I told a former student of mine to NOT get the jab. She did, HUGE kidney issues NO ONE in her family EVER had. She is out of denial and posted on FB that the jab did this to her. people are waking up but a little too late. Why is it when we speak THE TRUTH, people cannot hear it? Only guess is FEAR is stronger than the truth.

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yes, late but we hug them...and support...people were misled in a devastating way...thank you RandD for sharing and thank you for waging the fight with us.

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You are our hero Paul. We have written THE song for Trump. No money to get it recorded. "People get ready, there's a storm a comin, but not the kind of storm that you thought that you would ever see!" We are recording artists, songwriters, and Master teachers of singing, speaking, songwriting and guitar. https://rebecaanddavid.com/

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More deaths by cancer of every organ in the body. Heart disease, brain cancer and sudden unexplained deaths in doctor and hospital records. The only thing we don’t know is how much money was made by a few people.

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yes yes yes and many of our doctors made big big money...scientists...they pimped off of COVID

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Now they are saying even gravity is faked. It is all due to electromagnetic forces. So many lies we have been told. Who knows what the truth is?

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always interesting statements

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People need to know that the whole pretense of "virus" is that it is only a theory, like evolution is a theory. Laws of physics are not theories. Gravity can be proven and duplicated with solid physics. No such truth exists for "virus theory." The alternative 'theory' is Exosome Theory, which is the brilliant God-given "take the trash out" action by the immune system. It looks and feels just like the flu, with fever, chills, exhaustion, sweating. Same exact symptoms. Their invention of virus theory has made the pharma schools and pharma co's trillions of dollars. Go natural. Seek out natural farmers, support natural and local farmers. Demand they be allowed to graze freely in your state. I can testify, but will keep it short, that two times, having to do with a sick dog, and combined with too much strenuous exercise in high heat, immediately after—looked and felt like flu, but was triggered by the dog's sickness and put me in bed for 3 days wrapped up in my electric blanket, freezing my way back to health. 3 days, done. No doc. No vxx. No $$$.

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They trusted the money. The science was fake.

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kaboom...your white spaces are staggering

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"and possibly COVID-19 hospital protocols,"-- remdesivir, no?

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yes, the death protocol...from isolation, sedatives like propofol, Remdesivir, ventilator, DNR orders, denial of antibiotics etc. huge hugs Grazyna

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Remdesivir is also suspected of causing acute kidney injury: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pharmacology/articles/10.3389/fphar.2022.692828/full, despite denials such as: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1807593223000364 and https://www.kidneymedicinejournal.org/article/S2590-0595(24)00046-3/fulltext.

However, only a small subset of the population were treated with remdesivir compared to the majority who received mRNA and/or adenovirus vector gene therapy injections marketed as vaccines.

None of this would have occurred - no pandemic transmission and so no pandemic spread of the lab-generated virus - if everyone had had at least the 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function properly.

Please see the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This begins with recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine Sunil Wimalawansa for how much vitamin D3 to supplement to attain this level safely, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring.

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The form(s) of vit D3 are much superior and safer when gained from UVB, as opposed to supplementation:


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beware the international health regulations check out citizengo.org and scroll through for a petition break free from un control reject the international health regulations its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world it currently has over 235000 signatures

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The f*cked up international regs can go to bloody hell.

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Alexanda, I would like your comment on this please.

As two virologists have now come out and said......The RNA virus will mutate significantly in just 100 people, so it would be impossible for Wuhan,Delta,Omicron to circulate the globe, and still be recognisable.

The VAX has to match the varient in order be be of any use at all, both these virologists say, this is why, and has always been impossible to make a VAX for a RNA virus.

All risk and no potential benefit, appart from stimulating you immune system, a task that is easy and far safer than using experimental treatment.

Who did the virus identifying in all the countries, independent or not

Your take please

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This could easily be hospital protocols. Not enough research is being done.

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Mainly the bioweapon.

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It feels good knowing you and others will avoid the harms as much as possible.

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Malone was on the Warroom just the other day 😮‍💨

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