic Forum. So is the WHO, the IMF, the BIS... and so on.
I’m convinced that the WEF is the mouthpiece of the UN, every UN agency uses the same colour scheme, and there’s an awful lot of UN agencies and NGOs.
Good possibility that Ursula von der Leyen is demon possessed.
for sure
Pure evil!
The driver should have run over the African Islamic military aged knife bearing male.
yes the peaceful male
issue I am getting at is these people are prepped to kill...why would you have that on you?
Just a thought on that question Doc. We are wrongly looking at the invaders, from our mostly civil society perspective. To these purposely imported murderous disruptors, carrying a machete or knife is like us grabbing our cell and wallet before leaving the house. It would be abnormal to them, to do otherwise.
Now, that reality brings up the problem of dissimilar cultures and customs. being thrust together instantaneously, which has been well discussed by others more intelligent than I. The bottom line is, the regimes knew this would be the outcome.
They knew if you took a dirt poor, semi starving, fatalistic, religiously extremists (by comparison) and injected him into an affluent, moderate, and seemingly morally weak (again by comparison) Western society, mayhem would ensue.
They live in a world where getting killed or kidnapped violently is a very good daily possibility. The common Westerner has no concept of this on the mass scale, that is quickly building in their towns, cities and states.
The way this stops is when enough legislators and or elites are accosted, victimized and killed by these violence prone invaders. This is why they're being dumped in the minority and poorer neighborhoods. You don't see them being funneled to the high street and posh areas of major UK and U.S. cities.
Your leaders have literally dumped pit bulls in the middle of a toddlers daycare play yard. If any one dares fight back against the attacking maulers, they are blamed and punished.
Exactly. In self defense.
Bush and his pal Bliar created big lots of jihadis and then drove them out of the middle east and into continental Europe and the UK. Then Obama and his pals Lindsey Graham, McStain and Romney did the same. The British Conservatives under David Cameron welcomed them with open arms and the German Christian Democrat Union under Angela Merkel did the same in Germany. The US under the Biden and Mike Johnson uniparty is envious that most of the jihadis went to Europe initially and is now hell bent on importing as many as possible through the open southern border.
yes, flooding US with people who will rape and kill...
Bush took them into US too
Check in with Michael Yon podcasts from Darian gap. Save the children have been busted for child trafficking.both in UK and USA. The young military aged are being trained by the UN to be sleeper soldiers. They are being trained by various armies in 3rd world countries.
dont doubt it
If I was a tinfoil hat wearing sort of guy, I might point out that there just may be a pattern....
Religion of Peace
sure is
exactly, we lit our funeral pyres letting 6 century medieval animals to the 21st century...I dont know how else to say it
Yes. They are incompatible with us.
Good God Dr. I have to say, I couldn’t keep up with you if I had Porsche, a five mile head start and, well you had one leg, a broken tail and went by the name of “lucky”.
In a more serious note, this “feral beast” you’ve aptly described, obviously has a bone to pick with humanity!
There’s no way we can sit back much longer waiting for these same animals to awaken en masse here, in America.
We know they’re here. We know they’ll kill. We also know they won’t stop until we eradicate them all!
At any point we’ll be faced with the same situation. This is the “calm before the storm” and the better prepared we are, the less vulnerable we are.
This is my only message. Prepare for the worst and pray like the dickens! For our enemies aren’t our friends, our friends are.
We must coordinate our efforts and plan our future accordingly. Yes the UK has a head start. Their immigration motives were far more lenient. We must heed this warning.
There’s no doubt why our “border floodgates” have been wide open! To make up time and infiltrate faster. That way the entire Western World can simultaneously be attacked!
The writing is on the wall Dr. The star’s alignment, dots connected, paint a rather dark picture.
Of course anything is possible and this could all get redirected and out to sea, like a barreling hurricane coming up the east coast.
But then again, this isn’t Mother Nature, these are “Mother……..S” Jihadist!
They want US DEAD! Obama, Biden and the rest of their “dumb-downed” puppeteers of “Useful Idiots”!
The American “Useful Idiots”.
Bot the jihadist group, they’re serious! They’re salivating at the mouth! Foaming for the taste of blood! They can’t wait to “shed American blood”! They live to “shed American blood”! They’ll die to “shed American blood”!
We get it. We all know. We need help from? From who? I haven’t the slightest idea who!
As Roosevelt often said,
“Speak softly and carry a big stick”!
Well that was then this is now.
Soft speech ain’t worth a hill of beans, plus most jihadist can’t speak English! And I don’t know Jihadi! According to Malik b. Anas there are four types of jihad
jihad with one's heart (bil-qalb), with one's tongue (bil-lisan), with one's hand (bil-yad), and with a sword (bil-sayf)
He explains that a jihad with the heart means to defeat the shaytan (devil) and oppress one's lust and bestial desires.
Now the above certainly explains why, but I can’t justify all of this! America has become to some degree, “Sodom and Gomorrah” of modern times.
Possibly, there isn’t any other way for America to “right these societal evils”? Of Pornography, child rape, infidelity, etc!
I do believe in America. I also believe America has become a “cesspool of filth” over the years! Simply watch any documentary about WWII. Understand how “patriotic” Americans soldiers and the American people use to be. Key point: “USE TO BE”.
Today, my God what’s happened? Well I’ll tell you what’s happened. Our government went off the rails of morality! Politicians, Higher Education, Financial Institutions, Hollywood and a host of others decided for themselves what they would do to infect the American mind!
And they have. Now this is what comes when we lose morality, lose our integrity and dignity. Lose our moral compass. We become a country of “Haves vs Have Nots”! Floating through time lost in our own universe of spiritual guidance. Aimlessly moving without direction.
Had anyone ever thought about why, so many multi family homes were built prior and after the WWII? Because families were families! Family helped family. Neighbors helped Neighbors and so on. Americans were an entire family as one unit, united in state and united in hearts and minds with prayer as our leaders! We had beliefs, we had faith in our fellow man.
We’ve lost all of that today. Driven Aimlessly where? To a cliff? To be divided and led to slaughter? We’ve lost our belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It’s that simple America! It’s this simple!
This is IMO what’s happened.
The dot-com bubble came! Billionaires overnight and the race to the bottom began. Those who were millionaires became billionaires and billionaires became even richer. The problem spun out of control. The “Globalists Elites” wanted full control and power over everyone!
So they made life ever so sly, more and more miserable for those wanting more. In doing so it became more difficult for everyone.
Politicians cuddled up to newly made billionaires and pushed policy. Slightly taking freedoms away and so to everyone’s chance for a better life, a better future, was being “slow boiled away”!
All while, billionaires were lapping up, all the luxuries money good buy. They became more and more greedy, more and more powerful!
Decadence became the norm. And these bureaucrats and billionaires figured out, there’s no way in hell everyone should have what they have. Not at all.
So they started pushing downward, the middle class lower and those in poverty even lower and made everyone more desperate.
Eventually, the upward mobility became limited and out of reach for most while the downward mobility well, was expanded for most!
Today, the lions are licking their chops! They know it’s “now or never”! And here we are today, facing possible extinction! Yes, go ahead, push the button! Kaboom!
Obviously we are at a crossroad IMO as never before. Spiritually speaking, I believe there’ll be blood shed, I don’t believe humanity can survive the way things have been. So the lions or wolves whichever you choose to call them, sharks is what I prefer, can smell the blood in the water.
And they’re circling their prey. Can we elude these sharks or do we submit? Ir do we swim as fast as possible? I honestly don’t know the answer.
We have choices, not many, but we have some options. Where am I going with all this? I’m going with, there will be blood shed, lives will be lost and evil will be destroyed! This is the scenario I envision and I am predicting.
America has been and still is the greatest nation on earth! Americans have done more for the people of the world than any other nation in history!
I believe our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will provide protection for most Americans and He will eradicate all remaining “Evil”! So all of you “useful idiots” wake up! There isn’t a seat at the table!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
"Blessed be the Pure in Heart for they shall see God" Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for Righteousness for they shall be filled." Matt. 5:6
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for Righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Matt. 5:10
"Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the son's of God!" Matt. 5:9
"Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth!" Matt. 5:5
"One day we will look around & the wicked will be no more!"
Amen Ingrid! Amen and thank you kindly.
Humanity needs more people like you and millions more on the knees thanking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It’s quite sad that the working needs to be flipped upside down and backwards, in order for people to wake up and take a look around.
Unfortunately I am convinced Jesus has had enough! Who hasn’t honestly? Humanity should know this. Unfortunately power corrupts and we’re witnessing how easily the world can flicker out and be destroyed!
I’ll never understand why people, can’t see the simplicity in life? I understand there’s an endless supply of corruption and power at hand which is exactly why I say, “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” God has seen enough! Period!
There’s one thing I’m certain about, “Good vs Evil” is the sole reason for all the ills we’re facing today.
And these two diametrically opposing forces, are coming to a head, sooner rather than later, mortally speaking.
Only God knows the exact time and place!
And for those who haven’t any belief system to well, believe in, all I can say is find one because
“even Atheist begins to pray in a fox hole”!
Things are happening because of man, not because Creepy Joe poops himself, but individual people have ulterior motivations, solely EVIL and solely SELFISH!
There’s only so much anyone can do when certain individuals decide they want to exterminate certain groups who disagree with them! Can it get any worse than that? Good God! I say, you live your life and let me live my life, a simple formula for peaceful existence!
We know that’ll never happen so here we are facing extinction at worst! Why would anyone want to play inside this kind of potentialities? Why?
Thank you Ingrid, we must all find a way to help each other and learn from each other, otherwise there won’t be any “each-other” anymore!
Americans have done more death and destruction than any other nation but they are controlled by bigger fish.
“Despite bans in some states, more than a million abortions were provided in 2023”.
Look at the above statistic alone! More than one million abortions were performed in America, in 2023!
This is startling IMO! Regardless of one’s belief about when a “life is a life” thought process or opinion.
This is how far off the rails Americans have fallen! There’s plenty of ways to prevent pregnancy! Plenty! One is 100% it’s called to “abstain”.
The only reason I mention this statistic is to show how far off the rails America has fallen.
I believe what you’re saying has merit to a degree. Figuring out “how much death America” is responsible for is like trying to count the stars in an endless universe!
The reality is, look at what’s being taught over the past 30 years or so. Maybe more, but certainly today, indoctrination is first and foremost!
When my 4 year old grandson said to me this past thanksgiving, “Pa a boy can be a girl”, I had to hold back my anger! How dare Pre-K make such absurd assumptions! But this is what’s happening around America and the Western World.
You really can’t ascertain any number remotely close to say Mao’s Revolution. Or count the Stars in the universe because it’s well, endless!
And so too are the myriad of variables necessary to validate your statement about how bad or how much death America is responsible for.
These numbers can be somewhat useful:
1.Chairman Mao was responsible for somewhere in the neighborhood of 49-80 million people killed!
2.WWII had less losses
3.The black plague had the highest death tolls.
I will say this much, America has done a horrendous job lately protecting Americans while supporting, adversarial tyrants!
Especially China! And Iran. All enemies of America!
It’s that obvious! China and Iran seek to destroy America, Israel and any other nation in their way!
Lastly Markker, if you believe America is this horrible, death cult, world class killer of a nation as well as racist, homophobic, xenophobic and transphobic nation, first I’ll ask you, if you’re American citizen and still living in America, why? And secondly, if you’re not an American citizen and you’re not living here, what’s your solution?
To simply make a generalization about how much death America is responsible for, or how
Americans have done more deaths and destruction than any other nation, how did you come to this conclusion?
Honestly Marker
I’m fighting for my four year old grandsons life. Please if you can explain why you feel this way about America?
Thank you Markker,
I respectfully have to disagree with you Markker. And here’s why. America is not a perfect country, we’ve done tremendous amount of damage worldwide wide.
We have to remember to attribute all deaths in various conflicts cannot be blamed on America alone, that’s far to easy to do. There’s many variables involved.
I will agree with you, America has done some really bad things. I honestly believe, being an open nation, has riddled us with violent organizers who seek to destroy us today from within.
Those involved in starting conflicts do so for one reason, money! Yes they’re as rotten as rotten can be, but that doesn’t mean America, the nation, is wholly responsible. Bad actors, absolutely!
Look at what’s happening today! People have to be blind to believe anything anymore Ukraine had as much a chance of toppling Russia as Guam could. It’s obvious what’s happening and how the world’s powers are changing.
But it doesn’t eliminate the fact that Americans have helped lift more people out of poverty while political parties have slowly redirected our own people into poverty.
There isn’t any perfect solution. I will say this, those who seek to destroy for money and power obviously have psychological, narcissistic tendencies!
America is filled with people like this! I believe half of Americans are mentally unstable, disturbed and couldn’t care about anything except themselves.
Simply saying America is responsible is so over simplified based on the so many variables it literally an endless he said she said.
Maybe there’s nations far more stable, I just don’t know where. After all why is everyone struggling to come to America?
I do believe what the world is facing right now is a spiritual awakening. To the point where, regardless of anyone’s religion or lack there of lies, there are forces far greater than any mortal being can decipher.
Nevertheless Markker I appreciate your thoughts and insight. More importantly, I believe for all of humanity, people really need to start “agreeing to disagree”. Life’s way too short. Our world needs something, more war isn’t the answer, more killings aren’t the answer and certainly every nation on a planet earth should access their internal compasses and moral standards.
Life isn’t hard because it’s unfair, life is harder because man chooses to make it that way!
Keep safe and be safe Markker.
Thank you again
I don't mean ordinary American, UK, Russian, Chinese, etc., its the people who own the world, resources, energy, banks etc. They've been at it for millenia. Listen to the Day Tapes here. Every government with central bank controlled. These tapes explain how everyone "nudged" along, with rock and roll, free love, drugs, family breakdown, legalising gays, now transgenderism, wanting to teach 4 yr olds about sex in kindergarten. US hardly wins any war but, for these parasitic class, that's not the aim. The aim is for the military industrial complex to make money. The aborted baby parts are sold off for experiments and other purposes, it's all horrific. War is good for organ parts too. sagehana.substack.com/p/in-1969-ex-planned-parenthood-medical?publication_id=702469&post_id=116678458&isFreemail=false&triedRedirect=true I hope we can fix this too.
Markker, After I dug deeper, I realized exactly what you meant. I agree completely with you, once I read further into your message.
Growing up in the early 60’s, I believed most of what I heard. I was young dumb and full of ?.
Certainly a lesson for all to “heed” and do our own research.
I think the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was the “low-point” for the monstrous and coordinated movement’s, we’re seeing play out today.
I call this period of history
“The Indoctrination Phase”.
All radicalization or subversion of a nation, needs time to organize and grow deeper. The “calm before the storm”. Although the plague, Mao Revolution and WWII which I listed in my last post, there’s an”staunch” difference between those 3 events and your initial statement.
As I mentioned, digging deeper I learned, America and the military complex in conjunction with China and others, are responsible for the most
“Death and Destruction” in history.
You’re absolutely correct.
Please accept my apologies for miss understanding your initial statement.
Even today, America is involved and has used the might of our “military soldiers” to do the dirty work!
The military leadership has “bullied” America into Africa and other countries around the world! American people have no idea about how many countries these “Military Leaders” have dragged us into.
All “SECRETIVE” all designed to “ENRICH” themselves at the hands of AMERICAN MILITARY SOLDIERS DEMISE!
Thank you Markker for your insightful, yet simple, yet “profound” statement you posted.
We all need to dig deeper and expose the “truth”, to be able and willing to expose and explain, what the hell these leaders think and do!
So much of, how I see America and others feel about this great nation, truly stands for. I’ve always said America must,
“Say what you mean and mean what you say”!
American ideals and values, have been stolen from, all Americans and sold off through “endless wars” all around the world!
Known wars and especially the “unknown wars” or clandestine operations going on across the globe today!
For the enrichment of a handful of people! Which is nauseating to me because “Americans Soldiers Die” needlessly!
Thanks again Markker,
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
This man does it because the UNITED NATIONS sent him there to do it or didn’t you notice the massive intake of foreigners globally? Young fighting age men promised education, healthcare, housing & jobs. Why didn’t the women & children come too? They were told if they come here to fight & cause trouble the world is their oyster.
It still boggles my mind to say this; The fighting men make up the UN’s entire Militia” (when did that happen, btw? A peace keeping organization with their own Military). What has the world come to 😉
There are 1000s of commandos now inside the USA awaiting orders. So these are not knives, they are more like daggers. Mostly peaceful daggers of course.
The Zionist, aka UN/WEF globalists, Freemasons, Jesuits, illuminati, etc., agenda is absolute control over humanity. Guns, knives, weapons, etc. are a hindrance in effecting their agenda. Guns must be outlawed and seized. And now they’re going after knives as well.
Their modus operandi is always the Hegelian Dialect >>PROBLEM (mass shootings; knife attacks, etc.) >>REACTION (fear; citizens demand guns, knives, etc. be outlawed) >>SOLUTION (disarm the masses). Orchestrated events (mass shootings, knife attacks) and psyops are elaborately coordinated with Manchurian Candidates/Orion/MK Ultra mind control. Prescription drugs that cause suicidal (homicidal?) ideation may be a factor.
On April 15, 2024 in Australia Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel was allegedly attacked while live streaming a sermon; four were said to be wounded and a 16yo boy arrested. May 25, 2024, four teenage girls watching a movie in a Massachusetts theater were stabbed as the assailant laughed maniacally like the Joker. May 25, 2024, Ocean City, NJ, a teenage boy went on a stabbing spree along the boardwalk. On June 5, 2024, a 3yo boy was fatally stabbed in the parking lot of a grocery store in Ohio. NYC has had a series of stabbings on or near the subway. Senseless random attacks.
“Behold A Pale Horse” by William Cooper details how the oligarchs use these orchestrated events and sometimes psyops (Sandy Hook?) to effect the agenda which in this case is to disarm the people.
The problem, the real criminals, low-life and government, are stilled armed.
I would not hesitate to run him over.
Who wouldn't be afraid in that situation? What a scary place to live. Outlaw guns, but allow a huge knife? We need to pray for God's protection from such things.
George Soros and the WEF corrupted our "leaders" who created this invasion of the countries we elected them to defend.
Because Muslims must pursue Jihad at least once in their lives. If they never "struggle against the infidel", they can never go to heaven and get their 72 virgins.
Savages… send them back.
It's evident that our political elite aims to alter Western demographics. There is a need for political renewal and mechanisms to prevent the entrenchment of power, ensuring that leaders remain accountable to the public. Viktor Orban said this just a few days ago: 'If Donald Trump wins and successful European elections are held, we can build a pan-Western transatlantic peace coalition.'
I love Viktor Orban. For many reasons. He is a Hungary first Hungarian leader.
This is from 6 years ago
do you want videos from yesterday? I could give you that too.
And the situation has only escalated since then.