Men must be prohibited from impregnating feminists, which almost all women who abort are. Severe criminal penalties are needed to deter lowlifes from having sexual relations with, or providing sperm, to feminists. We are close to being able to identify feminists in the womb. Feminist identification technology needs to be developed and used. If feminists can't get pregnant then abortion won't happen. It's time to think outside the box. No pun intended.
The left is completely unmoored from fundamental morality. It went from pleas for abortion to be "safe, rare, but legal" just over a decade ago to outright celebration of the dismemberment of human life in the womb...up to the point of birth even!
As Christianity recedes, the old gods emerge, and they demand child sacrifice.
Perhaps what is needed is a Feminists Register, that would operate a bit like a Sex Offenders Register. Anyone known to have had an abortion or to have completed a womens' studies course etc would have to go on the register. This could be combined with a vetting process leading to a Certificate of Non-Feminism. Women could apply for a certificate and then go through a vetting process including sociometric or other quantitative forensic tests with "lie" scales. We are also close to being able to detrct feminism while feminists are still in the womb but these methods could be used in the interim. It could then be made illegal for any man to have sexual relations with or to marry or provide sperm to any woman who has not received a clearance and is unable to provide a Certificate of Non-Feminism. Severe criminal penalties could be imposed on men, but not women, who break this law. A lot fewer feminists would get pregnant and seek abortions. Even more importantly, fewer feminists would be born and there would be fewer single mothers. Ideology and criminality are substantially heritable so this would lead to dramatic decreases in violent criminal offending rates, just like Roe v Wade did 20 years later, plus an improvement in voter demographics as there would be fewer demonocraps and feminists. And the abortion problem would be largely solved. Another option worth considering would be to encourage feminists to all go and live on some islands somewhere and practise lesbian separatism.i'm not aware that lsbianism is prohibitrd in the Bible, just male homosexuality.
Wow. Florida is looking better all the time. Imagine getting THAT pissed off and passionate about killing babies! Imagine the mental gymnastics required to call abortion ‘health care.’ Nothing is less healthy OR caring than murdering preborn children. NOTHING is more anti women either! Those pro abortion demonrats are truly unhinged and out of touch with reality.
Yes you are correct about the pro-abortion demonrats. They're pretty dumb. It's their own demonrat, criminal and feminist genes that they are removing from the gene pool when they abort. Ideology and criminality are strongly heritable. That means that abortion leads to fewer future demonrats, feminists and violent criminals. That means less rape, less murder and fewer jobs for demonrat criminal lawyers and less demand for feminists and women's studies courses. The demonrats are too dumb to see that although abortion upsets cuck conservatives on the tenderminded right it makes toughminded conservatives on the far right happy. The far right are not too bothered about demonrats, feminists and violent criminals becoming reduced in number. The far right like the idea of future reduced demonrat voting power and more future GOP presidents, governors and elected representatives. The far right know that there are 40 "natural" or spontaneous abortions or miscarriages every minute. The far right know who has dominion over nature and is thus the biggest abortionist of all. Pretty dumb, these demonrats. There needs to be a win win solution that is acceptable to both the cuck conservatives on the tenderminded right who are pro-life and the toughminded conservatives on the far right who care less about the removal from the gene pool and from society and from prospective future voters of the unborn feminist, unborn demonrat and unborn violent criminal. The solution is to stop these feminists/demonrats/ criminals from getting pregnant in the first place
Make it illegal for men to have sexual relafions with them or to provide sperm for them. That would dramatically reduce the abortion numbers without the down side of producing more feminists, demonrats and violent criminals.
Interesting take on the topic. I don’t even know where to start except to say rabid pro aborts ie. Pelosi, Bill Gates, Trudeau etc. DON’T kill their OWN offspring. They get their jollies pushing and financing the poor, the African, the disadvantaged, the unwed etc. to kill THEIR children. The founders of planned parenthood were motivated by eugenics. They enjoy having OTHERS kill their offspring while proudly enjoying & flaunting their own kids & grandkids.
Precisely. Only feminists abort and men should not mate with them. Then they won't abort. I don't know about being made into eunuchs but men having sexual relations with feminists should be treated in the same way that German men in Nazi Germany were if they had relations with a Jewish woman. It should be a serious criminal offence.
The abortion of language HAD to precede the abortion of living bodies. Only after the radical left succeeded in renaming murder ‘health care’ could this atrocity be given legal sanction.
It is likely the success of this perversion of morality emboldened the genocidists, paving the way for turning a flu whose lethality was insignificant into a worldwide scamdemic.
Death became an Orwellian bounty paid for by our taxpayer dollars going into the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Medicine proportional to how many dead bodies they could tally.
One thing that's kind if interesting...Since Roe v Wade decision decades ago... even my State in the BibleBelt....allowed up to 12 weeks....wasn't perfect...but was tolerated..while we still worked to restrict further... (this was like for 40+ years)
THEN; just a few years ago....we started to have the beginning of an "organizing-metho" where a couple of States...(i.e. West Virginia that fraud who was Gov at the time (who supposedly was a Pediatrician by training. ??!!) Spoke publicly about "keeping the infant comfortable while the parents "decided whether to terminate" AFTER child was BORN! WHICH IS MURDER- Yikes!
All these Red States were on alert.....already planning...when the Supremes sent that question back to the States, where the Constitution attests that questions like that were a STATE responsibility.
Now seeing "heart beat" and 6wk bans.....THEY OVERSTEPPED. (good)
Abortion takes the genes of feminists, demoncraps and other criminals, who are the bulk of the people who abort, out of the genepool. The fewer feminists, demoncraps and other criminals there are the better. Ideology and criminality are strongly heritable. Abortion also removes male homosexuals, created in genetically susceptible males by stress hormones at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, from the genepool. However, abortion is morally wrong. It is wrong to kill the unborn feminist, the unborn demoncrap and the unborn Ted Bundy in the womb I hear you all say. They should be unleashed on society I hear you all say. There is an alternative way to get this filth out of the gene pool. We are close to being able to identify feminists in the womb. I propose that it be made a serious criminal offence for men to have sexual relations with or to marry feminists or to provide them with sperm for artificial insemination. It should be made very difficult for feminists, but not for other females, to get pregnant. If they don't get pregnant they won't abort but we will still be able to get all the benefits that abortion brings to a society without abortion needing to happen.
Lol So… I see that you’re a Progressive. Hmm such as Klaus Schwab who authored “Covid-19 The Great Reset.” I understand where you’re coming from now Transhumanism [Yuval Harari] “Humans are Hackable Animals… injecting Humans with their nanotubes of Graphene Oxide, microchips, and ‘Luciferese’ digital ink to verify the Mark of The Beast’ Passport Vaccine Serial Number” 🤔
Lol 😂 As a Progressive you are obviously very ignorant about The WEF’ intentions to implement their One World Order Agenda30 or anything else that I posted ⬆️ Klaus Schwab is a Progressive who founded The WEF
The term "progressive" was hijacked by corporatist warmongers a few years ago. It is now meaningless. I am not ignorant about The WEF’ intentions to implement their One World Order Agenda30. I don't know of anything else that you posted. I don't think I want to know that.
You are correct in what you said, both now and back on April 27. Karen just popped up again approximately 30 days after posting about, among other things, charting menstrual cycles and posted new responses to prior posts by you as well as by me. After I responded she told me to stop harassing her. I also don't think I want to know of anything else that she posted.
Hmm 🤔 just the same as any other method that people who fail to do their diligence in carrying out a plan. How many kings, queens, emperors have been defeated because they didn’t strategically place their knights, military or soldiers in positions to defend their territories?
If you don’t do your diligence to prevent an unwanted pregnancy then, decide to wait up to the actual birth of an innocent child then, in my opinion you are a cold hearted murderer
Patriot Karen Cottey - "Wow! So I guess since your mother allowed you to live that means you are a Ted Bundy or a Feminist, evil woman or man? Not sure 🤔 about your views regarding your anti-pro life"
No, not at all. My mother wasn't a feminist. She was a strong, intelligent capable non-feminist woman. I have proposed a means to reduce abortion numbers, by reducing the number of feminists getting pregnant. Ted Bundy's mother would have been a feminist. 100%. Unfortunately, she reproduced.
I am saying that we need to find other ways to get the benefits of abortion, such as the proven reduction in violent crime that abortion brings about, but without actually using abortion to get those benefits. If feminists don't get pregnant then they don't abort. But we still get the benefit to society of having fewer feminists, Democrats and criminals in future generations.
You obviously are very confused. You don’t even know how to read a person’s post because you somehow misunderstood and I don’t don’t have time to explain to you, a stranger who makes your hateful, ignorant comments, that you’re very confused
I posted regarding birth control versus Abortions. It has nothing to do with Feminists. It has everything to do with responsibility, planning for when a woman wants to be a mother, and preventing abortions of innocent lives
Karen, see this substack that Dr. Alexander posted a few hours ago and my comments on it and the video I linked to in some of my comments..Abortion is sbout to become a thing of the past because Japanese scientists have found out how to do away with women and to conceive and grow babies from artificial.sperm and artificial eggs in artificial wombs. They have also invented humanoid female robots that can do everything women can do including raise children. There will be no need for abortion anymore because the globalists are planning to gdt rid of women entirely and to replace them witb womb machines, trans women and female robots. All conceptions will be planned and there will be no abortions.
100% lab-grown babies in FIVE YEARS: Japanese researchers are on cusp of creating human eggs & sperm that can be grown in fake womb
Excuse me? I am 100% Pro Life. I’m uncertain how you, a complete stranger would call me a Ted Bundy or an evil person, as well as a feminist etc. Perhaps 🤔 you should read my profile & what I stand up for. “I am against abortions” the hypocrisy of a woman, especially today, who doesn’t use some sort of birth control, then she carelessly gets pregnant with a fetus, and negligently allows herself to let that fetus mature all the way through pregnancy and then she aborts the child. The Demon-Crats who have changed laws to allow a baby to be carried in the womb until they are due for birth are murderers, in my opinion. “Please Get Your Facts Straight Before Verbally Attacking Someone.”
You're wrong Karen. I expect you often are. I didn't call you a Ted Bundy. an evil woman or a feminist Karen. You called me those things. I was quoting you. Maybe you should get your facts straight Karen before verbally attacking someone.
Too many women are getting pregnant and reproducing. If only normal women got pregnant there would not be a problem. It's good for normal women to get pregnant and have babies if they want to. The problem is that feminists get pregnant too. They should all go off and become lesbian separatists somewhere. Or men should stop getting them pregnant. If feminists did not get pregnant there would be no abortions and society would also have less feminists and therefore less of the harms that feminists cause like bringing up sons who turn out to be rapists and murderers. Less feminists = less abortions = less crime. Win Win.
Learn to be accountable for your actions! Stop killing innocent children! Using your hypocrisy of how pro-life is taking “Women’s Rights” from you and yet not a peep from your Democratic political party about the men who are dressed as women, who are stealing Women’s Rights by participating in Women’s Sports and taking their awards from them as great athletes is totally disgusting!
If that grandmother didn't get it do you think she would be a grandmother? Yeah! let's go backward. Make sure your grandkids have to have children, no matter the circumstances. Now that's progress.
That makes no sense at all. I don't want to degrade or control women. I just want to stop abortion by criminally charging men who get feminists, and not all women, pregnant. That's not degrading or controlling women.
That's a bit harsh Bridget. You are a good person and I don't think you mean that. That's not who you are. I hold you in high regard. You are a kind person. I think you are coming from a good place and you don't really mean that. It's best to stop abortion without wishing harm on anyone. I have generally had a low opinion of women who abort but I have met some who it impossible not to have empathy for. They did not know any better. They really believed the stuff the feminists peddled about a handful of cells. They were sucked into murdering babies by the feminist cult. I just think that if they are going to abort they should not get pregnant in the first place and it is not just the fault of the feminist, because that's what women who abort are, but also of the man who gets her pregnant.
Yeah, I couldn’t do that. But the idea of making the Abortion supporter feel the pain they inflict on those they Murder is the point. They have electronic devises that simulate labor pain which is bad enough, so why not one approximating abortion pain? Walk a mile in another’s shoes.
And, I too have empathy for those who were pushed into aborting their Child because of panic, confusion and manipulation. I’ve know both Women and Men who’re haunted by their decision.
But when you see a person like the guy (or gal) here who taunts a proLife page written by a proLife Doctor, you know they’re the type who pushes others into murdering Children.
Yes, you have empathy and you want others to. A Dutch tourist once asked me to interpret her dream. We were in a nightclub. I was younger then. I wanted to take her home. Stupidly, I agreed to interpret her dream. She said she had a recurring dream "A beautiful young boy appears and hands me a bouquet of roses. I take the roses and then I am in pain and my hands are bleeding from the thorns on the stems. What can it mean? I said *Have you had an abortion?" She was in shock. She mumbled something and left and went back to her hotel. Poor thing, she was traumatised and didn't know it. She was not a bad woman, just a victim. of feminism.
Do unto others? He (or she) has a brain and has chosen to reject compassion for these Children. He knows exactly what they do to kill these little ones. He has the mind of a Serial Killer.
Is cjonsson1 a "guy" which is mostly used meaning male? Most pro-choicers are female, in fact feminists. I have afriend who refused the clot shots because he was morally opposed to anything derived from fetal cells from a voluntary abortion. He considers abortion to be murder and a mortal sin. However, he is "pro-choice" because illegal abortions kill women. He believes abortion is a very personal choice that is for the individual to make and not the state. It's just not a choice that is acceptable to him.I myself once woke from a very vivid nightmare in which a woman was butchered with a coathanger in a back alley abortion.This is not something that I can accept happening to women.Abortion brings many social benefits, principally the removal of feminists and their genes from society and thus a big reduction in violent crime. However, I believe that society can still get these benefits if feminists never conceive in the first place and thus there is no need for abortion.
Abortion is murder, not healthcare. Pro abortion people are disgusting.
Men must be prohibited from impregnating feminists, which almost all women who abort are. Severe criminal penalties are needed to deter lowlifes from having sexual relations with, or providing sperm, to feminists. We are close to being able to identify feminists in the womb. Feminist identification technology needs to be developed and used. If feminists can't get pregnant then abortion won't happen. It's time to think outside the box. No pun intended.
The left is completely unmoored from fundamental morality. It went from pleas for abortion to be "safe, rare, but legal" just over a decade ago to outright celebration of the dismemberment of human life in the womb...up to the point of birth even!
As Christianity recedes, the old gods emerge, and they demand child sacrifice.
Exactly! The Return of Molech, for one…
Don’t forget Baal!
No feminists = no abortions. The solution is simple. Get rid of feminists. They're surplus to requirements already and are good for nothing.
Actually, one is too many.
You have no idea what. you are talking about. Get thee to a nunnery.
Perhaps what is needed is a Feminists Register, that would operate a bit like a Sex Offenders Register. Anyone known to have had an abortion or to have completed a womens' studies course etc would have to go on the register. This could be combined with a vetting process leading to a Certificate of Non-Feminism. Women could apply for a certificate and then go through a vetting process including sociometric or other quantitative forensic tests with "lie" scales. We are also close to being able to detrct feminism while feminists are still in the womb but these methods could be used in the interim. It could then be made illegal for any man to have sexual relations with or to marry or provide sperm to any woman who has not received a clearance and is unable to provide a Certificate of Non-Feminism. Severe criminal penalties could be imposed on men, but not women, who break this law. A lot fewer feminists would get pregnant and seek abortions. Even more importantly, fewer feminists would be born and there would be fewer single mothers. Ideology and criminality are substantially heritable so this would lead to dramatic decreases in violent criminal offending rates, just like Roe v Wade did 20 years later, plus an improvement in voter demographics as there would be fewer demonocraps and feminists. And the abortion problem would be largely solved. Another option worth considering would be to encourage feminists to all go and live on some islands somewhere and practise lesbian separatism.i'm not aware that lsbianism is prohibitrd in the Bible, just male homosexuality.
Wow. Florida is looking better all the time. Imagine getting THAT pissed off and passionate about killing babies! Imagine the mental gymnastics required to call abortion ‘health care.’ Nothing is less healthy OR caring than murdering preborn children. NOTHING is more anti women either! Those pro abortion demonrats are truly unhinged and out of touch with reality.
Yes you are correct about the pro-abortion demonrats. They're pretty dumb. It's their own demonrat, criminal and feminist genes that they are removing from the gene pool when they abort. Ideology and criminality are strongly heritable. That means that abortion leads to fewer future demonrats, feminists and violent criminals. That means less rape, less murder and fewer jobs for demonrat criminal lawyers and less demand for feminists and women's studies courses. The demonrats are too dumb to see that although abortion upsets cuck conservatives on the tenderminded right it makes toughminded conservatives on the far right happy. The far right are not too bothered about demonrats, feminists and violent criminals becoming reduced in number. The far right like the idea of future reduced demonrat voting power and more future GOP presidents, governors and elected representatives. The far right know that there are 40 "natural" or spontaneous abortions or miscarriages every minute. The far right know who has dominion over nature and is thus the biggest abortionist of all. Pretty dumb, these demonrats. There needs to be a win win solution that is acceptable to both the cuck conservatives on the tenderminded right who are pro-life and the toughminded conservatives on the far right who care less about the removal from the gene pool and from society and from prospective future voters of the unborn feminist, unborn demonrat and unborn violent criminal. The solution is to stop these feminists/demonrats/ criminals from getting pregnant in the first place
Make it illegal for men to have sexual relafions with them or to provide sperm for them. That would dramatically reduce the abortion numbers without the down side of producing more feminists, demonrats and violent criminals.
Interesting take on the topic. I don’t even know where to start except to say rabid pro aborts ie. Pelosi, Bill Gates, Trudeau etc. DON’T kill their OWN offspring. They get their jollies pushing and financing the poor, the African, the disadvantaged, the unwed etc. to kill THEIR children. The founders of planned parenthood were motivated by eugenics. They enjoy having OTHERS kill their offspring while proudly enjoying & flaunting their own kids & grandkids.
“Backwards?” You mean backwards when murdering babies was illegal? When being a virgin when you married wasn’t something to be ashamed of?
She doesn’t deserve to be a grandmother and whoever sired children with her should be made into a eunuch. 😈
Precisely. Only feminists abort and men should not mate with them. Then they won't abort. I don't know about being made into eunuchs but men having sexual relations with feminists should be treated in the same way that German men in Nazi Germany were if they had relations with a Jewish woman. It should be a serious criminal offence.
I still stand by my eunuch position. They are just as much to blame.
Yes, true, they are.
The abortion of language HAD to precede the abortion of living bodies. Only after the radical left succeeded in renaming murder ‘health care’ could this atrocity be given legal sanction.
It is likely the success of this perversion of morality emboldened the genocidists, paving the way for turning a flu whose lethality was insignificant into a worldwide scamdemic.
Death became an Orwellian bounty paid for by our taxpayer dollars going into the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Medicine proportional to how many dead bodies they could tally.
If men had children the whole scenario would be different. Get real.
Get dismembered yourself first, cjonsson1. Then tell us about getting real.
Nobody "stole our victory" from anyone. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Quit whining and get back in the fight.
One thing that's kind if interesting...Since Roe v Wade decision decades ago... even my State in the BibleBelt....allowed up to 12 weeks....wasn't perfect...but was tolerated..while we still worked to restrict further... (this was like for 40+ years)
THEN; just a few years ago....we started to have the beginning of an "organizing-metho" where a couple of States...(i.e. West Virginia that fraud who was Gov at the time (who supposedly was a Pediatrician by training. ??!!) Spoke publicly about "keeping the infant comfortable while the parents "decided whether to terminate" AFTER child was BORN! WHICH IS MURDER- Yikes!
All these Red States were on alert.....already planning...when the Supremes sent that question back to the States, where the Constitution attests that questions like that were a STATE responsibility.
Now seeing "heart beat" and 6wk bans.....THEY OVERSTEPPED. (good)
Abortion takes the genes of feminists, demoncraps and other criminals, who are the bulk of the people who abort, out of the genepool. The fewer feminists, demoncraps and other criminals there are the better. Ideology and criminality are strongly heritable. Abortion also removes male homosexuals, created in genetically susceptible males by stress hormones at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, from the genepool. However, abortion is morally wrong. It is wrong to kill the unborn feminist, the unborn demoncrap and the unborn Ted Bundy in the womb I hear you all say. They should be unleashed on society I hear you all say. There is an alternative way to get this filth out of the gene pool. We are close to being able to identify feminists in the womb. I propose that it be made a serious criminal offence for men to have sexual relations with or to marry feminists or to provide them with sperm for artificial insemination. It should be made very difficult for feminists, but not for other females, to get pregnant. If they don't get pregnant they won't abort but we will still be able to get all the benefits that abortion brings to a society without abortion needing to happen.
Everybody, and I mean everybody weds to find Jonathan Cahn on YouTube talking abt The Return of the gods. (Little “g” used purposely by me.)
For thousands of years women learned how to plan their pregnancies by simply using their menstrual cycles and a calendar to schedule their
Wasn't that special? How often did that method of birth control fail?
Lol So… I see that you’re a Progressive. Hmm such as Klaus Schwab who authored “Covid-19 The Great Reset.” I understand where you’re coming from now Transhumanism [Yuval Harari] “Humans are Hackable Animals… injecting Humans with their nanotubes of Graphene Oxide, microchips, and ‘Luciferese’ digital ink to verify the Mark of The Beast’ Passport Vaccine Serial Number” 🤔
That’s quite a reach in assumptions Karen. You must have a lot of time on n your hands to come up with stories like this or you are about yourself.
Lol 😂 As a Progressive you are obviously very ignorant about The WEF’ intentions to implement their One World Order Agenda30 or anything else that I posted ⬆️ Klaus Schwab is a Progressive who founded The WEF
The term "progressive" was hijacked by corporatist warmongers a few years ago. It is now meaningless. I am not ignorant about The WEF’ intentions to implement their One World Order Agenda30. I don't know of anything else that you posted. I don't think I want to know that.
You are correct in what you said, both now and back on April 27. Karen just popped up again approximately 30 days after posting about, among other things, charting menstrual cycles and posted new responses to prior posts by you as well as by me. After I responded she told me to stop harassing her. I also don't think I want to know of anything else that she posted.
Hmm 🤔 just the same as any other method that people who fail to do their diligence in carrying out a plan. How many kings, queens, emperors have been defeated because they didn’t strategically place their knights, military or soldiers in positions to defend their territories?
If you don’t do your diligence to prevent an unwanted pregnancy then, decide to wait up to the actual birth of an innocent child then, in my opinion you are a cold hearted murderer
Patriot Karen Cottey - "Wow! So I guess since your mother allowed you to live that means you are a Ted Bundy or a Feminist, evil woman or man? Not sure 🤔 about your views regarding your anti-pro life"
No, not at all. My mother wasn't a feminist. She was a strong, intelligent capable non-feminist woman. I have proposed a means to reduce abortion numbers, by reducing the number of feminists getting pregnant. Ted Bundy's mother would have been a feminist. 100%. Unfortunately, she reproduced.
I am saying that we need to find other ways to get the benefits of abortion, such as the proven reduction in violent crime that abortion brings about, but without actually using abortion to get those benefits. If feminists don't get pregnant then they don't abort. But we still get the benefit to society of having fewer feminists, Democrats and criminals in future generations.
It's as simple as that.
You obviously are very confused. You don’t even know how to read a person’s post because you somehow misunderstood and I don’t don’t have time to explain to you, a stranger who makes your hateful, ignorant comments, that you’re very confused
I posted regarding birth control versus Abortions. It has nothing to do with Feminists. It has everything to do with responsibility, planning for when a woman wants to be a mother, and preventing abortions of innocent lives
Karen, see this substack that Dr. Alexander posted a few hours ago and my comments on it and the video I linked to in some of my comments..Abortion is sbout to become a thing of the past because Japanese scientists have found out how to do away with women and to conceive and grow babies from artificial.sperm and artificial eggs in artificial wombs. They have also invented humanoid female robots that can do everything women can do including raise children. There will be no need for abortion anymore because the globalists are planning to gdt rid of women entirely and to replace them witb womb machines, trans women and female robots. All conceptions will be planned and there will be no abortions.
100% lab-grown babies in FIVE YEARS: Japanese researchers are on cusp of creating human eggs & sperm that can be grown in fake womb
Excuse me? I am 100% Pro Life. I’m uncertain how you, a complete stranger would call me a Ted Bundy or an evil person, as well as a feminist etc. Perhaps 🤔 you should read my profile & what I stand up for. “I am against abortions” the hypocrisy of a woman, especially today, who doesn’t use some sort of birth control, then she carelessly gets pregnant with a fetus, and negligently allows herself to let that fetus mature all the way through pregnancy and then she aborts the child. The Demon-Crats who have changed laws to allow a baby to be carried in the womb until they are due for birth are murderers, in my opinion. “Please Get Your Facts Straight Before Verbally Attacking Someone.”
You're wrong Karen. I expect you often are. I didn't call you a Ted Bundy. an evil woman or a feminist Karen. You called me those things. I was quoting you. Maybe you should get your facts straight Karen before verbally attacking someone.
You are fxxxing insane. 😂Read what you wrote about me and stop harassing me
Too many women are getting pregnant and reproducing. If only normal women got pregnant there would not be a problem. It's good for normal women to get pregnant and have babies if they want to. The problem is that feminists get pregnant too. They should all go off and become lesbian separatists somewhere. Or men should stop getting them pregnant. If feminists did not get pregnant there would be no abortions and society would also have less feminists and therefore less of the harms that feminists cause like bringing up sons who turn out to be rapists and murderers. Less feminists = less abortions = less crime. Win Win.
Learn to be accountable for your actions! Stop killing innocent children! Using your hypocrisy of how pro-life is taking “Women’s Rights” from you and yet not a peep from your Democratic political party about the men who are dressed as women, who are stealing Women’s Rights by participating in Women’s Sports and taking their awards from them as great athletes is totally disgusting!
If that grandmother didn't get it do you think she would be a grandmother? Yeah! let's go backward. Make sure your grandkids have to have children, no matter the circumstances. Now that's progress.
See my reply to your other comment cjonsson1. I have a Win Win solution.
That makes no sense at all. I don't want to degrade or control women. I just want to stop abortion by criminally charging men who get feminists, and not all women, pregnant. That's not degrading or controlling women.
Yes I've met men who want all women exterminated and replaced by machines
I am not one of them
You said it, Lady Victory. These BabyKillers should experience what they promote.
That's a bit harsh Bridget. You are a good person and I don't think you mean that. That's not who you are. I hold you in high regard. You are a kind person. I think you are coming from a good place and you don't really mean that. It's best to stop abortion without wishing harm on anyone. I have generally had a low opinion of women who abort but I have met some who it impossible not to have empathy for. They did not know any better. They really believed the stuff the feminists peddled about a handful of cells. They were sucked into murdering babies by the feminist cult. I just think that if they are going to abort they should not get pregnant in the first place and it is not just the fault of the feminist, because that's what women who abort are, but also of the man who gets her pregnant.
Yeah, I couldn’t do that. But the idea of making the Abortion supporter feel the pain they inflict on those they Murder is the point. They have electronic devises that simulate labor pain which is bad enough, so why not one approximating abortion pain? Walk a mile in another’s shoes.
And, I too have empathy for those who were pushed into aborting their Child because of panic, confusion and manipulation. I’ve know both Women and Men who’re haunted by their decision.
But when you see a person like the guy (or gal) here who taunts a proLife page written by a proLife Doctor, you know they’re the type who pushes others into murdering Children.
Yes, you have empathy and you want others to. A Dutch tourist once asked me to interpret her dream. We were in a nightclub. I was younger then. I wanted to take her home. Stupidly, I agreed to interpret her dream. She said she had a recurring dream "A beautiful young boy appears and hands me a bouquet of roses. I take the roses and then I am in pain and my hands are bleeding from the thorns on the stems. What can it mean? I said *Have you had an abortion?" She was in shock. She mumbled something and left and went back to her hotel. Poor thing, she was traumatised and didn't know it. She was not a bad woman, just a victim. of feminism.
Do unto others? He (or she) has a brain and has chosen to reject compassion for these Children. He knows exactly what they do to kill these little ones. He has the mind of a Serial Killer.
Maybe just his left foot then? A toe perhaps?
Is cjonsson1 a "guy" which is mostly used meaning male? Most pro-choicers are female, in fact feminists. I have afriend who refused the clot shots because he was morally opposed to anything derived from fetal cells from a voluntary abortion. He considers abortion to be murder and a mortal sin. However, he is "pro-choice" because illegal abortions kill women. He believes abortion is a very personal choice that is for the individual to make and not the state. It's just not a choice that is acceptable to him.I myself once woke from a very vivid nightmare in which a woman was butchered with a coathanger in a back alley abortion.This is not something that I can accept happening to women.Abortion brings many social benefits, principally the removal of feminists and their genes from society and thus a big reduction in violent crime. However, I believe that society can still get these benefits if feminists never conceive in the first place and thus there is no need for abortion.