We are a living monty python script.

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Worse than that, we are living in Terry Gilliam's film Brazil

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Or like we're living in a Python script:

>>> woman = "adult female human"

>>> man = "adult male human"

>>> woman = man

>>> man = woman

>>> print(man)

adult male human

>>> print(woman)

adult male human

>>> print (man == woman)



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Ouch ...

Consequences ... subversion started a while ago. It has however lost all contact with reality of late.

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They should change the definition of Misogynist as well to include men who disavow the existence of women by insisting men can be women and do everything that women can do.

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Excellent point!

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CAM: Ello Oxx, I’ve come up with a new definition of woman I would like you to review.

OXX: Whut? Have women changed since the first definition of women?

CAM: Well not um, not per say but we just found it was not inclusive enough.

OXX: Not inclusive for whut?

CAM: Well um, you see it, um it excluded um, men who want to be uhh, be women.

OXX: <astonished eyes open stare>

OXX: And you propose changing the definition of woman how? ... Exactly?

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Say "Thank you for your pronouns. Now, what are your chromosomes?"

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ta-da-a touché!

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Indeed. I have a dog in a cat's body who identifies as a snake. All the humans around her think she is a normal black cat.

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Now we cannot even rely upon dictionaries for accurate information. What else is going to try and gaslight humanity!

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Dictionaries don't exist to tell us what words mean.They exist to tell us what words mean to most of us. Dictionaries report the meaning of words in their everyday usage, which changes with the culture.

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Some facts are IMMUTABLE!

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Yep. Women are XX and men are XY (even bxll-less soi bois)

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Then there are a half dozen genetic variations on the duet.

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These are just two of the genetic difference between men and women. We have for to long discriminated against those genetic anomalies, such as feminate men and masculine women because of their "uniqueness". As an example when a male has a high level of estrogen in their system, it is from birth and the same with some women having high levels of testosterone in their systems. Many man have such levels of estrogen in their system their penises are very small and they have a feminine body structure and even breasts. Soem women iwth hihg levels of testosterne can not bear children. People derogatorially call these anomolies queens and dikes, which really just shows their ignorance of human biology and genetics. It pretty easy, even as young children, to spot them, as the develop. The little boy who would rather play with dolls and the little girl who is more inclined to play be a tom boy. Most women even have more cells between the two hemispheres, so even their thoughts and emotions can be effected. From the lack of a better word these types are bi-gender and the degrees of male and female genetic characteristics are different in each and every one of us. It even affects our sexual preferences which the various religions jsut cannot accept..

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Unless you are Katie Hobbs.

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Maybe we can change that with a scalpel.

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That is what usually happens to intersex babies.

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As a Real Woman, I object!

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Women need to get off the predatory male system which is every system we know of and develop new systems as women are the designers, men are the builders. Don't take this too rigidly, I'm referring to tendency. But women have gone along with the predatory systems because they'd get beaten up if they didn't. What about women talking about a constitution they would love, one that catered to them as well. In the current one (which is old hat now anyway) there is nothing about what women want which is to work and be with their family. But even so, we are more than mere writing can express. Freedom doesn't come from writings, it is claimed by each individual. Men will not be able to see this because if they did we'd be over it by now and on an equal playing field. But women have had to be like men to get ahead. We have a small window now to change the trajectory but women need to speak. Notice it's men doing all the talking again, and it's not their fault, they should talk, but they need to see that there is a dearth of women speaking and they need to balance so that it's around 50/50. And women need to muster courage and speak their mind. This will have the right effect and women need to see this happen and so do girls and also boys and men. And let's get some cohesion back into society, the way it was meant to be.

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Governemnt is the only preditory sytem I know of that "allows" through hierarchic rule using large gangs of people, those who do not justly earn money or property and thus it does not "right"fully belongs to, to take it away from those that did justly earn it and thus it "rigthfully belongs to. It appears to me that taxation and it's legalization is the root of all evil. Even a central bank is predicated on the redistribution of wealth thought this process and our Constitution was created to restrian both the costs and the scope of government power. We now have two massive poltical gangs fighting one another though physical and social means for power and control and the use of unethical means is intensifiying as the system continues to bankrupt the civilian population. We do not even have a choice as to what levels of participation we can have in this system nor really any say in it's operation. The lack of transparency and debate and the increase in censorship thoughout the pandemic, proves this to be true. No society in human history has been able to restrain either the costs or the scope of power of the ruling class and they always end up being fascist oligachies. The merger of State and Corporate powers now dominates our society and as an example, $860 billion of the $1.7 trillion (defence Bill), "easily" passivng both houses, going towards our military industrial complex. as homelessness and bankeutpcies increase. The Government has failed at protecting the rights and property of it's Citizens, giving rise to highly authoritarian rule. One book called Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most dangerous bureaucrat in American history and there are at least 12 books that detail his highly corrupt history.

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As far as I am concerned the Cambridge Dictionary has now become irrelevant. I have no time, no patience for certain types of stupidity. Go woke go broke.

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Dictionary will be defined as “book filled with nonsense.”

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How in any given reality is changing the definition of woman to include a male who wants to be a woman fair to REAL WOMEN?? Why is the definition of men not being changed to include woman?? Like what the actual hell is going on in this upside-down inside out world??

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I agree. This is a wholesale attack on women, an attempt to subjugate, and demean female humans by a bunch of self righteous GAY pricks.

Granted I am nit including genuine dysphoria cases above. Show me one though.

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Yes, it is. Many gay dudes are jealous and despise women BECAUSE:

1. They wish they were real women BECAUSE

2. The real men the gay guys adore don't want gay transvestites, they want real women, duh.

Envy, the green-eyed monster. Viciousness, stealing girls' athletic prize money.

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Transvestites treat each other badly, rape is a BIG problem. That they treat women worse should not be a surprise.

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I worry even more about the ones who are NOT gay, who think it's perfectly fine to use a woman's bathroom as a site for easy prey.

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It's all a product of the Homo Cabal. They're all different brands of homos. Back in the closet with the entire absurd, pathetic bunch of fags, no matter what brand of queer they are.

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I did a search online and the Oxford definition still comes up as "an adult female". Am I missing something?

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Jean: As an English-speaking translator of French and German, I personally believe the OED remains THE standard. If the OED capitulates, I will mourn. Western Civilization is committing suicide.

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Western Civilization will be restored and reinvigorated after Attila and Our Huns cleanse the entirety of America, from Sea to Shining Sea.

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The Cambridge dictionary can is no longer a legitimate source of defining English language. In addition to that they have sacrificed all moral and ethical standards an have shattered all credibility. They have sided with Satan. So as they adopt evil, parents who sought to have their children educated in these prestigious institutions need to make a choice. In Florida school choice options kids can apply attend public schools that offer Cambridge. The woke ideology has trickled down into schools via this curriculum despite laws prohibiting this ideology. It’s a battle we have to continue to fight.

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One of these days I’m going to wake up and see Rod Serling standing next to my bed laughing

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It's an epic "You had one job" fail

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Just another nail in the coffin of orthodoxy. It's losing its grip, losing its mind, taking it so far now that even a mule can recognize it's a barrel of baloney. We need a supplementary dictionary officialled by the people themselves using the Egalitarian Proposal System. So that anyone can propose new words, terms and meanings, and they get included in the vernacular if enough people vote for it. Here's how everything can be done. This is the system that will replace the current systems as they become ever more defunct. https://deniseward.medium.com/the-egalitarian-proposal-system-is-designed-to-make-politics-courts-committees-boards-councils-de947fbca018

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They seem to have missed the obligatory lower pay.

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That’s really some special kind of stupid!!!

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