Thanks for the shout-out, Dr Paul. It is an honor. So very much appreciated. I do love your uncompromising attitude toward the death and authoritarian cult.

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This is glorious!!

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Hey William can I please quote this? Attributed to you.

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Of course, and thank you. It sounds like Dr Alexander is going to comment on the whole, otherwise the link is here https://williamhunterduncan.substack.com/p/there-was-no-covid-19-pandemic

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Centre of equal daughters, equal sons,

All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old,

Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich,

Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law and Love,

A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,

Chair’d in the adamant of Time.

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Beautiful thoughts. All so true. Thank-you for sharing with us. We must now figure out how to stop AND punish the perpetrators who are attempting to destroy all that makes & keeps us human.

Thanks for all you do Dr. Alexander.

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This is a super great and truthful post. Thanks.

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Why don’t we drill down to the motivation and not dwell on the the fall out of the greatest crime against humanity!

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Mar 21, 2023
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With vengeance you're staying in the same frequency and will only perpetrate more violence. Why did you listen to these people? Why did anyone? I didn't. I could see it was all a scam. Everyone needs to be responsible for their lack of due diligence, their lack of asking questions surely? Yes the miscreants are abhorrent but the idea of government is a scam in itself. You cannot give your power to others, it will always come back to haunt you. But it can seem real for a long time.

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Justice is called for here. Let the punishment fit the crime. If the elements of crimes fit the facts then by all means arrest, jail and have them await trial and depositions. Would I personally witness an execution? Probably not. Is prosecuting criminals a vengeful act? No greater than their violent acts on the innocents. There is an old saying in prayer, deliver us from evil. That, is a good prayer.

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The way you describe is really something out of the dark ages. In those times people didn't have the internet to find out things. There is absolutely no reason to believe doctors or health officials when the information that the "vacccine" was a bioweapon was easily available. To say kill the ones who people believed, is to shirk responsibility for their own crimes which is to have injected their children with this bioweapon. And they're still doing it. I see ads every day to "get your covid vaccine". Why is this happening? Because the media doesn't cover it so people think everything must be peachy. But then again, they should know that the media are liars, bold-face liars. If they don't know that, why punish the ones who take advantage of their stupidity? We are making a stupider and stupider culture by blaming others for what we do with our lives. That is cause and effect. That is reality. But what we have bought into is not reality, it is illusion, it is delusion, it is sleight of hand. And one needs to be aware. Why are we still killing people by bombing them? why is that ok to everyone? Why is it ok to keep advertising the covid vaccine? More people are taking it - we know what it does, why don't they?

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“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.

International Banker, Eugenicist & Senior

Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.

The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”

Jacques Attali (of France). Kissinger called his writings, "Brilliant"

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People power has been emasculated!

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Puppets are expendable! It is the puppet masters that need to be identified!

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Looking forward to reading the entire piece!

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Beautiful and spot on. Except for the god thing. The idea of a god really needs to be examined. Nobody can create on their own, least of all a man. It's utterly silly and just a ruse to take us out of our true selves as William Hunter Duncan says, they want us to hate ourselves. And what could be better than having this ogre over you, making sure you please him and not yourself. Brilliant. But it's time to say goodbye to the sky daddy. It's great to read that we are whole as we are and we are part of nature and nature is extremely intelligent and has given us many opportunities to get things right.

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"sky daddy" ...?

So very disrespectful; a childish phrase and attitude. Undermines any credibility your words may otherwise have.

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Denise has some really good ideas but in some ways her thinking is the opposite of Socrates, one of the founders of the modern scientific method that she seems to hold in so much disdain and still remembered although dead now for 3,000 years. The story is told of Socrates' answer, which seems so different to Denise's way of thinking, to a question from Pythia, high priestess of the god Apollo, who said to Socrates, who even then, so long ago, was renowned for his wisdom: "Socrates, you are the wisest person who has ever lived. Is there anything you do not know?" Socrates answered: "I know nothing, except how little I know." That was the secret of Socrates' great wisdom. The fruits of his thinking are all around us today, in the products of the scientific method, in every piece of technology developed by it. However, he did not think that he knew it all. He knew how little he knew.

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Thanks for the thoughtful analysis. I've never had a problem with different perspectives and beliefs on our creator, however, I've recently noticed that those who consider themselves to be among the "enlightened" ones have taken to using the mocking term "sky daddy". Considering the quality of commenters on all of the substacks I read daily, I was surprised to see the term pop up here. My quarrel is not with non believers, it is with those who choose to mock something they know nothing about. It's a sign of a small thinker and reeks of hubris. It's most off-putting.

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Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no God."

I know good atheists. They would not all behave mockingly and condescendingly. Unfortunately, some do.

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I totally agree with what you saying. It is not helping a respectful discussion!

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I would most definitely not ever call out to a sky daddy :)

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LOL. I told him where to go a few times but I knew he didn't exist but the conditioning from my childhood kept that myth strong even when my mind knew it was baloney. However I feel we need to get this idea out of our talk and our writing. We need to start a new path now as people, as individual people, as sovereigns, in charge of our own body and that of our children's and we must never give our power to anyone but ourselves. Because that is reality, reality is cause and effect and when people give power to others, they can get horribly deceived, like with covid and a whole lot more.

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You have some brilliant ideas that I have been really impressed by Denise although I don't share your germ theory denialism. My dad was a fierce atheist, until his old age when he got dementia. However, although he detested priests he also considered them con artists and he admired con artists and thought that was a redeeming featureof them so he encouraged me to become a priest. That was my conditioning. Maybe you're right and there is no God but how can you be so sure?

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Well thank you for those compliments. I am sure in myself because it is a childish story but it is also a Satanic story. I wanted my son to do anything he liked except be a priest or in the military. It's funny that your father appreciated con artists - he probably could see the con. Religion has actually demeaned humanity greatly. I'm not denying germ theory, the doctors are denying terrain theory. Pasteur retracted it on his deathbed. We really need to know but they won't talk about it. So what does that tell you? Back to conning?

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You seem to think doctors are con artists just like priests. My father did too but unlike you he was an authoritarian who admired strong leaders and believed that although religion was BS it was a necessary evil to opiate and control the masses. My former mother in law would pray to Jesus to find her a parking spot. My father rejected the idea of personal gods but believed there may be a higher power in the universe. I'm an agnostic. However, I like the outlook of Marcus Aurelius, 16th Roman Emperor:

"Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that exist; observe, too, the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web."

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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I'm not being personal. You are but I'm seeing it from a whole system view. Doctors are indoctrinated like anyone who is formally educated. Notice how few engineers saw how those towers really came down? How few doctors saw that there really was no pandemic and knew the vaccine was the bioweapon? How very few. So that kind of tells us that credentials are not the only factor in determining the truth of something and often it's a very slight factor. However people put it as the main factor and so they get misled. I know it is a common view about the "oneness" thing that you mentioned, but I think oneness is a red herring as it has no meaning. This universe, people, organisms, etc are so multitudinous that to think it is one is the wrong way of seeing it. How we need to see it is how do we coexist with all the differences.

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The crime of COVID is that a virus - perhaps a mythical virus - was given more importance and value than our humanity.

And we went along with it. We have no idea what would have happened if all of us at the same time refused to adhere to govt. demands, if all of us demanded our humanity be honored.

Thank you Dr. Alexander for this reminder.

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Paul, You may also want to look at Jaylee Balch. I have studied with her for many years and I owe my wisdom to her feedback and teachings. she taught me to be brutally honest with myself ( sometimes that was very painful) , to not always believe what I think, to understand that the greatest asset I have is my connection with my Higher Self. To stand strong on my foundation and To look at the external world from a distance so that I don't become embroiled in it. To address fear and anger because both can destroy you. To see love choice and forgiveness as super powers. Its not that I close my eyes to evil but that I have chosen to not make it a part of my future.

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Thanks Dr. A. Thanks WHD.

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Making ourselves into a little “god”. Is a slavery worse than what the globalists want. And it is repudiating the one true. God who is our only chance of salvation.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! You said it all. This is spiritual warfare, to disconnect humans from the divine. Everything that is happening is anti-human. God sees, knows and is taking care of it.

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The “golden age of alchemy”,(13th-17th centuries), resulted in many alchemical treatises, written by medieval scholars, clergy and, of course, mysterious kabbalists. One of them - "Cabala Mineralis" - instructed using urine as a principle ingredient for the elixir of immortality, the philosophers stone. Many attempts by various individuals finally did end up with one of them processing thousands of litres of urine obtaibed from military personnel and eventually discovering phosphorus. Not quite the philosophers stone but an important discovery.

I prefer your insight, William, and it's far less smelly.

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