Tell him to come in through the US southern border. No vax needed that way.........

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Bienvenidos Amigos! Uncle Joe!

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Any other player that agrees to play under these restrictions at this point is a big part of the problem. If all players say no, this ends.

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Said the same re: Australian Open. Gutless wonders!

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I know, right? That would be all it would take. The players have the power but most of them are brainwashed. Novak is the one notable exception.

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Mass Psychosis!

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I’m telling you, if I was a person who attended these events in the past, I wouldn’t give them another dime because of this.

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AND is causing athletes to drop dead suddenly.


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More each day. What will next year look like?

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I have been a big tennis fan for decades and am outraged that these mandates are continuing on. Djokovic has become my favorite now due to his high principles. He is a hero. Very disappointing that all the other tennis professionals went along with this experimental, dangerous jab. If all these professional athletes had said NO, that would have stopped these unnecessary jabs. The vaccinated are also getting and spreading the virus so this makes NO SENSE!!

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It's probably because they know the other players have been weakened by the jab, and he will "mop the floor" with them. He's been doing that, and I'm sure the powers that be do not like that fact being out there for all to see.

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I'd like them to do something about 'lia' first who is mopping up women's sports

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"SHE" is not a she. He is a he. He should be disqualified from all events he won in the women's division. This is total bullshit!

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Ineffective, useless, dangerous.......mandated. It doesn't get any more stupid. US Open officials prove their cowardice and lack of common sense. Utter freaking lunacy. Djokovic has my respect.

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Is he the only elite male tennis player who’s sane? How is this possible?!?!?

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Mass Psychosis!

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It is almost 5 weeks away.

Maybe it will become so obvious from the reliable data, that it will be clear that the Jab doesn't work and it makes no sense to have a mandate.

Of course the reliable data is not allowed to be presented publicly. The media will keep quiet and be part of the scandal.

How can people not see that injections given in 2021, can in no way benefit people in mid-2022, against a virus that has long muted beyond what the Jab was designed for.

Yet people receiving a single J&J jab in June of 2021 are allowed, but someone who has natural immunity in January 2022 (Novak) is barred. Logic is no longer allowed for people who get their news from the Left Wing Media.

Maybe an exemption for select Celebrities if they can be tested daily. Why won't the USTA offer that proposal? How much loss of revenue will result from no Novak?

Of course there is no risk to healthy young people, anyway, even if they didn't have natural immunity.

BTW, my wife and I began the Iodine treatment in the past week, in case our immunity to Omicron BA.1 from early January is insufficient. Just one good treatment per day, to kill nearly 100% of possible virus in mouth and maybe 60% of any virus in nasal cavity. Of symptoms of fever/headache/fatigue will triple down and begin the rest of the treatment protocol, led by 200 mg HCQ, Zinc and extra Vit. D.

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Without the world’s greatest player competing the US open is just a farce, I’ll pass.

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This fax does not work against the new variant wake up people

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Or any

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Novak D is a man of Principles!!!

Hell no never get the poison they sell

Like candy safe effective free BS.

If the vaxxine that’s not a vaxxine


Why do we have more Covid now than

Last year?

Novak is no Fool. I have given up Sports

Because they have politicized nearly every


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Novak's performance at Wimbledon was superlative. What an amazing player, and person.

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It's political $cience...I mean theater.....it's the only way to ensure the vaxxed win against the non-vaxxed....

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Absolutely absurd! Nadal was vaccinated & look what happened to him. He has had several reactions that caused him to drop out of a major tournament.

The shots do not work! Novak should appeal & make it front page Sports news! The best player in the world is banned while millions of illegals come across the Southern Biden/Obama Open Border with God knows what diseases.

Do they have to show vaccinated status? NO FKNG WAY!

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